Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Webinar: UN Special Rapporteur’s Milestone Report on Palestine: Resuming Rights-Based Discourse​


Palestine in Session - Ep2: Black-Palestinian Transnational Solidarity​

Thank You for Posting this! OF COURSE there will be Black Palestinian Transnational Solidarity


Kanye West’s antisemitic spiral, explained
Just a FEW examples
The Vile Hate, bigotry and Racism has nothing to do with the JEWISH STATE
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Thank You for Posting this! OF COURSE there will be Black Palestinian Transnational Solidarity


Kanye West’s antisemitic spiral, explained
Just a FEW examples
The Vile Hate, bigotry and Racism has nothing to do with the JEWISH STATE
So you cherry pick a few things from Israeli propaganda organizations.
So you cherry pick a few things from Israeli propaganda organizations.
“ Israeli Propaganda?” What makes you think I picked up any info from ANY Site or Organization? Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Kanya West, etc etc are from PROPAGANDA WEBSITES ; the inference is they aren’t true? You’re more delusional then I thought you were
“ Israeli Propaganda?” What makes you think I picked up any info from ANY Site or Organization? Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Kanya West, etc etc are from PROPAGANDA WEBSITES ; the inference is they aren’t true? You’re more delusional then I thought you were
Doesn't refute my post.
Maybe you should learn how to read Please tell me what about my post is “ Israeli Propaganda “ inferring I got it from some Israeli Web Site or “ False Information “ There will be no response
So, what refuted my post?
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: The Future
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
Hanan Ashrawi is only interested in a solution that gives the Arab Palestinians supremacy. Hanan Ashrawi is not interested in any serious "peace talks" in which the Arab Palestinians have a possibility of NOT obtaining control from the river to the sea. The very way in which this discussion (Miller 'v' Ashrawi) is proceeding is what they are trying to avoid.

Carnegie Connects: What Lies Ahead for Palestinians?


None of the Arab League Members really want the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) to achieve control over Israel. And realistically, no economically balanced state wants to see the most successful nation in the entire Middle East North African (MENA) Region, or the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) being placed in the position that they would have requirements for diverting resources to defend themselves against the half dozen designated Arab Terrorist organizations should they break free of their containment afford by Israeli security services and to create havoc in their countries:

◈ Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP – General Command’)​
◈ Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ – ‘PFLP’​
◈ Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ – ‘PIJ’​
◈ Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’​
◈ Al-Aqsa e.V’​
◈ Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’​
One could only imagine the scenarios, measures, and mannerr of extortion the MENA and GCC would be exposed to if these HoAP activities were to come into the possession of the Israeli Arsenal, including the capability of producing fissile plutonium. That is not to mention the exposure of the HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, and MAZINT resources if the Israelis were to suddenly raise the hands and totally capitulate in exchange for peace. This is not to mention the imposition he what the criminal element will do. It may not be to the advantage of organized crime syndicates that there be any peace arrangement.

It is not likely that the MENA and GCC would allow the HoAP to break confinement even if such an arrangement were to be made. It is more likely that the immediately adjacent Arab States would suddenly strike and carve up the territory from the river to the sea among themselves and once again take control without conciliation with any HoAP leadership. Not only would the Arab Palestinians forfeit any gain they thought they would achieve, but they would (in all likelihood) forfeit what they have now.

The Miller 'v' Ashrawi discussion lacks any framework of realism in the future where the Arab Palestinians. Softcore politics that runs on the surface (the accusations wrongdoing) makes it sound real, but like an iceburg, four-fifths of the danger is below the surface.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: The Future
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
Hanan Ashrawi is only interested in a solution that gives the Arab Palestinians supremacy. Hanan Ashrawi is not interested in any serious "peace talks" in which the Arab Palestinians have a possibility of NOT obtaining control from the river to the sea. The very way in which this discussion (Miller 'v' Ashrawi) is proceeding is what they are trying to avoid.


None of the Arab League Members really want the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) to achieve control over Israel. And realistically, no economically balanced state wants to see the most successful nation in the entire Middle East North African (MENA) Region, or the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) being placed in the position that they would have requirements for diverting resources to defend themselves against the half dozen designated Arab Terrorist organizations should they break free of their containment afford by Israeli security services and to create havoc in their countries:

◈ Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP – General Command’)​
◈ Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ – ‘PFLP’​
◈ Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ – ‘PIJ’​
◈ Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’​
◈ Al-Aqsa e.V’​
◈ Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’​
One could only imagine the scenarios, measures, and mannerr of extortion the MENA and GCC would be exposed to if these HoAP activities were to come into the possession of the Israeli Arsenal, including the capability of producing fissile plutonium. That is not to mention the exposure of the HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, and MAZINT resources if the Israelis were to suddenly raise the hands and totally capitulate in exchange for peace. This is not to mention the imposition he what the criminal element will do. It may not be to the advantage of organized crime syndicates that there be any peace arrangement.

It is not likely that the MENA and GCC would allow the HoAP to break confinement even if such an arrangement were to be made. It is more likely that the immediately adjacent Arab States would suddenly strike and carve up the territory from the river to the sea among themselves and once again take control without conciliation with any HoAP leadership. Not only would the Arab Palestinians forfeit any gain they thought they would achieve, but they would (in all likelihood) forfeit what they have now.

The Miller 'v' Ashrawi discussion lacks any framework of realism in the future where the Arab Palestinians. Softcore politics that runs on the surface (the accusations wrongdoing) makes it sound real, but like an iceburg, four-fifths of the danger is below the surface.


Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians are asking for nothing more than what they have the legal right to have.

Launch of Balfour Project “Abandoning Palestine” conference booklet with Layla Moran MP​


"Breaking the Israel-Palestine Status Quo": Zaha Hassan and Daniel Levy w/ Peter Beinart​


UN human rights chief says violence in occupied west bank 'risks spiralling out of control'​

RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: There Legal Right
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think the Arab Palestinians have lost a bit of understanding of their contemporary history.

The Palestinians are asking for nothing more than what they have the legal right to have.

Let's remind ourselves that the West Bank and part of Jerusalem were, from April 1950 to July 1988, the sovereign territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (an Arab State).

When Jordan abandon its sovereignty over all its holding west of the Jordan River, the authority vacuum was instantly filled by the Israeli authorities on 1 August 1988.

There was no national Arab Palestinian Government to fill the void.

On 28 October, 1974 the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was appointed the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. No territory has ever been liberated by the PLO.

The PLO did not assemble a Government and was not able to demonstrate any empowerment over any territory west of the Jordan River even after the 1993 Oslo Accord was signed. There was an agreement between the Militant Arm of the PLO signed as well, but was of little consequence.

(The Gaza Strip has its own little story to tell.)


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: There Legal Right
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think the Arab Palestinians have lost a bit of understanding of their contemporary history.


Let's remind ourselves that the West Bank and part of Jerusalem were, from April 1950 to July 1988, the sovereign territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (an Arab State).

When Jordan abandon its sovereignty over all its holding west of the Jordan River, the authority vacuum was instantly filled by the Israeli authorities on 1 August 1988.

There was no national Arab Palestinian Government to fill the void.

On 28 October, 1974 the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was appointed the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. No territory has ever been liberated by the PLO.

The PLO did not assemble a Government and was not able to demonstrate any empowerment over any territory west of the Jordan River even after the 1993 Oslo Accord was signed. There was an agreement between the Militant Arm of the PLO signed as well, but was of little consequence.

(The Gaza Strip has its own little story to tell.)


Most Respectfully,
Gaza was recognized as part of Egypt From my research it was never considered “ Occupied Territory “

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