Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Destruction is caused by Israel to the region and Palestine. Same goes for the US , we caused and still causing much of the destruction in the world. Since wiping out your kind as you claim to be native that I highly doubt.
Wow, spoken like a true anti-colonialist or regular attendee at Jeremiah Wright's church....

1) How is Israel causing the destruction of the region?

As I said, the Arabs and Muslims mimic Progressives' refusal to accept the outcome of the 2016 election in that they refuse to accept the creation and recognition of Israel back in the late 1940s. Instead of accepting it as a 'done-deal'....some 70 years later....the violent terrorist nations refuse to 'make nice' and work together to get along. Instead they have sworn the Genocide of Israel - it is their own Charters, and they refuse to change it / get rid of it. They are just as committed to seeing Israel destroyed as the Democrats are sworn to be Obstructionists as long as Trump is in the WH and the GOP run Congress.

2) I would agree to you in one thing - I do not believe the US should be in so many countries as we are...however, the average American only knows the 'skin-deep' picture of the world / Middle east, they know nothing of the true workings of terrorists and groups hostile to the US. Many say, "We should get out and leave them alone - what can they do to us?" Does '9/11/01' ring a bell?

The US gives excuse for being in so many nations - and we have the history and thousands of dead Americans to justify it. It is easy to believe if we just leave, go back to the US, & 'play nice' everyone will like us and leave us alone - that is proven to be stupid, naïve outlook that has resulted in many attacks and over 3,000 dead Americans killed by radicals who want to see us dead for no other reasons than we are not believers of Islam and we breathe.

Specifics? After 9/11/01 I was for going in to Afghanistan, was against Iraq. Both, however, were approved by Congress and entered/fought Constitutionally. IMO, we had no business helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country in Libya, even if the war was Constitutional / approved by Congress, which it was NOT. I was / am also totally against the un-Constitutional war and invasion into Syria. There is no way in hell Putin lets Al-Assad there is absolutely ZERO reason to be there in the Middle of a civil war, uninvited, in the midst of no less than 6 different factions fighting for different causes / objectives. (At one point our DOD was supporting one side who was fighting another supported by our

I believe in Kennedy and his philosophy that the US would / will bear any burden, pay any price to stand with those who struggle / fight for freedom. If we sit back and watch those sparks / lights go out one by one we will wake one day to see that we are the lone light left in the world and will be overcome by darkness with no allies to stand at our side. In today's world, though, there is no 'ally' one can trust 100% - every nation thins of their own 1st, for the own survival, and most/almost all have varying degrees of loyalty.

Israel has had little reason to trust the United States the last 8 years, as Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, defended, protected, and even dragged the US into 2 un-Constitutional wars to assist TERRORISTS - our enemies and the enemies of our allies - take over their own countries and grow again around the world. Obama even used US tax dollars to attempt to do what he himself complained Russia tried to do to us - inject himself into Israel's election and attempt to effect the outcome - Obama attempted to meddle in Israel's election to oust of course Israel and Netanyahu did not completely trust the US. Obama helped protect Hezbollah Drug ops, gave millions in cash and supplies for Hamas to rebuild after their aggressive war and 'defeat' at the hands of Israel..... You don't want to help nations like Israel...then stop helping their / OUR enemies like Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood ,the Hakani Network, the Taliban, etc....

Finally, who the hell is still 'wiping out my kind'? Last I heard it was still illegal to kill a native American, so wtf are you talking about?
You clueless about recent history and the region. And there is no way in hell you are a native and of you are , you are a sell out and every oppressed group has them...even some Jews helped Hitler in his plots. I'm disgusted by your kind.
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Last edited:
That's where you get twisted....Egyptian government doesn't represent the people so are all other Arab governments. It wont last forever. I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
"If you mean to have a war, then let it begin here."
You want the messiah to come back fast dont you?
You clueless about recent history and the region. And there is no way in hell you are a native and of you are , you are a sell out and every oppressed group has them...even some Jews helped Hitler in his plots. I'm disgusted by your kind.
Dude, I am laughing EXTREMELY hard right now because you REALLY don't know how far you are off on EVERY comment you just maid.

'My kind'? ROFLOL! You have no clue what 'my kind' is, what I do, or my area of expertise...which makes your last comment so unbelievably stupid / funny.
It's hilarious that considering that
WillHaftawaite thumbs upped Fncceo.
fights against racist opinions, but doesn't care when racist Zionist Israel kills Palestinians.

There are no "Palestinians", as there is not nor has ever been a nation called Palestine.

Isn't that what many Nazis said, and still say about Poland?

Zionists are Colonialist scums, only 1.7% of Palestine was even Jewish in the year 1517.

A bunch of Jewish immigrants speaking Yiddish stole Palestine.
I think this subject is above your head. You Pollacks dont have the intellectual capacity to understand these things. I wish you guys could be could be more like jews.
That's where you get twisted....Egyptian government doesn't represent the people so are all other Arab governments. It wont last forever. I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
"If you mean to have a war, then let it begin here."
You want the messiah to come back fast dont you?
"If you mean to have a war, then let it begin here." - right, Achmed?
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quit grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Stop it, yer scarin' us, Abdul...
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Yo retard, the End of Days is from the NT people.
It's hilarious that considering that
WillHaftawaite thumbs upped Fncceo.
fights against racist opinions, but doesn't care when racist Zionist Israel kills Palestinians.

There are no "Palestinians", as there is not nor has ever been a nation called Palestine.

Isn't that what many Nazis said, and still say about Poland?

Zionists are Colonialist scums, only 1.7% of Palestine was even Jewish in the year 1517.

A bunch of Jewish immigrants speaking Yiddish stole Palestine.
I think this subject is above your head. You Pollacks dont have the intellectual capacity to understand these things. I wish you guys could be could be more like jews.

Be more like Jews?

Jews influenced almost all of the World's problems, the Abrahamic Faiths, Marxists, Zionists, Nuclear Bombs, Chemical Warfare, etc. etc.

Most Jews are clearly kind of Autistic, they are Black, and White thinkers, who lack abstract thought..
You know who else dropped leaflets to people they wanted to exterminate?
-- The Nazis, that's who.

You know who else dropped leaflets?

After ISIS bombed Paris, the French and Russians launched air strikes against ISIS Black Market Oil Production facilities, site Obama had protected up until that point, facilities that funded 1/2 of ISIS' terrorist attacks, like the attack on Paris.

Did the US join in? No. Barry had our military drop leaflets down to ISIS to let them know the attack was coming. You know who also does that? TRAITORS!
After ISIS perpetrated the worst attack on France since WWII, Barry felt extremely compassionate for the poor terrorists driving the ISIS Black Market oil industry trucks that moved the terrorist oil to sale, funding 1/2 of its terrorist operation - like the attack on Paris they had just perpetrated - that Barry wanted to drop leaflets down to the poor, unfortunate TERRORIST truck drivers, warning them of the attack coming.

These guys were not suicide bombers or gunmen, Obama thought. they were the 'nicer' members of ISIS' terrorist organization.... And once he dropped those leaflets the BAD ISIS guys would not find out an attack was coming, giving them time to prepare some, putting the lives of coalition pilots / forces in jeopardy....

The TRAITOR betrayed the coalition, warned our enemy - the enemy that had just attacked Paris - that air strikes were coming, and put coalition lives in make sure the poor wittle terrorists were not caught by surprise and hopefully allow some of them to escape.......


WHY was Obama refusing to allow the coalition to strike / destroy ISIS Black Market oil facilities before then? WHY was he protecting ISIS' ability to fund their terrorist ops? Flash forward to later when Obama agreed to protect Hezbollah drug ops to ingratiate himself with Iran to try t get them to agree to sign onto his 'deal'! BARRY WAS PROTECTNIG TERRORIST / ENEMY OIL PRODUCTION / HELPING TERRORISTS!
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Yo retard, the End of Days is from the NT people.

Weren't Paul, and Matthew both Jewish Christian Converts?
It's hilarious that considering that
WillHaftawaite thumbs upped Fncceo.
fights against racist opinions, but doesn't care when racist Zionist Israel kills Palestinians.

There are no "Palestinians", as there is not nor has ever been a nation called Palestine.

Isn't that what many Nazis said, and still say about Poland?

Zionists are Colonialist scums, only 1.7% of Palestine was even Jewish in the year 1517.

A bunch of Jewish immigrants speaking Yiddish stole Palestine.
I think this subject is above your head. You Pollacks dont have the intellectual capacity to understand these things. I wish you guys could be could be more like jews.

Be more like Jews?

Jews influenced almost all of the World's problems, the Abrahamic Faiths, Marxists, Zionists, Nuclear Bombs, Chemical Warfare, etc. etc.

Most Jews are clearly kind of Autistic, they are Black, and White thinkers, who lack abstract thought..
What? No, jews are awesome. You only believe that because you Pollacks are dumb and inferior people. You could learn a lot from superior jews.
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
I sick of you attacking Israel and defending the enemies of Christ.

While there are indeed godless Jews who are descendants of those who danced around the golden calf, Gods promise remains.

Palestine is a myth. No one ever said a thing about "Palestinians" when Egypt controlled the region, or when Jordan controlled the region.

Dont tell me Jews were never in the land of Canaan, and then claim to be a believer.

This Zionist crap you spew are the words of the evil left. Period.

So, because some Palestinian Arabs are pro-Christ Christians, and most of the rest are neutral, or even positive on Christ seeing him as a Prophet of Islam.

The anti-Christs are the Israeli Jews, their texts believe Jesus Christ is boiling in excrement in the Jewish Hell.

The real Jewish Christ supporters probably all converted long ago, and became Palestinian Christians.

As usual Yokel Hicks are big on violence, and small on thinking.
I am no hick and I can and do defend the Catholic Faith. I have a good understanding of the history and I also believe if Christ is Lord, that there is to be ONE CHURCH. Just as there is ONE BODY.

However, muslims are anti Christ. They kill the follower of the Nazarene. Jews are not Systematically trying to wipe out Christianity.

You siding with the muslims, is you siding the enemies of Christ. Period.

Palestine was named under emperor Vespasian, who was the Emperor that destroyd the temple in 70 ad. Long before islam was an idea.
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quit grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Stop it, yer scarin' us, Abdul...

Most Europeans don't care about Israel much if at all in a favorable light.

If anything more Europeans are neutral to negative on Israel.

Only Anglo dreg Zionists down South think that Israel is more important than their own America.
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Yo retard, the End of Days is from the NT people.

Weren't Paul, and Matthew both Jewish Christian Converts?
Not Matthew.
And I told you this yesterday, but you’re a bullshitting Jew hater who repeats bullshit all day.
What is there to investigate, Israel dropped leaflets telling them not to assault the border. The warning was ignored and the Israelis were attacked with rocks and firebombs as people attempted to breach the border, Israel defended themselves.


You know who else dropped leaflets to people they wanted to exterminate?

The Nazis, that's who.

You did? Amazing!


Zionists resemble Nazis the most of just about any states of today.

I've specifically stated on every web-site I've posted on, that Nazism was a great failure.

Nazism not only killed, tortured, and enslaved mostly "White Christians"

Nazism also ultimately backfired, and created a Liberal (ANTIFA) type of backlash.

I guess you;re trying to do it right this time. You're one sick puppy.


More like I want a U.S.A which isn't filled with retarded, violent Zionists who think we should itch for a Nuclear Apocalypse with Iran, and who these Zionists call for refugees, and open borders, because some Terrorists from Saudi Arabia living in the U.S.A did 9/11.

Like I said, you're one sick puppy, the only one I see who is nuke obsessed is you. You're the one pushing for death and destruction.
We're done.

It's hilarious that considering that
WillHaftawaite thumbs upped Fncceo.
fights against racist opinions, but doesn't care when racist Zionist Israel kills Palestinians.

There are no "Palestinians", as there is not nor has ever been a nation called Palestine.

Isn't that what many Nazis said, and still say about Poland?

Zionists are Colonialist scums, only 1.7% of Palestine was even Jewish in the year 1517.

A bunch of Jewish immigrants speaking Yiddish stole Palestine.
I think this subject is above your head. You Pollacks dont have the intellectual capacity to understand these things. I wish you guys could be could be more like jews.

Be more like Jews?

Jews influenced almost all of the World's problems, the Abrahamic Faiths, Marxists, Zionists, Nuclear Bombs, Chemical Warfare, etc. etc.

Most Jews are clearly kind of Autistic, they are Black, and White thinkers, who lack abstract thought..
What? No, jews are awesome. You only believe that because you Pollacks are dumb and inferior people. You could learn a lot from superior jews.

Jews are horrible, they killed as Communists I.E a NKVD which was run, and founded by Jewish Genrikh Yagoda, and more Jewish than Russian, now as Zionists kill as terrorists, as the British Empire with Disraeli's Late Victorian Holocausts, they funded the American slave trades with Jewish Lehman Broithers, and they exterminated Selk'nam Natives to virtual extinction with Jew Julius Popper.

Jews are also dumb, they are Liberal, and Zionist scums, who work against their own interest.
You know who else dropped leaflets to people they wanted to exterminate?

The Nazis, that's who.

You did? Amazing!


Zionists resemble Nazis the most of just about any states of today.

I've specifically stated on every web-site I've posted on, that Nazism was a great failure.

Nazism not only killed, tortured, and enslaved mostly "White Christians"

Nazism also ultimately backfired, and created a Liberal (ANTIFA) type of backlash.

I guess you;re trying to do it right this time. You're one sick puppy.


More like I want a U.S.A which isn't filled with retarded, violent Zionists who think we should itch for a Nuclear Apocalypse with Iran, and who these Zionists call for refugees, and open borders, because some Terrorists from Saudi Arabia living in the U.S.A did 9/11.

Like I said, you're one sick puppy, the only one I see who is nuke obsessed is you. You're the one pushing for death and destruction.
We're done.


I am against the U.S.A getting involved in Mid-East affairs, and that makes me pushing for death, and destruction?

Rather than you Zionist Apes, who call for an Apocalypse because the Bible says so?

You are the terrorist, genocidal trash, the Zionists.
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
I sick of you attacking Israel and defending the enemies of Christ.

While there are indeed godless Jews who are descendants of those who danced around the golden calf, Gods promise remains.

Palestine is a myth. No one ever said a thing about "Palestinians" when Egypt controlled the region, or when Jordan controlled the region.

Dont tell me Jews were never in the land of Canaan, and then claim to be a believer.

This Zionist crap you spew are the words of the evil left. Period.

So, because some Palestinian Arabs are pro-Christ Christians, and most of the rest are neutral, or even positive on Christ seeing him as a Prophet of Islam.

The anti-Christs are the Israeli Jews, their texts believe Jesus Christ is boiling in excrement in the Jewish Hell.

The real Jewish Christ supporters probably all converted long ago, and became Palestinian Christians.

As usual Yokel Hicks are big on violence, and small on thinking.
I am no hick and I can and do defend the Catholic Faith. I have a good understanding of the history and I also believe if Christ is Lord, that there is to be ONE CHURCH. Just as there is ONE BODY.

However, muslims are anti Christ. They kill the follower of the Nazarene. Jews are not Systematically trying to wipe out Christianity.

You siding with the muslims, is you siding the enemies of Christ. Period.

Palestine was named under emperor Vespasian, who was the Emperor that destroyd the temple in 70 ad. Long before islam was an idea.

Jews are the anti-Christs, they not only rejected Jesus while living in Christian nations for over 1,000 years, they wrote in the Talmud that Jesus Christ is Boiling in Excrement in the Jewish Hell.
Zionists are the #1 predators of all time, and this Zionist killing of Palestine is just a small sliver.

I don't want the Zionists to fulfill their evil Biblical end of days.

The other day I sniffed beautiful smelling Purple Lilacs, Nature is good.

The other day I ate awesome Polish pierogies, Food is good.

The other day I drank awesome local Beer Captain Lawrence, Beer is good.

The other day I pet my Cat, the fuzzy-wussy is good.

I can't quite grasp what would possess someone to support the Apocalypse because the Bible might've warned us about it?
Yo retard, the End of Days is from the NT people.

Weren't Paul, and Matthew both Jewish Christian Converts?
Not Matthew.
And I told you this yesterday, but you’re a bullshitting Jew hater who repeats bullshit all day.

Blame everybody but ethnic Jews.

Zionism must be someone else's fault too, right?

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