Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Yo retard, the End of Days is from the NT people.

Weren't Paul, and Matthew both Jewish Christian Converts?
Not Matthew.
And I told you this yesterday, but you’re a bullshitting Jew hater who repeats bullshit all day.

Blame everybody but ethnic Jews.

Zionism must be someone else's fault too, right?
You're a fucking moron...The Rapture idea came way after the NT.
Of course you wouldn't provide a Link to it because it would prove you're a Jew hating penis brain.
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Yo retard, the End of Days is from the NT people.

Weren't Paul, and Matthew both Jewish Christian Converts?
Not Matthew.
And I told you this yesterday, but you’re a bullshitting Jew hater who repeats bullshit all day.

Blame everybody but ethnic Jews.

Zionism must be someone else's fault too, right?
You're a fucking moron...The Rapture idea came way after the NT.
Of course you wouldn't provide a Link to it because it would prove you're a Jew hating penis brain.

The Book of Daniel is a biblical apocalypse, combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology (the study of last things) which is both cosmic in scope and political in its focus.[1] In more mundane language, it is "an account of the activities and visions of Daniel, a noble Jew exiled at Babylon,"[2] its message being that just as the God of Israel saved Daniel and his friends from their enemies, so he would save all of Israel in their present oppression.[3

Book of Daniel - Wikipedia
So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.

There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?
Zionist retards have turned off real American allies in favor of a real American enemy named Israel.

Our best allies are turned off by the American Zionist hicks, like those real American allies of Poland, Britain, Japan, Australia, and France.

Poland turned off by Zionist tards.

Tensions rise between U.S. and Poland over ‘Holocaust law’

To Polish ire, Trump signs law to recover Jewish property stolen in Holocaust

France turned off by Zionist tards.

Macron calls Jerusalem decision a ‘danger to peace’

Australia, and Japan turned off by Zionist tards.

The Latest: Australia and Japan still support Iran deal

Britain turned off by Zionist tards.

UK PM May says committed to ensuring Iran deal is upheld
Last edited:
The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.

There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.
The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.

There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.

So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?
The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.

There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.

So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?

You Zionists have very retarded views of the World, I'm so sorry Zionist savage terrorist imbeciles like you exist.
The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.

There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.

So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?

You Zionists have very retarded views of the World, I'm so sorry Zionist savage terrorist imbeciles like you exist.

Yes, you and your terrorist buddies are like that.

So, when did you discover Jews caused you to fail?
There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.

So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?

You Zionists have very retarded views of the World, I'm so sorry Zionist savage terrorist imbeciles like you exist.

Yes, you and your terrorist buddies are like that.

So, when did you discover Jews caused you to fail?

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists like W Bush, H.W Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc. etc. brought in Islamists, and Mexicans.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists waste lives, and American tax dollars on war for Israel.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists keep isolating reliable allies because they're dumb lust for Israel makes them Chimp out.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists want to itch on a Apocalypse with their anti-Semitic Pastor, ushering in the Embassy which caused chaos, with likely much more to come, even perhaps an Apocalypse because you Demonic Zionist twits think the Bible says so.
There is no discussing Israhell and the ongoing genocide in Palestine with most of these clowns or most CONservatives in America. The ones that can be saved we will send to reeducation camp the rest will have to be eradicated somehow. I imagine a beautiful gallows set up in DC with THOUSANDS swinging from them....damn what a beautiful thought. These idiots here DESPISE America when it goes against Israel and LOVE America when it kisses Israels ass because NONE of them are LOYAL AMERICANS. They are members of a 5th column plain and simple.
There's 10 million Polish Americans who voted by about 65% for Trump, and 6 million Jewish Americans for voted about 75% for Hillary.

That means there's about 6 X more Polish American Trump voters than Jewish ones.

Yet, there goes the Zionist Trump supporting Jewish Israel, THE ACTUAL TERRORIST state, Liberals, and anti-American state, unlike Poland, and Polish Americans whom are Right-Wing allies of America.

I'm ashamed to be apart of the Zionist stooges, and splooges of America.

The gloves have come off, believe me you punks will get punk'd.
Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.

So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?

You Zionists have very retarded views of the World, I'm so sorry Zionist savage terrorist imbeciles like you exist.

Yes, you and your terrorist buddies are like that.

So, when did you discover Jews caused you to fail?

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists like W Bush, H.W Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc. etc. brought in Islamists, and Mexicans.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists waste lives, and American tax dollars on war for Israel.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists keep isolating reliable allies because they're dumb lust for Israel makes them Chimp out.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists want to itch on a Apocalypse with their anti-Semitic Pastor, ushering in the Embassy which caused chaos, with likely much more to come, even perhaps an Apocalypse because you Demonic Zionist twits think the Bible says so.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

You're FAILING because of Zionist Animals.
Are the Islamists the cause of all your failures in life?

Right back at you.

You Zionists are dirty savages, Individualshits, who can't think of anything but themselves, rather than thinking of societal harm, you just consider "Me, Mine, and Now"

Truly primitive beyond belief.

So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?

You Zionists have very retarded views of the World, I'm so sorry Zionist savage terrorist imbeciles like you exist.

Yes, you and your terrorist buddies are like that.

So, when did you discover Jews caused you to fail?

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists like W Bush, H.W Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc. etc. brought in Islamists, and Mexicans.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists waste lives, and American tax dollars on war for Israel.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists keep isolating reliable allies because they're dumb lust for Israel makes them Chimp out.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists want to itch on a Apocalypse with their anti-Semitic Pastor, ushering in the Embassy which caused chaos, with likely much more to come, even perhaps an Apocalypse because you Demonic Zionist twits think the Bible says so.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

You're FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

I come from a household worth 1.5 million, you stupid Zionist brute.

It's just unlike your Individualshits, and savages, I actually care about my people, and the World.

Individualshit Liberals like you just care about "Me, mine, and now" you are prehistoric.
There is no discussing Israhell and the ongoing genocide in Palestine with most of these clowns or most CONservatives in America. The ones that can be saved we will send to reeducation camp the rest will have to be eradicated somehow. I imagine a beautiful gallows set up in DC with THOUSANDS swinging from them....damn what a beautiful thought. These idiots here DESPISE America when it goes against Israel and LOVE America when it kisses Israels ass because NONE of them are LOYAL AMERICANS. They are members of a 5th column plain and simple.

The hardcore Zionists seem to have even less Allies than the Nazis did.

It's basically just rural America, and Israel, the rest of the World hardly cares, or even sees Israel negatively.

I hope for the day there really are Zionist re-education centers.
There's 10 million Polish Americans who voted by about 65% for Trump, and 6 million Jewish Americans for voted about 75% for Hillary.

That means there's about 6 X more Polish American Trump voters than Jewish ones.

Yet, there goes the Zionist Trump supporting Jewish Israel, THE ACTUAL TERRORIST state, Liberals, and anti-American state, unlike Poland, and Polish Americans whom are Right-Wing allies of America.

I'm ashamed to be apart of the Zionist stooges, and splooges of America.

The gloves have come off, believe me you punks will get punk'd.

There's 10 million Polish Americans who voted by about 65% for Trump, and 6 million Jewish Americans for voted about 75% for Hillary.

6.5 million Polish votes for Trump and 1.5 million Jewish votes for Trump. 6.5 / 1.5 = 4.33

That means there's about 6 X more Polish American Trump voters than Jewish ones.

That means your math skills match the rest of your intellect.

Yet, there goes the Zionist Trump supporting Jewish Israel,

If Trump is nice to Israel, all the Poles will vote against him?
Or just the morons, like you?
When is Trump going to sign a deal to get Israel Zionist terrorists to pay compensations to Palestinians who lost their property in the Nakba?

I'm glad I didn't vote, I knew either way I voted it would be for sub-Human garbage.
never. Palestinians are Muslims. Muslims are cock roaches that need to be eradicated.
So why are you such a whiney bitch?

Jews holding you back?

You Zionists have very retarded views of the World, I'm so sorry Zionist savage terrorist imbeciles like you exist.

Yes, you and your terrorist buddies are like that.

So, when did you discover Jews caused you to fail?

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists like W Bush, H.W Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc. etc. brought in Islamists, and Mexicans.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists waste lives, and American tax dollars on war for Israel.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists keep isolating reliable allies because they're dumb lust for Israel makes them Chimp out.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because Zionists want to itch on a Apocalypse with their anti-Semitic Pastor, ushering in the Embassy which caused chaos, with likely much more to come, even perhaps an Apocalypse because you Demonic Zionist twits think the Bible says so.

My country (The U.S.A) is FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

You're FAILING because of Zionist Animals.

I come from a household worth 1.5 million, you stupid Zionist brute.

It's just unlike your Individualshits, and savages, I actually care about my people, and the World.

Individualshit Liberals like you just care about "Me, mine, and now" you are prehistoric.

I come from a household worth 1.5 million,

Still live with your parents?
Have they accepted your failures?
Are they as tired of your whining as the rest of us?
There's 10 million Polish Americans who voted by about 65% for Trump, and 6 million Jewish Americans for voted about 75% for Hillary.

That means there's about 6 X more Polish American Trump voters than Jewish ones.

Yet, there goes the Zionist Trump supporting Jewish Israel, THE ACTUAL TERRORIST state, Liberals, and anti-American state, unlike Poland, and Polish Americans whom are Right-Wing allies of America.

I'm ashamed to be apart of the Zionist stooges, and splooges of America.

The gloves have come off, believe me you punks will get punk'd.

There's 10 million Polish Americans who voted by about 65% for Trump, and 6 million Jewish Americans for voted about 75% for Hillary.

6.5 million Polish votes for Trump and 1.5 million Jewish votes for Trump. 6.5 / 1.5 = 4.33

That means there's about 6 X more Polish American Trump voters than Jewish ones.

That means your math skills match the rest of your intellect.

Yet, there goes the Zionist Trump supporting Jewish Israel,

If Trump is nice to Israel, all the Poles will vote against him?
Or just the morons, like you?

You can't even think, use facts, or rationale.

Yet, you have OCD Chimp fits over Math estimates?

You're EXACLTY what I think of when I think of Germanic's, and Jews.

A bunch of Sub-Human retarded, Autistic, OCD, Monkey scums who aren't even worthy of life.

That's why you Sub-Human Animals fall for retardation like Liberalism, and Zionism, you have MAJOR OCD, to overcompensate for your defective brains.

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