Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Good question. Ask the UN that's what they say.

Anything "they say" that is binding,
or your usual unicorns in Narnia?

The UN is bound by laws inherited from the League of Nations.
clearly referred to in the Treaty of Lausanne which you keep bringing up.
That's why the UN can't authorize a binding resolution contrary to the inalienable
rights and title of the Jewish nation to Palestine, which has no statues of limitations.
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Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.

These are the inalienable rights which have no statutes of limitations,
the UN is bound by them, in article 80 of its charter,
and further article 70(1b) of Law of Treaties.

Which is why mere statements in the UN,
give no legal authority to what you say.
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Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.
It wasn't about a Jewish state. It was about Jewish citizenship in Palestine.

Article 7
The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a
nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
It wasn't about a Jewish state. It was about Jewish citizenship in Palestine.

Article 7
The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a
nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

As it was illegal to prevent acquisition of citizenship by Jews,
all legal reference to nationality and sovereignty is bound
with the re-constitution of the Jewish nation.

And only the titled nation has the
legal authority to interpret that.
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As it was illegal to prevent acquisition of citizenship by Jews,
all legal reference to nationality and sovereignty is bound
with the re-constitution of the Jewish nation.

Only the titled nation can interpret that.
HUH? :confused-84:
What don't you understand?
All mention of sovereignty is in reference
to the re-constitution of the Jewish nation.
And only Israel has the title to interpret that.
No territory was ceded to a Jewish state.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation and Political Entropy
⁜→ et al,

In the beginning (turn of the 19th Century into the 20th Century), the Jewish National Home (JNH) was a futuristic concept in which many people had varying ides on its structure and development. What people envisioned was different from person to person.

It wasn't about a Jewish state. It was about Jewish citizenship in Palestine.

Well, at the simplest of levels in understanding, you have part of this correct. But the "Primary" idea was that a JNH be established in some for; whatever those forms would turn out to be.

The secondary objectives were the attempt to maintain the Civil and Political Rights of the Arab inhabitants, that being the Civil and Political Rights as they were understood to be in 1920 (NOT 2020). You must ask yourself, what Civil and Political Rights did the Arab Palestinians have in 1920 (as the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers understood them to be when they agreed upon the framework)?

The unspoken assumption was that the inhabitants, of the newly released from the Occupied Enemy Territory and placed under Civil Administration, would not only cooperate but also fervently assist in the reconstruction of the territory to accommodate the Mandate. By the late 1930s it became un-mistakenly obvious that an advanced stage of civil and political entropy was taking its toll.

New political approaches had to be devised to overcome what was fast becoming "irreconcilable conflict of principles" between the Jewish and Arab communities. What was assumed to be true in the 1920s was definitely not true in the 1940s. Concepts had to change. These "irreconcilable conflict of principles" are what ultimately drove the Two-State Solution to maturity.

Article 7
The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a
nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
The phrase the "Administration of Palestine" was taken to mean the Civil Administration that took over from the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration in June 1920. It did not mean some unidentifiable permanent government under the total administration of the Arab Palestinians. An Arab government capable of dismantling the JNH under domestic law through the Arab majority rule. The idea behind the decisions by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers was to create a framework under which the JNH would remain a viable entity once the territory to which the Mandate applied was released. However, The discredited King-Crane Commission stated in its report:

“The Peace Conference should not shut its eyes to the fact that the anti-Zionist feeling in
Palestine and Syria is intense and not lightly to be flouted. No British officer, consulted by
the commissioners, believed that the Zionist programme could be carried out
except by forces of arms.”

Article 7 really has little to do with the Arab -Jewish back-biting and end-fighting ignited by the worsening political conditions, coupled with the economic impact, between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers plus (two decades later) the Axis Powers.


Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians had every right to reject giving half of their country to colonial settlers.
The "country" you insist was invented by the Treaty of Lausanne, despite the fact that the Treaty of Lausanne did no such thing?

Living under such delusions is a sad existence.

Still nothing on those "new states" you insist were also invented.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation and Political Entropy
⁜→ et al,

No territory was ceded to a Jewish state.
The Allied Powers really did not want to be put in the position of making such decisions.

No territory under British Mandate was ceded in any fashion except to the Arab (the Arab Hashemite Kings)(Jordan • Iraq).

The remaining territories were established under the Right of Self-Determination.

Most Respectfully,
Actually. when a joint resolution is passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives in an identical form and then signed by the President, it becomes the Law of the U.S.

Following with Lodge-Fish Resolution and the Anglo-American Convention,
recognition of the inalienable Jewish right to national reconstitution,
makes it the law of the land, as well binding in the US.
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When was that needed?
No territory was ceded to any of the Arab states.
Let alone territory defined by Jewish national re-constitution.
Not true. Territory was ceded to all of the Arab states.

None to Israel.
New political approaches had to be devised to overcome what was fast becoming "irreconcilable conflict of principles" between the Jewish and Arab communities.
The plan was irreconcilable from the git go. Btitain was just too fucking stupid to see it.
The "country" you insist was invented by the Treaty of Lausanne, despite the fact that the Treaty of Lausanne did no such thing?

Living under such delusions is a sad existence.

Still nothing on those "new states" you insist were also invented.
:eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

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