Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

Palestinian Industry of Lies - 'Black-face' & exploitation of suffering and history of others

Ever ask why no Africans ever allowed in
any of the Pal-Arab governments?

Do you know other American politicians and activists literally using 'Blackface'?
If they believed they had roots or history, or that their cause was about justice,
why the need to go to such lows?

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Hamas Attempt To Paint Israel as Racist Backfires Badly

A few days ago, Hamas released the video showing that Israeli Avera Mengistu – captured in 2014 – is still alive.

According to blogger Elder of Ziyon, the likely reason for them releasing the video is to show Israel is racist against its Black Jews:

But stoking racism really seems to be Hamas’ main goal. This video released by Hamas’ Felesteen newspaper, “Who Is Avera Mengistu,” claims that Israel negotiated for the return of other soldiers but not Mengistu, because they are racist and he is black. (Mengistu was never a soldier.)
The video also says that “racist rabbis” never accepted Ethiopians as Jewish.

Hamas has tried the race card before, tweeting in 2015 that Israel doesn’t care about people of color.

This seems to be yet another attempt to portray Israel as racist in this way, based on lies. And it is not even the first time they have lied about Israel not negotiating for Avera’s return. As I have posted before:

Naturally, Hamas are lying out of their ass. They just hope their audience aren’t the type to question and read.
For instance, this from July 17 2015:
Israel asked Hamas about Avera Mengistu last August, while the war with Gaza was still on, although the government said he crossed into the Gaza Strip in September, after a truce had been reached, a senior Hamas official said on Thursday.
Mengistu, a 28-year-old Israeli of Ethiopian descent, has been missing since last September, when he evidently crossed the border into the Gaza Strip. Though missing for over 10 months, news of his disappearance shocked the public, which was left in the dark due to a court-imposed gag order on the case.
Moussa Abu Marzouk, deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau, reiterated the demand that Israel release 54 prisoners who had been freed in the Shalit deal and then imprisoned again, as a condition to negotiate over Mengistu and another missing Israeli, an unnamed Bedouin young man who crossed into Gaza in April and is presumed to be held by Hamas.
In an interview with Al Jazeera’s website, Abu Marzouk said, “That Mengistu, whom the [Israelis] say is mentally disturbed, they spoke about him already in the negotiations in Cairo (the Egyptian-brokered Israel-Hamas talks that led to the truce that went into effect on August 26).”
“They told us that Mengistu entered the Al-Sudaniya region in the northern sector and asked us to return him because he is mentally disturbed. How can we believe that a man in uniform and is mad can walk across 40 kilometers and escape from the Be’er Sheva area to enter the Gaza Strip from the northern sector?” Abu Marzouk said.
Abu Marzouk disclosed no details of Mengistu’s whereabouts or condition. “There’s no reason for us to say anything about this issue because there will be no information without a price and no possibility of negotiating unless Israel undertakes to have negotiations on the issue and respects that,” he said.

But here’s where their latest attempt has backfired.

The video starts with a photo of another Ethiopian, and not Avera Mengistu.

And this is not even the first time they have done this.

As I said at the time:

The top photo is of another person entirely, and dates to at least 2012, years before Avera was captured. But even more to the point, the two men do not even look remotely alike.

By claiming the two men are the same person, these propagandists are basically saying “all Black people look alike.”

Same energy:

Israel-haters have been getting their collective panties in a bunch over another alleged Israeli desecration of Al-Aqsa mosque. The allegations include incidences of “storming”, dancing, alcohol and urinating.

I think the “storming” allegation needs no further refutation. But I will concede the Jews are dancing. As for the alcohol consumption, that bottle near the two young men could very well be alcohol, even though it is hard to make out exactly what it is (the Cola is much easier to identify). As for the supposed urination, the young man could very well be praying from a prayer book.

But all of this is irrelevant since the Jews are not at Al Aqsa mosque. They are at the Damascus Gate, which is really not even close:

Yup, yet more haters that cannot even properly identify their supposed holy and cherished places. And let’s be frank. The only ones desecrating Haram Al Sharif are the pal-Arabs.

Read more -

Antisemite Pete Gregson Scammed By His Gazan Friend

Remember Pete Gregson, the rabid antisemite behind the ill-fated Gaza twinning campaign with Edinburgh last year?

I am happy to report his year went from bad to worse, as thousands of pounds he thought he had raised for palestinian Arab charities were stolen by a Gaza-based activist he regarded as his friend.

Ah yes, a complaint lodged with the Gaza police aka Hamas. They probably were part of the scam, and the funds have already been diverted to them – like all those other scams we have seen.

Yet Another Gaza Charity Scam

A Gazan “social activist” with 4.6K followers on Facebook yesterday shared a link (twice) to a donation campaign supposedly to help feed starving Gazans.

Leaving aside the increasing obesity rates in Gaza, there are poor people there, no doubt.

But this campaign is not going to help them. That’s because it is almost certainly
yet another Gaza scam.

How do I know? This is what part of the campaign page looked like:


They pilfered that photo from the website of OpenDoors, a Christian org in South Korea:


After reader Michal reported this scam to Ko-fi, they removed the campaign page. But screenshots are forever.

As usual, I have to wonder whether this is the work of an opportunistic scammer looking to make a quick buck, or someone actually associated with Hamas looking to raise funds for more terror activities.

I saw this in the Jordan Times:

Since 2000, Israel has “uprooted, poisoned, burnt and bombed” over three million fruit trees in Palestine, according to the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN), which launched an awareness-raising campaign on Monday concerned with safeguarding Palestinian trees.

Under the hashtags #TreesforPalestine and Palestine’s Trees, the six-week campaign will use social media platforms to narrate the Palestinian agricultural struggle using a variety of visual, audio and written material based on extensive research efforts and including testimonies from Palestinian farmers, according to an APN statement sent to The Jordan Times.

That is an astoundingly improbable statistic. But when I went to the website of the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature, I saw that the claim was even more ridiculous:

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture, more than 3 million trees, mostly olive and citrus trees, were uprooted by Israeli forces between 2000 and 2012.
That would mean that Israel destroyed nearly 700 trees every single day for 12 years!

I cannot find here the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture made that claim. If they did, one would expect them to have widely publicized it. But a 2013 talk by that ministry in Europe on the "Forests of Palestine" doesn't say a word about this.

I did find a 2006 report by the ministry that said that since 2000, "23.2% of the tree horticulture holdings were subjected to damage due to Israeli measures in the Palestinian Territory; in the West Bank the percentage was 22.5% and in Gaza Strip, 33.7%." No source is given and neither is the definition of "damage," which might mean "within three miles of tear gas." Anyway, if that was the source, the number of damaged trees would be closer to four million!

The usual statistic that Israel haters use is 800,000 trees destroyed - but since 1967, not 2000. See this poster (detail) from Visualizing Palestine:

The source given is "Olive Harvest Fact Sheet October 2011, page 2" which they claim is from Oxfam but it is really from OCHA.

Guess what? Even that source doesn't say anything close to what they claim!

To be sure, Israel has uprooted thousands of trees - mostly while building the security barrier and by creating a buffer zone in Gaza where terrorists couldn't hide. Nobody mentions that when Israel uprooted olive trees for the security barrier, they replanted them!

Farmers who cultivate olive and other fruit trees growing within the Security Fence can designate a new site to which the trees will be relocated which has no free access constraints. Contractors assigned by The Ministry of Defense to build the Security Fence are responsible for carefully uprooting and replanting the trees. So far over 60,000 olive trees have been relocated in accordance with this procedure. It should be noted that olive trees require scarce treatment, only three weeks a year.
The haters pretend to count the trees uprooted - but they don't count the trees replanted!

As usual, this propaganda doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Sources are made up or wildly misquoted. And no reporter bothers to do even a modicum of fact-checking.

Which means that Palestinians have learned that lying pays.

I saw this in the Jordan Times:

That is an astoundingly improbable statistic. But when I went to the website of the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature, I saw that the claim was even more ridiculous:

That would mean that Israel destroyed nearly 700 trees every single day for 12 years!

I cannot find here the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture made that claim. If they did, one would expect them to have widely publicized it. But a 2013 talk by that ministry in Europe on the "Forests of Palestine" doesn't say a word about this.

I did find a 2006 report by the ministry that said that since 2000, "23.2% of the tree horticulture holdings were subjected to damage due to Israeli measures in the Palestinian Territory; in the West Bank the percentage was 22.5% and in Gaza Strip, 33.7%." No source is given and neither is the definition of "damage," which might mean "within three miles of tear gas." Anyway, if that was the source, the number of damaged trees would be closer to four million!

The usual statistic that Israel haters use is 800,000 trees destroyed - but since 1967, not 2000. See this poster (detail) from Visualizing Palestine:

The source given is "Olive Harvest Fact Sheet October 2011, page 2" which they claim is from Oxfam but it is really from OCHA.

Guess what? Even that source doesn't say anything close to what they claim!

To be sure, Israel has uprooted thousands of trees - mostly while building the security barrier and by creating a buffer zone in Gaza where terrorists couldn't hide. Nobody mentions that when Israel uprooted olive trees for the security barrier, they replanted them!

The haters pretend to count the trees uprooted - but they don't count the trees replanted!

As usual, this propaganda doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Sources are made up or wildly misquoted. And no reporter bothers to do even a modicum of fact-checking.

Which means that Palestinians have learned that lying pays.

We could get picayune about the numbers, but Israel has destroyed a lot of trees.

The lies of the "Arab Group for the Protection of Nature"

Last week I noted the absurd claim by the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature that Israel has destroyed 3 million trees between 2000-2012.

It turns out that this group, founded in 2003, just started a major anti-Israel campaign - probably to attract lots of money from the EU which loves funding any anti-Israel organization.

They published a series of infographics to push a lot of lies.

The entire series is based on the lie that today's Palestinian Arabs are related to the Canaanites, so they discuss the thousands of years of history of the olive tree in the region, pretending that this has something to do with modern Palestinians.

Of course, the Jews in the kingdoms of Judah and Israel also cultivated olive way before anyone ever heard of Palestinians. Olives are a major theme in the Hebrew scriptures. Ancient olive presses built by Jews can be found throughout the Land of Israel.

They don't want to mention that!

This is not true. The agricultural sector as a whole (including cereals) is less than 5% of the Palestinian GDP, and olives are about 25% of that (Oxfam), so the olive sector is about 1% of the Palestinian economy. That is a far cry from 14%.

In fact, Palestinians spend far more on paying terrorists and their families than they earn from profits of olive trees.


It is true that the Jaffa orange was not a Zionist invention. But the Zionists are the ones to turn it into a major export.

In 1939, the majority of orange exports from Palestine came from Jews, not Arabs! The Jewish sector outgrew the Arab sector starting in 1933. And the exports were always mostly from the Jewish orange growers, as these articles from 1922 and 1935 show.

Most of the forests planted by the JNF were pine forests, and pine forests have been in the region for thousands of years.

And guess who decimated those forests? The Arabs who lived there!

1881 Survey of Western Palestine:

From Underground Jerusalem: An Account of Some of the Principal Difficulties Encountered in Its Exploration and the Results Obtained. With a Narrative of an Expedition Through the Jordan Valley and a Visit to the Samaritans, by Sir Charles Warren, 1876:

And as for cypress trees:

The Popular Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature, 1856:
The tall cypress only exists in Palestine, as cultivated by man in gardens, and in cemeteries, and other open places of towns.

Samih al-Qasim was not an ancient Palestinian poet - he died in 2014.

Psalms mention olive trees a number of times - and they were written quite a long time before any Palestinian poets talked about them.

The entire holiday of Chanukah is centered around a miracle of olive oil!

The lies just keep on coming.

Of course, this group has nothing negative to say about the current Palestinian penchant for setting fires against Israeli lands they consider to be Palestinian, or the history of their destroying Jewish crops that continues today. Their concern for nature is curiously partisan.

And make no mistake - the desire to separate Jews from the Land of Israel by pretending that they have no history there and that they have no love of the land is pure antisemitism.

Last week, 3 “commanders” who were part of “a fighting squad” of the independent terror cell the Lion’s Den from Nablus were killed while attacking Israeli soldiers.

In the PA narrative, they were described as 3 innocent young “Martyrs” who were “shot at” and “assassinated” by Israeli forces while “driving in their car.” According to the PA “eyewitnesses reported that the occupation authorities hurried to hide the traces of their new crime… and confiscated the security cameras at the site to hide the traces of the crime and the way it was committed.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 13, 2023]

However, in a press release the Lion’s Den explained in detail that the three “heroes” died “in confrontation” while trying to ambush Israeli soldiers:

“O masses of our heroic people, following a precise monitoring of the Zionist Golani unit at the occupation’s Sarra checkpoint, one of our fighting squads set out to lay an ambushfor this unit and confront it. After it became clear that the soldiers of this unit were laying an ambush for the fighters of our squad, the squad’s heroes decided to sneak in to bring down the soldiers of this unit in a larger ambush. As Supreme Allah would have it a confrontation broke out from point blank range before our fighters deployed in the area, and they ascended to Heaven as Martyrs while advancing forward and not retreating…”
[Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, March 12, 2023]​
And so that there would be no doubt who the three “Jihad fighters” were, the Lion’s Den mentioned the terrorists by name:

Today ‘the Lion’s Den’ squads accompany to Heaven the best of their members and fighters, heroes of a series of revenge operations (i.e., terror attacks), and the best of the sons of Nablus:
Jihad fighter Martyr who fell in battle Jihad Al-Shami
Jihad fighter Martyr who fell in battle Uday Al-Shami
Jihad fighter Martyr who fell in battle Muhammad Al-Dabeek…”
Moreover, the terror cell threatened Israel with more terror, addressing “the Zionist enemy”:

“Our message to the Zionist enemy: …
We reemphasize to you that the Lion’s Den is seeking you everywhere and at all times. You will find us in the utter darkness and in the light of day. You will find our lions under the rocks and behind the trees. We will burst forth at you from the rocks and we will land on you from the skies… the series of revenge operations continues, and you currently have nothing to do but prepare for a new wave of operations, which our lone wolves will sign off on.”

[Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, March 12, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the popularity of the members of the Lion’s Den terror cell. In fact, Palestinian children wear necklaces with pictures of the terrorists who die “as Martyrs” in confrontations with Israel.

Despite the Lion’s Den’s blatant public bragging about its terrorists who died as “heroes” while “confronting” Israeli soldiers, and the cell’s plans for future terror attacks, PA PM Shtayyeh stayed true to the PA narrative and “condemned the crime that the occupation committed in Nablus… in which 3 young people died as a Martyrs.” Shtayyeh also “prayed to lauded Allah that He will wrap them in His great mercies and have them dwell in the expanses of Paradise.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 13, 2023]

Chairman of the Palestinian National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) Rawhi Fattouh accused Israel of deliberately “murder[ing] civilians in cold blood, while using false excuses and empty claims to justify the daily crimes of summary executions.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 13, 2023]

(full article online)


Some TikTok guy makes Arabic anti-Israel videos as "General Moshe", and Arabs believe he's a real Israeli general

Some Arab got a black yarmulka and a mail order IDF uniform and set himself up on TikTok pretending to be "General Moshe," a dissident Israeli general who for some reason only sends his disparaging messages to the Israeli government in Arabic.

Some of his rants have over a million views!

Many Arabs actually believe this is a real Israeli general, including Jordan's Al Ghad news site.

This account claims that he is a Palestinian actor and "it is part of the media war with which we are fighting this usurping occupation!"

When it comes to the Holocaust, the Palestinian Authority has a dilemma about which bogus narrative to adopt. On the one hand, the PA denies the Holocaust ever happened, or at the very least, that the numbers of Jews murdered were entirely exaggerated. On the other hand, the PA uses the Holocaust to compare Israel to the Nazis and to accuse Israel of conducting a Holocaust against the Palestinians.

Over the years, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed scores of examples of the PA Holocaust denial, distortion and abuse.

One of the most outrageous lies the PA added this year was that Jews were trained by the Nazis in concentration camps to kill “without feeling anything” and that the Germans would deliberately free Jews from the concentration camps and “prepare them” for combat against Arabs in Palestine:


Researcher and author Aziz Al-Asa: “Many of the Jewish fighters during the Nakba (i.e., establishment of Israel, 1948) came from GermanyThey were trained to carry out despicable acts of murder here without feeling anything, without using their humanity… Imagine that the Jewish soldiers used to kill and weep loudly… The Zionist movement reached an agreement with the German government that it would take the young people from the [concentration] camps, the young Jews, train them, and prepare them.”
[Official PA TV, Debunking the Zionist Narrative, Feb. 4, 2023]​
Statements such as these do not appear in a vacuum. While PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is welcomed around the world as a respected leader, the reality is that Abbas is one of the vilest anti-Semites who blames the Jews for their own murder. Spewing one of the age-old tropes, according to Abbas, Jew hatred, centuries of massacres, and the Holocaust are not due to the Jewish religion but rather “due to their social role that was connected to usury, and banks, and so forth...”:

"Jews who migrated to eastern and western Europe were subjected to massacres by some state every 10 to 15 years from the 11th century until the Holocaust… Why did this happen?...
The hatred of the Jews is not due to their religion, but rather due to their social rolethe Jewish problem that was common in all the states of Europe against the Jews was not due to their religion, but rather due to their social role that was connected to usury, and banks, and so forth..."
[Official PA TV, April 30, 2018]​
Since these are the views of Abbas, it is not surprising that the PA would tell Palestinians that the Holocaust was the price the Jews paid for their ‎evil behavior - their “conspiracies and wickedness”:

(full article online)

The Palestinian Press Agency Safa has an article whose own facts contradict its narrative. It is a good example of how media makes up a narrative and then pretends that even the facts that contradict it really support it.

With the approach of Eid Al-Fitr, the markets of the occupied city of Jerusalem are witnessing an active commercial movement, as a result of the revival of religious tourism, and the increase in the number of Palestinians, Christians, and tourists coming to the city, despite the continuous Israeli occupation attempts to stifle the Jerusalem economy.

And everyone who wanders in the markets of the Old City finds it crowded with shoppers, to buy Eid supplies and souvenirs from its shops, after it suffered from a commercial and economic stagnation, due to the occupation measures and its strict restrictions on the arrival of Palestinians to the occupied city.

Jerusalemite merchants are eagerly awaiting holidays and religious events in order to compensate for their losses that they incur due to the blockade and occupation measures, which aim to hit their commercial interests and increase the poverty rate in Jerusalem.

So Israel wants to hurt these Arab businesses and impoverish them - but somehow Israel is also allowing throngs of Arabs to go shopping there?

The word "despite" does a lot of heavy lifting here, similarly to the daily articles that show the Temple Mount filled with Muslims accompanied by articles that say this is "despite" Israeli restrictions.
Jerusalemite trader Habib Hroub, who owns a clothing store in Al-Wad Street in the Old City, tells Safa that the commercial activity is witnessing an economic boom with the approach of Eid Al-Fitr...He explains that the prices of clothes are commensurate with the economic conditions and capabilities of Jerusalemites, indicating that Israeli malls deliberately offer "attractive offers" to Arab shoppers, with the aim of hitting the Jerusalemite economy and influencing merchants and weakening purchasing power.
Yes, the horrible Jews offer sales to the Arabs they want to drive out of the city, just to hurt Arab businesses!

Nothing that Israel or Israelis do can just be normal economic activity - it is always aimed at hurting Palestinians (according to Palestinians.)

Jerusalem affairs researcher Fakhri Abu Diab confirms that the occupation is working by various means to stifle the economy in the city, especially its old town, given that it is the backbone of life, so it imposes taxes on Jerusalemite merchants, and tries to reduce the number of citizens coming to the city.
Do Jewish-owned businesses not have to pay taxes?

He added, "Although the occupation is working to empty the Palestinian presence from the Old City and the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and does not want any commercial movement in it, and is trying to impede the arrival of goods to shops, religious events come to revive its economy."

The Jerusalem markets are witnessing an active commercial movement throughout the holy month of Ramadan, but it has greatly increased in the last two weeks of the holy month...

What disturbs the occupation - according to the Jerusalemite researcher - is the scene of the heavy Palestinian presence in the markets of Jerusalem, who flock to it from everywhere, to shop and buy sweets and gifts, and everything related to Ramadan and Eid requirements.

He asserts that revitalizing the tourism and commercial movement in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa has thwarted the plans of the occupation, which is working to empty the city of its people, strangle its economy, and increase poverty rates.

When business is bad, it is because of Israeli measures to empty Jerusalem of Arabs. When business is booming, it is despite Israeli measures to empty Jerusalem of Arabs. And this really upsets the Israelis, they claim with no evidence.

Israel could easily simply shut down these shops or block access to them, if that was really its aim.

Clearly Israel has no problem with throngs of customers in the Arab souq of Old City.

This is a pattern of anti-Israel media - make an assertion, claim that even the facts that contradict it back up that assertion, and know that most of the audience will not look at the article critically.

Israel is not trying to shut down Arab businesses. It is not trying to get rid of Jerusalem's Arabs, whose population has increased far more under Israeli rule than any time in history. It is not taxing Arab businesses specifically. Literally every assertion in this story is fiction.

But when the aim is to demonize the Jewish state, who cares about the truth?


Innocent victim or heroic fighter martyr? Whichever is better politically

Times of Israel reported yesterday:

A Palestinian man attempted to carry out a car-ramming and stabbing attack in the West Bank on Thursday afternoon and was subsequently shot dead, the military and medics said.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, the man drove onto the opposite lane on the Route 5 highway, and tried to ram his car into civilians and security forces at the Gitai Avisar Junction near the West Bank settlement of Ariel. The suspect then got out of his car while allegedly brandishing a knife, before being shot dead by troops.

Video of the shooting shows clearly that Ahmed Yaqoub Taha came out of his car suddenly and lunged at the Israeli police officer.

Israeli police also posted photos of the knife he had; unfortunately the videos aren't clear enough to see it.

Taha was a member of the PA security forces, as have been numerous other terrorists in recent months.

The PA and Fatah are saying that he was an innocent victim, shot at point blank range for no reason. Hamas in Englishsaid the same thing.

Hamas in Arabic, on the other hand, called him a "fighter martyr...who was killed by the fire of the occupation forces after he attempted to carry out a run-over and stabbing operation."

Usually in cases like this the same person morphs from an innocent victim to a heroic fighter in the course of a few hours. Apparently Fatah thinks that the video is ambiguous enough to claim he is a victim and to stick to that story.

Actual facts don't matter as much as the intended message and audience.


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