Palestine Today

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OK, but don't blame the Palestinians for the actions of others

Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?
OK, but don't blame the Palestinians for the actions of others

Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?

You’re correct; M
OK, but don't blame the Palestinians for the actions of others

Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?

Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation - Wikipedia

That's right..... Keep telling yourself that the above are just " Israeli talking points" You'll feel better
What does that have to do with Palestine?

Deflection; Either you believe in " International Law" for EVERYBODY or you don't. I can assure you your post will not be deleted if you did condemn what Jordan did
However, In your case I realize that's expecting too much
Jordan was the odd man out in the Arab League. They believed in the partition plan. The Zionists, and maybe the British, promised Jordan the West Bank and $3M a year for 5 years if they would not attack Israel in the upcoming 1948 war. They are the ones who created the law that calls for the death penalty for those who sell land to Israelis or their agents. The US now gives Jordan about $2B a year to make peace with Israel.

With the current king and queen, Jordan is now the Arab country with the most sanity.
Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?
Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?

You’re correct; M
Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?

Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation - Wikipedia

That's right..... Keep telling yourself that the above are just " Israeli talking points" You'll feel better
What does that have to do with Palestine?

Deflection; Either you believe in " International Law" for EVERYBODY or you don't. I can assure you your post will not be deleted if you did condemn what Jordan did
However, In your case I realize that's expecting too much
Jordan was the odd man out in the Arab League. They believed in the partition plan. The Zionists, and maybe the British, promised Jordan the West Bank and $3M a year for 5 years if they would not attack Israel in the upcoming 1948 war. They are the ones who created the law that calls for the death penalty for those who sell land to Israelis or their agents. The US now gives Jordan about $2B a year to make peace with Israel.

With the current king and queen, Jordan is now the Arab country with the most sanity.

The King is more English than Arab.
Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?
Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?

You’re correct; M
Deflection. No condemnation of Arabs for what you claim Israel is doing
Which Arabs?

Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation - Wikipedia

That's right..... Keep telling yourself that the above are just " Israeli talking points" You'll feel better
What does that have to do with Palestine?

Deflection; Either you believe in " International Law" for EVERYBODY or you don't. I can assure you your post will not be deleted if you did condemn what Jordan did
However, In your case I realize that's expecting too much
Jordan was the odd man out in the Arab League. They believed in the partition plan. The Zionists, and maybe the British, promised Jordan the West Bank and $3M a year for 5 years if they would not attack Israel in the upcoming 1948 war. They are the ones who created the law that calls for the death penalty for those who sell land to Israelis or their agents. The US now gives Jordan about $2B a year to make peace with Israel.

With the current king and queen, Jordan is now the Arab country with the most sanity.

Yawn..... Deflection . Has nothing to do with my post and the destruction of Jewish Holy Sites, Temples and turning final resting places of the dead into latrines

Nothing to say about Abbas ( PALESTINE!!!) in my prior post talking about Holy Sites Re; Islam and Christianity; NOT Judaism Not surprising
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SHAMSAAN Ambassador 13 year old Janna Jihad is a nominee for the “INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S PEACE PRIZE” that is awarded annually to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights. WE ARE SO VERY PROUD OF YOU, JANNA‼️ ❤️❤️ She joins a prestigious group of 136 other changemakers from 56 countries were put forward as nominees. The international Children’s Peace Prize has become a global phenomenon and reached out last year to more than 1.2
billion people around the world. 80 girls, 51 boys and six collectives of children were put forward for nomination. This year’s nominees together defend the rights of children on a wide range of issues, including Child Participation, Education, Gender Equality, and various other pressing global challenges. ⭕️ Read more about Janna and all the other nominees who demonstrate that young age need in no way be a barrier to launching initiatives that improve children’s rights ⭕

Amal Abu Rqayiq, a single mother, works at her small carpentry workshop in Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.

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