Palestinian Honor Crimes


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
l Forty-seventh session 21 Juneā€“9 July 2021 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development...

Written statement* submitted by United Nations Watch, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [30 May 2021]

United Nations Watch is concerned about the prevalence of violence against women in the territories under Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas control and the perpetuation of a false narrative that somehow blames Israel. Violence against women in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is widespread. The PA has even broadcast TV programs encouraging wife-beating.1 The 2016 report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women noted that Palestinian women ā€œsuffer under a system of violence emanating from the tradition and culture, with embedded patriarchal social norms and multiple outdated legal frameworks,ā€2 and expressed specific concern about honor killings, domestic violence and sexual violence.3 In its 2018 concluding observations on the State of Palestine, the UN Committee which monitors the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) expressed concern about ā€œthe high prevalence of gender-based violence against women, in particular so-called ā€˜honor killingsā€™ and domestic and sexual violence, which remain socially accepted and underreported due to the stigma suffered by victims.ā€4 Notably, while the PA acceded to CEDAW in 2014, at least two Palestinian government entitiesā€”the Supreme Fatwa Council and the Supreme Commission of Tribal Affairsā€” oppose compliance with CEDAW.5

The issue of honor killings made headlines in 2019 when Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old woman, was pushed out of a window and then beaten to death in the hospital by family members who were incensed by a photo she had had shared on Instagram of herself with a man.

The leftists here are almost all strongly pro-"palestinian".

It's because they are all for women's rights, yo.

III. Social and Legal Obstacles to Reporting Violence and Seeking Redress​

Palestinian women and girls rarely report violence to the authorities. This is true regardless of whether the crime is spousal abuse, child abuse, rape, incest, or ā€œhonorā€ crimes...

Public opinion polls also reveal that Palestinian society largely condones violence against women and discourages women from reporting abuse...

Article 286 of the same law also denies children who are victims of incest the right to file sexual abuse charges. Only male family members, who may be the perpetrators of abuse, are granted the right to file incest charges on behalf of minors.123...

Victims of sexual violence are particularly stigmatized in Palestinian society. Women and girls who report rape or incest are at high risk of further abuse and even murder by family members seeking to wipe out this ā€œstainā€ on their familyā€™s reputation. According to one social worker, in incest cases ā€œā€¦victimsā€™ voices are often lost or muted beyond hearing within the myriad of other concerns that come into play culturally.ā€133 Family members routinely blame rape and incest victims for the abuse..

When a girlā€™s honor is trampled, everyone spits on her.

āˆ’ Reem Hamad (pseudonym), a victim of incest, Nablus, November 23, 2005...

In one case, a 16 year-old girl from Ramallah became pregnant after repeated rape by her two brothers.163 The pregnancy and her brotherā€™s subsequent imprisonment for incest was thought to have shamed the family to such an extent that the governor asked the family to promise him they would not harm her.164 The mother of the girl eventually killed her.

They blew in with the desert sand after the Romans crushed the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 136 AD, and expelled the Jews.

Romans expelled Jews from Jerusalem, but not from the rest of the area. Later in the year 212 AD, Roman Emperor Caracalla granted Roman citizenship to Jews who lived throughout Israel. No people called Palestinians existed. Arafat was Egyptian.

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