Palestinian mother celebrated daughter's suicide bombing as her wedding


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
[ame=]Palestinian mother celebrated daughter's suicide bombing as her wedding - YouTube[/ame]

these people are lower than animals. Israel has some class for putting up with their 5th century shenanigans imo.
That women is actually an improvement over whackjobs like this...

[ame=]Son's death was "best day of my life," says Palestinian mother - YouTube[/ame]
It's sad how Israel and zionists have made these people so desperate.

your name is full of irony. these people are not desperate, they are just brainwashed psychos pretending it is the year 556.

Brainwashed by what, exactly?

See, many Israeli's and their supporters fail to see that before Zionism infected the region, there was peace between Jews and Muslims and Christians. They all got along.

Then, they get infected with this violence and the Zionist Euro-trash drive the once peaceful people to do anything they can to fight back against losing their homes, land, rights, freedoms, and eventually their lives.

Without Israeli agression driving these people to these extremes, they wouldn't be at these extreme levels of hate.

Name one person who would welcome their removal from their home, and then a Jewish family moves in. They hate Jews because Zionists use their Jewish identy to treat the Arabs like garbage.
Palestinian mother celebrated daughter's suicide bombing as her wedding - YouTube

these people are lower than animals. Israel has some class for putting up with their 5th century shenanigans imo.

One can hardly surpress surprise when supposedly thinking individuals, one or two in this thread, nod the head, and accept pathological behavior such as this...and even go on to pretend that anyone can be made to act this way by outside forces..

The residue of such is that intelligentsia of today cannot conceive of a death-obsessed mass movement assembled around pathology and irrationality.

Paul Berman discusses this in chapter six of his iconic tome, "Terror and Liberalism,"...

'Herein one can see the weakness of a belief that humans can use ‘reason’ sans morality, to guide life, since supposedly intelligent folks can gaze at the craziest and most violent of movements, and claim to find no basis to be upset, or surprised. This earnest response, dismissal of the danger emanating from irrational mass movements, can- to some, seem entirely normal and understandable. Such is what we have come to call ‘reason.’'

And the following, same source:

When Hamas and Islamic Jihad came to dominate the Palestinian political scene, the suicide terror campaign began to display popular support, chanting crowds, wailing mothers calling on their children to die, masked young men pledging to do as their mothers asked. There was a suicide bombing of a teenagers’ disco in Tel Aviv in 2001. Weekly random mass murders. Female suicide bombers posthumously celebrated as role models.

a. Yet, throughout the world, scholars, intellectuals, folks in the most sophisticated urban areas, endorsed the Palestinian cause- at its most violent moment. Nail bombs and mutilated bodies in Israel, and yet there were folks rallying for some sort of mass pathology.

b. How to explain movements in which utopia blends with the morgue? How, if we maintain that the world is a rational place, can this be?

To answer Berman, it is the merging of insanity, and the use of lies, so much at home in the Left.
See how post #6 above falls into Berman's analysis...

1. Whatever declension of tropes were offered, they centered on some definition of Zionism that presented it as other than a program of national self-determination for Jews.

a. Zionism is racism, and held up in comparison with the white Republic of South Africa, both practitioners of apartheid. For this one, one must overlook the non-European Jews, and pretend that Israel’s European Jews were colonial settlers rather than refugees.

b. Yet, this trope fails to explain suicide terror in the trope, as even the worst white racism in South Africa, resistance never slipped into this lowest level of nihilism.

2. It became necessary, then, to move to an angrier trope: Israel, a Nazi entity, so devoted to evil that suicide murder becomes an understandable reaction. Of course, one must overlook the fact that Arab nationalism favored Nazism well into the ‘60’s.

a. It was even more difficult to see the Israelis as Nazis given the relatively civilized military tactics of house-to-house fighting, in Jenin in 2002, for example, which cost 23 Israeli lives, vs. 52 Palestinians. (Second Intifada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Certainly not a Russian-style Grozny battle. “The 1999–2000 battle of Grozny was the siege and assault of the Chechen capital Grozny by Russian forces, lasting from late 1999 to early 2000. The siege and fighting left the capital devastated. In 2003 the United Nations called Grozny the most destroyed city on Earth.”–2000)

b. And, with the alacrity of a firehouse dog responding to a bell, there were folks all around the world leaping to conflate Jenin and Auschwitz, ...
Palestinian mother celebrated daughter's suicide bombing as her wedding - YouTube

these people are lower than animals. Israel has some class for putting up with their 5th century shenanigans imo.

One can hardly surpress surprise when supposedly thinking individuals, one or two in this thread, nod the head, and accept pathological behavior such as this...and even go on to pretend that anyone can be made to act this way by outside forces..

The residue of such is that intelligentsia of today cannot conceive of a death-obsessed mass movement assembled around pathology and irrationality.

Paul Berman discusses this in chapter six of his iconic tome, "Terror and Liberalism,"...

'Herein one can see the weakness of a belief that humans can use ‘reason’ sans morality, to guide life, since supposedly intelligent folks can gaze at the craziest and most violent of movements, and claim to find no basis to be upset, or surprised. This earnest response, dismissal of the danger emanating from irrational mass movements, can- to some, seem entirely normal and understandable. Such is what we have come to call ‘reason.’'

And the following, same source:

When Hamas and Islamic Jihad came to dominate the Palestinian political scene, the suicide terror campaign began to display popular support, chanting crowds, wailing mothers calling on their children to die, masked young men pledging to do as their mothers asked. There was a suicide bombing of a teenagers’ disco in Tel Aviv in 2001. Weekly random mass murders. Female suicide bombers posthumously celebrated as role models.

a. Yet, throughout the world, scholars, intellectuals, folks in the most sophisticated urban areas, endorsed the Palestinian cause- at its most violent moment. Nail bombs and mutilated bodies in Israel, and yet there were folks rallying for some sort of mass pathology.

b. How to explain movements in which utopia blends with the morgue? How, if we maintain that the world is a rational place, can this be?

To answer Berman, it is the merging of insanity, and the use of lies, so much at home in the Left.
Palestinian mother celebrated daughter's suicide bombing as her wedding - YouTube

these people are lower than animals. Israel has some class for putting up with their 5th century shenanigans imo.

One can hardly surpress surprise when supposedly thinking individuals, one or two in this thread, nod the head, and accept pathological behavior such as this...and even go on to pretend that anyone can be made to act this way by outside forces..

The residue of such is that intelligentsia of today cannot conceive of a death-obsessed mass movement assembled around pathology and irrationality.

Paul Berman discusses this in chapter six of his iconic tome, "Terror and Liberalism,"...

'Herein one can see the weakness of a belief that humans can use ‘reason’ sans morality, to guide life, since supposedly intelligent folks can gaze at the craziest and most violent of movements, and claim to find no basis to be upset, or surprised. This earnest response, dismissal of the danger emanating from irrational mass movements, can- to some, seem entirely normal and understandable. Such is what we have come to call ‘reason.’'

And the following, same source:

When Hamas and Islamic Jihad came to dominate the Palestinian political scene, the suicide terror campaign began to display popular support, chanting crowds, wailing mothers calling on their children to die, masked young men pledging to do as their mothers asked. There was a suicide bombing of a teenagers’ disco in Tel Aviv in 2001. Weekly random mass murders. Female suicide bombers posthumously celebrated as role models.

a. Yet, throughout the world, scholars, intellectuals, folks in the most sophisticated urban areas, endorsed the Palestinian cause- at its most violent moment. Nail bombs and mutilated bodies in Israel, and yet there were folks rallying for some sort of mass pathology.

b. How to explain movements in which utopia blends with the morgue? How, if we maintain that the world is a rational place, can this be?

To answer Berman, it is the merging of insanity, and the use of lies, so much at home in the Left.

The residue of such is that intelligentsia of today cannot conceive of a death-obsessed mass movement assembled around pathology and irrationality.

Self defense is pathology and irrationality?
Indeed only an anti-Semite would describe Zionism as racism. Zionism is simply Jews going home. There has never in recorded human history been a, "palstinian state" or 'palestininan' ethnicity. The Prophet Mohammad walked the earth roughly 500 years after the death of Christ. There was a Jewish State 2000 years previous to the Begining of the Common Era.

It is a long way from middle class "white bread Amerika" to the reality of the Middle East. Alas but "goggle forth" to the "truth" folks!
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Indeed only an anti-Semite would describe Zionism as racism. Zionism is simply Jews going home. There has never in recorded human history been a, "palstinian state" or 'palestininan' ethnicity. The Prophet Mohammad walked the earth roughly 500 years after the death of Christ. There was a Jewish State 2000 years previous to the Begining of the Common Era.

It is a long way from middle class "white bread Amerika" to the reality of the Middle East. Alas but "goggle forth" to the "truth" folks!

The Treaty of Versailles (1920) provisionally recognized the former Ottoman communities as independent nations. It also required Germany to recognize the disposition of the former Ottoman territories and to recognize the new states laid down within their boundaries. The Treaty of Lausanne required the newly created states that acquired the territory to pay annuities on the Ottoman public debt, and to assume responsibility for the administration of concessions that had been granted by the Ottomans. A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties. In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state for concessions granted by Ottoman authorities. The Courts of Palestine and Great Britain decided that title to the properties shown on the Ottoman Civil list had been ceded to the government of Palestine as an allied successor state. [27]

Wapedia - Wiki: State of Palestine.
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"I created {Trans} Jordan with the stoke of a pen on a Sunday afternoon in Cairo" Sir Winston Churchill.

The Hashemite Kingdon of Jordan previous to "67" exersized sovereignty of over "West Bank" Judea and Samaria. There is a constituency of thought in Israel and Yesha that the so called "palestinians" ought to return to Jordan, but also the Bedouin Hashemite Royal Family of Jordan does not want them.

In fact most the 22 Arab nations of the Middle East are creations of Britain or France . There is no need for a 23 rd, for the so called "palestinians"
It's sad how Israel and zionists have made these people so desperate.

your name is full of irony. these people are not desperate, they are just brainwashed psychos pretending it is the year 556.

Brainwashed by what, exactly?

See, many Israeli's and their supporters fail to see that before Zionism infected the region, there was peace between Jews and Muslims and Christians. They all got along.

Then, they get infected with this violence and the Zionist Euro-trash drive the once peaceful people to do anything they can to fight back against losing their homes, land, rights, freedoms, and eventually their lives.

Without Israeli agression driving these people to these extremes, they wouldn't be at these extreme levels of hate.

Name one person who would welcome their removal from their home, and then a Jewish family moves in. They hate Jews because Zionists use their Jewish identy to treat the Arabs like garbage.

youre a fucking idiot.

[ame=]Palestinian Mickey Mouse - YouTube[/ame]

destroying israel IS THEIR RELIGION. they use islam as a vehicle to do what they THINK allah wants them to do nitwits like yourself function in society being so dumb?
"I created {Trans} Jordan with the stoke of a pen on a Sunday afternoon in Cairo" Sir Winston Churchill.

The Hashemite Kingdon of Jordan previous to "67" exersized sovereignty of over "West Bank" Judea and Samaria. There is a constituency of thought in Israel and Yesha that the so called "palestinians" ought to return to Jordan, but also the Bedouin Hashemite Royal Family of Jordan does not want them.

In fact most the 22 Arab nations of the Middle East are creations of Britain or France . There is no need for a 23 rd, for the so called "palestinians"

The 1949 UN armistice agreements divided Palestine into three parts without changing Palestine's international borders. Jordan was to occupy the West Bank. Egypt was to occupy Gaza. Israel was to occupy the rest. No part of Palestine was transfered to another authority. Its borders remained intact.
Palestinian mother celebrated daughter's suicide bombing as her wedding - YouTube

these people are lower than animals. Israel has some class for putting up with their 5th century shenanigans imo.

One can hardly surpress surprise when supposedly thinking individuals, one or two in this thread, nod the head, and accept pathological behavior such as this...and even go on to pretend that anyone can be made to act this way by outside forces..

The residue of such is that intelligentsia of today cannot conceive of a death-obsessed mass movement assembled around pathology and irrationality.

Paul Berman discusses this in chapter six of his iconic tome, "Terror and Liberalism,"...

'Herein one can see the weakness of a belief that humans can use ‘reason’ sans morality, to guide life, since supposedly intelligent folks can gaze at the craziest and most violent of movements, and claim to find no basis to be upset, or surprised. This earnest response, dismissal of the danger emanating from irrational mass movements, can- to some, seem entirely normal and understandable. Such is what we have come to call ‘reason.’'

And the following, same source:

When Hamas and Islamic Jihad came to dominate the Palestinian political scene, the suicide terror campaign began to display popular support, chanting crowds, wailing mothers calling on their children to die, masked young men pledging to do as their mothers asked. There was a suicide bombing of a teenagers’ disco in Tel Aviv in 2001. Weekly random mass murders. Female suicide bombers posthumously celebrated as role models.

a. Yet, throughout the world, scholars, intellectuals, folks in the most sophisticated urban areas, endorsed the Palestinian cause- at its most violent moment. Nail bombs and mutilated bodies in Israel, and yet there were folks rallying for some sort of mass pathology.

b. How to explain movements in which utopia blends with the morgue? How, if we maintain that the world is a rational place, can this be?

To answer Berman, it is the merging of insanity, and the use of lies, so much at home in the Left.

The residue of such is that intelligentsia of today cannot conceive of a death-obsessed mass movement assembled around pathology and irrationality.

Self defense is pathology and irrationality?

blowing yourself up to kill children is defensive? thats great. no wonder humanity is so fucked up.
i love all the palestine supporters DONT EVEN ADDRESS the fact that this woman is PROUD that her daughter KILLED HERSELF. you people can't even say "I support palestine but they really shouldnt be blowing themselves up" You support this kind of atrocious action and its really really pathetic. get off of israel's back for a second and just THINK about the actual act of self detonation. does EVERY SINGLE palestine supporter believe that the answer is to detonate themselves? Honestly? If that is really the answer why can't they just chill the fuck out and see if it helps. I mean, it couldn't hurt right?
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i love all the palestine supporters DONT EVEN ADDRESS the fact that this woman is PROUD that her daughter KILLED HERSELF. you people can't even say "I support palestine but they really shouldnt be blowing themselves up" You support this kind of atrocious action and its really really pathetic. get off of israel's back for a second and just THINK about the actual act of self detonation. does EVERY SINGLE palestine supporter believe that the answer is to detonate themselves? Honestly? If that is really the answer why can't they just chill the fuck out and see if it helps. I mean, it couldn't hurt right?

Every culture honors those who give their lives in defense of their country. I don't understand why this double standard is applied to Palestinians. Suicide bombing started about a month after 29 Palestinian civilians were murdered in a mosque. It was discontinued as a policy about ten years later. The propagandists still bring it up regularly though.
your name is full of irony. these people are not desperate, they are just brainwashed psychos pretending it is the year 556.

Brainwashed by what, exactly?

See, many Israeli's and their supporters fail to see that before Zionism infected the region, there was peace between Jews and Muslims and Christians. They all got along.

Then, they get infected with this violence and the Zionist Euro-trash drive the once peaceful people to do anything they can to fight back against losing their homes, land, rights, freedoms, and eventually their lives.

Without Israeli agression driving these people to these extremes, they wouldn't be at these extreme levels of hate.

Name one person who would welcome their removal from their home, and then a Jewish family moves in. They hate Jews because Zionists use their Jewish identy to treat the Arabs like garbage.

youre a fucking idiot.

[ame=]Palestinian Mickey Mouse - YouTube[/ame]

destroying israel IS THEIR RELIGION. they use islam as a vehicle to do what they THINK allah wants them to do nitwits like yourself function in society being so dumb?
My guess is, he/she doesn't function in society without entitlements and handouts.

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