Palestinian Terrorists Attack Temple Mount

The archeological finds supports the biblical description.
So you are saying the mound has been excavated arguing against, basically, the entire world? Tell me more!
What archeological finds or any actual evidence do you have that supports the existence of Solomon's temple. If you have it, you are the only one on earth.
The archeological finds supports the biblical description.
So you are saying the mound has been excavated arguing against, basically, the entire world? Tell me more!
What archeological finds or any actual evidence do you have that supports the existence of Solomon's temple. If you have it, you are the only one on earth.
I have done stated it. Also, the city of david, the area connecting it to TM, supports the descriptions of creation of jerusalem from the days of solomon and david, and after.
Did you drop the excavation claim you made?
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

Why don't the Arab Palestinians give up this strange idea they have about being a people and a nation? Why don't they move their temple to their own holy land?
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

Why don't the Arab Palestinians give up this strange idea they have about being a people and a nation? Why don't they move their temple to their own holy land?
Isnt it kinda theirs too?
I have done stated it. Also, the city of david, the area connecting it to TM, supports the descriptions of creation of jerusalem from the days of solomon and david, and after.
Did you drop the excavation claim you made?
I dropped no claim and all you have posted for "evidence," was mentioning Mikvehs and shaarei hulda. I can't believe I have to take this seriously as you obviously have no clue of what you are speaking of.

Mikveh is a bath used in Jewish rituals. What on earth do you think that has to do with proving the existence of Solomon's temple?

And the huldah gates proves what to you? They are described in the Jewish mishna. That is a religious Jewish text and they are accepted by scholars, Jews and non-Jews alike as being built long after the mythical first temple.
I have done stated it. Also, the city of david, the area connecting it to TM, supports the descriptions of creation of jerusalem from the days of solomon and david, and after.
Did you drop the excavation claim you made?
I dropped no claim and all you have posted for "evidence," was mentioning Mikvehs and shaarei hulda. I can't believe I have to take this seriously as you obviously have no clue of what you are speaking of.

Mikveh is a bath used in Jewish rituals. What on earth do you think that has to do with proving the existence of Solomon's temple?

And the huldah gates proves what to you? They are described in the Jewish mishna. That is a religious Jewish text and they are accepted by scholars, Jews and non-Jews alike as being built long after the mythical first temple.
I have already explained why.
You are saying using this method for developing history is wrong. OK tell that to the world so they can start changing 75% of our known history.
Because louie is biased.
Just as stupid as your silly insistence that the Jews have to give up their holiest place. I've made my point.
There is the rub. You are conflating the biblical Jews with today's modern zionist state controlled by Europeans. You do this consistently and is why none of your points evr hold water.

Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.
I have done stated it. Also, the city of david, the area connecting it to TM, supports the descriptions of creation of jerusalem from the days of solomon and david, and after.
Did you drop the excavation claim you made?
I dropped no claim and all you have posted for "evidence," was mentioning Mikvehs and shaarei hulda. I can't believe I have to take this seriously as you obviously have no clue of what you are speaking of.

Mikveh is a bath used in Jewish rituals. What on earth do you think that has to do with proving the existence of Solomon's temple?

And the huldah gates proves what to you? They are described in the Jewish mishna. That is a religious Jewish text and they are accepted by scholars, Jews and non-Jews alike as being built long after the mythical first temple.
I have already explained why.
You are saying using this method for developing history is wrong. OK tell that to the world so they can start changing 75% of our known history.
Because louie is biased.
Harley, you havn't explained anything relevant or provided any relevant proof. You just havn't, sorry.

And it appears, that like shusha, you are conflating the biblical Jews with today's modern zionist state controlled by Europeans.
I have done stated it. Also, the city of david, the area connecting it to TM, supports the descriptions of creation of jerusalem from the days of solomon and david, and after.
Did you drop the excavation claim you made?
I dropped no claim and all you have posted for "evidence," was mentioning Mikvehs and shaarei hulda. I can't believe I have to take this seriously as you obviously have no clue of what you are speaking of.

Mikveh is a bath used in Jewish rituals. What on earth do you think that has to do with proving the existence of Solomon's temple?

And the huldah gates proves what to you? They are described in the Jewish mishna. That is a religious Jewish text and they are accepted by scholars, Jews and non-Jews alike as being built long after the mythical first temple.
I have already explained why.
You are saying using this method for developing history is wrong. OK tell that to the world so they can start changing 75% of our known history.
Because louie is biased.
Harley, you havn't explained anything relevant or provided any relevant proof. You just havn't, sorry.

And it appears, that like shusha, you are conflating the biblical Jews with today's modern zionist state controlled by Europeans.
I did. You have already stated you dont care for it. Thats your fault. Archeology isnt on your side. Sorry.
Im not conflating anything. I have only talked about archeology and facts.
I did. You have already stated you dont care for it. Thats your fault. Archeology isnt on your side. Sorry.
No, I pointed out that what you posted proved nothing. Bathing rituals and gates built AFTER the mythical first temple? That is all you have posted.

Im not conflating anything. I have only talked about archeology and facts.
You have and still are. The biblical Jews have nothing to do with the Europeans in israel today, other than the fact that they adopted the Jewish religion in the middle ages. This is both long after the Muslim religion has been here and long after the Muslim structures we see on the Haram esh-Sharif today were built as well.
Especially on their holiest site.
You missed it. Why do the Europeans continue to believe it is their holiest site? Why do they even care? Let's look at what is actually there. We have the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain, as well as four minarets, along with Herodian walls and gates.

Isn't it time for the Europeans, whose ancestors only converted to Judaism in the middle ages, to build their temple elsewhere? The Muslim structures there have been there for centuries and certainly aren't going anywhere.

such love, muslims let the place go to ruin before Jordan offered to repair and redome
Muslims would have let the mosque burn down while Israelis tried to save it

Muslims wage war from the mount on Jews praying at the wall below

It is not a holy site, and it seems it is no longer going to be under the wakf

Muslims pray at other sites with metal detectors, including Mecca. How can they say they can't pray at al-aqsa if there are metal detectors at the entrance to the mount? Any excuse without logic

The mount was not the third holy site till last century. The third sites was in Cyprus and was dedicated to a woman.

Muslim claim is a fraud. It is trying to wipe out Jewish heritage and history to the city and land.

You claim to be an NK, orthodox jews, but reject the torah and tahakh regarding the temple. Hypocrite.
You claim the ancient historians either lied or don't exist when describing the temple, many of which sconed or out right hated the jews.

you whine and repeat lies and dismiss proof just because you don't want to hear it

and you call others illiterate, even those with degrees in history and anthropology

You have made yourself a joke

If muslims don't want to pray on the mount, jews will eventually. I expect christians will as well. They do at synagogues so why not on the mount?

Without the mount, muslims have no claim on jerusalem, or israel.

They loose the mount over guns and mental detectors. They loose the land over hate. They loose their lives over violence instead of peace. They might as well have cut their own throats

Palestinians want to be an arab people of an greater arab nation, let them stay in arab countries. If they want the benefits of Israel, let them accept Israeli citizenship as other arab Israelis have for decades.
You claim to be an NK, orthodox jews
I never claimed that, illiterate. I have posted the words and the teachings, however, of traditional Judaism to illustrate how different Judaism is from zionism.

And moreover, why all of you need to stop conflating the two.
You claim to be an NK, orthodox jews
I never claimed that, illiterate. I have posted the words and the teachings, however, of traditional Judaism to illustrate how different Judaism is from zionism.

And moreover, why all of you need to stop conflating the two.

I have no problem with Judaism. But just look what Zionism has become. Now rather than concerning themselves to protect Israel & it's citizens they placate Palestinian demands like a Jew free Gaza. And for a thank you they get a Palestinian rocket missile base on the land to kill Israeli's. What next from you Zionists? Give them Jerusalem?

Want peace Israel? This entire Zionist agenda has to go. When the Zionists learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians, then there will be peace as proven by king Husssein. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
You claim to be an NK, orthodox jews
I never claimed that, illiterate. I have posted the words and the teachings, however, of traditional Judaism to illustrate how different Judaism is from zionism.

And moreover, why all of you need to stop conflating the two.

I have no problem with Judaism. But just look what Zionism has become. Now rather than concerning themselves to protect Israel & it's citizens they placate Palestinian demands like a Jew free Gaza. And for a thank you they get a Palestinian rocket missile base on the land to kill Israeli's. What next from you Zionists? Give them Jerusalem?

Want peace Israel? This entire Zionist agenda has to go. When the Zionists learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians, then there will be peace as proven by king Husssein. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

the massive evidence placing them in their homeland for over 3000 years.

It is futile to try to debate with the thing since it is incapable of rational discourse.
When you can't present facts, dehumanize your opponent, I get it.

I have not dehumanized you. You would have had to be human to begin with, and it is your repulsive hatred of Jews and your incessant lying that has rendered you such.

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