Palin Flunks Foreign Policy in her Interview

What is there not to understand about collusion with a murderous dictator, on behalf of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Regan? I'm sure you will claim that the image of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam is somehow doctored!:eusa_whistle:
uh, even if that was true, how does that make the list you posted guilty?
only a moron woould even attempt that corrupt line of thinking
oh, i forgot who i was replying to for a moment

carry on

keep hope alive
What is there not to understand about collusion with a murderous dictator, on behalf of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Regan? I'm sure you will claim that the image of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam is somehow doctored!:eusa_whistle:

No I wouldn't deny the photo of a US diplomat shaking the hand of a foriegn head of State is anything but genuine. Nor would I deny the photos of FDR sitting next to "Uncle Joe", a man who eventually murdered 25 million innocent human beings; a figure which would have made Hitler blush... but who the US supported nonetheless... for good reason and reasons which in no way make the US complicit in the deaths of those 25 million moderate, centrist, progressives...

The fact is that US support does not provide a license to anyone to attack the US directly or indirectly...

Again sis, what is the point of advancing that photo? Now this time THINK! Then just write out the point you're trying to convey...

Let the record reflect that this member was unable to post the slightest level of evidence in support of his now wholly discredited assertion; provign them conclusively to be a blathering fool.
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Right, and only a moron would group Saddam Hussein and 9/11 together!:eusa_whistle:

Hussein was an overt proponent of international ISlamic terorrism for decades prior to th US being attacked by international Islamic terrorism on 9-11.

That Hussein was complicit in 9-11 is a no brainer, that the evidence is not conclusive, is hardly a problem he's just as dead as he would have been if the evidence were conclusive and that's all that counts, as he will no longer be promoting the interests of international Islamic terrorism.
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I would like to point out, again, that when Palin states it's part of God's plan, she is speaking to the understanding that those of us who are Christian believe that everything is a part of God's plan. She went further and was quoting Abraham Lincoln when she said she prayed the action was a part of God's plan, rather than asking that God get behind the action.

It's subtle, but even anti-Christian libtards should know what the hell they're talking about before they start blabbing.
I would like to point out, again, that when Palin states it's part of God's plan, she is speaking to the understanding that those of us who are Christian believe that everything is a part of God's plan. She went further and was quoting Abraham Lincoln when she said she prayed the action was a part of God's plan, rather than asking that God get behind the action.

It's subtle, but even anti-Christian libtards should know what the hell they're talking about before they start blabbing.

And anytime you invoke God and military operation, you are arrogant and believe God only speaks to you, and gives you the authority to kill others! Bush spoke to God once, and God told him to invade Iraq! BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace

Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'" :eusa_whistle:
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And anytime you invoke God and military operation, you are arrogant and believe God only speaks to you, and gives you the authority to kill others! Bush spoke to God once, and God told him to invade Iraq! BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace

Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'" :eusa_whistle:

Great, another libtard who thinks they know what people are "thinking" and chooses to fixate on that instead of what is actually being said and done.

Concentrate on the words, idiot, instead of the script rattling around in your head.
Great, another libtard who thinks they know what people are "thinking" and chooses to fixate on that instead of what is actually being said and done.

Concentrate on the words, idiot, instead of the script rattling around in your head.

Why don't you post something besides insults.
Why don't you post something besides insults.

I do. Don't let the insults distract you.

I said...

You can't criticize what Palin actually said, so you must theorize on what she THINKS and attack THAT.

And that is what makes you a libtard.
I do. Don't let the insults distract you.

I said...

You can't criticize what Palin actually said, so you must theorize on what she THINKS and attack THAT.

And that is what makes you a libtard.

She doesn't think.

That's what makes her a Republican!
She doesn't think.

That's what makes her a Republican!

Wasn't it you that just criticized someone else for posting nothing more than insults? are an idiot...:eusa_whistle:
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I'm talking suicide rate, not death rate.

Yes, I was alive seven years ago.

Just because some nut-jobs do somehow get into the Army doesn't mean everybody who kills themselves is one. Least that's what you seem to be implying by bringing up that a few nut-jobs make a bad mark on the rest of the Army.

Note in my first sentence you quoted:

Speaking of all those national guard members.

Mike Huckabee of the Republican party agrees that our National Guard has been stretched thin since we send most of them to Iraq.

You might remember him no?

And remember, this was back in 2005. Imagine today.

It doesn't matter what rate you're talking about. It can all still be considered part of the general public suicide rate...considering that most military members that kill themselves would do so AFTER serving and once they are part of the general population again.

It seems like you've been watching "V" too much. I'm sure it's due to the numerous plays a day on FX.
Comparing suicide rates is stupid. Did you know that Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world?? And they don't allow their civilians to own guns....yet, despite statistics...nutters still seem to blame America's suicide rate on guns; claiming that outlawing guns would decrease the suicide rate....How stupid.

Military members join the mililitary after 18 years of CIVILIAN life. Many carry baggage from their lives into the military. Then SOME experience combat and a SMALL percentage of combat veterans end up committing suicide. This is understandable considering many CIVILIANS commit suicide of stupid their g/f breaking up with them and getting fired from McDonalds.
it Doesn't Matter What Rate You're Talking About. It Can All Still Be Considered Part Of The General Public Suicide Rate...considering That Most Military Members That Kill Themselves Would Do So After Serving And Once They Are Part Of The General Population Again.

It Seems Like You've Been Watching "v" Too Much. I'm Sure It's Due To The Numerous Plays A Day On Fx.
Comparing Suicide Rates Is Stupid. Did You Know That Japan Has The Highest Suicide Rate In The World?? And They Don't Allow Their Civilians To Own Guns....yet, Despite Statistics...nutters Still Seem To Blame America's Suicide Rate On Guns; Claiming That Outlawing Guns Would Decrease The Suicide Stupid.

Military Members Join The Mililitary After 18 Years Of Civilian Life. Many Carry Baggage From Their Lives Into The Military. Then Some Experience Combat And A Small Percentage Of Combat Veterans End Up Committing Suicide. This Is Understandable Considering Many Civilians Commit Suicide Of Stupid Their G/f Breaking Up With Them And Getting Fired From Mcdonalds.


If they're part of active duty, are they not part of the Military? Though I guess if your taking that POV above then your disagreeing with the way the Army counts suicides.

The V comment? Not only is it off-topic but it wasn't funny. The guns argument was no part of my argument about soldier suicides. You totally went off-topic in your 2nd paragraph and ignored my point about the National Guard. I never said guns should be banned, I believe Americans have a right to own a gun. Besides, there are too many ways to kill one's self other then with a gun. So your 2nd and even 1st paragraph are the reason I have the picture above.

Thirdly, it is true that people in the Military join with at least 18 years of civilian life and some carry baggage but that's not the point. Plenty of the people who have killed themselves have PTSD. POST TRUAMATIC STRESS DISORDER, does that ring any bells? You know, the mental disease that ONE IN FIVE U.S Troops are coming home with from Iraq and Afghanistan.

You don't get that through breaking up with a girlfriend or getting fired from McDonalds. (I know your talking about civilians when you say that but my point stands.)
Holy crap. She thinks we could go to war with Russian over Georgia, she seems to welcome a war between Iran/Israel/and the U.S., and she evidently has no fucking clue what the "Bush Doctrine" is.....

YouTube - Sarah Palin Fails The Bush Doctrine Test

Get your news somewhere else because what you are reading isn't "news" -it is someone else's OPINION only. You only chose it because it shares your desire to see Palin thought of poorly, not because she actually did poorly. You sure have no intention of putting up a complimentary opinion about her, do you? LOL

She didn't "flunk" the Bush Doctrine test because there is no single such doctrine -it is now in its 4th rendition. So Palin was perfectly correct to ask Gibson "in what respect" since she couldn't possibly know which revision he was even referring to -and she didn't assume he was actually current with the most recent revision. Gibson is the one who flunked that test. And in fact, what Gibson claimed to be the Bush Doctrine was WRONG.

The Bush Doctrine is not that we declared a "new" right, that previously never existed at all - to pre-emptive attack in order to prevent an enemy from hitting us first. Gibson is an idiot if he believes that one. Not only has this country ALWAYS had that right and always will -so does EVERY nation in the world. No country, no matter the intelligence that shows another country is preparing to attack it, is required to allow the enemy to strike them first and kill untold numbers of their own citizens in an effort to destroy or at least cripple their ability to even defend itself in the future, much less effectively fight in the war that was just launched on them. If YOU believe countries are obligated to do that -you're an idiot too.

Gibson was such an asshole just OOZING his contempt and disdain for Palin and then additionally deliberately misquoted her in order to pretend she said soldiers were going on a mission sent by God when she didn't. When she pointed out that isn't what she said -he arrogantly claimed "exact quotation." It wasn't at all and she said no such thing. Everyone could see his real intent during the entire interview was hoping to force Palin into a major gaffe and a "gotcha" moment. Which never happened -so Gibson "flunked" there as well. The liberal media is getting angry over its inability to destroy Palin -and the more Obama drops in the polls, the angrier they are getting and more blatantly biased they reveal themselves to be.

Anyone who gets before the media and says they promptly rule OUT the use of force when dealing with hostile and semi-hostile nations, those trying to re-create their past empire by militarily taking over its smaller neighbors once again or nations intent on getting weapons that threaten the very existence of another nation when that country has made no bones about desiring to wipe them off the map -is an idiot who doesn't belong anywhere near the White House. They have not only announced their reluctance to fully protect THIS nation by any means it may require -but announced they are totally willing to betray allies we told could rely on our aid in the event of an attack.

Now would you like to talk about what the photographer who took the cover picture of McCain for the Atlanta Monthly did to the picture -and admits she deliberately did it? Unlike your own "story" there, this isn't based on someone's personal opinion but the photographer's own words. She admits she purposely used lighting for her shots to make McCain look as bad as possible, admitted to turning his eyes red and bloodshot, and washing out his naturally ruddy skin tone to look like a corpse's skin. She also took some of the other and equally but deliberately unflattering photos she shot at that time, Photoshopped them to add fangs and dripping blood with the caption "I am a bloodthirsty warmonger" - put them up on her personal website and hopes others will use them on political posters and billboards.

No one with any kind of brains can claim the media isn't in the tank for Obama and doing all it can to present the public with the most slanted, biased anti-McCain coverage, repeating false propaganda attacks on McCain/Palin as "fact". Much of what they are REALLY angry about is the fact the public refuses to allow themselves to be manipulated by the press. If they were buying into the media's aid for Obama -then McCain wouldn't be ahead in the polls. The fact you can find an online anti-McCain/Palin source so you can repeat their biased OPINION about Palin's interview because you like that and somehow "justifies" in your mind your own bias -doesn't make it "fact", sorry. It is that ONE person's personal opinion who filtered her performance through his own political bias and saw something that wasn't there. Nothing more.

The fact is, if anyone "flunked" knowing what the Bush Doctrine is -it was arrogant and contemptuous Gibson.
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