Palestinian killing investigation declined by Trump admin.

Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.

I wouldn't trust the UN to investigate where rain comes from.
You know who else dropped leaflets to people they wanted to exterminate?
-- The Nazis, that's who.

You know who else dropped leaflets?

After ISIS bombed Paris, the French and Russians launched air strikes against ISIS Black Market Oil Production facilities, site Obama had protected up until that point, facilities that funded 1/2 of ISIS' terrorist attacks, like the attack on Paris.

Did the US join in? No. Barry had our military drop leaflets down to ISIS to let them know the attack was coming. You know who also does that? TRAITORS!

Republican Zionists are worse than Obama.

Many of you just support Israel because you think it will cause an Apocalypse as the Bible says.

I support them because they are highly intelligent, civilized people who turned a desert into a garden.

Your "Palestinians" are essentially Cro-Magnons without the potential, who turned a desert into a landfill.

More like Israel turned the desert into the garden of blood-bath.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Israel started the shit by creating Israel, and then by being a terrorist state.
Then you should identify with a people who lost their nation as they were displaced, killed, and oppressed. (The Palestinians) Shame on you.

1. The JEWS have been the targets of attempted genocide, have been displaced, and returned to their ancestral home where Arabs / Muslims want to slaughter them because they BREATHE...pretty much the same attitude they have about us.

2. Regarding my people - TIMES CHANGE, dude. Perhaps you should try to work on letting o of grudges and hatred and working with people instead of wanting to 'kill them all, push them into the sea' type sh!t, like the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?!

Shame on me? I am glad we no longer live in tee pees, sleep on the ground, live on reservations, and I can go where ever I want like you people. :p lol Join us in the 21st Century, dude!
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Great point - don't attack Israel over and over, get your ass kicked, then come crying to me about how Israel kicked your ass. STOP 'starting' sh!t!

You know who complains about someone throwing a rock, hitting a soldier in the head, then getting shot in the ass by the soldier defending himself? The dumbass who threw the rock! :p
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Israel started the shit by creating Israel, and then by being a terrorist state.

Sorry, ancient history. THe Palestinians of TODAY don't get to pretend to be reacting to something that happened before their mommies and daddies were born.
Sorry, ancient history. THe Palestinians of TODAY don't get to pretend to be reacting to something that happened before their mommies and daddies were born.

The Palestinians aren't the only ones doing that today. There are Democrats drafting legislation that calls for 'reparations' for slavery.

Ummm, last I checked there is no one alive who has ever been a slave or owned one.....

It's hilarious that considering that
WillHaftawaite thumbs upped Fncceo.
fights against racist opinions, but doesn't care when racist Zionist Israel kills Palestinians.

There are no "Palestinians", as there is not nor has ever been a nation called Palestine.

Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia. It is usually considered to include the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Israel, and in some definitions, some parts of western Jordan. The region comprises most of the territory claimed for the biblical regions known as the Land of Israel, the Holy Land or Promised Land. Historically, it has been known as the southern portion of wider regional designations such as Canaan, Syria, ash-Sham, and the Levant.

The region has been controlled by numerous peoples, including Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites and Judeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Achaemenids, ancient Greeks, the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom, Romans, Parthians, Sasanians, Byzantines, the Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid caliphates, Crusaders, Ayyubids, Mamluks, Mongols, Ottomans, the British, and modern Israelis, Jordanians, Egyptians and Palestinians. The boundaries of the region have changed throughout history. Today, the region comprises the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories in which the State of Palestine was declared.

Seems the Palestinians are anyone who lives and occupies there, and as a people, their hold on the region has been tenuous at best. Israel accepted a UN sanctioned settlement of the land in 1947 that would have settled everything and left the Palestinians 10X better off than today but they chose to reject it. Now, all these years later, the "Palestinian" people continue to incite the violence that has caused them suffering, death, poverty, and loss of much of the land they once held claim to, part of an eternal religious hatred war between them (Arabic) and the Jews.

What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

How many killed by Israel yesterday, and how many Israelis killed?

That's not the way it works.

Ask how many Japanese were killed by America in WWII, and how many Americans were.

And then watch US be fine with it.

It looks like not one Israeli was killed, certainly no justification for the massacres by Israel.

Not from my perspective.

You start shit for no reason, you better be prepared for what comes next.

If not, that's on you.

Great point - don't attack Israel over and over, get your ass kicked, then come crying to me about how Israel kicked your ass. STOP 'starting' sh!t!

You know who complains about someone throwing a rock, hitting a soldier in the head, then getting shot in the ass by the soldier defending himself? The dumbass who threw the rock! :p
You know what it's called when Israel kills hundreds of Palestinians?

Trump shows his true colors, his Zionist Sheldon Aldelson colors.

How many of his fan base will be turned off by this?

How much of his fan base will be turned on by this?

U.S. blocks Security Council statement calling for investigation into Gaza violence

U.S. Blocks Security Council Statement Calling for Investigation Into Gaza Violence

Kuwaiti statement called for 'independent and transparent investigation' into deaths in Gaza, which saw the bloodiest day in the enclave since 2014 war

Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, Monday, May 14, 2018. Khalil Hamra/AP
Mass Gaza border clashes: 58 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire, 1,113 wounded[/paste:font]
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday blocked a UN Security Council statement that was intended to call for an investigation of the events on the Israel-Gaza border.

Don't storm the border fence, don't throw bombs or rocks at soldiers, don't brandish weapons.
Go home to your miserable, Hamas life. You'll be safe from Israeli border troops.
What’s to investigate?

Hamas started the violence, Israel ends it.

It's clearly Israel who started the violence.

In this case Israel was killing, rather than Palestinians.

As this comment proves below, Palestinians were Colonized by Jews from Europe who spoke Yiddish.

There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

Palestinians were Colonized by Jews from Europe who spoke Yiddish.

The Ottomans lost the land.
The Allies set up a Jewish state.
Move on with your life.

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