Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Opposing View
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,
This is an alternative interpretation of history, bent in favor of the Arabs (and others) that fell under The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA)(Levantine provinces)(1917-1920) former Ottoman Empire (Central Powers).
The initial aggression against the Palestinians officially started in 1917 when the settler colonial project entered Palestine. Settler colonial projects are unilateral and inherently aggressive. Their goal is to remove the natives by military force and replace then with settlers. This aggression continues until all of the natives are removed.

This is a very common attitude in the Arab (+ Ottomans/Turks) Population within the OETA adopts and state as fact (misinformation) a negative attitude to because they cannot have the territory themselves.

Ottomans in the Mediterranean world, c. 1600..png

: Mapping the Ottomans: Sovereignty, Territory, and Identity in the Early Modern Mediterranean, by Palmira Brummett © Palmira Brummett 2015, Cambridge University Press, University of Cambridge
Publication of this book has been aided by a grant from the Millard Meiss Publication Fund of the College Art Association.


File:McMahon 'Administrative Districts'​

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
Prior to the Surrender by the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic, the entire region was not called Palestine by the Ottomans as an official jurisdiction.
That is the territory inside Palestine's inviolable international borders. The Palestinians have the right to territorial integrity. That right shall not be violated.

Yes, well, this is political wishful thinking by the naive. It has not been true for any territories (new and old) in the history of North America, Scandinavia, or for any of the four empires (German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires) that fell as a result of WWI (the Great War). Even after WWI, borders were violated. And to some extent, the practice is carried on today by some of the major powers of the world.

And, it is odd that some people (like the anti-Israelis and pro-Palestinians) continue to attempt to restructure the lines of sovereignty (borders established by treaty) in these contemporary times. For a set of factions that there is such a thing as "inviolable international borders," they violate Israeli Sovereignty quite frequently. Every time the HoAP factions strike over the border and into Israel, that demonstrates how naive the idea that "inviolable international borders" exist.


Most Respectfully,


  • States of the Empire of the Great Lord of the Turks.png
    States of the Empire of the Great Lord of the Turks.png
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Yes, well, this is political wishful thinking by the naive. It has not been true for any territories (new and old) in the history of North America, Scandinavia, or for any of the four empires (German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires) that fell as a result of WWI (the Great War). Even after WWI, borders were violated. And to some extent, the practice is carried on today by some of the major powers of the world.
For a set of factions that there is such a thing as "inviolable international borders," they violate Israeli Sovereignty quite frequently. Every time the HoAP factions strike over the border and into Israel, that demonstrates how naive the idea that "inviolable international borders" exist.
How is that? Israel has no borders.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Misinformation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is one of your deliberate attempts - intended to deceive the observer. It is the Arab Palestinians that seem to have a problem with defining their borders. They have none.

How is that? Israel has no borders.

Well, this is another example of your continuous misinformation.

You might notice that the Treaty with Jordan includes the entirety of the West Bank.


Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Misinformation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is one of your deliberate attempts - intended to deceive the observer. It is the Arab Palestinians that seem to have a problem with defining their borders. They have none.


Well, this is another example of your continuous misinformation.

You might notice that the Treaty with Jordan includes the entirety of the West Bank.


Most Respectfully,
None of those were a land/border treaties with Palestine.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Misinformation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

More misinformation.

None of those were a land/border treaties with Palestine.

There was no such political entity known as "Palestine." The Government was established by the Palestine Order in Council.

I have documented Palestine's international borders many times.
Where were you?

Not once did you show any documentation concerning the territory being governed by Arab Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Misinformation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

More misinformation.

None of those were a land/border treaties with Palestine.

There was no Palestine.

I have documented Palestine's international borders many times.
Where were you?

You are not being honest. You have not shown any documentation to that effect.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Misinformation
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

More misinformation.


There was no Palestine.


You are not being honest. You have not shown any documentation to that effect.


Most Respectfully,
Ahhh, the old land without a people trope.

Why has Israel designated Palestinian NGOs as 'terrorist organisations'?​


Israel: Why the apartheid label is not enough​

The term "Ethnic Cleansing" more accurately describes what the Israeli government is doing to Palestine's native residents.

What is especially disturbing is that almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing (1)

“Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic cleansing under some definitions.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.CONTINUED

It's long past time to crate up America's glut of grisly Holocaust theme parks and dump then on the Knesset steps where the lessons of the Holocaust are most needed.

Thanks ,

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