Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

What great allies the U.S.A, and Israel are.

Zionists are clearly mega-simpletons.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

What great allies the U.S.A, and Israel are.

Zionists are clearly mega-simpletons.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat

Israel spies on us. We spy on them. We spy on every country. Every country spies on us. How naive are you?
Forget country 'A' officially nukes country 'B'.

Iran gets enough uranium to create a Dirty Bomb...for starters. They give the dirty Bomb to their surrogate terrorist army. They get it into a container bound for NY Harbor....>BOOM<. NY Harbor is contaminated, NY FUBAR...for a long time....and Iran has plausible deniability.....'Wasn't me'.... No one to launch missile / air strikes against.....

How has Zionism solved terrorism against our New York?

Pretty much (Mostly) Southerner Protestants support wars, genocide, sanctions, terrorism against Muslims.

Then our New York gets the blow-back of terrorism from the Muslims you helped piss off.
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

So,the UN was good when it created Israel, but the UN is bad when it calls to investigate Israeli terroristic massacres?

Wow, what consistency on your behalf.
The UN never created Israel, the Jews who lived there did. When the UK told the UN it was withdrawing from the Mandate and no other country stepped forward to take the job, the UNGA sought a solution that it hoped would avoid war, but it was only a recommendation. Israel accepted the UN's recommendation and declared statehood, and the Arabs rejected the UN's recommendation, however the UN refused to recognize the new state of Israel until 1949 when Israel had the Arab armies on the run, and the UN offered to recognize Israel is Israel would accept a ceasefire. The Jews created the state of Israel and the UN only reluctantly recognized it.
Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

What great allies the U.S.A, and Israel are.

Zionists are clearly mega-simpletons.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat

Israel spies on us. We spy on them. We spy on every country. Every country spies on us. How naive are you?

Boy oh boy, we just got to love terrorist Israel, because Bible says the Apocalypse is coming, and the Messiah will come.
"Plays Banjo music"

Meanwhile Israel does nothing but betray us.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China
Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

What great allies the U.S.A, and Israel are.

Zionists are clearly mega-simpletons.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat

Israel spies on us. We spy on them. We spy on every country. Every country spies on us. How naive are you?

Boy oh boy, we just got to love terrorist Israel, because Bible says the Apocalypse is coming, and the Messiah will come.
"Plays Banjo music"

Meanwhile Israel does nothing but betray us.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

You're starting to get emotional. The jews rejected the messiah when he rode in on an ass. Did you forget that? No one ever said the jews were perfect. Were they playing banjos in the old testament? I thought that was more southern appalachia.
Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

So,the UN was good when it created Israel, but the UN is bad when it calls to investigate Israeli terroristic massacres?

Wow, what consistency on your behalf.
The UN never created Israel, the Jews who lived there did. When the UK told the UN it was withdrawing from the Mandate and no other country stepped forward to take the job, the UNGA sought a solution that it hoped would avoid war, but it was only a recommendation. Israel accepted the UN's recommendation and declared statehood, and the Arabs rejected the UN's recommendation, however the UN refused to recognize the new state of Israel until 1949 when Israel had the Arab armies on the run, and the UN offered to recognize Israel is Israel would accept a ceasefire. The Jews created the state of Israel and the UN only reluctantly recognized it.

Creation of Israel State

Creation of Israel, 1948. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.

The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem. At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed the new State of Israel.

Recognition of the State of Israel
The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

What great allies the U.S.A, and Israel are.

Zionists are clearly mega-simpletons.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat

Israel spies on us. We spy on them. We spy on every country. Every country spies on us. How naive are you?

Boy oh boy, we just got to love terrorist Israel, because Bible says the Apocalypse is coming, and the Messiah will come.
"Plays Banjo music"

Meanwhile Israel does nothing but betray us.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

You're starting to get emotional. The jews rejected the messiah when he rode in on an ass. Did you forget that? No one ever said the jews were perfect. Were they playing banjos in the old testament? I thought that was more southern appalachia.

The Zionists are the #1 evil from where I stand.

Apart from Zionists on this thread overwhelmingly supporting this Terrorist attack massacre of the OP, or some Zionists here calling for genocide, terrorism, massacres, Nukes, war, and an Apocalypse for the Zion.

Everyone from Zionist Eichmann the Architect of the Holocaust killed 6 million, to Zionist Churchill the Architect of the Bengali terror famine genocide of 3 million killed, and the Dresden Fire-bombing of 25,000 + killed , and the terrorist Soviet reprisals in Eastern Europe from Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences to kill 1,000,000's in East, and Central Europe, to LBJ's Vietnam War genocide killing , or maiming about 1/3rd of Vietnam, to H.W Bush's genocide in Iraq killing 200,000 , and W Bush's genocide in Iraq killing 100,000, and then there goes Israel with over 100,000 killed.

Zionists are the #1 evil.

A lot of Zionists even want to destroy the whole World in an apocalypse, so they're even worse than Nazis, and Soviets etc.
Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

So,the UN was good when it created Israel, but the UN is bad when it calls to investigate Israeli terroristic massacres?

Wow, what consistency on your behalf.
The UN never created Israel, the Jews who lived there did. When the UK told the UN it was withdrawing from the Mandate and no other country stepped forward to take the job, the UNGA sought a solution that it hoped would avoid war, but it was only a recommendation. Israel accepted the UN's recommendation and declared statehood, and the Arabs rejected the UN's recommendation, however the UN refused to recognize the new state of Israel until 1949 when Israel had the Arab armies on the run, and the UN offered to recognize Israel is Israel would accept a ceasefire. The Jews created the state of Israel and the UN only reluctantly recognized it.

Creation of Israel State

Creation of Israel, 1948. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.

The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem. At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed the new State of Israel.

Recognition of the State of Israel
But here's the catch 22, the partition resolution also dissolved the Mandate, so that the UN no longer had any jurisdiction over the territory and that made its plan for two states merely a recommendation. What if there had been no partition resolution and the UN had simply pulled out? The Arab armies would have invaded and been defeated and there would have been the new state of Israel.

After the Balfour declaration the League of Nations Mandate promising a homeland for the Jews within that Mandate, the UK, League of Nations and UN did everything they could to try to stop it from happening and it as only when the UN had no choice but to withdraw that it reluctantly suggested a Jewish state in the hope it would prevent war.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

What great allies the U.S.A, and Israel are.

Zionists are clearly mega-simpletons.

NSA spying on Israel: This is how you treat your enemies

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat

Israel spies on us. We spy on them. We spy on every country. Every country spies on us. How naive are you?

Boy oh boy, we just got to love terrorist Israel, because Bible says the Apocalypse is coming, and the Messiah will come.
"Plays Banjo music"

Meanwhile Israel does nothing but betray us.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

You're starting to get emotional. The jews rejected the messiah when he rode in on an ass. Did you forget that? No one ever said the jews were perfect. Were they playing banjos in the old testament? I thought that was more southern appalachia.

The Zionists are the #1 evil from where I stand.

Apart from Zionists on this thread overwhelmingly supporting this Terrorist attack massacre of the OP, or some Zionists here calling for genocide, terrorism, massacres, Nukes, war, and an Apocalypse for the Zion.

Everyone from Zionist Eichmann the Architect of the Holocaust killed 6 million, to Zionist Churchill the Architect of the Bengali terror famine genocide of 3 million killed, and the Dresden Fire-bombing of 25,000 + killed , and the terrorist Soviet reprisals in Eastern Europe from Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences to kill 1,000,000's in East, and Central Europe, to LBJ's Vietnam War genocide killing , or maiming about 1/3rd of Vietnam, to H.W Bush's genocide in Iraq killing 200,000 , and W Bush's genocide in Iraq killing 100,000, and then there goes Israel with over 100,000 killed.

Zionists are the #1 evil.

A lot of Zionists even want to destroy the whole World in an apocalypse, so they're even worse than Nazis, and Soviets etc.

I tallied up those numbers. That's still several hundred million behind.

Israel spies on us. We spy on them. We spy on every country. Every country spies on us. How naive are you?

Boy oh boy, we just got to love terrorist Israel, because Bible says the Apocalypse is coming, and the Messiah will come.
"Plays Banjo music"

Meanwhile Israel does nothing but betray us.

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

You're starting to get emotional. The jews rejected the messiah when he rode in on an ass. Did you forget that? No one ever said the jews were perfect. Were they playing banjos in the old testament? I thought that was more southern appalachia.

The Zionists are the #1 evil from where I stand.

Apart from Zionists on this thread overwhelmingly supporting this Terrorist attack massacre of the OP, or some Zionists here calling for genocide, terrorism, massacres, Nukes, war, and an Apocalypse for the Zion.

Everyone from Zionist Eichmann the Architect of the Holocaust killed 6 million, to Zionist Churchill the Architect of the Bengali terror famine genocide of 3 million killed, and the Dresden Fire-bombing of 25,000 + killed , and the terrorist Soviet reprisals in Eastern Europe from Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences to kill 1,000,000's in East, and Central Europe, to LBJ's Vietnam War genocide killing , or maiming about 1/3rd of Vietnam, to H.W Bush's genocide in Iraq killing 200,000 , and W Bush's genocide in Iraq killing 100,000, and then there goes Israel with over 100,000 killed.

Zionists are the #1 evil.

A lot of Zionists even want to destroy the whole World in an apocalypse, so they're even worse than Nazis, and Soviets etc.

I tallied up those numbers. That's still several hundred million behind.

Persian, and Turkic Muslims of Central / South Asia did kill 100,000's of millions of Indian Hindus.

However, that was also in about a 500 year period.

So, Zionists are well on their way to working on what Muslims had killed, and have probably surpassed their 1 century record.

I don't think many of them called for a Zionist Apocalypse or end of days as being "Good'

Also Britain killed 10's of millions in Indians under the Raj India.

The worst of it happened in the Great Victorian Holocausts, when a British Jewish Zionist named Benjamin Disraeli ran India.
What is there to investigate, Israel dropped leaflets telling them not to assault the border. The warning was ignored and the Israelis were attacked with rocks and firebombs as people attempted to breach the border, Israel defended themselves.


You know who else dropped leaflets to people they wanted to exterminate?

The Nazis, that's who.

You did? Amazing!

I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
It doesn't take much to 'inflict' hate in the Arab/ Muslim world, especially when one believes their calling / destiny in the world is to convert everyone to Islam or behead / enslave them....
Not true. When muslims south of Europe why didnt they convert all the locals or slaughter them all ? Same as other areas. Why did the Jews fled to Muslim countries running away from the Christian's. And how come they kept their religion same with other minorities (druze, Coptic, orthodox,...).
I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
It doesn't take much to 'inflict' hate in the Arab/ Muslim world, especially when one believes their calling / destiny in the world is to convert everyone to Islam or behead / enslave them....
Not true. When muslims south of Europe why didnt they convert all the locals or slaughter them all ? Same as other areas. Why did the Jews fled to Muslim countries running away from the Christian's. And how come they kept their religion same with other minorities (druze, Coptic, orthodox,...).
I didn't say they all feel that way, Is...I am just talking about the radical violent haters / terrorists whose charter calls for the utter destruction of a people with no desire / option to earn to live together....
What is there to investigate, Israel dropped leaflets telling them not to assault the border. The warning was ignored and the Israelis were attacked with rocks and firebombs as people attempted to breach the border, Israel defended themselves.


You know who else dropped leaflets to people they wanted to exterminate?

The Nazis, that's who.

You did? Amazing!


Zionists resemble Nazis the most of just about any states of today.

I've specifically stated on every web-site I've posted on, that Nazism was a great failure.

Nazism not only killed, tortured, and enslaved mostly "White Christians"

Nazism also ultimately backfired, and created a Liberal (ANTIFA) type of backlash.
I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
It doesn't take much to 'inflict' hate in the Arab/ Muslim world, especially when one believes their calling / destiny in the world is to convert everyone to Islam or behead / enslave them....
Not true. When muslims south of Europe why didnt they convert all the locals or slaughter them all ? Same as other areas. Why did the Jews fled to Muslim countries running away from the Christian's. And how come they kept their religion same with other minorities (druze, Coptic, orthodox,...).

British Anglos (Yuge Zionist supporters, as Donnie Drumpf would say) exterminated the Wappinger Native Americans of my New York region to total extinction, they did similar to Australoid Tasmanians, and a Jew Julius Popper (Probably a Zionut too) had orchestrated the Selk'nam genocide causing this Native tribe to basically vanish from the Earth.
Last edited:
I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
It doesn't take much to 'inflict' hate in the Arab/ Muslim world, especially when one believes their calling / destiny in the world is to convert everyone to Islam or behead / enslave them....
Not true. When muslims south of Europe why didnt they convert all the locals or slaughter them all ? Same as other areas. Why did the Jews fled to Muslim countries running away from the Christian's. And how come they kept their religion same with other minorities (druze, Coptic, orthodox,...).
I didn't say they all feel that way, Is...I am just talking about the radical violent haters / terrorists whose charter calls for the utter destruction of a people with no desire / option to earn to live together....
Destruction is caused by Israel to the region and Palestine. Same goes for the US , we caused and still causing much of the destruction in the world. Since wiping out your kind as you claim to be native that I highly doubt.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?
The more the better.
Muslims are Animals, eradicate them where they exist like the cock roaches they are.

Another Zionist genocidal, terrorist Animal Southern Hick, who calls for genocide, and thinks Israel's terrorism is "Cool".
And wanting to push Israel into the ocean is what? A good will gesture?
Fuck you.

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