Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Lara Kiswani Palestinian American Activist Calling for Justice for Palestine​


Sacco and Vanzetti Award to SURVIVORS Of The USAs WAR ON TERROR: The Holy Land Found & Sami Al-Arian​

The definition of Israel as an Apartheid State by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch is a maturation of a long process of framing and reframing the Palestine issue. The process was both political and academic. It began with a group of Palestinian scholars who formed, in 1965, the PLO Research Center in Beirut, and among them, academics such as Fayez Sayigh and Ibrahim Abu Lughod introduced the application of the settler-colonial paradigm to the Palestine case.

‘Fantasy Israel’ Faces Moment of Truth
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Springtime for Fascists In Israel: Far Right & Theocrats Take Power, w/ Ali Abunimah​


BREAKING: J Street Says Two-State Solution No Longer Viable For Israel & Palestine​

RE: Palestine: the things you don’t hear about.
SUBTOPIC: Palestinians Honoring Another Terrorist
⁜→. P F Tinmore,
MartyNYC, et al,

What is the viable alternative?

BREAKING: J Street Says Two-State Solution No Longer Viable For Israel & Palestine


Yes, the as.
MartyNYC has pointed out: "We do not want to live under “Palestinian” rule!" is a common theme in Israel.

Many do not see any possibility other than the status quo.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine: the things you don’t hear about.
SUBTOPIC: Palestinians Honoring Another Terrorist
⁜→. P F Tinmore,
MartyNYC, et al,

What is the viable alternative?


Yes, the as.
MartyNYC has pointed out: "We do not want to live under “Palestinian” rule!" is a common theme in Israel.

Many do not see any possibility other than the status quo.


Most Respectfully,
It is already one state. Will it be democratic or apartheid?
According to you.; there is no such thing as Antisemitism, remember? The Israelis just use it as an “ excuse”
There is Antisemitism, but when you throw out Antisemitism, cards like rice at a wedding, it loses its meaning.
It is already one state. Will it be democratic or apartheid?
The “ One State Solution “ a “ Democracy?”Others having COMPLETE control over Jewish Religious Sites? It honestly bothers you that it will never be that way again
It is already one state. Will it be democratic or apartheid?

This is the BEST reason why there will NEVER be a " democratic" One State Solution . They have made it very clear the Israelis will be subservient having their " rights" dictated enforced by them INCLUDING a possible Civil War

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