Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

As much as I like the idiot savant/libertarian wing of the GOP, they've just been listening to the Rush/Beck/Fox etc hate gov't/minorities, FACTS for too GD long....LOL. Then there's the "I'm with the squeeky clean rich white guys" dingbats- lovely people, live in a politely racist dream world, but ALL bamboozled by the mega rich a-holes lol.

Maybe O-Care will open their eyes. Gov't isn't necessarily evil, just under corrupt conservatives. Any talk of communists and Nazis in the USA is just mindless BS/conspiracy talk.
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We need more political parties. Neither party appeals to me really so the more the merrier. If, for no other reason, it would cause several people here to have their heads explode when they can't align themselves with one or the other entirely.
Sorry, this is a 2 party system- too bad the GOP sucks, and you've been bombarded with all negative infoentertainment/propaganda for so long. Great for the USA and the world tho...
Levin and Palin are weird. Don't they already have a Freedom party started by Dick Armey? Freedom Works or some such..
Palin and Levin would never really start another party. They are just your run of the mill neo-cons, parading around as conservatives.
I think it is cute that some nutters still believe that the tea party was a grassroots movement.

And what does Sarah Palin stand for?

The answer is not "freedom and liberty", by the way.
Go Sarah! End the GOP RINO stranglehold!

Wasn't ir the purpose of the 'Tea Party' to do the above?

Not so much. Though the TPM started independent of the GOP the GOP leadership went out kissing their asses so much they fooled the TPM leaders to align so closely to the GOP it was practically annexed to the GOP.

What makes you think this wouldn't happen with the 'Freedom' party? How would it be different?
Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

I was ready to give up thinking no headliner would jump in and really go for a third party.

Mark's been edging towards this for a long time now but he hasn't had any star power. If Sarah jumps in hell's bells let's rock it.

It can be done. We did it up here. We took the Progressive Conservative Party and made it the Conservative Party of Canada.

It is not just a dream. It can be done. Oh boy. I'll give er if this comes to pass.
Palin and Levin would never really start another party. They are just your run of the mill neo-cons, parading around as conservatives.

Tell me you have read Mark's books and give me your synopsis on them and get back to me with your review.

Or shut the fuck up. (pardon my french but I just can't stand people slagging others this way)

What do you know about Levin? What do you know about Palin?

Give it.
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Wasn't ir the purpose of the 'Tea Party' to do the above?

Not so much. Though the TPM started independent of the GOP the GOP leadership went out kissing their asses so much they fooled the TPM leaders to align so closely to the GOP it was practically annexed to the GOP.

What makes you think this wouldn't happen with the 'Freedom' party? How would it be different?

With Mark at the head of it?

Surely you jest.
One does not have to suffer through one of Levin's books to know where he comes from. He has a fucking radio show on which he blows hot air for hours on end. He is an opportunist of the highest order.
There already is a freedom party. They're called the Libertarian Party. Levin and Palin just want power. They're too cowardly to join the real party they espouse.

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