Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

WTF are you mumbling about?

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Winners do with losers what they wish.

As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal, they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting, and even wish to usher in the Biblical Babble Nuclear Holocaust because the Bible says.
As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal

Primal? LOL!
Realistic. Knowledgeable about history.

they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting,

You mean like the Muzzie conquest of the Middle East?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

Oh the poor Jews needed help.
Nazis are vile anti-Semites.

But, now that the Palestinians need help from Zionist butchers.

Oh the poor Jews need help.
Palestinians are vile anti-Semites.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons, who are violent predators who love the power of looting, and shooting?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!
So,the UN was good when it created Israel, but the UN is bad when it calls to investigate Israeli terroristic massacres?

Wow, what consistency on your behalf.

Yes, the UN is bad if they call Israeli self-defense.....terroristic massacres.

LMFAO, if Israel is defending themselves, so are the Palestinians.

Israel was the killer of terror not Palestine.

if Israel is defending themselves

If? Tens of thousands of violent Muzzies, I know, I repeat myself, trying to cross the border fence?
I'd use napalm.

The real violence was from Terrorist Israel with no maimed, or killed,... Killing, or maiming over 1,000 Palestinians who were protesting the Embassy.

Well, yeah, you fucking idiots are throwing rocks at people with modern weapons.

In most countries they try to use water-cannons.

But, not prehistoric Israel, they got to massacre Palestinians with pure Terroristic force.
Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

WTF are you mumbling about?

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Winners do with losers what they wish.
That's why Poland owns some old German territory.
Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

That's why Poland owns some old German territory.

Your beloved Zionists are more guilty of land theft, than Poland.

Poland lost Gdansk in 1793, and Soviets, and British Anglo Freemason Zionists like Churchill, FDR, and Truman supported the Soviet Polish take over of Gdansk, this moved was rejected by the real elected Polish government the Polish government in Exile.

The first time Krauts came in the turn of the 1300's, they came in as "Invited friends of Poland" and massacred the indigenous Poles of Gdansk in the Gdansk Massacre, and promptly brought in German Lebensraum Settlers of Drang Nach Osten.

Polish land thief!

Kraut who squats on Native American land, and calls for a Zionist Terrorist Massacre as "Good"

Yup, squatting away!!!
Yes, the UN is bad if they call Israeli self-defense.....terroristic massacres.

LMFAO, if Israel is defending themselves, so are the Palestinians.

Israel was the killer of terror not Palestine.

if Israel is defending themselves

If? Tens of thousands of violent Muzzies, I know, I repeat myself, trying to cross the border fence?
I'd use napalm.

The real violence was from Terrorist Israel with no maimed, or killed,... Killing, or maiming over 1,000 Palestinians who were protesting the Embassy.

Well, yeah, you fucking idiots are throwing rocks at people with modern weapons.

In most countries they try to use water-cannons.

But, not prehistoric Israel, they got to massacre Palestinians with pure Terroristic force.

I'd load one with napalm.
So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

WTF are you mumbling about?

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Winners do with losers what they wish.

As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal, they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting, and even wish to usher in the Biblical Babble Nuclear Holocaust because the Bible says.
As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal

Primal? LOL!
Realistic. Knowledgeable about history.

they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting,

You mean like the Muzzie conquest of the Middle East?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

Oh the poor Jews needed help.
Nazis are vile anti-Semites.

But, now that the Palestinians need help from Zionist butchers.

Oh the poor Jews need help.
Palestinians are vile anti-Semites.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons, who are violent predators who love the power of looting, and shooting?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.
LMFAO, if Israel is defending themselves, so are the Palestinians.

Israel was the killer of terror not Palestine.

if Israel is defending themselves

If? Tens of thousands of violent Muzzies, I know, I repeat myself, trying to cross the border fence?
I'd use napalm.

The real violence was from Terrorist Israel with no maimed, or killed,... Killing, or maiming over 1,000 Palestinians who were protesting the Embassy.

Well, yeah, you fucking idiots are throwing rocks at people with modern weapons.

In most countries they try to use water-cannons.

But, not prehistoric Israel, they got to massacre Palestinians with pure Terroristic force.

I'd load one with napalm.

You're a Terrorist scum, like many of the Zionists on this thread.

This thread has made you Zionists look like complete predator, ignorant, savages.

Do continue.
Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

WTF are you mumbling about?

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Winners do with losers what they wish.

As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal, they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting, and even wish to usher in the Biblical Babble Nuclear Holocaust because the Bible says.
You mean like the Muzzie conquest of the Middle East?

I've specifically outlined Muslim crimes against Humanity.

But, today the real crimes against Humanity are by the Zionists.
Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Nations and peoples have been conquered for millenia and then that land goes to the victors. This isn't some new revelation.

That doesn't make it right.

Many people including some Jews since WW2, have fought to end conquests, look at the Sanctions against Russia for invading a Crimea which was majority Russian, without killing anyone.
a Milosevic Clinton bombed who Milosevic's Yugoslavia who retaliated to Bosniak Massacres, to help keep together Yugoslavia, while he might've done wrong, ultimately less were killed than under Milosevic, then the beloved Lincoln of America.

So, WTF?

Why is it Jewish Zionists get away with it, eh?

Israel should have annexed everything taken in 1967. There would not be a problem today.
...Anglo dreg Zionists down South...



down South


Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... somebody ed-u-ma-cate this poor fool...


It's painful to watch..

Anglo Zionists sadly often care less about Americans, and more about giving money to Israel, and Zionist wars which waste American lives, and tax dollars, and then these Anglo Zionists fight their own American brothers, and sisters in need of aid, and healthcare.............. Then have the chutzpah to behave as if this is some kind of true-patriotism.
Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Nations and peoples have been conquered for millenia and then that land goes to the victors. This isn't some new revelation.

That doesn't make it right.

Many people including some Jews since WW2, have fought to end conquests, look at the Sanctions against Russia for invading a Crimea which was majority Russian, without killing anyone.
a Milosevic Clinton bombed who Milosevic's Yugoslavia who retaliated to Bosniak Massacres, to help keep together Yugoslavia, while he might've done wrong, ultimately less were killed than under Milosevic, then the beloved Lincoln of America.

So, WTF?

Why is it Jewish Zionists get away with it, eh?

Israel should have annexed everything taken in 1967. There would not be a problem today.

I could use a Hitler Holocaust analogy, but I won't because I actually know right, from wrong.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

Trump lighted the fuse, and he alone created the current crisis.

The ME has been a powder keg for decades, and every rational person knew moving the US Embassy would create ;violence and deaths; and create a deeper hatred for those intent on killing American citizens.

Netanyahu has put our nation at great risk, and he knows it. Sadly, our Commander-in-Chief is not capable of sagacious thinking nor understand the Realpolitik - as have many of the other nations in the ME, along with France and Germany.

Trump did none of the sort and our nation isn't at risk. Your melodrama is laughable and sad at the same time.

Next time you fly tell the HS Agent we are not at risk, thus You do not need to show your ID or take off you belt and shoes.
Israel did steal Palestine

Israel didn't steal it.
It was owned by the Ottomans.
The allies won it in WW1.
The allies gave part to form Jordan and part to form Israel.

So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Nations and peoples have been conquered for millenia and then that land goes to the victors. This isn't some new revelation.

That doesn't make it right.

Many people including some Jews since WW2, have fought to end conquests, look at the Sanctions against Russia for invading a Crimea which was majority Russian, without killing anyone.
a Milosevic Clinton bombed who Milosevic's Yugoslavia who retaliated to Bosniak Massacres, to help keep together Yugoslavia, while he might've done wrong, ultimately less were killed than under Milosevic, then the beloved Lincoln of America.

So, WTF?

Why is it Jewish Zionists get away with it, eh?

Israel should have annexed everything taken in 1967. There would not be a problem today.

I could use a Hitler Holocaust analogy, but I won't because I actually know right, from wrong.

Someone's right is invariably someone else's wrong.
So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Nations and peoples have been conquered for millenia and then that land goes to the victors. This isn't some new revelation.

That doesn't make it right.

Many people including some Jews since WW2, have fought to end conquests, look at the Sanctions against Russia for invading a Crimea which was majority Russian, without killing anyone.
a Milosevic Clinton bombed who Milosevic's Yugoslavia who retaliated to Bosniak Massacres, to help keep together Yugoslavia, while he might've done wrong, ultimately less were killed than under Milosevic, then the beloved Lincoln of America.

So, WTF?

Why is it Jewish Zionists get away with it, eh?

Israel should have annexed everything taken in 1967. There would not be a problem today.

I could use a Hitler Holocaust analogy, but I won't because I actually know right, from wrong.

Someone's right is invariably someone else's wrong.

Zionists have probably killed more than the Holocaust did, especially considering Eichmann the Nazi behind the Holocaust was a Zionist.

I think Zionists are extremely offensive, crude, violent, dangerous, lesser beings.

I mean many Nazis wanted a World without Jews, that's wrong.

But, many Zionists want a World without anything but it's End of Days, in a Israel promoted Nuclear Apocalypse.

That's way worse, the Zionist has become the ultimate evil.
So, if the Zionist states of America is defeated.

WTF are you mumbling about?

Can they create a part of America to create say a Cajun, Native American, or Mexican state on the U.S.A because of these groups being there before America existed?

Winners do with losers what they wish.

As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal, they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting, and even wish to usher in the Biblical Babble Nuclear Holocaust because the Bible says.
As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal

Primal? LOL!
Realistic. Knowledgeable about history.

they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting,

You mean like the Muzzie conquest of the Middle East?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

Oh the poor Jews needed help.
Nazis are vile anti-Semites.

But, now that the Palestinians need help from Zionist butchers.

Oh the poor Jews need help.
Palestinians are vile anti-Semites.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons, who are violent predators who love the power of looting, and shooting?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.
if Israel is defending themselves

If? Tens of thousands of violent Muzzies, I know, I repeat myself, trying to cross the border fence?
I'd use napalm.

The real violence was from Terrorist Israel with no maimed, or killed,... Killing, or maiming over 1,000 Palestinians who were protesting the Embassy.

Well, yeah, you fucking idiots are throwing rocks at people with modern weapons.

In most countries they try to use water-cannons.

But, not prehistoric Israel, they got to massacre Palestinians with pure Terroristic force.

I'd load one with napalm.

You're a Terrorist scum, like many of the Zionists on this thread.

This thread has made you Zionists look like complete predator, ignorant, savages.

Do continue.

You're a Terrorist scum,

Nah, that's the Muzzie savages.
As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal, they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting, and even wish to usher in the Biblical Babble Nuclear Holocaust because the Bible says.
As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal

Primal? LOL!
Realistic. Knowledgeable about history.

they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting,

You mean like the Muzzie conquest of the Middle East?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

Oh the poor Jews needed help.
Nazis are vile anti-Semites.

But, now that the Palestinians need help from Zionist butchers.

Oh the poor Jews need help.
Palestinians are vile anti-Semites.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons, who are violent predators who love the power of looting, and shooting?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.
The real violence was from Terrorist Israel with no maimed, or killed,... Killing, or maiming over 1,000 Palestinians who were protesting the Embassy.

Well, yeah, you fucking idiots are throwing rocks at people with modern weapons.

In most countries they try to use water-cannons.

But, not prehistoric Israel, they got to massacre Palestinians with pure Terroristic force.

I'd load one with napalm.

You're a Terrorist scum, like many of the Zionists on this thread.

This thread has made you Zionists look like complete predator, ignorant, savages.

Do continue.

You're a Terrorist scum,

Nah, that's the Muzzie savages.

There's Muslim terrorist savages , and Zionist terrorist savages.

You're a supporter of Zionist terrorism.

I on the other hand wish our stupid country would've stayed neutral in Mid-East affairs, but kept out both Jews, and Muslims as terrorist risk issues.
As I suspect, almost all Zionists are very primal

Primal? LOL!
Realistic. Knowledgeable about history.

they like might is right, the power of looting, and shooting,

You mean like the Muzzie conquest of the Middle East?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

Oh the poor Jews needed help.
Nazis are vile anti-Semites.

But, now that the Palestinians need help from Zionist butchers.

Oh the poor Jews need help.
Palestinians are vile anti-Semites.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons, who are violent predators who love the power of looting, and shooting?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.
So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

Oh the poor Jews needed help.
Nazis are vile anti-Semites.

But, now that the Palestinians need help from Zionist butchers.

Oh the poor Jews need help.
Palestinians are vile anti-Semites.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons, who are violent predators who love the power of looting, and shooting?

So, then why did America fight to end the Nazis, eh?

They were our enemy.

Maybe the problem is Zionists are easily brainwashed simpletons,

The Polish moron calling someone, anyone, a simpleton.....Priceless!!!

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

They were horrible, now the Zionists are horrible.

It seems you Chimpo Zionists don't know your ass from your elbows.

You are immoral, savages.

The U.S.A defeated Nazis, why?

Because the Nazis were our enemy.

They were horrible

Kind of like Muzzies.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

The Zionist Liberals like Reagan, and W !Bush let in tons of illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees, and who knows what else.

Then they go to war killing Americans.

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

When everty f*ckin time, over, and over again they are Muslims living in America, like they were in 9/11, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino, Fort Hood,or the Pulse Nightclub attack.

All Muslims the Zionist Presidents let in.

Furthermore the British Americans aren't much better, look at people like Stephen Paddock, Dylan Roof, Mcveigh, and Nichols, James Fields, Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, or James Holmes.

The real enemy is the Zionists.

Are the Zionists the cause of all your failures in life?

Some how the Muslims in Iran are the problem.

Not somehow, they're terror supporting savages.

There's nothing more terrorist, or genocidal, or anti-American concerning us with the government of Iran, than with the government of Israel.

This is a fabrication made by Zionists, and their pitiful sub-Human followers

So, because Saudis hijacked planes and did 9/11? Those Saudi Terrorists were let in by our Zionist overlord politicians who let the Islamists into America ,

It's somehow Iran, or Palestine which must suffer a genocide, eh?

Talk about losers.

It's clear that many American Protestants are just the Neg-scretments Europe didn't want.

You are very much sub-Humans, and incapable of rational, factual, or logical opinions.
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