Palestinians have lost any sense of morality

It is you who are happy. WHy do Palestinians stick their kids in areas they know to be dangerous? Every one of those kids was a martyr to Allah for the Palestinian cause, so they say.

Answer the question you freak!

So you are quite happy to accept kids being used a "human shields"?
You must be. You defend those who do so on a regular basis. Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.

You saw the photograph of a 13 year old Palestinian kid TIED to an IDF truck.

Now, let me quote what you said... "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks" That is in your post in this thread number 29.

In this post, number 41 you state, and I quote "Israel does not use kids as human shields."

You see how that makes you a liar or are you too dumbass to recognise it?

I have NO "pals in Hamas", never have had, never will have... Hamas is a terrorist organisation, you do know that don't you?

I neither support nor defend, have never supported or defended ANY terrorist group or group that advocates any kind of violence and/or oppression...
You're joking, right? Using people as human shields is what Hamas did in the last encounter. People died. Kids died. No kids died as a result of he Istaeli action. Precisely because the Israelis exercised ingenuity and restraint, unlike the Palestinian shitheads you defend.

No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?
It is you who are happy. WHy do Palestinians stick their kids in areas they know to be dangerous? Every one of those kids was a martyr to Allah for the Palestinian cause, so they say.

Answer the question you freak!

So you are quite happy to accept kids being used a "human shields"?
You must be. You defend those who do so on a regular basis. Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.

You saw the photograph of a 13 year old Palestinian kid TIED to an IDF truck.

Now, let me quote what you said... "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks" That is in your post in this thread number 29.

In this post, number 41 you state, and I quote "Israel does not use kids as human shields."

You see how that makes you a liar or are you too dumbass to recognise it?

I have NO "pals in Hamas", never have had, never will have... Hamas is a terrorist organisation, you do know that don't you?

I neither support nor defend, have never supported or defended ANY terrorist group or group that advocates any kind of violence and/or oppression...
You're joking, right? Using people as human shields is what Hamas did in the last encounter. People died. Kids died. No kids died as a result of he Istaeli action. Precisely because the Israelis exercised ingenuity and restraint, unlike the Palestinian shitheads you defend.

No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...

Mohammed Bedwan and three adults were secured to jeeps at a safe range from the protesters. They were not human shields.

What was that 10, 11 years ago? If IDF had locked them inside an armored truck or van it would have been cruelty due to the heat.

Try engaging your brain before posting nonsense and propaganda.
Answer the question you freak!

So you are quite happy to accept kids being used a "human shields"?
You must be. You defend those who do so on a regular basis. Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.

You saw the photograph of a 13 year old Palestinian kid TIED to an IDF truck.

Now, let me quote what you said... "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks" That is in your post in this thread number 29.

In this post, number 41 you state, and I quote "Israel does not use kids as human shields."

You see how that makes you a liar or are you too dumbass to recognise it?

I have NO "pals in Hamas", never have had, never will have... Hamas is a terrorist organisation, you do know that don't you?

I neither support nor defend, have never supported or defended ANY terrorist group or group that advocates any kind of violence and/or oppression...
You're joking, right? Using people as human shields is what Hamas did in the last encounter. People died. Kids died. No kids died as a result of he Istaeli action. Precisely because the Israelis exercised ingenuity and restraint, unlike the Palestinian shitheads you defend.

No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
You must be. You defend those who do so on a regular basis. Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.

You saw the photograph of a 13 year old Palestinian kid TIED to an IDF truck.

Now, let me quote what you said... "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks" That is in your post in this thread number 29.

In this post, number 41 you state, and I quote "Israel does not use kids as human shields."

You see how that makes you a liar or are you too dumbass to recognise it?

I have NO "pals in Hamas", never have had, never will have... Hamas is a terrorist organisation, you do know that don't you?

I neither support nor defend, have never supported or defended ANY terrorist group or group that advocates any kind of violence and/or oppression...
You're joking, right? Using people as human shields is what Hamas did in the last encounter. People died. Kids died. No kids died as a result of he Istaeli action. Precisely because the Israelis exercised ingenuity and restraint, unlike the Palestinian shitheads you defend.

No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.
You saw the photograph of a 13 year old Palestinian kid TIED to an IDF truck.

Now, let me quote what you said... "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks" That is in your post in this thread number 29.

In this post, number 41 you state, and I quote "Israel does not use kids as human shields."

You see how that makes you a liar or are you too dumbass to recognise it?

I have NO "pals in Hamas", never have had, never will have... Hamas is a terrorist organisation, you do know that don't you?

I neither support nor defend, have never supported or defended ANY terrorist group or group that advocates any kind of violence and/or oppression...
You're joking, right? Using people as human shields is what Hamas did in the last encounter. People died. Kids died. No kids died as a result of he Istaeli action. Precisely because the Israelis exercised ingenuity and restraint, unlike the Palestinian shitheads you defend.

No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
You're joking, right? Using people as human shields is what Hamas did in the last encounter. People died. Kids died. No kids died as a result of he Istaeli action. Precisely because the Israelis exercised ingenuity and restraint, unlike the Palestinian shitheads you defend.

No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
Go take your crazy shit somewhere else.
Palis make sure kids are in areas where they know there will be gunfights so they can make a big body count for propaganda and you're OK with that.
Israelis detain kids to insure their safety and you label that terrorism.
You're an ignorant piece of monkey poo motivated by jew hatred. Move along.
No numbnuts, I am not joking...

Let me quote you again... See if you get it THIS time...

"They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks"

"Israel does not use kids as human shields."

Well, let's see...

It's ok for Israel to use "human Shield" as long as no one dies...

Except that Israel doesn't use "Human Shield"?

View attachment 34357

Now, that says two things...

First, you are a liar...

Second, you have no morals...

Either way, it makes you a piece of shit who thinks that its 'ok' to post female images as some kind of 'decider' in a situation that involves the lives of innocent people and children...

You are the worst of society, of cyber 'society'...
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
Go take your crazy shit somewhere else.
Palis make sure kids are in areas where they know there will be gunfights so they can make a big body count for propaganda and you're OK with that.
Israelis detain kids to insure their safety and you label that terrorism.
You're an ignorant piece of monkey poo motivated by jew hatred. Move along.

As I said dumbass...

Your inability to answer a very simple yes or no question proves my point that you do actually support "human shield" techniques provided that...

1) It does not results in the death of the "human shield"
2) Is ONLY carried out by the IDF

Oh for f*cks sake, why don't we just settle this intractable dispute once-and-for-all?

Someone post a list enumerating the top 10 hottest Jewish girls against the top 10 jaw-dropping Arab bints.

Whichever side has more quality females, deserves to appropriate all of the holy land.

Forget all this bitching about settlements, rockets, rabbis, falafel, and hummus.

Game. Set. Match.
Here's Bar Refaeli. Done.

Does that pass for pretty in Israel?
The only think pretty about it is a pretty low standard.

Maybe its something to do with Zionists always grabbing for the peaks?
Oh for f*cks sake, why don't we just settle this intractable dispute once-and-for-all?

Someone post a list enumerating the top 10 hottest Jewish girls against the top 10 jaw-dropping Arab bints.

Whichever side has more quality females, deserves to appropriate all of the holy land.

Forget all this bitching about settlements, rockets, rabbis, falafel, and hummus.

Game. Set. Match.
Here's Bar Refaeli. Done.

Does that pass for pretty in Israel?
The only think pretty about it is a pretty low standard.

Maybe its something to do with Zionists always grabbing for the peaks?
Hasnt stopped you from jerking off to the picture.
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
Go take your crazy shit somewhere else.
Palis make sure kids are in areas where they know there will be gunfights so they can make a big body count for propaganda and you're OK with that.
Israelis detain kids to insure their safety and you label that terrorism.
You're an ignorant piece of monkey poo motivated by jew hatred. Move along.

As I said dumbass...

Your inability to answer a very simple yes or no question proves my point that you do actually support "human shield" techniques provided that...

1) It does not results in the death of the "human shield"
2) Is ONLY carried out by the IDF

Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques". Palestinians do.
If the best you can do for an Israeli atrocity is some incident 10 years ago where no one died I'd say your argument is a failure. Bolstering it with cute emoticons only confirms you're an ignorant pussy.
You are truly a dumbshit.
Was the kid killed? No.
Was anyone killed in that incident? No.
Was any child killed when the Palestinians made sure there were children around during their violence against Israel? Yes.
So tell me, shit-for-brains, which side uses children as human shields?

Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
Go take your crazy shit somewhere else.
Palis make sure kids are in areas where they know there will be gunfights so they can make a big body count for propaganda and you're OK with that.
Israelis detain kids to insure their safety and you label that terrorism.
You're an ignorant piece of monkey poo motivated by jew hatred. Move along.

As I said dumbass...

Your inability to answer a very simple yes or no question proves my point that you do actually support "human shield" techniques provided that...

1) It does not results in the death of the "human shield"
2) Is ONLY carried out by the IDF


Look Humanity,
you are being unreasonable.

"The Rabbi" has to get out as much material as possible so they can to try to draw antipathy towards Jews. If you expect them to spend time and effort on each posting, how do you expect them to keep up their average output of 25+ posts, each day, every day, for another 6 years?

That said, the avatar is a stroke of genius! Such an an irritating "evangelist" type visage, with a hint of aggressive unreasonableness. Trying to get a reaction must be easier with that. And for those who swallow the whole thing, another victory for Zionism, if they get people to think they represent Judaism, rather than Zionism.
Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
Go take your crazy shit somewhere else.
Palis make sure kids are in areas where they know there will be gunfights so they can make a big body count for propaganda and you're OK with that.
Israelis detain kids to insure their safety and you label that terrorism.
You're an ignorant piece of monkey poo motivated by jew hatred. Move along.

As I said dumbass...

Your inability to answer a very simple yes or no question proves my point that you do actually support "human shield" techniques provided that...

1) It does not results in the death of the "human shield"
2) Is ONLY carried out by the IDF


Look Humanity,
you are being unreasonable.

"The Rabbi" has to get out as much material as possible so they can to try to draw antipathy towards Jews. If you expect them to spend time and effort on each posting, how do you expect them to keep up their average output of 25+ posts, each day, every day, for another 6 years?

That said, the avatar is a stroke of genius! Such an an irritating "evangelist" type visage, with a hint of aggressive unreasonableness. Trying to get a reaction must be easier with that. And for those who swallow the whole thing, another victory for Zionism, if they get people to think they represent Judaism, rather than Zionism.
Deflecting from your masturbation habit?
Go take your jew hating crap somewhere else where they want it. Like
Go take your jew hating crap somewhere else where they want it. Like

Silly rabbit.
Jews are decent reasonable and principled people.
Zionism corrupts of course, or attracts the corrupt. That is a bit of a "chicken & egg" situation.

Here is a Jew. A genuine one. Not a Zionist "hide my crimes behind the Judaism excuse" type.
Go take your jew hating crap somewhere else where they want it. Like

Silly rabbit.
Jews are decent reasonable and principled people.
Zionism corrupts of course, or attracts the corrupt. That is a bit of a "chicken & egg" situation.

Here is a Jew. A genuine one. Not a Zionist "hide my crimes behind the Judaism excuse" type.

Take your crazy somewhere else. We're full up here.
Wow, so a "human shield" is ok as long as the "human shield" doesn't die?

Go on, thats an easy one.... Yes or No?

  1. Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the combatants.
Go peddle that shit somewhere else. You've already been debunked by the previous post.

So, from your non answer we can take it that it is ok foto use a "human shield" provided they don't die...

The only person who has been debunked is you...

You simply confirm the double standards, the lies that Zionist continue throughout history :clap:
Go take your crazy shit somewhere else.
Palis make sure kids are in areas where they know there will be gunfights so they can make a big body count for propaganda and you're OK with that.
Israelis detain kids to insure their safety and you label that terrorism.
You're an ignorant piece of monkey poo motivated by jew hatred. Move along.

As I said dumbass...

Your inability to answer a very simple yes or no question proves my point that you do actually support "human shield" techniques provided that...

1) It does not results in the death of the "human shield"
2) Is ONLY carried out by the IDF

Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques". Palestinians do.
If the best you can do for an Israeli atrocity is some incident 10 years ago where no one died I'd say your argument is a failure. Bolstering it with cute emoticons only confirms you're an ignorant pussy.

And you have proven yourself a blatant liar Rabbit whose comments are clearly worth nothing...

Thank you and goodbye
Killing 400 children within a span of a few weeks is truly moral. LOL

Who put the children in harms way and forced them to act as human shields. Try reading the Geneva conventions on this and see who they say are to blame for the deaths.
Oh look...

Israelis can't condemn Palestinian atrocities if they don't condemn their own

Though, I am sure, the Israeli atrocities are defendable by Zionists because, well, the persecution of Jews, the holocaust, Jewish homeland, god given right, yada, yada, yada

Until Israel accepts that the oppression of Palestinians will NEVER lead to peace there will never BE peace... And that is leaving aside the other issues that Israel feels is 'justified' against Palestinians.

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” ― Nelson Mandela

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” ― Frederick Douglass

“We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

“The oppressors do not favor promoting the community as a whole, but rather selected leaders.” ― Paulo Freire

“The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” ― James Madison

“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ― George Orwell, 1984
There are no Israeli atrocities.

Wow, The Rabbit lies!


and from a non partisan source
Oh look...

Israelis can't condemn Palestinian atrocities if they don't condemn their own

Though, I am sure, the Israeli atrocities are defendable by Zionists because, well, the persecution of Jews, the holocaust, Jewish homeland, god given right, yada, yada, yada

Until Israel accepts that the oppression of Palestinians will NEVER lead to peace there will never BE peace... And that is leaving aside the other issues that Israel feels is 'justified' against Palestinians.

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” ― Nelson Mandela

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” ― Frederick Douglass

“We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

“The oppressors do not favor promoting the community as a whole, but rather selected leaders.” ― Paulo Freire

“The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” ― James Madison

“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ― George Orwell, 1984
There are no Israeli atrocities.

Wow, The Rabbit lies!


and from a non partisan source
Hisbest response was an incident 10 years ago where one kid was tied to a car for his own safety. Yeah, that's an atrocity to these morons.
Meanwhile Arab Muslims are beheading children and nary a peep.
Oh look...

Israelis can't condemn Palestinian atrocities if they don't condemn their own

Though, I am sure, the Israeli atrocities are defendable by Zionists because, well, the persecution of Jews, the holocaust, Jewish homeland, god given right, yada, yada, yada

Until Israel accepts that the oppression of Palestinians will NEVER lead to peace there will never BE peace... And that is leaving aside the other issues that Israel feels is 'justified' against Palestinians.

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” ― Nelson Mandela

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” ― Frederick Douglass

“We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

“The oppressors do not favor promoting the community as a whole, but rather selected leaders.” ― Paulo Freire

“The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” ― James Madison

“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ― George Orwell, 1984
There are no Israeli atrocities.

Wow, The Rabbit lies!


and from a non partisan source

Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

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