Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

The Palestinians proved they are incapable of governing in Gaza - riots / violence 'too much' for them to handle...

The Zionists proved they are terrorist maniacs.
god damn dude enough with the ZIONIST everywjere.
He's fucking nuts.

i finally just gave up and ignored his whining ass. everyone was a ZIONIST!!! palestine never attacks anyone, always the jews, if you disagree with me you're a ZIONIST.

just damn - learn a new word or find better ways to deal with shit you don't like in the world.
Then you should identify with a people who lost their nation as they were displaced, killed, and oppressed. (The Palestinians) Shame on you.

1. The JEWS have been the targets of attempted genocide, have been displaced, and returned to their ancestral home where Arabs / Muslims want to slaughter them because they BREATHE...pretty much the same attitude they have about us.

2. Regarding my people - TIMES CHANGE, dude. Perhaps you should try to work on letting o of grudges and hatred and working with people instead of wanting to 'kill them all, push them into the sea' type sh!t, like the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?!

Shame on me? I am glad we no longer live in tee pees, sleep on the ground, live on reservations, and I can go where ever I want like you people. :p lol Join us in the 21st Century, dude!
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.

1.7 billion muslims aren't behind them. Jordan doesn't even want those terrrorists in their own country. Neither do any of the other arab countries for that matter.
Where do you get your info from ?
Most of Jordanians are Palestinians lol....dude I swear sometimes I feel so bad how ignorant some of you can be.
To anyone interested, the land promised to the Israelites is actually delineated in the book of Numbers in the Bible, as translated into Latin in the year c.400 by Jerome:

As bounded on the south by the desert tract called Sina, between the Dead Sea and the city of Kadesh-barnea, [which is located with the Arabah to the east] and continues to the west, as far as the river of Egypt, that discharges into the open sea near the city of Rhinocolara; as bounded on the west by the sea along the coasts of Palestine, Phoenicia, Coele‑Syria, and Cilicia; as bounded on the north by the circle formed by the Taurus Mountains and Zephyrium and extending to Hamath, called Epiphany‑Syria; as bounded on the east by the city of Antioch Hippos and Lake Kinneret, now called Tiberias, and then the Jordan River which discharges into the salt sea, now called the Dead Sea. That equates to about the red line in this map:

View attachment 193634

So long as Zionists think because they once lived there they can displace, and mass murder Palestinians who lived there for a majority since at least 1517, as the Jewish Virtual Library admits.

I support two things.

1.) Rome (Italy) should engulf Israel, and create a Catholic super-state, because they also lived there longer than Israel.

2.) The Zionist States of America should be dismantled in favor of a Catholic ethno state, because Catholic France, and Catholic Spain held most of your lands before you did.

If you don't support this, you're hypocritical.

Catholic power, say no to Zionism!

1. Not going to happen
2. Not going to happen

If China, or Russia propped up Catholics in the U.S.A to help them, yes it could.

That's besides the point, the point is Catholics are also a minority in the U.S.A whom were here before the U.S.A?

So, therefor you have to support our rights to displace you, bulldoze your houses, and put you behind Buffer zone walls with armed guards, right?

Just like terrorist Israel.

I don't know any jews with polish ancestry who WERE NOT displaced by Catholic
Poland. There are lots of arab muslims in Israel-----with houses

Then why does your Zionist terrorist Israel not pay Palestinians for the properties lost to Jewish Israel, but have your hands out looking for money from Poland for compensations?

No wonder no one likes you Slowmo's.

very few people now called "Palestinians" owned any land at all------to what
Properties do you refer? AN offer was already made------Jews will compensate
muslims for their lost property and Muslims will compensate Jews for their lost
property--------muslims refused. My hubby is from a community that lived in what
is today an "arab" country--------for AT LEAST 2500 years. It is oil rich-----when do
I get my oil field? His family fled in rags--------on foot-----and used their last pennies
to bribe their way out.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

Trump lighted the fuse, and he alone created the current crisis.

The ME has been a powder keg for decades, and every rational person knew moving the US Embassy would create ;violence and deaths; and create a deeper hatred for those intent on killing American citizens.

Netanyahu has put our nation at great risk, and he knows it. Sadly, our Commander-in-Chief is not capable of sagacious thinking nor understand the Realpolitik - as have many of the other nations in the ME, along with France and Germany.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

Trump lighted the fuse, and he alone created the current crisis.

The ME has been a powder keg for decades, and every rational person knew moving the US Embassy at this time would create violence and deaths and create a deeper hatred for those intent on killing American citizens.

Netanyahu has put our nation at great risk, and he knows it. Sadly, our Commander-in-Chief is not capable of sagacious thinking nor understand the Realpolitik - as have many of the other nations in the ME, along with France and Germany.
So long as Zionists think because they once lived there they can displace, and mass murder Palestinians

Yet you and the Palestinians think they can displace and murder the Jews. The Jews have both a legal and Biblical claim to the region. That's really more than the Palestinians can say. They graciously offered to fairly split the region up with the Palestinians in 1947 which they DECLINED. The entire history of the world is made up of people which lived somewhere then were displaced by someone else who was stronger. Now the Palestinians have lost 90% of what they COULD have had, peacefully, and continue to die at their own hands in a battle they cannot win and IMO will end up with even less.

I'm neither for nor against "Zionism," I'm for the natural and logical flow of events and consequences. The problem lies with the Palestinians who cannot accept a Jewish state which not only EXISTS, but isn't going anywhere. Since you are clearly 100% against the Jews and with 2 insane beliefs for resolution not to happen in a thousand years, your views must be discounted as silly. If the Palestinians choose to fight this war with Israel, then Israel will defend itself, and the Arabs will loss badly.

Clearly, nothing was ever going to be settled peacefully with the Palestinians and the world has as usually simply danced around this fact for years. If Trump's decision to officialize the embassy where it has promised to be for decades stirred the matter up again, it has always been simmering under the surface and never gone away. Maybe now, finally, after more fighting, ass kicking and lost lives, the Palestinians will get it in their damned heads and realize to cut their losses and seeks a final resolution while they still have any land at all and learn to live in harmony with their neighbors.
Does it really matter what the suicide bomber that is trying to kill you calls himself...Palestinian....Hezbollah....Hamas....Iranian....Akmed The dead Terrorist...?
So long as Zionists think because they once lived there they can displace, and mass murder Palestinians

Yet you and the Palestinians think they can displace and murder the Jews. The Jews have both a legal and Biblical claim to the region. That's really more than the Palestinians can say. They graciously offered to fairly split the region up with the Palestinians in 1947 which they DECLINED. The entire history of the world is made up of people which lived somewhere then were displaced by someone else who was stronger. Now the Palestinians have lost 90% of what they COULD have had, peacefully, and continue to die at their own hands in a battle they cannot win and IMO will end up with even less.

I'm neither for nor against "Zionism," I'm for the natural and logical flow of events and consequences. The problem lies with the Palestinians who cannot accept a Jewish state which not only EXISTS, but isn't going anywhere. Since you are clearly 100% against the Jews and with 2 insane beliefs for resolution not to happen in a thousand years, your views must be discounted as silly. If the Palestinians choose to fight this war with Israel, then Israel will defend itself, and the Arabs will loss badly.

Clearly, nothing was ever going to be settled peacefully with the Palestinians and the world has as usually simply danced around this fact for years. If Trump's decision to officialize the embassy where it has promised to be for decades stirred the matter up again, it has always been simmering under the surface and never gone away. Maybe now, finally, after more fighting, ass kicking and lost lives, the Palestinians will get it in their damned heads and realize to cut their losses and seeks a final resolution while they still have any land at all and learn to live in harmony with their neighbors.

Hilarious, only 1.7% of Palestine was Jewish in 1517 by 1946 it was 30,0% Jewish.

Not a majority, but a Jewish minority who imposed it's self on the majority with terror, mass murder, steal land, and expulsions in the Nakba.

Actually, the real Jews who support Christ are probably Palestinian Christians.

The Jews you support are the ones who reject-Christ, or even hate Christ sometimes.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!

Zionist elites, and Zionist Israelis would be going nuts if the U.S.A started shooting over 1,000 Mexicans at the border, like Israeli Zionist terrorists did yesterday.

And, yet when it comes to our U.S.A border with Mexico, the Zionists like W Bush, Reagan, or otherwise just let them in, or even in Reagan's case give them Amnesty.

Zionism is trash, it's Liberal propaganda for simpletons.
If Mexicans were trying to kill us, we would have no problem with killing 1000 mexicans on the border.

I don't think you understand Americans very well.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

It's clearly Israel who started the violence.

In this case Israel was killing, rather than Palestinians.

As this comment proves below, Palestinians were Colonized by Jews from Europe who spoke Yiddish.

There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

Palestinians were Colonized by Jews from Europe who spoke Yiddish.

The Ottomans lost the land.
The Allies set up a Jewish state.
Move on with your life.

Palestine had more Arabs, and Arab owners in the 1940's.

It's their Palestinian Arab land, and Jewish Zionists were looting, and shooting stealing it.

As you can clearly see the Jewish Zionists still see nothing wrong with looting, and shooting Palestine.

Palestine had more Arabs, and Arab owners in the 1940's.

So fucking what?

It's their Palestinian Arab land,

It was mostly owned by the Ottomans, now it's owned by Israel.
Does it really matter what the suicide bomber that is trying to kill you calls himself...Palestinian....Hezbollah....Hamas....Iranian....Akmed The dead Terrorist...?

This event in the OP actually exposes Israeli terrorism, which you, and your ilk apparently support.

Considering the Islamists who concern us are mostly living in the U.S.A, I didn't want Islamists in America, your Zionists are the ones who wanted them, and other Third-World Riff-Raffs here.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!

Zionist elites, and Zionist Israelis would be going nuts if the U.S.A started shooting over 1,000 Mexicans at the border, like Israeli Zionist terrorists did yesterday.

And, yet when it comes to our U.S.A border with Mexico, the Zionists like W Bush, Reagan, or otherwise just let them in, or even in Reagan's case give them Amnesty.

Zionism is trash, it's Liberal propaganda for simpletons.
If Mexicans were trying to kill us, we would have no problem with killing 1000 mexicans on the border.

I don't think you understand Americans very well.

It's Zionists threatening WW3, Genocide, the Apocalypse, not Mexico.

I used to think Mexico was an enemy, now I think Zionist Brit Hicks are the enemy.

Mexicans residing in the U.S.A probably aren't anymore criminal than Zionist Brit Hicks..

El Paso exposes that, it has a murder rate lower than West Virginia a Brit Zionist Hick hot spot.
What an outrage to think that a sovereign nation should have the right to defend its borders against a hostile incursion!

Zionist elites, and Zionist Israelis would be going nuts if the U.S.A started shooting over 1,000 Mexicans at the border, like Israeli Zionist terrorists did yesterday.

And, yet when it comes to our U.S.A border with Mexico, the Zionists like W Bush, Reagan, or otherwise just let them in, or even in Reagan's case give them Amnesty.

Zionism is trash, it's Liberal propaganda for simpletons.
If Mexicans were trying to kill us, we would have no problem with killing 1000 mexicans on the border.

I don't think you understand Americans very well.

Zionists are for Open borders for America, like Reagan, W Bush, and the rest of the clunkers.

Zionists tend to think Borders are only for Jews.
There is a Jewish Palestine...

There is an Arab Palestine...

The former is called Isarel...

The latter is called Jordan...


Or, at least, that's the direction this has been heading, since the old League of Nations days...

And where it's going to end-up, sooner rather than later.
You know what it's called when Israel kills hundreds of Palestinians?

It is un-American to support Israel.
The Palestinians are a race of murdering thugs. Supporting them is what's unamerican.

What about Anglo-Zionists who killed millions, and millions from LBJ to H.W Bush, to W. Bush.

Israel also has killed far more Palestinians, than vice versa. and it keeps getting worse, and worse with less Israelis killed to every Palestinian killed.

This time over 1,000 Palestinians were injured, nearly 60 killed, and Israelis got what?

Israel looks like trash, only Zionist primitives think otherwise.

This time over 1,000 Palestinians were injured, nearly 60 killed, and Israelis got what?

A secure border. What did Hamas get?
Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Israel started the shit by creating Israel, and then by being a terrorist state.

Sorry, ancient history. THe Palestinians of TODAY don't get to pretend to be reacting to something that happened before their mommies and daddies were born.

The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

Your use of the word "colonists" reveals that you don't accept the existence of Israel as valid.

Thus you embody the conflict.

You have a state, that a significant portion of the world, including many of their neighbors, support the idea of their destruction.

That type of deep hostility, justifies a lot of strong action.

If some assholes were fucking with America like this, the answer they would get, at least from real Americans,

would make the Israelis look like French Surrender monkeys.

Israel is a terrorist colonist state, which warrants sanctions.

Russia invades a Russian majority Crimea without killing much of anybody, and that warrants sanctions,.

Israel invades a Palestinian majority Palestine killing much people, and that doesn't warrant sanctions?

Israel invades a Palestinian majority Palestine

When did that happen?
...Funny that Eichmann was a Zionist who wanted all Jews in Israel.
Yes, isn't it? But, instead, he slaughtered 6,000,000 of them, which is his eternal legacy; one that you envy, no doubt.

Are Zionists just evil?
Apart from Zionism terrorism as the OP exposes.

So, Eichmann the architect of the Holocaust was a Zionist who killed 1/3rd of World Jewry, LBJ supported Zionist Israel, and killed, or maimed 1/3rd of Vietnam, W Bush, and H.W Bush were Zionists who killed 100,000's of thousands of Iraqis, the Zionist Israel also killed over 100,000.
Hilarious, only 1.7% of Palestine was Jewish in 1517 by 1946 it was 30,0% Jewish.

All totally irrelevant. Not to mention that the Jews bought and paid for most of the land they settled when they came.

Actually, the real Jews who support Christ are probably Palestinian Christians.

You never know. I don't know. Interesting, but also totally irrelevant.

The Jews you support are the ones who reject-Christ, or even hate Christ sometimes.

They don't think he came yet. I don't support Jews, I report history and facts. Again, all very interesting but not germane to the topic. The Jews are there, they are stronger, they aren't going anywhere. All arguments of rights and fairness are meaningless. History is seldom just. Palestine could have settled in 1947, had peace ever since, and have 10X the land and peace, and they declined. So today, they still fight and die. Won't be any better tomorrow either.

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