Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

When you wonder the degeneracy

"Free Palestine" appeals to...

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Palestinian Propaganda Fail of the Day: "The Jerusalem Sea" Edition

Anti-Israel propagandists would like everyone know just how precious
their beloved Jerusalem, “eternal capital of Palestine” is.

So much so, they can’t even identify it.


Probably, too lazy this time to photoshop the sea out as they usually do
because they summarily deleted the post.

Update: And this isn’t even the first time anti-Israel propagandists prove
they cannot even identify Jerusalem, despite claiming to love it so.

Update: They deleted the post, following much mocking,
and replaced it with this:

Islam - Arab imperialism and the "flood of Jerusalem"

Did Muhammad fly to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on a flying donkey?
What does this have to do with Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem?

David Wood and Brother Rachid discuss the issue!


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