Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
※→ toastman, ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

I have to agree with you. I am amazed at the number of people the challenge Israel's statehood, but take for granted the fractured governments of Gaza and Ramallah.


Most Respectfully,

Okay, I did some digging into this photo. Extremely difficult to do since it has become a stock photo for code "(Jewish) Israelis are evil".


The photo, best as I can determine, was taken by Jaafar Asheiyeh on January 28, 2020 near the Hamra checkpoint in the Jordan Valley. The full image shows several more military members and several more farmers. The original photo, as best as I can determine, was captioned, "An Israeli soldier checks identification documents of Palestinian farmer's in a field near al-Hamra checkpoint in the Jordan Valley January 28, 2020".

While certain posters would like to present this photo as proof that (Jewish) Israelis are unnecessarily violent, it is clear in the picture that the weapon is held significantly to the right of the farmer's person and not in line of fire. It is also obvious that the military individual is looking at something in his left hand (ID) and that neither the farmer nor the soldier is at an especially heightened awareness. In other words, it does appear to be a routine check, rather than a point of conflict.

Why are there soldiers checking the ID of farmers? Turns out this was the day Trump's Peace Plan was announced. There was significant call for incitement and tensions were high. Israel increased its presence in the area in response to this incitement and, as expected, the next day there was a large protest involving 600 Palestinians.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

BLUF: Apartheid is not the right word.

The word "apartheid" a Dutch (Afrikaans) words for “apart-ness" and was applied to a district (a corporate entity of its own) a six miles square parish-like political subdivision in South Africa. It was officially established and predominantly designated for people of color to maintain a separation of racial groups, under the policy that each racial group should be separated from the other (White 'separate from' Black).

The barrier separation between the Israeli and the Arab Palestinians is a separation of safety, culture, religious freedom:

◈ Maintain for the purpose of security → keeping groups of combatants apart and holding regional security in hand.
◈ Maintaining a distinction between one sovereignty from another → in the same way as nearly every country in the world.
◈ To establish and maintain a Jewish National Home where any Jew under persecution can withdraw and retreat to → not be turned away.

Yes, I agree. Israel having no rights to their Religious Sites is apartheid. :auiqs.jpg:

I sometimes think that distant cultures and nationalities forget that in the 21st Century a very deadly feud exists between the two those who cooperated in the building self-governing institutions and those that rejected building self-governing institutions.

The people of distant nations forget that those that chose to cooperate in the building self-governing institutions act in there own best interest, just as nearly all countries do; to include establishing defensible positions and borders.

The people of distant nations forget that those that chose to build self-governing institutions may open an environment that is free to practice religion in the way they choose; Jewish, Muslim, Druze, Christian, and others, without fear of intervention. This is not a policy embraced by many of the Arab League and Middle East North African countries.

Sidebar Question: Do the Arab Palestinians support the notion that Jews have the right to peacefully
pray on the Temple Mount and the Western Wall?


Most Respectfully,

Okay, I did some digging into this photo. Extremely difficult to do since it has become a stock photo for code "(Jewish) Israelis are evil".


The photo, best as I can determine, was taken by Jaafar Asheiyeh on January 28, 2020 near the Hamra checkpoint in the Jordan Valley. The full image shows several more military members and several more farmers. The original photo, as best as I can determine, was captioned, "An Israeli soldier checks identification documents of Palestinian farmer's in a field near al-Hamra checkpoint in the Jordan Valley January 28, 2020".

While certain posters would like to present this photo as proof that (Jewish) Israelis are unnecessarily violent, it is clear in the picture that the weapon is held significantly to the right of the farmer's person and not in line of fire. It is also obvious that the military individual is looking at something in his left hand (ID) and that neither the farmer nor the soldier is at an especially heightened awareness. In other words, it does appear to be a routine check, rather than a point of conflict.

Why are there soldiers checking the ID of farmers? Turns out this was the day Trump's Peace Plan was announced. There was significant call for incitement and tensions were high. Israel increased its presence in the area in response to this incitement and, as expected, the next day there was a large protest involving 600 Palestinians.
Why are there soldiers checking the ID of farmers? Turns out this was the day Trump's Peace Plan was announced. There was significant call for incitement and tensions were high.
Picking herbs is incitement? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :uhoh3::uhoh3:

Okay, I did some digging into this photo. Extremely difficult to do since it has become a stock photo for code "(Jewish) Israelis are evil".


The photo, best as I can determine, was taken by Jaafar Asheiyeh on January 28, 2020 near the Hamra checkpoint in the Jordan Valley. The full image shows several more military members and several more farmers. The original photo, as best as I can determine, was captioned, "An Israeli soldier checks identification documents of Palestinian farmer's in a field near al-Hamra checkpoint in the Jordan Valley January 28, 2020".

While certain posters would like to present this photo as proof that (Jewish) Israelis are unnecessarily violent, it is clear in the picture that the weapon is held significantly to the right of the farmer's person and not in line of fire. It is also obvious that the military individual is looking at something in his left hand (ID) and that neither the farmer nor the soldier is at an especially heightened awareness. In other words, it does appear to be a routine check, rather than a point of conflict.

Why are there soldiers checking the ID of farmers? Turns out this was the day Trump's Peace Plan was announced. There was significant call for incitement and tensions were high. Israel increased its presence in the area in response to this incitement and, as expected, the next day there was a large protest involving 600 Palestinians.
Why are there soldiers checking the ID of farmers? Turns out this was the day Trump's Peace Plan was announced. There was significant call for incitement and tensions were high.
Picking herbs is incitement? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :uhoh3::uhoh3:
No. Calls for riots are incitement. Calls for riots were happening. Military presence was increased because of the calls for incitement. Part of that response was ensuring that people present were there for peaceful purposes and not for violent ones. Entirely reasonable.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: If you are interested in looking at the anti-American view expressed by these two American Women (Ivy League-educated), then you want to sit down and look at this presentation.

Mnar Muhawesh (L) + Zainab Merchent (R)
Mnar Muhawesh (L) + Zainab Merchent (L).png


I like the term "Junk Food News." Mnar Muhawesh is a very good speaker and makes a very good presentation. It might surprise you to know that Zainab Merchant holds degrees in both Poli-Sci and Homeland Security (go figure).

The salient points are:

◈ The US is run by War Mongers.​
◈ The US assassinated MG Qasem Soleimani, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps - Quds Force (IRGC-QF) after several failed attempts by Israel.​
◈ American has an on-going campaign to dehumanize the Iranian people.​
◈ Iran is furthering the cause of anti-sectarianism.​
◈ The US, Israel and their allies are supporting sectarianism.​
◈ Even after attempts to levy sanctions on Iran, Iran became an economic powerhouse. Iran was Especially successful in developing the auto and defense industries.​
◈ Iran considers sanctions as an act of war.​
◈ The Trump Administration is heavily influenced by Bush-era Neocons.​
◈ Mainstream Corporate Media is mass processing pro-military aimed information, and that the people need to search for alternative news. Working as PR for the military machine.​
◈ President Obama set the stage for the action taken by the Trump Administration.​
◈ The US generally makes a target of countries that present an economic threat.​

Repeat this three times and you've saved yourself some time.


Most Respectfully,
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