Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Then you should identify with a people who lost their nation as they were displaced, killed, and oppressed. (The Palestinians) Shame on you.

1. The JEWS have been the targets of attempted genocide, have been displaced, and returned to their ancestral home where Arabs / Muslims want to slaughter them because they BREATHE...pretty much the same attitude they have about us.

2. Regarding my people - TIMES CHANGE, dude. Perhaps you should try to work on letting o of grudges and hatred and working with people instead of wanting to 'kill them all, push them into the sea' type sh!t, like the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?!

Shame on me? I am glad we no longer live in tee pees, sleep on the ground, live on reservations, and I can go where ever I want like you people. :p lol Join us in the 21st Century, dude!
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.

Not news to me-------I is old------but first came across the Islamic ape chest pounding MORE than
50 years ago--------I was just an adolescent---during the plane hijacking era. I discussed the issue
of muslims HAPPILY jumping on people, killing them for "allah" with an educated muslim. I stated---
"this stuff will come back to haunt you" He laughed----"NO----You people cannot do what we do---
there is NOTHING either the USA of Israel can do because WE DO IT AS INDIVIDUALS------
kill and either disappear or die" -------"you have no one to attack" So true-----even the muslimah sluts
tossing rocks and fire bombs in Gaza are not "IDENTIFIABLE" they are covered in black smelly rags and called "civilians" ---
before they become "martyrs"-----the good news is that YANKEE ingenuity is kicking in on the 1400
years of ISLAMIC UGLY. The pillage, rape, enslave method introduced by the dog of mecca ---
Trump is doing what we elected him to do. Woo hoo!

Really? There's still a ton of Illegal immigrants across the U.S.A, there's still Muslim communities across the U.S.A, but so long as your leader supports Israel that loots, and shoots, you're happy?

Wow, you're not Right-Wingers.

You're something called Liberal Sadists, and Genocidal Maniacs.
The U.S. blocked a statement that claimed falsely that the U.N. security council "expressed sorrow". It's a simple procedure that the crazy angry anti-American anti-Semite left wants to turn into political propaganda.
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.
you need to read the bible, research 'God's Chosen People'...

I recommend you research the 6-Day War, also. Egypt, Syria, and Jordon all attacked Israel. Israel defeated them and conquered land (to the victor go the spoils).

If you attack someone and get your ass handed to you AND they take part of your territory, don't whine, don't complain, and next time don't pick a fight you can't win. You 'played' the slots & you lost your 'money'.....Don't blame Israel.

In that war several enemy plots reported their jets just began falling from the sly as they headed towards Israel....some claimed it was the 'hand of God' protecting Israel. Israel defeated 3 nations....

I wouldn't f* with Israel....
The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

From the moment the U.n. gave Israel their land the Palestinians have been calling for their genocide. Israel warned if they gave Gaza back it would not be long before they were being attacked from Gaza....and they are.

I have no sympathy, Much like snowflakes and the 2016 election results, the Palestinians would not accept the results of the UN's they should be ready for the repercussions of refusing to accept it.
Just dont come crying when things turn around.
To anyone interested, the land promised to the Israelites is actually delineated in the book of Numbers in the Bible, as translated into Latin in the year c.400 by Jerome:

As bounded on the south by the desert tract called Sina, between the Dead Sea and the city of Kadesh-barnea, [which is located with the Arabah to the east] and continues to the west, as far as the river of Egypt, that discharges into the open sea near the city of Rhinocolara; as bounded on the west by the sea along the coasts of Palestine, Phoenicia, Coele‑Syria, and Cilicia; as bounded on the north by the circle formed by the Taurus Mountains and Zephyrium and extending to Hamath, called Epiphany‑Syria; as bounded on the east by the city of Antioch Hippos and Lake Kinneret, now called Tiberias, and then the Jordan River which discharges into the salt sea, now called the Dead Sea. That equates to about the red line in this map:

View attachment 193634

So long as Zionists think because they once lived there they can displace, and mass murder Palestinians who lived there for a majority since at least 1517, as the Jewish Virtual Library admits.

I support two things.

1.) Rome (Italy) should engulf Israel, and create a Catholic super-state, because they also lived there longer than Israel.

2.) The Zionist States of America should be dismantled in favor of a Catholic ethno state, because Catholic France, and Catholic Spain held most of your lands before you did.

If you don't support this, you're hypocritical.

Catholic power, say no to Zionism!

1. Not going to happen
2. Not going to happen

If China, or Russia propped up Catholics in the U.S.A to help them, yes it could.

That's besides the point, the point is Catholics are also a minority in the U.S.A whom were here before the U.S.A?

So, therefor you have to support our rights to displace you, bulldoze your houses, and put you behind Buffer zone walls with armed guards, right?

Just like terrorist Israel.
The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

From the moment the U.n. gave Israel their land the Palestinians have been calling for their genocide. Israel warned if they gave Gaza back it would not be long before they were being attacked from Gaza....and they are.

I have no sympathy, Much like snowflakes and the 2016 election results, the Palestinians would not accept the results of the UN's they should be ready for the repercussions of refusing to accept it.
Just dont come crying when things turn around.
Why would I? I'm an American, not an Israeli.....
You know who else dropped leaflets?

After ISIS bombed Paris, the French and Russians launched air strikes against ISIS Black Market Oil Production facilities, site Obama had protected up until that point, facilities that funded 1/2 of ISIS' terrorist attacks, like the attack on Paris.

Did the US join in? No. Barry had our military drop leaflets down to ISIS to let them know the attack was coming. You know who also does that? TRAITORS!

Republican Zionists are worse than Obama.

Many of you just support Israel because you think it will cause an Apocalypse as the Bible says.

I support them because they are highly intelligent, civilized people who turned a desert into a garden.

Your "Palestinians" are essentially Cro-Magnons without the potential, who turned a desert into a landfill.
Two people support Israel's crimes:
1 a zionist.
2 a conservative nut job, that wants the messiah to come back therefore isrsel has to claim the land and kill the Palestinians in the process.
You do realize you are defending / taking the side of a people whose charter calls for the genocide of another, right?!
I'm not supporting Israel's genocide.

you do not go to a mosque on Friday?
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
If Palestine wasn't governed by a terrorist organization who doesn't give a shit if their people are killed maybe I would have some sympathy otherwise its between shit and syphilis.
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.
you need to read the bible, research 'God's Chosen People'...

I recommend you research the 6-Day War, also. Egypt, Syria, and Jordon all attacked Israel. Israel defeated them and conquered land (to the victor go the spoils).

If you attack someone and get your ass handed to you AND they take part of your territory, don't whine, don't complain, and next time don't pick a fight you can't win. You 'played' the slots & you lost your 'money'.....Don't blame Israel.

In that war several enemy plots reported their jets just began falling from the sly as they headed towards Israel....some claimed it was the 'hand of God' protecting Israel. Israel defeated 3 nations....

I wouldn't f* with Israel....
Sweet heart ....Israel's strength is the unconditional support of its birch the US. You think the US will be there forever for them ? No. The muslims took twice and they can again...the Palestinian cause is dead to every Muslim around the world and it wont die like the native Americans cause.
That's what you dont understand, jerusalem is a holy to the muslims. The Muslim world might be weak now but things do change.
Except that Palestinians are still fighting for their rights and behind them is 1.7b muslims. It might be Israel's time but I promise it will come a day where things will change. Lot of people make a mistake that it's a Palestinian problem where infact it's a Muslim one. If I were Israel I would retreat to 1948 borders send the settlers packing and coexist ...because one day it will get ugly. USA went be there for them forever and the Muslim world wont stay weak forever also.
you need to read the bible, research 'God's Chosen People'...

I recommend you research the 6-Day War, also. Egypt, Syria, and Jordon all attacked Israel. Israel defeated them and conquered land (to the victor go the spoils).

If you attack someone and get your ass handed to you AND they take part of your territory, don't whine, don't complain, and next time don't pick a fight you can't win. You 'played' the slots & you lost your 'money'.....Don't blame Israel.

In that war several enemy plots reported their jets just began falling from the sly as they headed towards Israel....some claimed it was the 'hand of God' protecting Israel. Israel defeated 3 nations....

I wouldn't f* with Israel....

Why don't you research "Synagogue of Satan"?

So, you're saying might is right, and you support both the Nazis, and the Israelis, and their genocide?

Where was that hand of God to help Jews during the Holocaust?
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
If Palestine wasn't governed by a terrorist organization who doesn't give a shit if their people are killed maybe I would have some sympathy otherwise its between shit and syphilis.

What is Hezbollah going to do now without Barry around to protect their terrorist-supporting drug operations?

The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

From the moment the U.n. gave Israel their land the Palestinians have been calling for their genocide. Israel warned if they gave Gaza back it would not be long before they were being attacked from Gaza....and they are.

I have no sympathy, Much like snowflakes and the 2016 election results, the Palestinians would not accept the results of the UN's they should be ready for the repercussions of refusing to accept it.
Just dont come crying when things turn around.
Why would I? I'm an American, not an Israeli.....
Well you cheering for the criminals and karma will come their way. In the mean time I bet you happy to hand billions to the Israelis while your citizens are starving.
The Palestinians proved they are incapable of governing in Gaza - riots / violence 'too much' for them to handle...

The Zionists proved they are terrorist maniacs.
god damn dude enough with the ZIONIST everywjere.
He's fucking nuts.

I'm nuts for resisting genocidal Zionists, whom support genocide, and whom many support the Apocalypse just because the Bible says so?

Your Zionism the biggest threat to the World we've seen.
The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

From the moment the U.n. gave Israel their land the Palestinians have been calling for their genocide. Israel warned if they gave Gaza back it would not be long before they were being attacked from Gaza....and they are.

I have no sympathy, Much like snowflakes and the 2016 election results, the Palestinians would not accept the results of the UN's they should be ready for the repercussions of refusing to accept it.
Just dont come crying when things turn around.
Yeah we all know what muslim pigs do when they are offended.

I think we aren't going to be nice about it anymore. I think we are just about ready to wipe that nasty cult off the face of the earth...or very close to it.
To anyone interested, the land promised to the Israelites is actually delineated in the book of Numbers in the Bible, as translated into Latin in the year c.400 by Jerome:

As bounded on the south by the desert tract called Sina, between the Dead Sea and the city of Kadesh-barnea, [which is located with the Arabah to the east] and continues to the west, as far as the river of Egypt, that discharges into the open sea near the city of Rhinocolara; as bounded on the west by the sea along the coasts of Palestine, Phoenicia, Coele‑Syria, and Cilicia; as bounded on the north by the circle formed by the Taurus Mountains and Zephyrium and extending to Hamath, called Epiphany‑Syria; as bounded on the east by the city of Antioch Hippos and Lake Kinneret, now called Tiberias, and then the Jordan River which discharges into the salt sea, now called the Dead Sea. That equates to about the red line in this map:

View attachment 193634

So long as Zionists think because they once lived there they can displace, and mass murder Palestinians who lived there for a majority since at least 1517, as the Jewish Virtual Library admits.

I support two things.

1.) Rome (Italy) should engulf Israel, and create a Catholic super-state, because they also lived there longer than Israel.

2.) The Zionist States of America should be dismantled in favor of a Catholic ethno state, because Catholic France, and Catholic Spain held most of your lands before you did.

If you don't support this, you're hypocritical.

Catholic power, say no to Zionism!

1. Not going to happen
2. Not going to happen

If China, or Russia propped up Catholics in the U.S.A to help them, yes it could.

That's besides the point, the point is Catholics are also a minority in the U.S.A whom were here before the U.S.A?

So, therefor you have to support our rights to displace you, bulldoze your houses, and put you behind Buffer zone walls with armed guards, right?

Just like terrorist Israel.

I don't know any jews with polish ancestry who WERE NOT displaced by Catholic
Poland. There are lots of arab muslims in Israel-----with houses
You know what it's called when Israel kills hundreds of Palestinians?

It is un-American to support Israel.
The Palestinians are a race of murdering thugs. Supporting them is what's unamerican.

What about Anglo-Zionists who killed millions, and millions from LBJ to H.W Bush, to W. Bush.

Israel also has killed far more Palestinians, than vice versa. and it keeps getting worse, and worse with less Israelis killed to every Palestinian killed.

This time over 1,000 Palestinians were injured, nearly 60 killed, and Israelis got what?

Israel looks like trash, only Zionist primitives think otherwise.

That's called "progress." The more Palestinians killed, the better.

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