Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Israel started the shit by creating Israel, and then by being a terrorist state.

Sorry, ancient history. THe Palestinians of TODAY don't get to pretend to be reacting to something that happened before their mommies and daddies were born.

The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

Your use of the word "colonists" reveals that you don't accept the existence of Israel as valid.

Thus you embody the conflict.

You have a state, that a significant portion of the world, including many of their neighbors, support the idea of their destruction.

That type of deep hostility, justifies a lot of strong action.

If some assholes were fucking with America like this, the answer they would get, at least from real Americans,

would make the Israelis look like French Surrender monkeys.

Israel is a terrorist colonist state, which warrants sanctions.

Russia invades a Russian majority Crimea without killing much of anybody, and that warrants sanctions,.

Israel invades a Palestinian majority Palestine killing much people, and that doesn't warrant sanctions?

Israel invades a Palestinian majority Palestine

When did that happen?

It happened during the Nakba, when Jewish terrorists aligned with Nazis like Avraham Stern's Lehi, or Jewish terrorists who left the Jews to the Nazi Holocaust like Menachem Begin's Irgun, or the prototype of the IDF the Haganah killed 1,000's of Palestinians in the Nakba, most notably the Deir Yassin Massacre of Terrorism.
You know what it's called when Israel kills hundreds of Palestinians?

It is un-American to support Israel.
The Palestinians are a race of murdering thugs. Supporting them is what's unamerican.

What about Anglo-Zionists who killed millions, and millions from LBJ to H.W Bush, to W. Bush.

Israel also has killed far more Palestinians, than vice versa. and it keeps getting worse, and worse with less Israelis killed to every Palestinian killed.

This time over 1,000 Palestinians were injured, nearly 60 killed, and Israelis got what?

Israel looks like trash, only Zionist primitives think otherwise.

This time over 1,000 Palestinians were injured, nearly 60 killed, and Israelis got what?

A secure border. What did Hamas get?

How come Zionists like Reagan, and W Bush thought that Borders were suckers?

One Reagan thought Mexican illegals deserved Amnesty.

One W Bush thought that his record of lack of deportations of Mexican illegals was "Cool"

Why do you support these Liberal, Zionist A-holes?
...So, Eichmann the architect of the Holocaust was a Zionist who killed 1/3rd of World Jewry, LBJ supported Zionist Israel, and killed, or maimed 1/3rd of Vietnam, W Bush, and H.W Bush were Zionists who killed 100,000's of thousands of Iraqis, the Zionist Israel also killed over 100,000.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
Obama Ambassador To Israel To The Rescue, Silencing myths Spread by Snowflakes....

1. One hears some strong reactions to the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem: "It's the death of peace!" "It marks Israel's ultimate victory over the Palestinians!" "It justifies Palestinian intransigence!" None of these is true. Let's bust some myths.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

3. Our embassy's presence in Jerusalem also reinforces the legitimacy of historic Jewish ties to the city, which are too often denied by Palestinians as part of a broader denial of Israel's right to exist.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

5. Long a taboo in Israeli & US politics, the ice is beginning to break. WH officials reportedly told Israeli DefMin Lieberman last month that Trump's emerging peace plan will call for transferring 4 Arab neighborhoods of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority. That's a start.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

15. Palestinians need new leadership, especially after Abbas disgraced and disqualified himself with vile anti-Semitic canards. His successors must address the Israeli public's legitimate anxieties about Palestinian intentions.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

Truth: OBAMA'S Ambassador to Israel Busts Myths Against Trump's Embassy Move

...So, Eichmann the architect of the Holocaust was a Zionist who killed 1/3rd of World Jewry, LBJ supported Zionist Israel, and killed, or maimed 1/3rd of Vietnam, W Bush, and H.W Bush were Zionists who killed 100,000's of thousands of Iraqis, the Zionist Israel also killed over 100,000.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?

Who knew that "Facts" were crazy?

You Zionists are crazy beyond belief.

All of you support terrorism, and genocide.

Many of you support Israel to usher in the Apocalypse.

You're the #1 trash heap the planet has seen.

From Zionist Eichmann's Holocaust, to Zionist Bibi's massacres in the OP.

Zionism is becoming an evil philosophy.
Then you should identify with a people who lost their nation as they were displaced, killed, and oppressed. (The Palestinians) Shame on you.

1. The JEWS have been the targets of attempted genocide, have been displaced, and returned to their ancestral home where Arabs / Muslims want to slaughter them because they BREATHE...pretty much the same attitude they have about us.

2. Regarding my people - TIMES CHANGE, dude. Perhaps you should try to work on letting o of grudges and hatred and working with people instead of wanting to 'kill them all, push them into the sea' type sh!t, like the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?!

Shame on me? I am glad we no longer live in tee pees, sleep on the ground, live on reservations, and I can go where ever I want like you people. :p lol Join us in the 21st Century, dude!
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.

Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims.

Is that why Egypt sealed the border with Gaza? Because they're behind the Palestinians?

If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ..

What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That’s not our problem...we have to stay fucused on problems here in the U.S.
Palestinians acted like ignorant thugs and Israel was retaliatory...think cause and affect.

Mexicans act like thugs crossing the border, and the Zionists say "Open Borders"

Why is that?

I guess Zionists tend to think that Borders are just for Israel, and not for Americans.

True patriotism, my dupa.
Then you should identify with a people who lost their nation as they were displaced, killed, and oppressed. (The Palestinians) Shame on you.

1. The JEWS have been the targets of attempted genocide, have been displaced, and returned to their ancestral home where Arabs / Muslims want to slaughter them because they BREATHE...pretty much the same attitude they have about us.

2. Regarding my people - TIMES CHANGE, dude. Perhaps you should try to work on letting o of grudges and hatred and working with people instead of wanting to 'kill them all, push them into the sea' type sh!t, like the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?!

Shame on me? I am glad we no longer live in tee pees, sleep on the ground, live on reservations, and I can go where ever I want like you people. :p lol Join us in the 21st Century, dude!
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.

Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims.

Is that why Egypt sealed the border with Gaza? Because they're behind the Palestinians?

If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ..

That's where you get twisted....Egyptian government doesn't represent the people so are all other Arab governments. It wont last forever. I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
Obama Ambassador To Israel To The Rescue, Silencing myths Spread by Snowflakes....

1. One hears some strong reactions to the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem: "It's the death of peace!" "It marks Israel's ultimate victory over the Palestinians!" "It justifies Palestinian intransigence!" None of these is true. Let's bust some myths.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

3. Our embassy's presence in Jerusalem also reinforces the legitimacy of historic Jewish ties to the city, which are too often denied by Palestinians as part of a broader denial of Israel's right to exist.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

5. Long a taboo in Israeli & US politics, the ice is beginning to break. WH officials reportedly told Israeli DefMin Lieberman last month that Trump's emerging peace plan will call for transferring 4 Arab neighborhoods of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority. That's a start.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

15. Palestinians need new leadership, especially after Abbas disgraced and disqualified himself with vile anti-Semitic canards. His successors must address the Israeli public's legitimate anxieties about Palestinian intentions.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

Truth: OBAMA'S Ambassador to Israel Busts Myths Against Trump's Embassy Move

Who knew a Jew named Shapiro would be a Zionist propagandist?
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!

Zionist elites, and Zionist Israelis would be going nuts if the U.S.A started shooting over 1,000 Mexicans at the border, like Israeli Zionist terrorists did yesterday.

And, yet when it comes to our U.S.A border with Mexico, the Zionists like W Bush, Reagan, or otherwise just let them in, or even in Reagan's case give them Amnesty.

Zionism is trash, it's Liberal propaganda for simpletons.
If Mexicans were trying to kill us, we would have no problem with killing 1000 mexicans on the border.

I don't think you understand Americans very well.

It's Zionists threatening WW3, Genocide, the Apocalypse, not Mexico.

I used to think Mexico was an enemy, now I think Zionist Brit Hicks are the enemy.

Mexicans residing in the U.S.A probably aren't anymore criminal than Zionist Brit Hicks..

El Paso exposes that, it has a murder rate lower than West Virginia a Brit Zionist Hick hot spot.
Nonsense, that's what you're threatening.
When you threaten us with war, it isn't our fault when we kick your ass.
I fear for Israel they inflicted so much hate in the arab/Muslim world that it'll be so ugly when things turn around.
It doesn't take much to 'inflict' hate in the Arab/ Muslim world, especially when one believes their calling / destiny in the world is to convert everyone to Islam or behead / enslave them....
Obama Ambassador To Israel To The Rescue, Silencing myths Spread by Snowflakes....

1. One hears some strong reactions to the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem: "It's the death of peace!" "It marks Israel's ultimate victory over the Palestinians!" "It justifies Palestinian intransigence!" None of these is true. Let's bust some myths.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

3. Our embassy's presence in Jerusalem also reinforces the legitimacy of historic Jewish ties to the city, which are too often denied by Palestinians as part of a broader denial of Israel's right to exist.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

5. Long a taboo in Israeli & US politics, the ice is beginning to break. WH officials reportedly told Israeli DefMin Lieberman last month that Trump's emerging peace plan will call for transferring 4 Arab neighborhoods of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority. That's a start.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

15. Palestinians need new leadership, especially after Abbas disgraced and disqualified himself with vile anti-Semitic canards. His successors must address the Israeli public's legitimate anxieties about Palestinian intentions.
— Dan Shapiro (@DanielBShapiro)
May 14, 2018

Truth: OBAMA'S Ambassador to Israel Busts Myths Against Trump's Embassy Move

Who knew a Jew named Shapiro would be a Zionist propagandist?

What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That’s not our problem...we have to stay fucused on problems here in the U.S.
Palestinians acted like ignorant thugs and Israel was retaliatory...think cause and affect.

Mexicans act like thugs crossing the border, and the Zionists say "Open Borders"

Why is that?

I guess Zionists tend to think that Borders are just for Israel, and not for Americans.

True patriotism, my dupa.

You’re confused...keep this shit simple.
our borders=our problem...their border=their problem.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That’s not our problem...we have to stay fucused on problems here in the U.S.
Palestinians acted like ignorant thugs and Israel was retaliatory...think cause and affect.

I didn't want the U.S.A to get involved in Mid-East affairs, nor did I want the U.S.A to let in Muslims, Jews, Zionists, Terrorists, Cartels etc. etc.

The thing is this, in both cases Zionists f*cked everything up.

W Bush, and Reagan are 2 examples of Zionists who thought Borders were just for Israel, and we didn't need border control.

Of course W Bush Zionist went nuts looting, and shooting in Iraq, killing over 100,000 Iraqis, and over 5,000 Americans.

W Bush also messed up Iraq, Saddam Hussein a Sunni strongman kept Shiite majority Iraq in check.

Once Anarchy hit Iraq, Iran pushed into the Shiites of Iraq, and Syria, and ISIS pushed into the Sunnis of Iraq, and Syria.

W Bush was a major disaster for everyone, and he was a Zionist.
The Palestinians proved they are incapable of governing in Gaza - riots / violence 'too much' for them to handle...

The Zionists proved they are terrorist maniacs.
god damn dude enough with the ZIONIST everywjere.
He's fucking nuts.

I'm nuts for resisting genocidal Zionists, whom support genocide, and whom many support the Apocalypse just because the Bible says so?

Your Zionism the biggest threat to the World we've seen.

I'm nuts for resisting genocidal Zionists,

No, you're just nuts.
The Palestinians proved they are incapable of governing in Gaza - riots / violence 'too much' for them to handle...

The Zionists proved they are terrorist maniacs.
god damn dude enough with the ZIONIST everywjere.
He's fucking nuts.

I'm nuts for resisting genocidal Zionists, whom support genocide, and whom many support the Apocalypse just because the Bible says so?

Your Zionism the biggest threat to the World we've seen.

I'm nuts for resisting genocidal Zionists,

No, you're just nuts.

Your Zionist masses are insane herd animals, just like the Nazi masses were.

You are brainwashed idiots who are brainwashed into an insanity, and servitude to your masters.
(I think 'Zionist' was someone's 'Word Of The Day' on their special calendar..... :p )
The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

From the moment the U.n. gave Israel their land the Palestinians have been calling for their genocide. Israel warned if they gave Gaza back it would not be long before they were being attacked from Gaza....and they are.

I have no sympathy, Much like snowflakes and the 2016 election results, the Palestinians would not accept the results of the UN's they should be ready for the repercussions of refusing to accept it.
Just dont come crying when things turn around.
Yeah we all know what muslim pigs do when they are offended.

I think we aren't going to be nice about it anymore. I think we are just about ready to wipe that nasty cult off the face of the earth...or very close to it.
You cant and you won't, rest assured. Unlike you....I dont call for killing all Jews.
Jews natives of the holy land have the right to it like muslims, Christian's and others....canr say the same about settlers that committed atrocities and pushed the natives out.

Muslims are not natives to that land----they are INVADERS-----read the Koran----your
method is invade, murder, rape, pillage and ENSLAVE-----in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS.
and counting.

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