Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

'Al-Abeed' (the slaves) neighborhood, Gaza

When those using the apartheid smear,

demand racial segregation -

"Smile while they bleed":
Gaza's leadership run to colonial masters in Qatar, for a wedding...

You win. In 20 years you may erase Palestinian altogether.

Why would telling the truth erase your cause altogether?

Maybe in 20 years, Arabs learn to pronounce 'P - alestinian'...

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  • PA PM: “Israel, as a colonialist and settler state, is taking action to destroy the spirit of unity in the Palestinian society in the Interior (i.e., Israel), is spreading strife, and is not enforcing order”
  • PA TV: Israel’s “goal is to dismantle the Arab public in the Interior”
  • Israeli Arab journalist: “The official Israeli policy [is] to escalate every conflict and every tension in the Palestinian public in the Interior… They want to escalate every internal conflict”
  • Israeli Arab lawyer: “The Israeli police and government are capable of eliminating the crime, but they are not interested in this. They want the crime to continue to spread so as to subordinate the Arab willpower to this police”
  • Israel Police: “When someone is killed in an Arab city there are no witnesses. Everyone closes the window. They didn't see and didn't hear. It's a way of life and not something that the police is to blame for”

(full article online)


Palestinian Propaganda Fail of the Day: The Jerusalem Sea Edition

Anti-Israel propagandists would like everyone know just how precious
their beloved Jerusalem, “eternal capital of Palestine” is.

So much so, they can’t even identify it.


Probably, too lazy this time to photoshop the sea out as they usually do
because they summarily deleted the post.

Update: And this isn’t even the first time anti-Israel propagandists prove
they cannot even identify Jerusalem, despite claiming to love it so.

Update: They deleted the post, following much mocking,
and replaced it with this:

Anti-Israel propaganda page Friends of Palestine have posted this supposedly rare photograph of the Sultan’s Pool in Jerusalem, dating back to 1885, showing two Palestinians in traditional costumes.


Except it doesn’t show what they claim.

It is of two men, probably Bedouins, by the Jordan River in 1894.

This is what Sultan’s Pool looked like around the same time as the above photo:


Both places contained water. Other than that, not even close.

Imagine being in love with a woman yet not being able to tell her apart from other women.
That is an analogy as to how much these propagandists truly love the land.


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