Palestine Today

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Israel Shuts Palestinian Coronavirus Testing Clinic in East Jerusalem

Clinic in Silwan raided, activists arrested because kits were provided by the Palestinian Authority

A "clinic" - that's of course misleading.

The article itself states: "The clinic was opened in a hall at one of the local mosques."

All gatherings for group prayer are banned, synagogues, churches and mosques are closed.
If they wanted a clinic they could've opened it in an appropriate building according to rules,
but all they wanted was a media stunt.

Typical Pallywood.


A Palestinian shepherd was injured on Wednesday after he was attacked by Israeli settlers in Yatta town in the West Bank district of al-Khalil.

Local sources reported that a group of Israeli settlers stormed Palestinian farmlands in the eastern area of Yatta, while escorted by Israeli forces, and assaulted Palestinian shepherds injuring one of them.

Israeli settlers of Ma’on settlement, which was built by force on Palestinian lands in Yatta in 1981, on a regular basis attack Palestinian farmers and shepherds while Israeli forces target their homes and facilities with arbitrary demolitions to force them to leave the area.

Palestinian shepherd injured in settler attack in al-Khalil
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


A Palestinian shepherd was injured on Wednesday after he was attacked by Israeli settlers in Yatta town in the West Bank district of al-Khalil.

Local sources reported that a group of Israeli settlers stormed Palestinian farmlands in the eastern area of Yatta, while escorted by Israeli forces, and assaulted Palestinian shepherds injuring one of them.

Israeli settlers of Ma’on settlement, which was built by force on Palestinian lands in Yatta in 1981, on a regular basis attack Palestinian farmers and shepherds while Israeli forces target their homes and facilities with arbitrary demolitions to force them to leave the area.

Palestinian shepherd injured in settler attack in al-Khalil
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Any proof?
Of course not.

"Pal info center"...nuf said.
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah this doesn't even sound remotely credible.

A Palestinian shepherd was injured on Wednesday after he was attacked by Israeli settlers in Yatta town in the West Bank district of al-Khalil.

Local sources reported that a group of Israeli settlers stormed Palestinian farmlands in the eastern area of Yatta, while escorted by Israeli forces, and assaulted Palestinian shepherds injuring one of them.

This is not anything like what the IDF would do.

Israeli settlers of Ma’on settlement, which was built by force on Palestinian lands in Yatta in 1981,

I thought this was in Area "C."
• And what was built by force?​
• Who was the force used against?​
• How was that force manifested?​

There may be some case for a complaint and restitution as a remedy based on that complaint. However, the greater the exaggerations made by the Arab Palestinians, the less likely any remedy will be established.


Most Respectfully,
Palestine Underground | Hip Hop, Trap and Techno Documentary Featuring Sama' | Boiler Room

Palestine Underground | Hip Hop, Trap and Techno Documentary Featuring Sama' | Boiler Room

So now they say Techno is their culture??
Yeah sure why not, and "Stairway to Heaven" is an ancient Palestinian song....

Anyway, you know what's interesting,
I actually used to work for Y.D., the company that supplies Kabareet with the alcohol.
Even sat with Jamal on a beer couple of times, he told me about his cousins in Jordan who left Haifa, while his grandpa's family stayed in Faradis and signed a peace pact.

But I guess once the cameras roll, it's all the same old lies.
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Indeed the usual none sense about skin-color, is all Arabs have to offer.
That comparison to reservations, is just a cynical attempt to mislead
anyone who haven't seen the map of the middle east.

Israel is indeed a tiny reservation, the only non-Muslim state,
surrounded by a sea of Arab countries.

And they still demand exclusive Muslim domination
over the entire middle east.

But you guys don't get reality,
that ship has already sailed.

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Indeed the usual none sense about skin-color, is all Arabs have to offer.
That comparison to reservations, is just a cynical attempt to mislead
anyone who haven't seen the map of the middle east.

Israel is indeed a tiny reservation, the only non-Muslim state,
surrounded by a sea of Arab countries.

And they still demand exclusive Muslim domination
over the entire middle east.

But you guys don't get reality,
that ship has already sailed.



Indeed the usual none sense about skin-color, is all Arabs have to offer.
That comparison to reservations, is just a cynical attempt to mislead
anyone who haven't seen the map of the middle east.

Israel is indeed a tiny reservation, the only non-Muslim state,
surrounded by a sea of Arab countries.

And they still demand exclusive Muslim domination
over the entire middle east.

But you guys don't get reality,
that ship has already sailed.


Just another loser in the fake peace process.

Indeed the usual none sense about skin-color, is all Arabs have to offer.
That comparison to reservations, is just a cynical attempt to mislead
anyone who haven't seen the map of the middle east.

Israel is indeed a tiny reservation, the only non-Muslim state,
surrounded by a sea of Arab countries.

And they still demand exclusive Muslim domination
over the entire middle east.

But you guys don't get reality,
that ship has already sailed.


Just another loser in the fake peace process.

Well, if you imagine "Peace"
as Israel welcoming its own destruction,
then prepare yourself to be forever disappointed.

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Ali Abunimah "Watch The Film The Israeli Lobby Doesn't Want YOU To See!"

So let me get this straight,
Ali Abunimah who himself spreads antisemitic blood libels,
calls nonviolent political lobbying as undemocratic source of all evils,
while the following a baseless smear campaign against "Palestinian rights"??

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Ali Abunimah "Watch The Film The Israeli Lobby Doesn't Want YOU To See!"

So let me get this straight,
Ali Abunimah who himself spreads antisemitic blood libels,
calls nonviolent political lobbying as undemocratic source of all evils,
while the following a baseless smear campaign against "Palestinian rights"??


I wonder why Tinmore doesn’t respond to these posts
Who are the palestinians?

Who are the palestinians?

Total lies.
The word Palestine is not at all Roman and does refer to the Philistine who WERE Arab.
There was also Greek influence in Palestine, but their language was Semitic, so then were MOSTLY Arab.
In fact, not only does Semitic mean of an Arab language origin, but Jews are only Semitic because they also are of Arab language and DNA origins.
The Palestinians have lived there over 10,000 years, as Canaanites, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.
But the Hebrew tribes do not come from Palestine.
The came from Egypt instead.
Somewhere in the Sinai.
They are not native.
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