Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.

There's no need to investigate. We know what's happening, the savages are sacrificing their own people for PR.
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
The UN has repeatedly shown itself to be incapable of rational thought and action with respect to Israel, so the US did the world a service in blocking another faux investigation by this irresponsible organization.

As if Zionists are the pinnacle of rational thought.

A.) Zionists defend over, and over Terrorist Israel's massacres of Palestinians like the OP.
But, somehow they are anti-Terrorist. I call BS.

B.)Oh, Zionists like W Bush, Wolfowitz, Pearle, and Cheney thought derp, derp let's get rid of Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein who was ANTI-IRAN, even a veteran that the U.S.A Zionists supported Hussein against Iran.

Once the Shiite hit the fan, Iran pushed it's Shiite influences into Iraq, as Iraq was a Shiite majority, which was ruled by Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein.

So, Zionists made a big, big, big mess.
Most Americans are Zionists. Polls consistently show that Americans support Israel over the Palestinians by 4 to 1. While there has been a rising tide of anti semitism in the Democratic Party, even now Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians by 2 to1, so when it comes to Israel, you could almost use the words Zionist and American interchangeably.

Were Bush, Cheney, et. al. Zionists? They probably were since most Americans are. That's why Obama, certainly no friend of Israel, had to pretend to be a supporter of Israel to be elected, in fact, to even get the Democratic nomination. Americans are Zionists and have been for a very long time. Deal with it.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
The UN has repeatedly shown itself to be incapable of rational thought and action with respect to Israel, so the US did the world a service in blocking another faux investigation by this irresponsible organization.

As if Zionists are the pinnacle of rational thought.

A.) Zionists defend over, and over Terrorist Israel's massacres of Palestinians like the OP.
But, somehow they are anti-Terrorist. I call BS.

B.)Oh, Zionists like W Bush, Wolfowitz, Pearle, and Cheney thought derp, derp let's get rid of Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein who was ANTI-IRAN, even a veteran that the U.S.A Zionists supported Hussein against Iran.

Once the Shiite hit the fan, Iran pushed it's Shiite influences into Iraq, as Iraq was a Shiite majority, which was ruled by Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein.

So, Zionists made a big, big, big mess.
Most Americans are Zionists. Polls consistently show that Americans support Israel over the Palestinians by 4 to 1. While there has been a rising tide of anti semitism in the Democratic Party, even now Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians by 2 to1, so when it comes to Israel, you could almost use the words Zionist and American interchangeably.

Were Bush, Cheney, et. al. Zionists? They probably were since most Americans are. That's why Obama, certainly no friend of Israel, had to pretend to be a supporter of Israel to be elected, in fact, to even get the Democratic nomination. Americans are Zionists and have been for a very long time. Deal with it.

Here's the thing, Hick Protestants might big supporters of Israel, and Trump.

But, Polish Americans like myself don't care about Israel, and were also big supporters of Trump.

You're not going to get Trump re-elected if you piss of Polish Americans between Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Indeed, I'm proud of my Polish Americans having a more sensible, and rational view than American Protestant hicks. Americans Today Survey Book 2012.pdf

There are deep disconnects between the Polish American opinion expressed in the survey and the general population on issues dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The respondents are overwhelmingly in favor of the two state solution to the crisis in the Middle East, while the general population is more divided on the issue. It is also apparent that the survey participants are much less sympathetic towards the state of Israel than the American public. While almost 60% of Americans declare their sympathy for the Israeli side of the conflict, only slightly more than 20% of Polish Americans surveyed express the same position. This does not mean that the Polish community in the U.S. is more sympathetic towards the plight of the Palestinians. In both the general population and among the Polish American respondents, slightly less than 20% sympathize with the Palestinians. Those in the survey are more likely to sympathize with both sides equally than the general populat
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

No, they didn't. Israel has been there for three thousand years.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

So,the UN was good when it created Israel, but the UN is bad when it calls to investigate Israeli terroristic massacres?

Wow, what consistency on your behalf.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

No, they didn't. Israel has been there for three thousand years.

LOL, You can't make this ignorance up.

Through out about 95% of recorded time of Jerusalem it has not been in Jewish hands.

If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

So,the UN was good when it created Israel, but the UN is bad when it calls to investigate Israeli terroristic massacres?

Wow, what consistency on your behalf.

The UN was good but no more. The US needs to leave that corrupt organization.
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

No, they didn't. Israel has been there for three thousand years.

LOL, You can't make this ignorance up.

Through out about 95% of recorded time of Jerusalem it has not been in Jewish hands.


All that and yet it is still israel' land. Lol.
If Mexico suddenly started lobbing a couple hundred rockets a year into California / Texas, even Liberals would call for making Mexico to either be a parking lot or the 51st state in less than a week....but Israel does not have the right to defend itself or its people. Got it.

Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.
Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.

No, more like the World will be destroyed by Nuclear Winter.
(The Biblical Holocaust Apocalypse you Zionist itch on, and support Israel for)
Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p
Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.
Cool - have you shared your 'Intel' with the US govt / military? :p

They already know, lol.
Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

The US isnt going to war with iran. Russia, iran, and turkey will go against israel and they'll be destroyed.

No, more like the World will be destroyed by Nuclear Winter.
(The Biblical Holocaust Apocalypse you Zionist itch on, and support Israel for)

It very possibly could be destroyed by nuclear winter. Not sure who is itching for this to happen though.
Israel stole Palestine, and America stole Texas.

Israel did not steal palestine. I would actually wouldn't mind if Texas would secede from america.

Israel did steal Palestine, and the Jewish Virtual Library numbers prove it.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Israel was given its land by the UN.
Egypt, Syria, and Jordon later attacked Israel, & Israel kicked their arses.
Israel seized land from their attackers.....

Again, don't start fights you can't win...don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

Uh huh. Every time an arab country starts a war with israel, they lose. You would think that the next arab nation that had ambitions of starting a war with israel would take pause and look at history.

Uh, Iran isn't Arab, and it's backed by potentially Russia, and China.

Furthermore Iran isn't Iraq, it's far bigger in size, and population size. (More like Vietnam)

You know so if the U.S.A goes to war with Iran, we're talking about Zionists presumably creating another Vietnam War like Zionist LBJ did, as a best case scenario, the Nuclear Holocaust as a worst option.

Zionism is a threat to Humanity, plain, and simple.

Again, socialism and communism have murdered hundreds of millions.....exponentially more than your wildest fantasy dreams could ever conceive.
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
The UN has repeatedly shown itself to be incapable of rational thought and action with respect to Israel, so the US did the world a service in blocking another faux investigation by this irresponsible organization.

As if Zionists are the pinnacle of rational thought.

A.) Zionists defend over, and over Terrorist Israel's massacres of Palestinians like the OP.
But, somehow they are anti-Terrorist. I call BS.

B.)Oh, Zionists like W Bush, Wolfowitz, Pearle, and Cheney thought derp, derp let's get rid of Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein who was ANTI-IRAN, even a veteran that the U.S.A Zionists supported Hussein against Iran.

Once the Shiite hit the fan, Iran pushed it's Shiite influences into Iraq, as Iraq was a Shiite majority, which was ruled by Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein.

So, Zionists made a big, big, big mess.
Most Americans are Zionists. Polls consistently show that Americans support Israel over the Palestinians by 4 to 1. While there has been a rising tide of anti semitism in the Democratic Party, even now Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians by 2 to1, so when it comes to Israel, you could almost use the words Zionist and American interchangeably.

Were Bush, Cheney, et. al. Zionists? They probably were since most Americans are. That's why Obama, certainly no friend of Israel, had to pretend to be a supporter of Israel to be elected, in fact, to even get the Democratic nomination. Americans are Zionists and have been for a very long time. Deal with it.

Here's the thing, Hick Protestants might big supporters of Israel, and Trump.

But, Polish Americans like myself don't care about Israel, and were also big supporters of Trump.

You're not going to get Trump re-elected if you piss of Polish Americans between Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Indeed, I'm proud of my Polish Americans having a more sensible, and rational view than American Protestant hicks. Americans Today Survey Book 2012.pdf

There are deep disconnects between the Polish American opinion expressed in the survey and the general population on issues dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The respondents are overwhelmingly in favor of the two state solution to the crisis in the Middle East, while the general population is more divided on the issue. It is also apparent that the survey participants are much less sympathetic towards the state of Israel than the American public. While almost 60% of Americans declare their sympathy for the Israeli side of the conflict, only slightly more than 20% of Polish Americans surveyed express the same position. This does not mean that the Polish community in the U.S. is more sympathetic towards the plight of the Palestinians. In both the general population and among the Polish American respondents, slightly less than 20% sympathize with the Palestinians. Those in the survey are more likely to sympathize with both sides equally than the general populat
It is clear from your posts that you have very strong feelings about Israel and Jews, so why misrepresent it? There are no moderates in any of the Palestinian leaderships and there is no political entity in any of them that can credibly offer peace to Israel, so for the present, and probably for the foreseeable future, a Palestinian state is not a viable option.That said, polls have shown that the majority of Israelis would support a Palestinian state if they thought it would lead to peace. So for the present, the status quo is the only viable option, and the situation can only be managed and cannot be fixed. So while the loss of life at the Gaza fence is regrettable, no one have been able to come up with a viable alternative that would have protected the fence and the Israelis who live beyond it. That's why the US rejected the UN's sham investigation of the events.
Forget country 'A' officially nukes country 'B'.

Iran gets enough uranium to create a Dirty Bomb...for starters. They give the dirty Bomb to their surrogate terrorist army. They get it into a container bound for NY Harbor....>BOOM<. NY Harbor is contaminated, NY FUBAR...for a long time....and Iran has plausible deniability.....'Wasn't me'.... No one to launch missile / air strikes against.....

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