Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

As the number of killings in Israeli Arab society rises – as of now 175 Israeli Arabs have been killed in internal Arab crime in 2023 – the Palestinian accusations against Israel get wilder and wilder.

The newest libel was voiced by one of the regular columnists for the official PA daily. Bassem Barhoum alleged that the killing of Israeli Arabs is carried out according to a plan devised by “Israeli forces” with the goal of creating fear and that way make Israeli Arabs want to “emigrate”:

“It is clear that the Israeli forces, which stand behind this plan, rely on an atmosphere of strife, fear, and terror prevailing in order to make the Palestinian residents inside the Green Line (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel; see below) think about emigrating and saving themselves and their families.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 5, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch already exposed that Palestinians and Israeli Arabs have blamed Israel for the surge in crime within Israeli Arab society, claiming it is a “deliberate Israeli strategy” to “dismantle the Arab public” in Israel. But this latest PA libel goes even further by specifying who is responsible. The official PA daily columnist suggested that the masked Israeli Arab killers are in fact “special Israeli forces from the [Israeli] army’s undercover brigades,” who are murdering innocent Arabs “in an intensifying systematic manner”:

“Who said that these masked people who are spreading crime are not special Israeli forces from the [Israeli] army’s undercover brigades?
What we are witnessing today… is an act by a security establishment and dedicated intelligence forces that are managing the acts of crime in an intensifying systematic manner.
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 5, 2023]​
A prominent member of the Israeli Arab society, former Israeli Arab MP Wasil Taha, has attempted to use the libel to fuel civil unrest within Israel, calling on Israeli Arabs to increase “civil disobedience,” which should then develop into “an extensive phenomenon of struggle” across all of Israel:


Former Israeli Arab Parliament Member Wasil Taha: I personally accuse the Israeli establishment that is leading the organized crime in the Arab sector … The issue of civil disobedience and raising [the subject] in these circumstances is appropriate, and it must be strengthened. We need to take action. We need to start with civil disobedience in some of the villages and cities until it spreads and becomes a phenomenon, an extensive phenomenon of struggle from the Negev in the south to Fassouta in the north (i.e., region in Israel)”
[Official PA TV, Talk of the Hour, Sept. 1, 2023​


Palestinian researcher reveals new fake information about "tunnels under Al Aqsa"

Today, Felesteen and other Palestinian sites reported:

Moaz Agbariya, a researcher specializing in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque affairs, reported that there are 45 tunnels connected to each other that threaten the foundations of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the homes of Jerusalemites in the occupied city of Jerusalem .

Agbariya stated in a statement to the Felesteen newspaper that the majority of the tunnels are based on the foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque from the western side, and there is a section of them on the southern side, and a tunnel on the northern side.

He pointed out that there is a tunnel that only Jews are allowed to enter, and it is located under Al-Aqsa Mosque, in addition to four tunnels that were established in the Roman era and restored during the era of the Ayyubid state, and they are designated for the exit of rainwater from the Blessed Mosque, and no one is allowed to enter them except cleaning workers after obtaining a permit from the occupation police.
Wow! A tunnel under the Temple Mount that only Jews re allowed to enter? And only one of 45? Sign me up!

Especially since no one has dug a tunnel under the Temple Mount (except the Waqf) for well over a hundred years!

He explained that the occupation's attempts to falsify the history of the city of Jerusalem and prove its alleged right to it do not stop, by digging tunnels, seizing and hiding everything that indicates authentic Islamic history.
In an earlier interview, he claimed that a new tunnel Israel was excavating had Islamic markings and phrases that the Israelis are destroying. That is of course absurd, since you can see lots of Muslim sites in the Old City that are preserved by Israel.
Palestinians have claimed for at least 12 years that Israel is building "Biblical gardens" on top of the Bab al-Rahma cemetery adjacent to the Temple Mount. Somehow, nothing has happened.


Mahmoud Abbas says that America, not Israel, occupies Palestine, and Israeli women are not allowed to demonstrate with men

Mahmoud Abbas has been saying bizarre things whenever he goes off script for years.

I even saw a columnist praise him for his UN speech for not deviating from the official written script too much, because every time he does he ends up saying something spectacularly stupid.

His antisemitism and hate come through clearly when he speaks extemporaneously. That's when he says things likerabbis call to poison Palestinian wells or that Jews own actions are the reason for the Holocaust.

This latest example isn't quite as egregious but it shows that Abbas is increasingly untethered from reality.

At the “Digital Life and Creativity” forum in Ramallah today, Abbas said, “When Israel says that it is celebrating its independence day, it has gained independence from whom? Who was occupying the State of Israel so that it celebrates the anniversary of its freedom from this occupation? This is a big lie.”

He then said that "America is the one occupying Palestine."

Abbas also claimed that Palestinian women have more human rights than those in Israel, seeming to believe that the mechitza in the Tel Aviv Yom Kippur incident means that Israel believes that "women are an impure gender and it is not permissible for them to walk with men in demonstrations."

Who knew?

He then said that the success of Palestinian women in universities is in contrast to how poorly women are treated in Israel.

As we have mentioned before, the Palestinian Authority has numerous laws discriminating against women, according to the UN:

And his concern for equal rights for women can be seen in his PLO meetings, whose Executive Committee does not have a single woman member.

It is hard to know whether this is senility of simply an extension of the lies that Palestinian leaders have been addicted to over their short history, but then again, what is the difference?


you lying Islamo-Nazi filth...
This is a Jewish hostage in Gaza!

you degenerates murder your own women calling it "honor",
then lie about celebrating the public torture of hostage Jewish women...


Gharqad trees and other Arab conspiracy theories

You are probably familiar with the Islamic hadith, quoted in the Hamas charter:

The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharqad tree would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.

The Muhtawayat website is meant to be a reference site for Arabic readers where questions can be answered authoritatively. As there has been a lot of interest in Jews in Arabic media for the past couple of weeks, the site tackled the question, "Why does the Gharqad tree protect the Jews?"

Note how the question pre-supposes the magical properties of the gharqad tree as fact.

It is a purely Islamic legend, but that doesn't stop Muslims from assuming its truth. The article even says,
The Gharqad tree has cultural and religious importance for Jews, as in Jewish culture it is believed that the Gharqad tree represents a symbol of protection and shelter, and therefore they respect and preserve it as part of their cultural and religious heritage....
This article, and plenty of others, as well as videos, state as fact that Israeli Jews have planted thousands of gharqad trees because we believe they protect us.

It says that Yediot Aharonot reported in 2014 that Israel was planting gharqads as a temporary measure to protect a rail line that was exposed to rocket fire. (Israel did indeed plant trees, but no one said they were gharqads. )

In fact, no one quite knows what kind of tree it is (most people think it is the boxthorn.)

The thing is, this absurd legend is accepted as truth in the Muslim world. Even though the "proof" that Jews plant gharqads is not from Jewish sources but from Islamic sources, not one Muslim bothers to ask a Jew to verify the story about what Jews believe. (Just as Muslims believe that Jews worshipped Ezra the Scribe as the son of god, something against every tenet of Judaism, because the Quran says so.)

And these kinds of lies are the backbone of Arab and Muslim beliefs about Israel and Jews. Palestinians swear today that an Israeli airstrike hit the Al Ahli hospital, killing 500. They are 100% certain that Israel is waging genocide - even though, according to their own fictional numbers, fewer people have died than bombs dropped, a pretty inefficient genocide. They are absolutely convinced that the Temples never existed and Jews have never found any proof for them. They have written books "proving" that.

Any evidence that disprove the lies are themselves automatically assumed to be manufactured and forged by Jews. The world is one big conspiracy theory. The side that actually cares about accuracy is accused of being the liars; the side that actually is the victim of a campaign of attempted genocide is accused of genocide when defending themselves.

It's easy to laugh about the gharqad tree myth. But it is not so easy to laugh when you realize that myths like that are considered absolute truth by tens of millions, or hundreds of millions, of people. Fighting lies with truth sounds good in theory, but when you are dealing with people who are emotionally invested in the lies, one cannot win.

Israeli NGO reveals: "the Red Cross of betrayal"

The Red Cross claimed that it was not operating in Gaza, but within an hour they tweeted that in all their time operating in Gaza, they did not foresee such a difficult humanitarian situation for the residents of Gaza.

The Shurat Hadin organization demands that the Red Cross act on behalf of the Israeli abductees in Gaza. The Red Cross should demand to see all the abductees, make sure they receive proper care and work for their release.

Shurat Hadin accuses the Red Cross of not criticizing Hamas, d
espite all the war crimes they have committed, and they only make complaints against Israel.

The Czech Minister of Defense, Jana Chernochova, calls on her country to leave the United Nations, because of the organization's support for Hamas.

Chernochova says that "exactly 3 weeks ago, Hamas murdered more than 1400 Israelis - more victims in relation to the size of the population than the murder of the militant Islamist organization, al-Qaeda in the USA on September 11 - and only 14 countries, including ours,

Speak out in a clear and understandable manner against this unprecedented terrorist attack carried out by Hamas terrorists! I am ashamed of the UN. In my opinion, the Czech Republic has no place in an organization that supports terrorists and does not respect the basic right to self-defense. Let's get out.'


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