Palestinian Terrorists Attack Temple Mount

There are multiple threads on this. And here is what I don't get. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.
Can you imagine Israel's retaliation for this one? And then the Pali's & their supporters will gripe about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Deadly attack at Jerusalem holy site in Old City

They just don't get it. If you don't want dead Palestinians, don't attack & or kill any Israelis anywhere. Especially on their holiest site. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

Why are you spamming multiple threads with the same cut and paste babbling?
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Most land has been "stolen" at some point.
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.

Now MJB is going to tell us that the Jews didn't come from Europe and stole the land from the people living there. You are always good for laughs. Keep it up.
What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Talk about pot/kettle, and stolen from whom? And when? And by who? They don't teach history at your temple, so never mind. But remember that the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates have been there for centuries on Muslim Holy land. We know this. We can see it with our own eyes. Anyone in the world can go there and see the same thing.
What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Talk about pot/kettle, and stolen from whom? And when? And by who? They don't teach history at your temple, so never mind. But remember that the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates have been there for centuries on Muslim Holy land. We know this. We can see it with our own eyes. Anyone in the world can go there and see the same thing.

HUH??? So what? If someone builds a house on your land, people can see that too.
What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Talk about pot/kettle, and stolen from whom? And when? And by who? They don't teach history at your temple, so never mind. But remember that the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates have been there for centuries on Muslim Holy land. We know this. We can see it with our own eyes. Anyone in the world can go there and see the same thing.
Wasnt the first temple built before the muslim sites?
What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Talk about pot/kettle, and stolen from whom? And when? And by who? They don't teach history at your temple, so never mind. But remember that the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates have been there for centuries on Muslim Holy land. We know this. We can see it with our own eyes. Anyone in the world can go there and see the same thing.

HUH??? So what? If someone builds a house on your land, people can see that too.

It argues that Jews arose in Europe despite the massive evidence placing them in their homeland for over 3000 years.

It is futile to try to debate with the thing since it is incapable of rational discourse.
What is there that you refer to does not belong there on stolen land.
Talk about pot/kettle, and stolen from whom? And when? And by who? They don't teach history at your temple, so never mind. But remember that the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates have been there for centuries on Muslim Holy land. We know this. We can see it with our own eyes. Anyone in the world can go there and see the same thing.

HUH??? So what? If someone builds a house on your land, people can see that too.

It argues that Jews arose in Europe despite the massive evidence placing them in their homeland for over 3000 years.

It is futile to try to debate with the thing since it is incapable of rational discourse.

European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed.....
His trees show that the four major Ashkenazi lineages in fact form clusters within descent lines that were established in Europe some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. The same is true of most of the minor lineages.

“Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed,” Dr. Richards and colleagues conclude in their paper. Overall, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and 8 percent from the Near East, with the rest uncertain, the researchers estimate.

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
Who questions its existence? Palestinians?
Historians and archeologists including many Jews.

There is plenty of evidence. Mikvehs, shaarei hulda and more.
How does any of that speak to evidence of Solomon's temple?

Not to mention, isnt the Mound unexcavated?
The zionists have been digging there nonstop and have found nothing. Most suspect at this point that the continued digging will eventually cause the ground to fail and the Muslim holy structures to collapse. This is exactly what the zionists want and it is the surest way to what will be known as world war three.
Who questions its existence? Palestinians?
Historians and archeologists including many Jews.

There is plenty of evidence. Mikvehs, shaarei hulda and more.
How does any of that speak to evidence of Solomon's temple?

Not to mention, isnt the Mound unexcavated?
The zionists have been digging there nonstop and have found nothing. Most suspect at this point that the continued digging will eventually cause the ground to fail and the Muslim holy structures to collapse. This is exactly what the zionists want and it is the surest way to what will be known as world war three.
The archeological finds supports the biblical description.
So you are saying the mound has been excavated arguing against, basically, the entire world? Tell me more!

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