Palestine Today

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A rocket strikes a home in southern Israel. Just imagine this was your kitchen. Imagine this was where your family lived.

What Palestinian terrorists in Gaza are doing, is committing a Double War Crime:

They are hiding behind civilian areas in Gaza, while indiscriminately firing at civilian areas in Israel while...

...tinmore shows cutsie pics in an attempt to shell game the world.

This was another 'shell game'. It started off the Syrian 'migration'.
A DC "Charity", the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights USCPR, is charged with violating the anti-Terrorism Act by providing funding to Hamas and other designated terrorist organizations...

...who are responsible for killing Israeli civilians and burning fields


Charity-aiding-hamas' criminal activities...
Zionism is, and always has been, a colonial project. Zionist leaders understood that the only way to manufacture a Zionist majority in Palestine was to drive out the indigenous Palestinian population and settle Zionist people in their place.


Except that the manufactured Palestinian people aren't indigenous to Eretz Yisrael. I was just in Israel last week. My aunt told me of her grandparents who died in a cattle car train in Europe, on the way to a concentration camp, because there was no air for them to breathe. The Jewish people need one place in the world to really call their own.
Right of Return Conference Day 1: Identities on Display: Collective Identity and Daily Practice

This baby survived an Israeli massacre that killed 8 of her family members this dawn. An Israeli warplane attacked their home in Deir al-Balah City in central Gaza while they were sleeping.

A number of Palestinians were injured as Israeli occupation forces suppressed a sit-in held in Bethlehem in solidarity with #MoathAmarnih, a journalist who lost his eye after being shot by Israeli occupation soldiers near the West Bank town of Surif.

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