Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

What Tinmore “ forgets” 🤥 is that until 67 the W Bank and E Jerusalem were considered part of Jordan 🇯🇴 and Gaza part of Egypt 🇪🇬
I’m so glad Tinmore finds those fact FUNNY. Was was recognized as OFFICIALLY part of Jordan 🇯🇴 which they lost 😞 in 67 is now part of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and that will never change.
I’m so glad Tinmore finds those fact FUNNY. Was was recognized as OFFICIALLY part of Jordan 🇯🇴 which they lost 😞 in 67 is now part of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and that will never change.
Tinmore can deny it all he wants but the W Bank was FORMALLY annexed to Jordan 4/24/1950’. Guess who’s laughing now? 🇮🇱🇮🇱👍😆

Transcending the Israel Lobby at Home and Abroad Conference - Interviews by Dr. Michael Spath​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Is this a land Grab (as you suggest) or is this the Arab Palestinian showing its true colors by reneging on its agreement?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

MEMORY: (Para 3, A/PV.2268. 14 October 1974), agree to ANNEX III Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs • ARTICLE IV Special Provisions concerning Area "C" • which assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C".

Webinar: Resisting Israeli Land Grabs​


While you are continuously accusing the Israelis of wrongdoing, it is just a damn shame that you don't mention how the Arab Palestinians (in the form of the internationally recognized sole representative of the Palestinian People) simply decided to unilaterally abandon the agreements and expand their campaign of terror and intimidation.

And don't start with this phony-baloney argument that the Oslo Accords were illegal. There were numerous parties that observed the proceedings and understood the international law. It is only because the Arab Palestinians chose not to fulfill their part of the agreement that has brought them to this point in history. It was the Arab Palestinian that chose to extend the Arab-Israeli Conflict for another 28 years. Every casualty the Arab Palestinians have suffered in that time can be laid at the feet of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP).

The HoAP has brought the definition of Islamic martyrdom to a new meaning.

PA/Fatah: Terror is the "path to victory," Dead terrorists “are our heroes… who illuminate the path for our people… We all need to be like [them],”​

Just what kind of sociopath appludes conflict and promotes the advocacy of national, racial and religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. And then claim that they have some kind of speical dispensation that they may consider Jews "impure" and "the world's dogs." Just what kind of people consider themselves above the law and declare that it is a "human right" for Palestinians to kill Jews. And what kind of psychopath is it that claims "Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee."

I think that the ostrich effect at the Hague (Courts) is, by assisting the Arab Palestinian Legal action, have lost their mind and are insuring that the trust and confidence in the International Legal System to do the right thing, is degraded and slowly being lost. But just because the Hague assists and promotes HoAP policies and activities does NOT give the HoAP any special rights to promote their death machine.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Is this a land Grab (as you suggest) or is this the Arab Palestinian showing its true colors by reneging on its agreement?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

MEMORY: (Para 3, A/PV.2268. 14 October 1974), agree to ANNEX III Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs • ARTICLE IV Special Provisions concerning Area "C" • which assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C".


While you are continuously accusing the Israelis of wrongdoing, it is just a damn shame that you don't mention how the Arab Palestinians (in the form of the internationally recognized sole representative of the Palestinian People) simply decided to unilaterally abandon the agreements and expand their campaign of terror and intimidation.

And don't start with this phony-baloney argument that the Oslo Accords were illegal. There were numerous parties that observed the proceedings and understood the international law. It is only because the Arab Palestinians chose not to fulfill their part of the agreement that has brought them to this point in history. It was the Arab Palestinian that chose to extend the Arab-Israeli Conflict for another 28 years. Every casualty the Arab Palestinians have suffered in that time can be laid at the feet of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP).

The HoAP has brought the definition of Islamic martyrdom to a new meaning.

PA/Fatah: Terror is the "path to victory," Dead terrorists “are our heroes… who illuminate the path for our people… We all need to be like [them],”​

Just what kind of sociopath appludes conflict and promotes the advocacy of national, racial and religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. And then claim that they have some kind of speical dispensation that they may consider Jews "impure" and "the world's dogs." Just what kind of people consider themselves above the law and declare that it is a "human right" for Palestinians to kill Jews. And what kind of psychopath is it that claims "Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee."

I think that the ostrich effect at the Hague (Courts) is, by assisting the Arab Palestinian Legal action, have lost their mind and are insuring that the trust and confidence in the International Legal System to do the right thing, is degraded and slowly being lost. But just because the Hague assists and promotes HoAP policies and activities does NOT give the HoAP any special rights to promote their death machine.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
WOW, nice rant.

Now how about those Israeli land grabs?
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Is this a land Grab (as you suggest) or is this the Arab Palestinian showing its true colors by reneging on its agreement?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
WOW, nice rant.

Now how about those Israeli land grabs?

What "land grabs?" You are implying that the Israelis do not have the pre-approved authority by Agreement with the Arab Palestinians.

I guess you did not read it very well. (ARTICLE IV Special Provisions concerning Area C)
Assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C".

Since you know so much. Tell me which one of these authorities or Special Provisions are you contesting? Within Appendix I, there are 40 Articles covered (in addition to Article IV(4) Israel's continued authority to exercise its powers and responsibilities with regard to internal security and public order).

It does not take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out that most of these complaints (like you made here) are fairly frivolous. You cannot even express what authority the Arab Palestinians have that was violated. And that is because you cannot describe the nature of the event.

I suspect that out of the hundreds and hundreds of complaints made by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), a few might have some foundation. BUT! Given the sheer number of "Cry Wolf" allegations made, at a certain point, even the best of nations would begin to ignore the complaints that have no supporting documentation. And an Aljazeera News Article (a hostile media outlet) does not count as substantiation (truth and transparency).

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C".
As an occupying power. The rules of occupation still apply. No destruction of property. No stealing land. No population transfers. Etc....
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Is this a land Grab (as you suggest) or is this the Arab Palestinian showing its true colors by reneging on its agreement?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are going to believe that, no matter who tells you different. WHY? Because it does not advance the insurgent cause of action.

As an occupying power. The rules of occupation still apply. No destruction of property. No stealing land. No population transfers. Etc....

A question you must answer is: who's land is being occupied?

That portion of the West Bank that is currently labeled "Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)" is not talking about territory that was once sovereign under the Palestinian People. It was talking about the territory Annexed by the Hashemite Kingdom on the vote by the Jordanian Parliament - which consisted of a 50% representation by the West Bank Arab Palestinians (or formerly labeled as "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory."

People (pro-Palestinian and Hostile Arab Palestinians) have a tendency to forget that the territory in its entirety has been labeled "Palestine" since the first Palestine Order in Council.

1. This Order may be cited as "The Palestine Order in Council, 1922."​
The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.​

The territory was not called "Palestine" because it was once under Palestinian Rule or because the people were known "Palestinians." It was the name adopted by the Allied Supreme Council at the 1920 San Remo Conference from the Balfour Declaration.

When the West Bank was occupied by the Israelis, it was not occupying territory under the rule of the " "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory." It was occupied as territory that was under the rule of the Hashemite Kingdom that was a consequence of the exercise of "self-determination" by the "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory."

It does not matter what the interpretation is or was. What matters is that the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Whether any other state recognizes the annexation is immaterial. No country actually stepped into the situation in order to prevent the action, and no country stepped into the situation to actively reverse the annexation. Reality rules the day.

In 1988, when the Hashemite Kingdom abandon (cut all ties) with its territory west of the Jordan River, there was no Government established by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to fill the breach. By default, the Israelis took charge.

Again, just to be clear: The territory called the West Bank was NOT under Arab Palestinian governmental administration when the Israelis took charge.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Is this a land Grab (as you suggest) or is this the Arab Palestinian showing its true colors by reneging on its agreement?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are going to believe that, no matter who tells you different. WHY? Because it does not advance the insurgent cause of action.


A question you must answer is: who's land is being occupied?

That portion of the West Bank that is currently labeled "Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)" is not talking about territory that was once sovereign under the Palestinian People. It was talking about the territory Annexed by the Hashemite Kingdom on the vote by the Jordanian Parliament - which consisted of a 50% representation by the West Bank Arab Palestinians (or formerly labeled as "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory."

People (pro-Palestinian and Hostile Arab Palestinians) have a tendency to forget that the territory in its entirety has been labeled "Palestine" since the first Palestine Order in Council.

1. This Order may be cited as "The Palestine Order in Council, 1922."​
The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.​

The territory was not called "Palestine" because it was once under Palestinian Rule or because the people were known "Palestinians." It was the name adopted by the Allied Supreme Council at the 1920 San Remo Conference from the Balfour Declaration.

When the West Bank was occupied by the Israelis, it was not occupying territory under the rule of the " "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory." It was occupied as territory that was under the rule of the Hashemite Kingdom that was a consequence of the exercise of "self-determination" by the "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory."

It does not matter what the interpretation is or was. What matters is that the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Whether any other state recognizes the annexation is immaterial. No country actually stepped into the situation in order to prevent the action, and no country stepped into the situation to actively reverse the annexation. Reality rules the day.

In 1988, when the Hashemite Kingdom abandon (cut all ties) with its territory west of the Jordan River, there was no Government established by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to fill the breach. By default, the Israelis took charge.

Again, just to be clear: The territory called the West Bank was NOT under Arab Palestinian governmental administration when the Israelis took charge.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
He keeps ignoring the fact that in 1950 it was FORMALLY recognized the W Bank was part of Jordan 🇯🇴 and while it may not have been “ formal” it was just accepted that Gaza was part of Egypt 🇪🇬. He can’t get over the fact that Israel 🇮🇱 will ALWAYS have access to their Holy Sites 🇮🇱👍
People (pro-Palestinian and Hostile Arab Palestinians) have a tendency to forget that the territory in its entirety has been labeled "Palestine" since the first Palestine Order in Council.
Why was Palestine called Palestine? Well, duh:eusa_doh:

The people in a defined territory are the sovereigns.
1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:

(a) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;

It doesn't say state. It doesn't say government. It says "the Palestinian people in Palestine." The people of the place have the sovereignty. The people from some place else do not.

You seem to think that if a people do not have a government or military power that they do not have rights.

Story of the Ongoing Nakba Inscribed on Women's Lives from Sheik Jarrah to 1948 - Rev. Loren McGail​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Is this a land Grab (as you suggest) or is this the Arab Palestinian showing its true colors by reneging on its agreement?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

For the damn umpteenth thousand time - No one is arguing that Arab Palestinians cannot take action to become a state. They have that right. But they cannot covent/take territory in which are articulated in the Montevideo Convention (1933).
MP Ferreira-Snyman** said:
◈ Sovereignty is the most extensive form of jurisdiction under international law. In general terms, it denotes full and unchallengable power over a piece of territory and all the persons from time to time therein.​
SOURCE: Senior Lecturer, Department of Jurisprudence, University of South Africa (BIuris LLB LLM)​

The evolution of state sovereignty: A historical overview by Ferreira-Snyman
**Bodley “Weakening the principle of sovereignty in international law: The international tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” 1993 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics pg419. MacCormick Questioning Sovereignty: Law, State, and Nation in the European Commonwealth (1999) 127 provides the explanation (the quote above) of the term “sovereignty” by distinguishing between legal and political sovereignty: “[W]hereas a 'merely legal conception',​
It doesn't say state. It doesn't say government. It says "the Palestinian people in Palestine." The people of the place have the sovereignty. The people from some place else do not.

You seem to think that if a people do not have a government or military power that they do not have rights.

Like the principle by the same name, --- the rights and freedoms may be exercised unless they exercised of these rights interferes with another’s right.

You may think that the "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory" had some prior claim to sovereignty over the territory. This is simply NOT true. By Treaty, the Turkey Republic/Ottoman Empire, which forfeited their claim as a consequence of the outcome of World War One, renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories, to the Allied Powers representative. REMEMBER: The "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory" were residing in the Occupied Enemy Territory under the joint administration of the British-French.

The idea that the "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory" does not pass the smell test. In the early 20th Century, it was not the custom to reward the habitually residents in the Occupied Enemy Territory. If rewarding the residences of the Occupied Enemy Territory somehow makes sense to --- that the predecessors to the people who call themselves Palestinians today, please demonstrate how that made sense anywhere in the in the controlled territory after the war.

Two more minor points need to be made.

◈ What were the civil and political rights that are demanded by laws.​
How do you know that the "formerly Turkish Subject habitually resident in the territory" were denied something?​
◈ The language that you cite does not come from any law in force.​
Tell us what binding law was violated?​
When did this law go into force?​


Most Respectfully,
Should there be a " Palestinian State?"

In Plain Language: Do the Palestinians deserve a state?

Amnesty’s US director: Israel shouldn’t exist ‘as a state for the Jewish people’

Who is this " amnesty us director" that he can read the minds of the Jews in the US and decide HE doesn't believe them?? He clams Israel should exist as " a safe Jewish Space" and its a place that the Jewish people can call " home?" And pray tell. who would be in charge of ANY JEWISH IMMIGRATION POLICIES? THE PALESTINIANS OF COURSE ! lol

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