Palestine Today

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Gaza City during sunset
Photo by Abdul-Karim Abu Rayyash

A full squad of heavily armed Israeli soldiers arrest a defenseless Palestinian boy in al-Khalil today. Cowards

A full squad of heavily armed Israeli soldiers arrest a defenseless Palestinian boy in al-Khalil today. Cowards

First of all, the city is called Hebron. Secondly, there is no context provided. Who knows what he did? Perhaps he stabbed someone. Thirdly, whoever did the arresting, probably didn't call for back-up help. This squad of soldiers was just patrolling the city together, probably. Fourthly, like someone already pointed out above, he's hardly a boy.
First of all, the city is called Hebron. Secondly, there is no context provided. Who knows what he did? Perhaps he stabbed someone.

If you say so. I understand that just after this photo was taken, an IDF sniper shoots the child.
View attachment 279430

Is that true-?
just curious :)-

No, its not true. Faris Odeh, 14, was killed ten days after this photo was taken. He had a regular habit of participating in gangs of children who used sling shots to throw stones at law enforcement officers. He often expressed a desire to become a martyr. And went deliberately looking for riots to participate in. Stones from sling shots are potentially lethal. He was shot in the neck while bending down to pick up another stone. (Likely intended to be a non-lethal shot to legs).


We need another sign for Palestinians which reads: we are #children not martyrs
A full squad of heavily armed Israeli soldiers arrest a defenseless Palestinian boy in al-Khalil today. Cowards


This took place during Netanyahu's recent visit to Hebron. Security was especially high because, as per normal, Arab Palestinians called for mass protests and demonstrations, days of rage, a religious war, you know, the usual.
Palestinians protest against a new settlement outpost built on lands belonging to the village of Kafr Malik, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, on 16 August.

Oren Ziv ActiveStills

A Palestinian musician performs during the Palestine International Festival 2019 in Gaza City on 9 July.

Mahmoud Ajjour APA images

Palestinians protest against a new settlement outpost built on lands belonging to the village of Kafr Malik, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, on 16 August.

Arab Palestinians protest against Jews living on lands in Area C, under full Israeli control.

There I fixed it for you.
Palestinians protest against a new settlement outpost built on lands belonging to the village of Kafr Malik, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, on 16 August.

Arab Palestinians protest against Jews living on lands in Area C, under full Israeli control.

There I fixed it for you.

Actually no new village has been built there for the last 20 years,
they're just crisis actors, blocking roads to get attention for the cameras,
it's a job these days.

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Palestinian schools teach kids to love death as Martyrs

A special celebration broadcast on PA TV from an elementary school included a young child's chant, with the following words:

"I have let the land drink my blood,
I love the way of Martyrdom."

Palestinian Writer Reacts To Violent Incident Against Christian Residents of Village In Palestinian Authority: It's Not Unusual – And It's An Indicator Of The ISIS Demon In Us All

On April 26, 2019, an urgent appeal by the largely Christian residents of the Palestinian village of Jifna, in the Ramallah and Al-Bireh district, was circulated on social media. Addressed to Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister and Interior Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, it followed a violent incident that had taken place in the village the previous night. The villagers stated in the appeal that armed "rabble" headed by "an influential individual in Ramallah district" had burst into the village, and that gunmen had fired their weapons and thrown rocks and firebombs at their homes, shouting "racist and sectarian" ISIS-like slogans, including demands that they pay jizya – the poll tax levied on Christians and Jews living under Muslim rule as a protected and subjugate class. The residents called on Shtayyeh to bring the attackers to justice in order to deter others from similar actions against them. The message also stressed that the villagers were PA citizens with the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens, and protested against the attackers' use of the term "immigrant community" against them.[1]


"This criminal attack does not exactly come as a surprise, and it is nothing unusual in our society as the [Palestinian] media repeatedly claim. It was preceded by many attacks of a sectarian nature, and were it not for the general national consciousness and the responsible outlook among the majority, the cycle of sectarian violence would spread [with each new incident]. Most important, though, is that the reactions of the Christians who were attacked showed responsibility, humanity, and caution. This [community] was not drawn into violence, nor into reciprocal exchanges of incitement [with the other]; its members settled for biting their lips honorably and silently, so as not to expand the cycles of violence and so that there be no civil, sectarian war bringing destruction upon the land.

"Anyone who thinks that our country is immune to sectarianism is mistaken. We are no wiser than the Syrians, the Lebanese, or the Iraqis, who destroyed their lands with their own hands for the sake of stupid sectarian slogans. Simply put, those lands have ethnic and sectarian diversity, and their sectarian leaders' coordination with the hostile foreign plots lit in them the fuse of civil war, until these lands were completely destroyed... Here in Palestine, I absolutely think – and I hope I am mistaken – that within every one of us is a sectarian demon, residing and hiding deep within. There are those who succeed in killing this demon, there are those who manage to restrain it, and there are those who hide it for a while and release it at the right moment...

"The Egyptian media brag day and night about [Egyptian] national unity and [Egyptian] Muslim-Christian coexistence. But in fact every time that the bullying masses burst into Christian villages and neighborhoods, attacking them, breaking windows, and burning homes, the government stands idly by and is satisfied with enacting a few pathetic security measures. In Mosul [in Iraq], the Christians and Muslims were neighbors, friends, and colleagues, living together in peace and security. But when ISIS came, dishonoring and expelling the Christians, expropriating their homes, taking their money, and abandoning them in the wilderness – as they did with the Yazidis – the Muslims stood idly by, neither lifting a finger nor defending their neighbors; some of them even joined in the attacks, as if all their common history of coexistence and tolerance was no more than a lie and a [bursting] bubble.

"If [this phenomenon, as manifested by the Jifna attack] isn't uprooted and taken care of on the national level, and if the maximal punishment is not meted out to the criminals, this criminal attack will be another a link in the chain of civil war, security chaos, and societal collapse, just as happened in the neighboring countries. It is not only a security incident. It is an incident that is an indicator of the existence of extremist ISIS thought and extremism concealed in our hearts – exclusionary thinking that negates the other and sees members of other religious communities as denizens of Hell, unbelievers, and misguided, whose sentence is death or expulsion or living in humiliation, under a false motto of religious tolerance...:

Palestinian Writer Reacts To Violent Incident Against Christian Residents of Village In Palestinian Authority: It's Not Unusual – And It's An Indicator Of The ISIS Demon In Us All
Thousands Bury Police Officers Killed in Rare Gaza Attacks

Thousands of Gazans took part in the funeral procession of three Hamas police officers, Wednesday, August 28, following two deadly bombings in Gaza City.

Hamas's Interior Ministry said on Wednesday that investigations were ongoing, but an officer close to the probe said a suicide bomber was involved in one of the blasts. Hamas' security service was investigating whether the other blast also involved a suicide bomber. (AP)

Palestinians protest against a new settlement outpost built on lands belonging to the village of Kafr Malik, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, on 16 August.

Arab Palestinians protest against Jews living on lands in Area C, under full Israeli control.

There I fixed it for you.

Actually no new village has been built there for the last 20 years,
they're just crisis actors, blocking roads to get attention for the cameras,
it's a job these days.


You've heard the expression, "Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them"?

I posted elsewhere this week, "Arabs are afraid Jews will live near them; Jews are afraid Arabs will kill them".
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