Palin Flunks Foreign Policy in her Interview

I dare you to compare the U.S. "general public" death rate to the U.S. military death rate......

Were you alive 7 years ago??

We are all aware of the difference of being in the military and not being in the military. It is still ridiculous to compare the two. For example: A nut-job who joins the Army was obviously a nut-job before joining the army. Therefore, when the nut-job "in" the army does something stupid, it unfortunately reflects on the entire army...and then nut-jobs such as yourself figure you can compare statistics for military and non-military members.

And as far as your theory about joining the military and not being a member of the "general public" would you classify reservists and national gaurd members????

Save your breath.

The world-weary aging hipster doesn't actually CARE about soldiers, they're just political props to him. If there weren't a war (run by a republican) he would be cutting their funding for equipment and training and sending them to sensitivity training.

His plan would be to announce to AQI the US is leaving Iraq and then force troops to withdraw under fire then hand the Cambodian-esque slaughter that would ensue around whomevefr he could while holding congressional hearings as to what the MILITARY did wrong to provoke it.

He doesn't give a tinker's damn about soldiers (and his blood would run cold if he knew what they thought about him).
I dare you to compare the U.S. "general public" death rate to the U.S. military death rate......

Were you alive 7 years ago??

We are all aware of the difference of being in the military and not being in the military. It is still ridiculous to compare the two. For example: A nut-job who joins the Army was obviously a nut-job before joining the army. Therefore, when the nut-job "in" the army does something stupid, it unfortunately reflects on the entire army...and then nut-jobs such as yourself figure you can compare statistics for military and non-military members.

And as far as your theory about joining the military and not being a member of the "general public" would you classify reservists and national gaurd members????

I'm talking suicide rate, not death rate.

Yes, I was alive seven years ago.

Just because some nut-jobs do somehow get into the Army doesn't mean everybody who kills themselves is one. Least that's what you seem to be implying by bringing up that a few nut-jobs make a bad mark on the rest of the Army.

Note in my first sentence you quoted:

The minute someone enters the Army, they really are no longer a member of the general public. (At least while in the Army.)

Speaking of all those national guard members.

"If we had a major natural disaster, we would be stretched thin," said Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, a Republican who will take over as the chairman of the association on Monday. "I think all governors right now are worried about the long-term impact of long deployment and frequent deployment on recruiting and retention. It is a major topic of concern."

Mike Huckabee of the Republican party agrees that our National Guard has been stretched thin since we send most of them to Iraq.

You might remember him no?

And remember, this was back in 2005. Imagine today.
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Save your breath.

The world-weary aging hipster doesn't actually CARE about soldiers, they're just political props to him. If there weren't a war (run by a republican) he would be cutting their funding for equipment and training and sending them to sensitivity training.

His plan would be to announce to AQI the US is leaving Iraq and then force troops to withdraw under fire then hand the Cambodian-esque slaughter that would ensue around whomevefr he could while holding congressional hearings as to what the MILITARY did wrong to provoke it.

He doesn't give a tinker's damn about soldiers (and his blood would run cold if he knew what they thought about him).

I assume when you say world-weary aging hipster you mean. (I guess 17 is the new 60?)

Soldiers aren't just political props to me and that is ignorant of you to say that.

If I recall, I never said I was for cutting funds and equipment for our troops. I have stated on here that it is sickening that families have to go to pawn shops in the US to get proper body armor for their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers,etc because the Army won't supply the proper body armor.

I give a damn about the soldiers and I don't see you reflecting any of my points. Your just attacking the messenger, though why am I not surprised since I'm use to it on this board by now.

Attack the person talking about the issues instead of talking about the issues. That's a good way to sum up what you do.
I assume when you say world-weary aging hipster you mean. (I guess 17 is the new 60?)

Soldiers aren't just political props to me and that is ignorant of you to say that.

If I recall, I never said I was for cutting funds and equipment for our troops. I have stated on here that it is sickening that families have to go to pawn shops in the US to get proper body armor for their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers,etc because the Army won't supply the proper body armor.

I give a damn about the soldiers and I don't see you reflecting any of my points. Your just attacking the messenger, though why am I not surprised since I'm use to it on this board by now.

Attack the person talking about the issues instead of talking about the issues. That's a good way to sum up what you do.


You know nothing of the military except for what you masters tell you.

I know very well about suicide in the army. Did you know 7 out of 10 suicides were from relationship problems? Do you know the names of the various conselling services in the army? How often does the army conduct suicide awareness/prevention?

Please tell us in your many years of scouring the internet what you've REALLY learned.


You know nothing of the military except for what you masters tell you.

I know very well about suicide in the army. Did you know 7 out of 10 suicides were from relationship problems? Do you know the names of the various conselling services in the army? How often does the army conduct suicide awareness/prevention?

Please tell us in your many years of scouring the internet what you've REALLY learned.

My masters? I have masters now? Jeez, wish someone had sent me that memo.

Do you have links to the 7 out of 10 suicides were from relationship problems because I haven't heard that one before.

I do know the names of various counselling services in the army.

And for your last question, I assume you mean the ASPP. If I recall it is every year. (Not exactly sure what you meant by that question such as how often they help out troops or give out stats. The stats one is what I meant by every year.)

I know during the 90's the highest number of suicides per 100,000 in the Army was 1993 with 90.

However last year's number and today's numbers are going to dwarf that.

Care to state an apology though for accusing me that I want funds and equipment for our troops cut. Because I NEVER said any such thing on this board and I want proof of otherwise.

Oh and a apology that they are just "Political props" to me.

Unless, again you can prove otherwise.
The 7:10 was part of my classroom training. You can always attend 68W school to see if I attest to the truth.
The 7:10 was part of my classroom training. You can always attend 68W school to see if I attest to the truth.

If you say that is true, I'll take your word for it.

Though am I going to get a apology on the two things I asked for a apology on? Just wondering.
If you say that is true, I'll take your word for it.

Though am I going to get a apology on the two things I asked for a apology on? Just wondering.

Because soldiers ARE political props.

One minute we're poor, uneducated unemployed misfits.

The next minute we're masochistic baby-killers.

The minute after that we're unequipped, suicidal waiflings.

The next minute their frothing at the dems in congress for caving on yet another war appropriations bill which was dragged out so long troops that are stateside sleeping 85 men to a 75 man room with no AC in 110 degree heat because funds are tight to shore up the budget for the war.

I'm sick of "progressives" trying to define who I and my friends are when they don't have the sand to sign on the dotted line. And then when someone else just accepts that we're doing our best in a naturally shitty situation that person gets shouted down as a "chicken-hawk" as if the asstards lobbing the epithet have the market cornered on military doctrine and personal courage.

And I'm certainly not going to apologize to some kid who barely figured out how to jerk-off last year but chooses swallow what those game-playing POS's spew out.

To them I say, "Fuck-off!" If you choose to stand next to them feel free to collect the splatter.[/rant]

Because soldiers ARE political props.

One minute we're poor, uneducated unemployed misfits.

The next minute we're masochistic baby-killers.

The minute after that we're unequipped, suicidal waiflings.

The next minute their frothing at the dems in congress for caving on yet another war appropriations bill which was dragged out so long troops that are stateside sleeping 85 men to a 75 man room with no AC in 110 degree heat because funds are tight to shore up the budget for the war.

I'm sick of "progressives" trying to define who I and my friends are when they don't have the sand to sign on the dotted line. And then when someone else just accepts that we're doing our best in a naturally shitty situation that person gets shouted down as a "chicken-hawk" as if the asstards lobbing the epithet have the market cornered on military doctrine and personal courage.

And I'm certainly not going to apologize to some kid who barely figured out how to jerk-off last year but chooses swallow what those game-playing POS's spew out.

To them I say, "Fuck-off!" If you choose to stand next to them feel free to collect the splatter.[/rant]

*Shrugs* I realize at this point no matter what I say your not going to believe me.

Just do know that I consider soldiers people, not props. I assume you have served our country from your post, and you have my sincere thanks for doing that.

It's a brave thing to stand up and say "I will defend my country."

I never said the troops are doing a bad job. I've stated that the US Gov't has done a bad job in the way they planned everything for invading.

I forget where, but I remember reading a long time ago that in the late 90's the US conducted secret war games on how many troops it would take to contain a country like Iraq.

The number was somewhere around 500,000. We don't barely have that number in Iraq and never will. Our soldiers have been getting the shaft since day one in this war.

And to say this:
And I'm certainly not going to apologize to some kid who barely figured out how to jerk-off last year but chooses swallow what those game-playing POS's spew out.

I find ignorant because I am not certainly not like that.

For the record, I've stated many times on this board that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have no spines.

In a perfect world, our troops would get the best equipment, help, and funding they would need. However, that is not to be and I do honestly find it to be pathetic when our men and women have to stay in conditions such as you described.

So you can choose to continue to think that I'm against you and your friends. However, I'm not.

And again, thanks for your friends and yours service. We may disagree on this argument but I think we both can agree that you all have done quite a great duty for our country.
The no shots fired theory has been debunked many times why don't you do alittle research to support your claim or maybe talk to Charlie Wilson and she never said she meant between the Us and the USSR

ROFL... Look sis, you can rationalize any way you want. But the fact is that that for a war to be COLD... it can't be HOT. Hot wars are wars in which SHOTS ARE BEING FIRED.

Now you not being bright enough to recognize that, does not change it.

ANd when Gibson asked the question really listen to her answer, she had no idea what he was refering to. And her asking for clarification is a politician way of asking what he meant because she had no idea what he meant.

ROFLMNAO... You're a fool. Asking for clarification is just that; again, your intellectual limitations preventing you from understanding does not change it.

Palin said it is Gods plan and when we do not believe in the same God as they do and she says it is Gods plan, her god not there's .

Palin is probably thinking on it much like I think of it. I don't give a damn what you think. Palin believes it is God plan, that's her belief... when you're asked to be the Vice President of the United States, you can tell the world what you believe.

And the fact that you don't think that were no US military at all in Afgnasistan helping them fight the Russians then no wonder you like her. Why do you think Bin Laden hates us so much!

Well sis, all you need to do is to post valid evidence wherein the US is shown to have engaged the Soviets in Afghanistan or anywhere else. When you DO THAT, then you can make that assertion as fact. Until that time, your assertion is pure conjecture and conjecture whih rest upon absolutely NO FACTUAL BASIS, thus is what we call: BASELESS CONJECTURE.

Now you're not very bright, so I wouldn't presume to assume that you understand that value of baseless conjecture... For your own edification, the closing price of Baseless Conjecture on today's market was: -0-
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Holy crap. She thinks we could go to war with Russian over Georgia, she seems to welcome a war between Iran/Israel/and the U.S., and she evidently has no fucking clue what the "Bush Doctrine" is.....

YouTube - Sarah Palin Fails The Bush Doctrine Test

The Bush Doctrine = Illegal, unconstitutional wars, more death, civilian deaths

Bush = War Criminal

Cheney = War Criminal

Rumsfeld = War Criminal

Rice = War Criminal

Sadam Hussein = Our bastard!

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein - Press Release :eusa_whistle:
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The Bush Doctrine = Illegal, unconstitutional wars, more death, civilian deaths

Bush = War Criminal

Cheney = War Criminal

Rumsfeld = War Criminal

Rice = War Criminal

Sadam Hussein = Our bastard!

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein - Press Release :eusa_whistle:


WOW... Now what specific crimes of war have these people committed?

Now friends, enjoy as this idiot falls short; there will be no valid examples of ANY of the above having engaged in war crimes of any kind. Just more spurious nonsense flailing at myth and innuendo being advanced by those who stand on that which is wholly antithetical to the principles on which the United States.
John McCain Explains the Bush Doctrine to Sarah Palin:

[ame=]YouTube - John McCain Explains The Bush Doctrine To Sarah Palin[/ame]
If Saddam was "in our pocket" why go to war to make $$$ when we could have just cozied up to him like the French and Russians? Instead of spending trillions Saddam would have PAID US to move his oil for him.
Thus Governor Palin's query searching for clarification...

Worst. Spin. Ever.

McCain and Biden know what the fundamentals of the Bush doctrine are, when they are fucking asked.

-Joe Biden being asked about how his foreign policy will differ from "The Bush Doctrine", NPR Democratic Debate 12/04/07

PROF. CHRIS PENCE (MARION, INDIANA): "American diplomatic history books recount the Monroe Doctrine, the Truman Doctrine, and will likely discuss the Bush Doctrine. When future historians write of your administration's foreign policy pursuits, what will be noted as your doctrine and the vision you cast for U.S. diplomatic relations?"

SEN. BIDEN: Clarity. Prevention, not preemption. An absolute repudiation of this president's doctrine, which has only three legs in the stool: one, push the mute button, don't talk to anybody; two, preemption; and three, regime change. I would reject all three. We need a doctrine of prevention. The role of a great power is to prevent the crises. And we don't have to imagine any of the crises. We know what's going to happen on day one when you're president. You have Pakistan, Russia, China, the subcontinent of India. You have Afghanistan. You have Darfur. And it requires engagement — engagement and prevention. That does not rule out the use of force; it incorporates the notion of prevention — prevention.

-Sarah Palin being asked about her view of the Bush Doctrine

[ame=]YouTube - John McCain Explains The Bush Doctrine To Sarah Palin[/ame]

-John McCain on being asked about the Bush Doctrine:

[ame=]YouTube - John McCain And The Bush Doctrine[/ame]
Worst. Spin. Ever.

McCain and Biden know what the fundamentals of the Bush doctrine are, when they are fucking asked.

-Joe Biden being asked about how his foreign policy will differ from "The Bush Doctrine", NPR Democratic Debate 12/04/07

-Sarah Palin being asked about her view of the Bush Doctrine

YouTube - John McCain Explains The Bush Doctrine To Sarah Palin

-John McCain on being asked about the Bush Doctrine:

YouTube - John McCain And The Bush Doctrine
A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma. doctrine definition |

She asked for clarification as to what principle or body of principles he was refering to....:cuckoo:
Worst. Spin. Ever.

McCain and Biden know what the fundamentals of the Bush doctrine are, when they are fucking asked.

-Joe Biden being asked about how his foreign policy will differ from "The Bush Doctrine", NPR Democratic Debate 12/04/07

-Sarah Palin being asked about her view of the Bush Doctrine

YouTube - John McCain Explains The Bush Doctrine To Sarah Palin

-John McCain on being asked about the Bush Doctrine:

YouTube - John McCain And The Bush Doctrine


So you feel that what Joe Biden says "Bush Doctrine" is, IS what Bush Doctrine is...

Well that sorta points to you being an intellectual deficient doesn't it?

Here's what you need to TRY and understand... Your Biden quote does NOT determine what Bush doctrine is, it merely indicates what Joe Biden wanted to project Bush Doctrine to be...

The simple fact is there is no formal definition of "Bush Doctrine." I believe Bush doctrine is nothing more than the natural order; the principles on which all human rights rest... the idea that human beings are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that those rights come with inherent responsibilities and the first right with the heaviest responsibility is the right to life and the sacred duty to defend that life... and that when that life is threatened, one is bound by the authority of that right to destroy that which unjustifiably threatens that life.

Since you believe Bush Doctrine represents something else entirely... this proves, quite conclusively that there is no concensus on that to which someone asking for an opinion on Bush Doctrine may be referring; thus if one is intellectually honest, if one is interested in an open, honest discussion... one will query their conversant for clarification. Joe Biden is a well known plagerist, thus Joe Biden is not intellectually honest... so instead of asking for clarification, he projects what he wants his audience to believe Bush Doctrine is.

The sad thing in all of this is that the Joe Biden's of the world get to be Senators because his audience is loaded with idiots who aren't bright enough to recognize the specious reasoning which is his stock in trade.
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WOW... Now what specific crimes of war have these people committed?

Now friends, enjoy as this idiot falls short; there will be no valid examples of ANY of the above having engaged in war crimes of any kind. Just more spurious nonsense flailing at myth and innuendo being advanced by those who stand on that which is wholly antithetical to the principles on which the United States.

What is there not to understand about collusion with a murderous dictator, on behalf of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Regan? I'm sure you will claim that the image of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam is somehow doctored!:eusa_whistle:

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