Palestinian warriors subdue Israeli terrorists

Does this seem "fair" to you?

"Palestinians in the occupied territories, for example, cannot reclaim lost property or acquire Israeli citizenship, yet watch as Jews born outside of Israel and with no prior tie to the country become Israeli citizens and receive government-subsidized housing.

Who was "born" in the territories? They are mostly long since dead, and the children of refugees do not get to inherit the land their parents left during a war, sorry charlie.

The fucking arab muslims should have thought of that before starting a major war in 1948.
Currently 5.3 million Palestinians are subject to Israeli occupation. An occupation that has been condemned as illegal since November 22, 1967.

Today, immigrants from Poland and Russia are stealing land from Arabs who were born in Palestine after the Nakba and the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, and many of these contemporary Arab families have owned their land continuously for generations.

"The net effect of the Israeli seizure of land in East Jerusalem, which includes recent approval for an additional 9,000 housing units, and the West Bank is to promulgate a form of administrative ethnic cleansing. Palestinian families are being pushed off land they have owned for generations and evicted from their homes by Israeli authorities. Dozens of families, tossed out of dwellings they have occupied in East Jerusalem for decades, have been forced onto the streets..."

Formalizing Israel's Land Grab

How would you respond if a recent immigrant from Russia (or Mexico) showed up at your front door and demanded your house?
Why defend killing an innocent Palestinian girl ; while renouncing the Jewish killing;other than thinking that somehow she's not equal to a Jew, this attitude is part of the reason there is so much resentment toward Israel,imho.

Asshole, the 4 israelis were driving on a road, while the girl was walking into a hot zone during a war. How anyone with an IQ over 3 can equate the 2 is beyond description.

The only way it can't be equated is if someone wants to blindly defend one killing while defending another;that of a13 year old who didn't know or I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt since no bombs or anything were found; but keep it up with the name calling and the blind support of Israel, need some lip wax for those chaffed lips:cool:
did you miss the thread on the capt found innocent in killing the 13 yr old pali girl? there seems to be a lot of finger pointing and the pot calling the kettle black

I guess you are too stupid to understand the dichotomy fucktard whore, where in israel the IDF puts itself on trial and under scrutiny.

Tell us idiot moron, when was the last time hamas murderers were placed on trial by: the UN, ICC, their own government - or anyone else for that matter?


yea! as if ANYONE believed that the IDF was really going to convict an israeli soldier for killing a pali child. Shit, jew, THAT is gold star action!
its pathetic how you defend the Israeli terrorists to the end.

Whats pathetic is that you weren't smothered at birth. :cuckoo:

Ordinarily, I wouldn't even waste time responded to a low IQ POS poster like you on any forum...but since this place has become the summer cottage of stormfront, I felt someone should step in and clean up some of the trash...

...Or, you'd be busy signing up to other forums using the name SHOGUN THERE just so you can cry about getting banned HERE.


you cheap, sheisty fucking jew.
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if I stole the thugs land and bull dozed their house and then prevented them from receiving materials to rebuild, then they would probably be justified

"Stole the land"? Ugh, another one of these fucking zeroes? Is history still taught in schools these days? Or was this waste of life too stupid to attend one?

Tell the ghosts of Canaan that, you silly fucking sheisty jew.
do you employ a service?

i'm all set, thanks.

You're as big a fucking idiot as I've seen on any forum, congratulations stormfront that who pays your minimum wage salary?

Please tell me my hard-earned tax dollars aren't putting food on your table, welfare turd.


there... now that the standard rebuttal of a silly fucking zionist jew is ove.. er, whats that?

oh yea.


Actually idiot asshole, you did a long time ago - the day you were born. Worthless, lying fucking **** must be so devastating as a person to have such a total failed life like sad for you...and to think thousands of good people with something to offer the world die every day - but we are sadly left with the shit of the earth like you.

Hey gas oven... It's too bad your grand dad didn't breath deeper!
Today, immigrants from Poland and Russia are stealing land from Arabs who were born in Palestine after the Nakba and the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, and many of these contemporary Arab families have owned their land continuously for generations.

What arabs? The area was empty until the jews started economically developing it. Scattered nomadic arabs do not constitute a nation.

And how could these arabs have "owned" their land, if there was no governing authority to distribute deeds?

How would you respond if a recent immigrant from Russia (or Mexico) showed up at your front door and demanded your house?

Come to the US, 20 million illegal mexicans are doing exactly that...
Today, immigrants from Poland and Russia are stealing land from Arabs who were born in Palestine after the Nakba and the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, and many of these contemporary Arab families have owned their land continuously for generations.

What arabs? The area was empty until the jews started economically developing it. Scattered nomadic arabs do not constitute a nation.

And how could these arabs have "owned" their land, if there was no governing authority to distribute deeds?

How would you respond if a recent immigrant from Russia (or Mexico) showed up at your front door and demanded your house?

Come to the US, 20 million illegal mexicans are doing exactly that...

aaaand, there it is, folks. The JEWISH Manifest Destiny excuse that this bastard thinks validates the extermination of those in the way of a zionist bulldozer.

and, hyperbole madness aside, there are no mexicans usurping his land rights here in the US any more than jews were the victors of WW2. dickswallower scholar is no different than an Aryan German making excuses for killing unwanteds. Nothing more, nothing less.
The only way it can't be equated is if someone wants to blindly defend one killing while defending another;that of a13 year old who didn't know or I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt since no bombs or anything were found; but keep it up with the name calling and the blind support of Israel, need some lip wax for those chaffed lips:cool:

As I said, of course it is horrific and unacceptable that a 13 year old was killed. It was unacceptable that a doctor in Gaza lost his entire family - 3 daughters IIRC - these were horrible events.

The larger scope is explained in these facts:

1) for the last 75 years, the arab muslims have used exclusively violence as a means of addressing this conflict.

2) it is not a land conflict - every inch of ceded land is turned into a terrorist enclave from which terrorist attacks are launched from; Lebanon, Gaza, etc. This is why checkpoints were set up in the first place - to stop the terrorist attacks being launched from these areas.

3) arab muslims will not tolerate the sovereignty of any other group in the middle east. Their diseased, awful racist death cult has them oppressing and in conflict with jews, orthodox christians, coptics, assyrians, chaldeans, maronites, etc. The only difference is that israel is in the news all the time because both the muslims and christians hate the jews, and because the news editors are fucking trash at CNN, NBC, etc.

Once understood, these facts, which are unassailable, lead to an explanation of this issue, why it exists, and how a muslim reformation would make a huge difference - as would the termination of the iranian regime...
Not sure why the totally mentally ill animal shogun keeps posting; I am assuming the animal is trying to engage me in a flame war - but the sissy is only embarrassing herself more and more.

To those against israel here, just remember, its generally the failed, unsuccessful and unhappy bottom of society that is represented by trash like shogun sissy - and is representative of the bulk of the jew-hating trash on that side of the equation.
Not sure why the totally mentally ill animal shogun keeps posting; I am assuming the animal is trying to engage me in a flame war - but the sissy is only embarrassing herself more and more.

To those against israel here, just remember, its generally the failed, unsuccessful and unhappy bottom of society that is represented by trash like shogun sissy - and is representative of the bulk of the jew-hating trash on that side of the equation.

I keep posting because I enjoy rubbing your nose in the shit of your own posts, ****. AND, I really, REALLY enjoy making fun of you for going to another forum and signing up under the name Shogun and then running back here as if you found something special.


Trust me, you travesty of a human being, it's clear which of us is embarrassing himself.

ps, you can talk about trash from behind another concentration camp wall, **** sauce. You don't get to cry about being hated when you CLEARLY have a hatred for non-jews. Turnabout must be antisemitic like that, nose job. But, keep being BRAVE from behind the BLOCK USER button!


Speaking of the mentally ill, this is a good example of what israel is up against. This animal is in the GOVERNMENT of lebanon, not some BS rabbi from nowhere, and he extols the murder of the 4 people:

Hezbollah leader praises Hamas for West Bank shooting attacks - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Hezbollah leader praises Hamas for West Bank shooting attacks

"Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah praised Hamas on Friday for the West Bank shooting attacks which left four Israelis dead and two injured on two consecutive days, saying "this is the way to free Jerusalem and Palestine."
Speaking of the mentally ill, this is a good example of what israel is up against. This animal is in the GOVERNMENT of lebanon, not some BS rabbi from nowhere, and he extols the murder of the 4 people:

Hezbollah leader praises Hamas for West Bank shooting attacks - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Hezbollah leader praises Hamas for West Bank shooting attacks

"Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah praised Hamas on Friday for the West Bank shooting attacks which left four Israelis dead and two injured on two consecutive days, saying "this is the way to free Jerusalem and Palestine."

I wonder how many jews drank a shot of kosher wine the day the israeli soldier was found not guilty of murdering a 13 year old pali girl..

No one gives a shit about your crybaby complaining about dead jews when you find yourself being as clear as you are about how little you give a shit about dead goyim. jew.

I mean, it's not as if we see evidence of your kind hiding behind something while lashing out from a safe distance, eh jew?
Today, immigrants from Poland and Russia are stealing land from Arabs who were born in Palestine after the Nakba and the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, and many of these contemporary Arab families have owned their land continuously for generations.

What arabs? The area was empty until the jews started economically developing it. Scattered nomadic arabs do not constitute a nation.

And how could these arabs have "owned" their land, if there was no governing authority to distribute deeds?

How would you respond if a recent immigrant from Russia (or Mexico) showed up at your front door and demanded your house?

Come to the US, 20 million illegal mexicans are doing exactly that...
"What Arabs?"

Between 1914 and 1950 Arabs were a majority in Palestine. The Jews contributed about 7.5% of the total population in 1914 and did not reach parity with Arabs until 1950.

Both Arabs and Jews relied heavily on immigration during this period which, in retrospect, looks a little like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Prior to the end of WWI land deeds would have come from the Ottoman Districts of Nablus, Jerusalem, and Ma'an, I assume. It seems a little disingenuous, at least, to argue Palestine was a land without people when Jews were a minority of people in that land until 1950.

Finally, I've lived in Southern California for sixty years and I've never encountered a Mexican (legal or illegal) trying to claim their neighbor's house; however I have met many star-spangled bigots who were completely ignorant (indifferent?) of their own government's penchant for the ethnic cleansing of Mexicans and Indians.
Finally, I've lived in Southern California for sixty years and I've never encountered a Mexican (legal or illegal) trying to claim their neighbor's house;

Therein lies the rub. What were the property rules in pre-Israel Palestine? What houses were claimed? I'm unaware of nomads having houses.
if I stole the thugs land and bull dozed their house and then prevented them from receiving materials to rebuild, then they would probably be justified

"Stole the land"? Ugh, another one of these fucking zeroes? Is history still taught in schools these days? Or was this waste of life too stupid to attend one?

the displaced jews came in with bulldozers and guns and then after building their homes on top of the palestians old ones told them to live in the street

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