Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Actually. when a joint resolution is passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives in an identical form and then signed by the President, it becomes the Law of the U.S.

Following with Lodge-Fish Resolution and the Anglo-American Convention,
recognition of the inalienable Jewish right to national reconstitution,
makes it the law of the land, as well binding in the US.
Law of the wrong land. The US doesn't count.
Law of the wrong land. The US doesn't count.

It's international law, recognized by the Senate and House of Representatives,
signed in identical form by the President - and as international law,
counts and binding, see art VI par. 2 of US Constitution.

US law prevents infringement to Israeli sovereignty.
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There're only five Arab states in the world,
or only five that had their territory ceded to them?

Shows you're not a BIG MOUTH pulling mambo jambo out the bottom...
Not surprised that you don't know which ones I mean.
Not surprised that you don't know which ones I mean.

For one you don't even know how many Arab states there are in the world,
let alone backup any of that mambo jambo you pull out the bottom.

Isn't that true BIG MOUTH ?
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Israel Palestine international Law Symposium: Canada's Rights and Obligations​


An Examination of American Culture and the Declining Jewish Influence on It​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation and Political Entropy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Possting  #2481.png

That was pre planned before the Mandate. See article 25.
This is no startling revelation. In fact, it is further evidence that my position if true.

Brit Mandate Template.png

As you can see, over 70% of the territory formerly under the Mandate became an Arab Country. What you should take away from the discussion, in regards to the Hashemite Kingdom, is that it was ≈ 70% of the original Mandate. So, right out of the box, this portion of the Mandate Territory met the Article 22(4) from the Covenant of the League of Nations (LoN):

LoN Covenant (1919) said:
Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.
. This is related to:
The Versailles Treaty June 28, 1919 (Part I).

Between 1928 and 1946, a series of Anglo-Transjordanian treaties led to almost full independence for Transjordan. While Britain retained a degree of control over foreign affairs, armed forces, communications and state finances, Emir Abdullah commanded the administrative and military machinery of the regular government. On March 22, 1946, Abdullah negotiated a new Anglo-Transjordanian treaty, ending the British mandate and gaining full independence for Transjordan. In exchange for providing military facilities within Transjordan, Britain continued to pay a financial subsidy and supported the Arab Legion. Two months later, on May 25, 1946, the Transjordanian parliament proclaimed Abdullah king, while officially changing the name of the country from the Emirate of Transjordan to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.​
SOURCE: History Office Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Having said all this is just reenforcement of my original comment: "No territory under British Mandate was ceded in any fashion except to the Arab (the Arab Hashemite Kings)(Jordan • Iraq)."

Most Respectfully,
Having said all this is just reenforcement of my original comment: "No territory under British Mandate was ceded in any fashion except to the Arab (the Arab Hashemite Kings)(Jordan • Iraq)."
No Palestinian land was ceded to Transjordan. Transjordan was established in 1922 and the land was ceded to Transjordan directly from Turkey in 1924.

BTW, the mandate was forbiden from ceding Palestinian land to any foreign entity. I don't remember which article it was.
Were those the five "new states" invented by the Treaty of Lausanne?
:eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: The Treaty of Lausanne did not invent new states. Those states were already planned by the Allied Powers. The Treaty of Lausanne merely transferred the sovereignty from Turkey to the people of the new states.
Good answer.
For those to lazy to look it up.

ART. 5.

The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.

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