Palestine Today

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How about the Palestinian Jews?

The Rivlin family immigrated to Syria-Palestine in 1806... long before any Arab identified as a Palestinian. They were building new neighborhoods in Palestine, and were at the center and leadership of the Jewish community in Jerusalem.

Today Reuven Rivlin is the president of the state of Israel.

Reuven Rivlin - Wikipedia

Yes, Jews have always lived in Palestine, but they have always been a tiny minority.
Judaism decreed that Jews should leave after the Romans defeated the revolt in 160 AD, and Jews are now supposed to be waiting for the Messiah before returning.
If you look at the census demographics, before 1930, the population of Palestine was less than 5% Jewish.
And what small Jewish community did live in Palestine, was almost entirely in the Old Quarter of Jerusalem and owned almost no land.
Almost all the land Israelis occupy now, they never paid for and was stolen by force or murder.
"The Quest for a Just Peace", Part 1. Speeches by Yousef Munayyer and Rabbi Brant Rosen

A “ just peace” would eventually destroy Israel and annex it to Palestine. The Palestinians can’t get it through their heads that will never happen

The majority of Jews in Israel are illegal immigrants from 1930 to 1960.
They have never paid for almost any land, are less than 30% of the population, and are illegally occupying over 80% of the land.
Zionists just can not get it through their heads that the whole world is NEVER going to let that stay that way.
Ali Abunimah "Watch The Film The Israeli Lobby Doesn't Want YOU To See!"

So let me get this straight,
Ali Abunimah who himself spreads antisemitic blood libels,
calls nonviolent political lobbying as undemocratic source of all evils,
while the following a baseless smear campaign against "Palestinian rights"??


You are very ignorant.
The word "Semitic" does not mean Jewish, but of an Arab language group.
Hebrew are Semitic because the Hebrew language is of Arab origins.
But Ashkenazi Jews are NOT at all Semitic, because their native language is Yiddish, which is Germanic.
Yes, Jews have always lived in Palestine, but they have always been a tiny minority.
Judaism decreed that Jews should leave after the Romans defeated the revolt in 160 AD, and Jews are now supposed to be waiting for the Messiah before returning.
If you look at the census demographics, before 1930, the population of Palestine was less than 5% Jewish.
And what small Jewish community did live in Palestine, was almost entirely in the Old Quarter of Jerusalem and owned almost no land.
Almost all the land Israelis occupy now, they never paid for and was stolen by force or murder.

No dude, you're wrong on every point, and pretty idiotic way I must say.
Lets see:

Yes, Jews have always lived in Palestine, but they have always been a tiny minority.

Historically, Jews have actually inhabited and governed the land as a majority
longer than any of the changing Arab Caliphates. And you're welcome to try refute that.

Judaism decreed that Jews should leave after the Romans defeated the revolt in 160 AD, and Jews are now supposed to be waiting for the Messiah before returning.
No, no such decree, only an opinion of a tiny sect.
Jewish Law actually decrees that it's an obligation for every Jew to live in Israel.
Try and refute.

If you look at the census demographics, before 1930, the population of Palestine was less than 5% Jewish.
1930? Really??
Then you have a strange definition of "always".
Thank you for refuting your own none sense.

And what small Jewish community did live in Palestine, was almost entirely in the Old Quarter of Jerusalem and owned almost no land.
Actually, after being banned for centuries by invading powers, like Romans, Turks and Arabs,
from living in Jerusalem, that "small Jewish community" still held majority in Jerusalem.

But it was not limited to Jerusalem, under foreign rule, ancient Jewish community remained specifically in the Galilee area, Judea the coastal line, and even controlled much of Gaza, including owning much of international trade that connected the ancient trade routs and went through the Gaza port.

And much of the surrounding areas that later became Lebanon and Syria, which were part of ancient Israel.

But feel free to try and refute.

Almost all the land Israelis occupy now, they never paid for and was stolen by force or murder.

Actually the Jews of diaspora, through the Shadar economic system, have payed, and re-payed for every inch of the land that was stolen from them, more than any other nation in history.

There's no Jewish community that wasn't involved in this,
and so remains till this day.

But again try to refute.
You are very ignorant.
The word "Semitic" does not mean Jewish, but of an Arab language group.
Hebrew are Semitic because the Hebrew language is of Arab origins.
But Ashkenazi Jews are NOT at all Semitic, because their native language is Yiddish, which is Germanic.

That's just beyond idiotic.
That's not what the term means, open a wikipedia.

The Arabic language only appeared in the 1st century CE,
while the Hebrew language and civilization already existed in 10 century BCE.

That's 1100 years before Arabic was even in its diapers.

And if you wanna go all linguistic with me,
maybe you can tell us, what alphabet was used for Yiddish?

So please, you're welcome to make a total fool of yourself, but it would be better if you at least made an argument that wasn't as easily crushed by a simple 1 min look in wikipedia.
Learn the basics.

"The Quest for a Just Peace", Part 1. Speeches by Yousef Munayyer and Rabbi Brant Rosen

A “ just peace” would eventually destroy Israel and annex it to Palestine. The Palestinians can’t get it through their heads that will never happen

The majority of Jews in Israel are illegal immigrants from 1930 to 1960.
They have never paid for almost any land, are less than 30% of the population, and are illegally occupying over 80% of the land.
Zionists just can not get it through their heads that the whole world is NEVER going to let that stay that way.

What YOU can’t get through your thick scull is that Israel became a Country May14, 1948. Deal with it
"The Quest for a Just Peace", Part 1. Speeches by Yousef Munayyer and Rabbi Brant Rosen

A “ just peace” would eventually destroy Israel and annex it to Palestine. The Palestinians can’t get it through their heads that will never happen

The majority of Jews in Israel are illegal immigrants from 1930 to 1960.
They have never paid for almost any land, are less than 30% of the population, and are illegally occupying over 80% of the land.
Zionists just can not get it through their heads that the whole world is NEVER going to let that stay that way.

What YOU can’t get through your thick scull is that Israel became a Country May14, 1948. Deal with it

That's what they say.
"The Quest for a Just Peace", Part 1. Speeches by Yousef Munayyer and Rabbi Brant Rosen

A “ just peace” would eventually destroy Israel and annex it to Palestine. The Palestinians can’t get it through their heads that will never happen

The majority of Jews in Israel are illegal immigrants from 1930 to 1960.
They have never paid for almost any land, are less than 30% of the population, and are illegally occupying over 80% of the land.
Zionists just can not get it through their heads that the whole world is NEVER going to let that stay that way.

What YOU can’t get through your thick scull is that Israel became a Country May14, 1948. Deal with it

That's what they say.

whos they ?
"The Quest for a Just Peace", Part 1. Speeches by Yousef Munayyer and Rabbi Brant Rosen

A “ just peace” would eventually destroy Israel and annex it to Palestine. The Palestinians can’t get it through their heads that will never happen

The majority of Jews in Israel are illegal immigrants from 1930 to 1960.
They have never paid for almost any land, are less than 30% of the population, and are illegally occupying over 80% of the land.
Zionists just can not get it through their heads that the whole world is NEVER going to let that stay that way.

What YOU can’t get through your thick scull is that Israel became a Country May14, 1948. Deal with it

That's what they say.

You mean Israel didn’t become a Country May 14, 1948? If I were you. I would notify the U. N
"The Quest for a Just Peace", Part 1. Speeches by Yousef Munayyer and Rabbi Brant Rosen

A “ just peace” would eventually destroy Israel and annex it to Palestine. The Palestinians can’t get it through their heads that will never happen

The majority of Jews in Israel are illegal immigrants from 1930 to 1960.
They have never paid for almost any land, are less than 30% of the population, and are illegally occupying over 80% of the land.
Zionists just can not get it through their heads that the whole world is NEVER going to let that stay that way.

What YOU can’t get through your thick scull is that Israel became a Country May14, 1948. Deal with it

That's what they say.

Israel didn’t become a Country May 14, 194&? Hope u notified the U. N
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah! Well, I'm waiting to see what benefit comes of your complaint.

That's what they say.

I thought that Customary Law by Convention says that the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states (let alone the Arab Palestinians). I do not recall Customary Law by Convention having a prerequisite of Arab Palestinian Authorization. In fact, the fundamental rights of states are not susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever (that includes objection by the Arab Palestinians).

I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.

Cite me the Law, the Convention, or Treaty that proscribes their action; now some 70 years later down the road.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah! Well, I'm waiting to see what benefit comes of your complaint.

That's what they say.

I thought that Customary Law by Convention says that the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states (let alone the Arab Palestinians). I do not recall Customary Law by Convention having a prerequisite of Arab Palestinian Authorization. In fact, the fundamental rights of states are not susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever (that includes objection by the Arab Palestinians).

I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.

Cite me the Law, the Convention, or Treaty that proscribes their action; now some 70 years later down the road.


Most Respectfully,

Haven’t you heard? May 14, 1948 has been officially erased from the Calendar. :113:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah! Well, I'm waiting to see what benefit comes of your complaint.

That's what they say.

I thought that Customary Law by Convention says that the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states (let alone the Arab Palestinians). I do not recall Customary Law by Convention having a prerequisite of Arab Palestinian Authorization. In fact, the fundamental rights of states are not susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever (that includes objection by the Arab Palestinians).

I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.

Cite me the Law, the Convention, or Treaty that proscribes their action; now some 70 years later down the road.


Most Respectfully,
I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.
It is inadmissible to acquire territory by the threat or use of force.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, that mantra have been recited, over and over again. It is not applicable in this case.

I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.
P F Tinmore said:
It is inadmissible to acquire territory by the threat or use of force.

Leaving all the other entangled issues aside, it was the Arab League that struck first; making them the aggressor. Which, in this Israel-Palestinian Conflict, which by today, becomes a Continuation of the 1948 War of Independence. There is no question, the Conflict was initiate by the Combined Forces of the Arab League. In the case of the West Bank and Jerusalem, the Treaty of Peace settled the question in the matter of Israel 'v' Jordan. Similarly, the Treaty of Peace settled the question in the matter of Israel 'v' Egypt. In both cases, the Treaties dissolve the 1949 Armistice Lines. This aspect of the Question of Palestine is resolved. It is a matter of acceptance by factions of Arab Palestinians that continue the struggle and were not able to establish a working government. Even in 1967, when the Jordanians abandon the West Bank and Jerusalem, the various factions of the Arab Palestinians were not able to step in and assume control.

No political effort has been able to make determinations on the issue of Israel's assumption of control by default when the Jordanians renounced title and rights to these territories. These are, to this day, still subject to negotiation and in dispute.

Israel has chosen not to delegate its jurisdiction to outside courts. The International Criminal Court (ICC) wants to unilaterally establish jurisdiction. And that is fundamentally in conflict with the treaty that created the ICC.

There is too much uncertainty as to the question of "statehood and territorial control" for any judicial authority to be established.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, that mantra have been recited, over and over again. It is not applicable in this case.

I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.
P F Tinmore said:
It is inadmissible to acquire territory by the threat or use of force.

Leaving all the other entangled issues aside, it was the Arab League that struck first; making them the aggressor. Which, in this Israel-Palestinian Conflict, which by today, becomes a Continuation of the 1948 War of Independence. There is no question, the Conflict was initiate by the Combined Forces of the Arab League. In the case of the West Bank and Jerusalem, the Treaty of Peace settled the question in the matter of Israel 'v' Jordan. Similarly, the Treaty of Peace settled the question in the matter of Israel 'v' Egypt. In both cases, the Treaties dissolve the 1949 Armistice Lines. This aspect of the Question of Palestine is resolved. It is a matter of acceptance by factions of Arab Palestinians that continue the struggle and were not able to establish a working government. Even in 1967, when the Jordanians abandon the West Bank and Jerusalem, the various factions of the Arab Palestinians were not able to step in and assume control.

No political effort has been able to make determinations on the issue of Israel's assumption of control by default when the Jordanians renounced title and rights to these territories. These are, to this day, still subject to negotiation and in dispute.

Israel has chosen not to delegate its jurisdiction to outside courts. The International Criminal Court (ICC) wants to unilaterally establish jurisdiction. And that is fundamentally in conflict with the treaty that created the ICC.

There is too much uncertainty as to the question of "statehood and territorial control" for any judicial authority to be established.


Most Respectfully,
Leaving all the other entangled issues aside, it was the Arab League that struck first; making them the aggressor.
Not true, but what does that have to do with Palestinian land?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah! Well, I'm waiting to see what benefit comes of your complaint.

That's what they say.

I thought that Customary Law by Convention says that the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states (let alone the Arab Palestinians). I do not recall Customary Law by Convention having a prerequisite of Arab Palestinian Authorization. In fact, the fundamental rights of states are not susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever (that includes objection by the Arab Palestinians).

I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.

Cite me the Law, the Convention, or Treaty that proscribes their action; now some 70 years later down the road.


Most Respectfully,
I'm waiting for a credible argument that disallows the Israels from exercising their self-determination and prohibits them from establishing a Jewish National Home and political existence of the State of Israel.
It is inadmissible to acquire territory by the threat or use of force.

It doesn't matter how Israel became a country. You know why ? Because Israel IS a country. This is an undeniable fact , and to be honest, is not debatable.
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