Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore,

What kind of nonsense is this? I mean really!

What tribe are you?

What part of the Holy Land are your ancestors from?

You may have noticed that many ad hominem argument forms have both fallacious (which you are quite familiar with) and legitimate uses.

By questioning the tribal affiliation is by implication an attack on the person and not the content. This is similar to the biased form: Guilty by Association Some tribes affiliations are positive in nature and some tribal affiliations are negative in nature. But by even introducing the element of tribal affiliation → you introduce a bias.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has argued strongly against oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But what would you expect? She represents the city of San Francisco, which is loaded with environmentalists. If she didn’t take this position, she would be run out of office. Thus, her arguments on
this issue really have no merit. (Hurley, Patrick. 2008. A Concise Introduction to Logic, 10th edition. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Page 144)

Most Respectfully,
There are 12 tribes of Israel. Asking is not an attack.

Generally, communities of Israel who live in the northern hemisphere are of the tribe of Binyamin,
and communities of Israel who live in the southern hemisphere are of the tribe of Yehudah.

Majority of Israel in Zion are Yehudah.

What else do You want to know?

There are also many Levites around...I am one. Ethiopian Jews are from the Tribe of Dan. Indian Jews are from the Tribe of Menashe.

Our Rav is a Levi, and it's called "leharbitz Torah" for a reason, and then You realize what our sages said in the Chapters of Fathers :

"Warm yourself by the fire of the Hachamim, but be beware lest you be burned by its embers; for their bite is the bite of a fox, their sting is the sting of a scorpion, their hiss is the hiss a serpent, and all their words are like fiery coals."

Or what the Torah tells us about Levi and Shim'on as brothers when they faced Shchem, and about the tribe of Levi when it stood by Moshe Rabbenu.

When this is translated into hardcore Torah study, boy does it burn when they teach, melts words in stone and gives humility to inflamed egos.

Generally, communities of Israel who live in the northern hemisphere are of the tribe of Binyamin,
and communities of Israel who in the southern hemisphere are of the tribe of Yehudah.

Majority of Israel in Zion are Yehuda.

What else do You want to know?

Oh! You are back. I was getting worried about you. Good to see you. You were missed.

Thanks! That's heartwarming,
And I see You're still kicking it, which is even better.

I've read a couple pages here and there in the absence but only swiftly.
Did Your attitude change anyhow, new realizations?

Same old. Still battling disgusting antisemitism and hoping that someone with intelligent and well-reasoned arguments will happen along on Team Palestine.

About what,
You drive around Ramallah and on the other side You see Psagot,
Go to Hebron and look at Kiryat Arb'a, and those are 2 cities that are actually one.

And it's not as dangerous as they make it look.
Hebron, when no special holidays, is actually boring and quiet. Like at granny's.
And they consider it "the" hottest place.

Were you allowed to visit the Tombs of Isaac our father and Rebecca our mother, when you were in Hebron recently? It's a disgrace that the Muslim Wakf has closed off that part of the Tomb of the Patriarchs to Jews.

No I wasn't, it's open for Jews only for several days a year.
You're correct, it's a disgrace of G-d's name.

When You travel around the whole area of Judea Samaria across, it takes You no more than 2 hours.
And then one starts to realize that without all the the media having to feed on something and politicians having to sell an opinion, all the story is "sucked from the finger" as we say in Israel.
The place is mostly boring, overwhelmingly, and rich, with new mostly European middle class vehicles owned by subjects of PA and much simpler Israeli ones. So goes when looking at the housing, Arabs live in more improvised city structures but in multi store mansions and and private houses, while Israelis in that area do as well but in simpler and smaller ones, though more orderly.

Also there're no settlements really, You look at the Arab towns and the Israeli ones, they're all visibly modern and wealthy, many of one wouldn't tell until seeing a minorete. In most cases those who take pictures with sad faces in the crossings are just folks who go to work in the nearest Israeli town, where folks pay much more for living and luxury.

In my opinion, that place is actually boring, homely quiet place overall for most of the time,
until someone decides to make a news headline.
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Family of 3-year-old Mohammed Eleyyan, who is set to be interrogated by the police of the criminal sadistic Israeli occupation today in Jerusalem, accompany him outside the police station.


Machines produced by Caterpillar and Hyundai were used in the demolition of over 100 Palestinian homes in Sur Baher in Occupied Jerusalem. Boycott until they stop arming Israel!

Family of 3-year-old Mohammed Eleyyan, who is set to be interrogated by the police of the criminal sadistic Israeli occupation today in Jerusalem, accompany him outside the police station.



She forgot to mention the teddybear was summoned for the next day to witness.
Otherwise doesn't sound too serious, not even for headlines in Arab media.

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Family of 3-year-old Mohammed Eleyyan, who is set to be interrogated by the police of the criminal sadistic Israeli occupation today in Jerusalem, accompany him outside the police station.



She forgot to mention the teddybear was summoned for the next day to witness.
Otherwise doesn't sound too serious, not even for headlines in Arab media.


Haha, that Pallywood picture of the Arab boy disguised as a Jewish boy, with fake side-curls, deserves a thread of its own.

This is one of the famous evil traps Shusha sets up to catch unwary posters and mislead them..

The guy is probably an askhenazi actor wearing 3 tons of make up to look like "brown people" = arab Jews.

Do husbands have a right to discipline their wives when they exhibit a consistent pattern of evildoings like the trap above?

I'd say yes... but in Shusha's specific case we have the following complication:

I am a self-defense instructor and a martial artist.
I have no problem using violence when necessary.


As a trained martial artist I have a
deal of respect for Krav Maga.


So just imagine the problem:

Shusha's husband tries to discipline his beautiful canadian wife and ends up being disciplined by her.



Has anyone ever told you that you are more than a little bit creepy?


When I joined this Message Board in 2004 the Administrator was a guy named Gunny, an electrician who worked in California or Texas maybe.

He used to tell me:

José, you're a tough nut to crack.

You post a sequence of 10, 20, 30 good posts that contribute to the Board and then, all of a sudden, when nobody is expecting, you post a truckload of shit and throws all your reputation in the toilet.
Why do all media hosts shill for Israel? It seems like they all read off the same script.

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