Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Go Sarah! End the GOP RINO stranglehold!

Wasn't ir the purpose of the 'Tea Party' to do the above?

Not so much. Though the TPM started independent of the GOP the GOP leadership went out kissing their asses so much they fooled the TPM leaders to align so closely to the GOP it was practically annexed to the GOP.

The GOP top leadership are a bunch of corporate sellouts and most of them in the Senate should hang from a tree by the neck for being traitors to the American people.

After a fair trial of course.

The GOP leadership FOOLED the TPM leaders? Really? They got fooled?
Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

yawn....She should have done this when she had a voice. Now its just sad.


My thought exactly. Palin and Levin........the party of annoying voices!
Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

yawn....She should have done this when she had a voice. Now its just sad.


My thought exactly. Palin and Levin........the party of annoying voices!

she had the GOP by the balls and did nothing really. She isnt interested in Policy, she is interested in Money. While there is nothing wrong with making money, at least be honest about it.
a little of what she said

Palin Floats Leaving GOP

by Tony Lee 29 Jun 2013, 6:09 PM PDT 14 post a comment

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said on Saturday that if Republicans abandon conservatives, conservatives may have to consider leaving the Republican Party.

Palin was responding on Fox News to a question from a viewer, Josh Painter, who asked if she and conservative talk radio host Mark Levin would be willing to form a "Freedom Party" if the GOP continues to let down conservatives.

"I love the name of that party," Palin said on Fox News on Saturday. "If the GOP continues to back away from the planks in our platform, from the principles that built this party of Lincoln and of Reagan, then, yeah, more and more of us are going to start saying, 'You know, what's wrong with being independent?'"
Hopefully she is not involved in forming the planks for this party. "Mrs. Palin, what is the major platform for the new Freedom Party?" Palin- (looks at her hand)"Umm, Freedom and real americans." The next day she would bitch about "gotcha questions" from the "lamestream media".
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Another Palin post? It was a warning to the republican party of conservative concerns. She is a civilian and she never worked for the federal government. I doubt if the "daily Caller" was overly concerned when the democrat party actually kicked their former V.P. candidate and long time senator out of the party for being too moderate.

If you are talking about your revisionist history. He wasn't kicked out...he left because he lost the Primary (love that will of the people)....he went Independent and won re-election....with a lot of help from state Republicans. :lol:
Hopefully she is not involved in forming the planks for this party. "Mrs. Palin, what is the major platform for the new Freedom Party?" Palin- (looks at her hand)"Umm, Freedom and real americans." The next day she would bitch about "gotcha questions" from the "lamestream media".

ummmyoubetchya...she would say to you, don't give up your day job, as a comedian you would starve...maybe she could order one these then she wouldn't have to write on her hand because for crying out loud since that is a sin to some of you people..

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What more can be said, the compassionate progressive conservative wing, composed of east coast blue blood rhinos and spineless belt way pundints assumed control, abandoned core beliefs, and have self destructed. I left the party years ago and have no immediate plans on supporting the rhino dance card.
What more can be said, the compassionate progressive conservative wing, composed of east coast blue blood rhinos and spineless belt way pundints assumed control, abandoned core beliefs, and have self destructed. I left the party years ago and have no immediate plans on supporting the rhino dance card.

I'm with you... I just moved and am going register Independent...Like Reagan said, he didn't leave the Democrat party, they left him...
..the Gop has lost their way
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Hopefully she is not involved in forming the planks for this party. "Mrs. Palin, what is the major platform for the new Freedom Party?" Palin- (looks at her hand)"Umm, Freedom and real americans." The next day she would bitch about "gotcha questions" from the "lamestream media".

ummmyoubetchya...she would say to you, don't give up your day job, as a comedian you would starve...maybe she could order one these then she wouldn't have to write on her hand because for crying out loud since that is a sin to some of you people..

When you have to photoshop to make a point, not much of a point, is it? :lol:
The branwashed nutjobs are breaking up the GOP. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of greedy idiot megarich GOPers...or crazier
What more can be said, the compassionate progressive conservative wing, composed of east coast blue blood rhinos and spineless belt way pundints assumed control, abandoned core beliefs, and have self destructed. I left the party years ago and have no immediate plans on supporting the rhino dance card.

The amusing thing is no one has any idea what those ‘core values’ are anymore, including republicans.
Floating the ides is hardly starting a new party. The whole float is probably just to put some necessary fear into the old boys.
Great! I've been saying all along that the Tea Party should form their own party instead of leeching off the GOP.

The Republican Party is dead, and so is any new party the far right tries to start from scratch. Without the far right, there aren't enough votes to win any major election. Without the moderates of the Republican Party, there aren't enough votes to win any major election. The problem is that the far right and moderates within the GOP have been at war. The far right has pretty much won the war, but it came at the cost of destroying the party and by chasing moderates out of the party.

Good luck with your new party Cons. If you try real hard, you might win some local elections.
This is the best news ever.
I hope they are both VERY successful with this endeavor.

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