Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.
Trump blocks UN Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence?

Excellent !!!

Say what you will about the Imperial Cheeto... he's no Muzzie ass-kisser !!!

What's to investigate?

Hamas (recognized internationally as a terrorist organization) is inciting the more simple-minded of their Sheeple to impale themselves upon The Wall.


Chump don't wanna be impaled, chump don't go near Da Wall.

Screw the silly-a$$ goddamned Palestinians.

They had their chances, at a hundred points along the way since 1948.

They should have made a deal while they still could.

Too late now - you can't go on like that forever - at some point, even your friends start bailing on you.

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - Abba Eban
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

It's clearly Israel who started the violence.

In this case Israel was killing, rather than Palestinians.

As this comment proves below, Palestinians were Colonized by Jews from Europe who spoke Yiddish.

There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

Palestinians were Colonized by Jews from Europe who spoke Yiddish.

The Ottomans lost the land.
The Allies set up a Jewish state.
Move on with your life.

Palestine had more Arabs, and Arab owners in the 1940's.

It's their Palestinian Arab land, and Jewish Zionists were looting, and shooting stealing it.

As you can clearly see the Jewish Zionists still see nothing wrong with looting, and shooting Palestine.
Then you should identify with a people who lost their nation as they were displaced, killed, and oppressed. (The Palestinians) Shame on you.

1. The JEWS have been the targets of attempted genocide, have been displaced, and returned to their ancestral home where Arabs / Muslims want to slaughter them because they BREATHE...pretty much the same attitude they have about us.

2. Regarding my people - TIMES CHANGE, dude. Perhaps you should try to work on letting o of grudges and hatred and working with people instead of wanting to 'kill them all, push them into the sea' type sh!t, like the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?!

Shame on me? I am glad we no longer live in tee pees, sleep on the ground, live on reservations, and I can go where ever I want like you people. :p lol Join us in the 21st Century, dude!

1.) Maybe Jews should've just respected the countries they were living in, and assimilated?

2.) Jewish Israelis have killed a lot more Palestinian Arabs than vice-versa;?
How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Israel started the shit by creating Israel, and then by being a terrorist state.

Sorry, ancient history. THe Palestinians of TODAY don't get to pretend to be reacting to something that happened before their mommies and daddies were born.

The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.
Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.

Don't storm the border fence, don't throw bombs or rocks at soldiers, don't brandish weapons.
Go home to your miserable, Hamas life. You'll be safe from Israeli border troops.

Didn't Nazis say that to Jews when they approached the walls of the Nazi German created, and controlled Warsaw Ghetto?
Maybe Jews should've just respected the countries they were living in, and assimilated?

Tell me something, do you 'respect the country you're in and assimilate when you're being marched into the gas chambers and ovens?

If only the bastards assimilated to Polish culture, they wouldn't have had so many problems, including in Israel, today.

Jews spent 1,000 years in Poland speaking a German based Yiddish, and practicing Judaism which says Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, in Poland where Christ was king, and Germans were hated.
The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

From the moment the U.n. gave Israel their land the Palestinians have been calling for their genocide. Israel warned if they gave Gaza back it would not be long before they were being attacked from Gaza....and they are.

I have no sympathy, Much like snowflakes and the 2016 election results, the Palestinians would not accept the results of the UN's they should be ready for the repercussions of refusing to accept it.
Maybe Jews should've just respected the countries they were living in, and assimilated?

Tell me something, do you 'respect the country you're in and assimilate when you're being marched into the gas chambers and ovens?

If only the bastards assimilated to Polish culture, they wouldn't have had so many problems, including in Israel, today.

Jews spent 1,000 years in Poland speaking a German based Yiddish, and practicing Judaism which says Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, in Poland where Christ was king, and Germans were hated.
Ahhh, I finally figured out you are one of the DNC members who had their e-mails hacked and exposed....that explains the anti-Semitic rant.... :p
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

Hamas should have never incited this violence. The blood is on their hands.

Like Jews incited violence in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against Nazi Germany?

The blood is on the hands of the Zionists, over, and over again, be it Netanyahu, be it W Bush, be it H.W Bush, be it Sharon, be it Menachem Begin, or Lyndon B. Johnson.

This is just another shooting, blood-bath on Israel's hands.
Maybe Jews should've just respected the countries they were living in, and assimilated?

Tell me something, do you 'respect the country you're in and assimilate when you're being marched into the gas chambers and ovens?
Forget it... you're dealing with a sick mind channeling the ghost of Eichmann... all you can do is "out" the little critter.
Maybe Jews should've just respected the countries they were living in, and assimilated?

Tell me something, do you 'respect the country you're in and assimilate when you're being marched into the gas chambers and ovens?

If only the bastards assimilated to Polish culture, they wouldn't have had so many problems, including in Israel, today.

Jews spent 1,000 years in Poland speaking a German based Yiddish, and practicing Judaism which says Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, in Poland where Christ was king, and Germans were hated.
Ahhh, I finally figured out you are one of the DNC members who had their e-mails hacked and exposed....that explains the anti-Semitic rant.... :p

Palestine + Iran = Right wing with no Nukes.
Israel + U.S.A = Liberals with Nukes.

The Liberal Zionists with Nukes are threatening the Muslim right-Wingers with no Nukes.

Your Republicans, and Democrats are both two Zionist Liberal parties.

There's no Right-Wing in America, essentially.

Americans are a bunch of Yokels who are too stupid to grasp political dynamics, or political orientation.

... But, they sure do love the power of looting, and shooting by Israel.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

Hamas should have never incited this violence. The blood is on their hands.

Like Jews incited violence in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against Nazi Germany?

The blood is on the hands of the Zionists, over, and over again, be it Netanyahu, be it W Bush, be it H.W Bush, be it Sharon, be it Menachem Begin, or Lyndon B. Johnson.

This is just another shooting, blood-bath on Israel's hands.

The jews in warsaw weren't terrorists. They didn't raise their kids to hate, kill, murder, rape, pillage, throw bombs. The blood is on hamas. They will pay for what they have done.
You know what it's called when Israel kills hundreds of Palestinians?

It is un-American to support Israel.
The Palestinians are a race of murdering thugs. Supporting them is what's unamerican.

What about Anglo-Zionists who killed millions, and millions from LBJ to H.W Bush, to W. Bush.

Israel also has killed far more Palestinians, than vice versa. and it keeps getting worse, and worse with less Israelis killed to every Palestinian killed.

This time over 1,000 Palestinians were injured, nearly 60 killed, and Israelis got what?

Israel looks like trash, only Zionist primitives think otherwise.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

Hamas should have never incited this violence. The blood is on their hands.

Like Jews incited violence in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against Nazi Germany?

The blood is on the hands of the Zionists, over, and over again, be it Netanyahu, be it W Bush, be it H.W Bush, be it Sharon, be it Menachem Begin, or Lyndon B. Johnson.

This is just another shooting, blood-bath on Israel's hands.

The jews in warsaw weren't terrorists. They didn't raise their kids to hate, kill, murder, rape, pillage, throw bombs. The blood is on hamas. They will pay for what they have done.

Yes the Jews of Poland had many terrorist scums be it Salomon Morel, Menachem Begin, Avraham Stern, Roman Romkowski, Jakub Berman, or Jozef Rozanski, or Piotr Smietanski.

Some of them were the Founding Fathers of Israel, devout Zionist terrorists.
That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Israel started the shit by creating Israel, and then by being a terrorist state.

Sorry, ancient history. THe Palestinians of TODAY don't get to pretend to be reacting to something that happened before their mommies and daddies were born.

The Palestinians today continue to have their land encroached, and stolen by Jewish Lebensraum (Israeli Settlements) they have their houses bull-dozed, their orchards burnt down, vandalism, terrorism, and murders against them by the Israeli Colonists.

Your use of the word "colonists" reveals that you don't accept the existence of Israel as valid.

Thus you embody the conflict.

You have a state, that a significant portion of the world, including many of their neighbors, support the idea of their destruction.

That type of deep hostility, justifies a lot of strong action.

If some assholes were fucking with America like this, the answer they would get, at least from real Americans,

would make the Israelis look like French Surrender monkeys.

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