Palin Flunks Foreign Policy in her Interview

I never said that? I think you believe the English Language has a Liberal Bias Dive.

Are you talking about this?

I was stating that the # of people who kill themselves in the Army per 100,000 is almost higher then the General Population.

And then I'm sadden when I read stories like this:

******US soldiers sent to Iraq committing suicide******NSA coverup*—*Vietnam — Kerry******The WE News Archives*****

Greg Mitchell: 'Stop-Loss' Leads to Yet Another Soldier Suicide

Veterans' Office Covering Up Soldier Suicides: US Lawmakers |

1 in 8 returning soldiers suffers from PTSD - Mental health -

Some information about it:
Suicide and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

And more links:

Albert Lea Tribune | U.S. need to address soldier suicides better

HEALTH-US: Soldier's Tragic Suicide Just One of Dozens

I don't care if your Democrat, Republican, Third Party, or what the hell ever. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN SHOULD BE OUTRAGED ABOUT THIS. It's pathetic to see that this is not only ignored but people aren't outraged about this.

Our men and women not only have to go to Hell and serve their time there, but they aren't getting the proper help when they get back either.

And we call ourselves the "richest nation on the planet"? Pathetic

I masturbate "almost more" than the average American male.

I use illegal drugs "almost more" than the average American

I beat my wife "almost more" than the average Amercian husband.

I steal thing "almost more" than the average American

I cheat on my wife "almost more" than the average American man...

I guess that makes me a pretty stand up guy!!!!
I masturbate "almost more" than the average American male.

I use illegal drugs "almost more" than the average American

I beat my wife "almost more" than the average Amercian husband.

I steal thing "almost more" than the average American

I cheat on my wife "almost more" than the average American man...

I guess that makes me a pretty stand up guy!!!!

Go ahead and try to mock my points.

Instead of focusing on what I actually said, the links, or anything else.

The people who care will take it for what it is.
by you at this point

Jeez, I'm so glad you are quick to assume. :rolleyes:

Imagine if I had a parent or a close friend who was affected or died because of something related to this? You'd seem pretty cold then.

Point is, I've read the horrible stories. I've read how person after person is not getting the help. I honestly feel sorry for these people and I am outraged about it. Let me copy and paste a story that was in the letter I sent to Jack Reed last year.

Oh and it's not my fault that I do care about my fellow Americans. I'd want them to receive the same treatment that any person should receive for doing a honorable thing by volunteering to defend their country.

Quoted directly from my letter:

I want to share a brief story Senator that I read recently that only underlines how bad the problem is today that you may have read about. It was one of the worst stories I also personally read about. It was about how a soldier who had done all this binge drinking and anti-anxiety drugs as to try to get the pains of war to fade. This soldier had PTSD, was convicted of drunk driving at one point because of the binge drinking, and had many violent outbursts that hurt his relationships with family and friends. He was even asked to leave the apartment that he was renting at and finally hit bottom realizing that no amount of alcohol or pills could make the pain go away. He inquired about residential PTSD programming at the Minneapolis VA and was told he had to wait until March (This was in January of 2007.) So he traveled with his father 75 miles to the St. Cloud VA. They had heard about its residential treatment program for PTSD and hoped that he would be admitted on the spot. He had informed the intake nurse of his severe PTSD and that he was suicidal (a claim his parents say that the VA now denies) but it was not to be as he was told to go home and wait for a phone call because the social worker who conducts the screenings was busy with another matter at the time. The next day, he was told that he was admitted but was 26th on the waiting list. His stepmother saw his face when he got off the phone and according to her; “he looked at me and his face just fell.” Four days later, the police found him in his friend's basement dead from hanging himself with a blue electrical cord. His name was Jonathan Schulzer and he was only 25 years old.

Have you done anything about such a thing like this Dive? Write a Letter to a Senator? Inform others of how bad this is? Try and get discussions about things like this?

Or do you just feel like sitting there, judging me while dare accusing me of faking my anger for something like this.

I've proven my point across and it's all facts that I've shown.

It's up to the rest of the people on this board to take what I said, and you said and judge for themselves.
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actually, yes i have

Then I respect you more as a person if you have done something like that.

This is not faux outrage on my part, this is one of the biggest issues I find facing our army today if not the biggest.

I've done the research, looked at the facts, written letters, and much more. I like to think I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this. And I just find it to be a tragedy that this occurs in our country at all, never mind to so many.
Then I respect you more as a person if you have done something like that.

This is not faux outrage on my part, this is one of the biggest issues I find facing our army today if not the biggest.

I've done the research, looked at the facts, written letters, and much more. I like to think I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this. And I just find it to be a tragedy that this occurs in our country at all, never mind to so many.
ok, i have already said i agreed that they need to get more help, but you are acting like this is outside the norm when its actually below the norm for the general public
you do realize that the military is a microcosm of the public, you will get a few that really don't belong, the military does try to weed them out, but that doesn't always work
i think its tragic when things like this get used for a political baseball bat

btw, most of these problems are not political, but bureaucratic
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ok, i have already said i agreed that they need to get more help, but you are acting like this is outside the norm when its actually below the norm for the general public
you do realize that the military is a microcosm of the public, you will get a few that really don't belong, the military does try to weed them out, but that doesn't always work
i think its tragic when things like this get used for a political baseball bat

btw, most of these problems are not political, but bureaucratic

As I said before, it's not a democrat, republican, or third party issue. It's an AMERICAN issue.

It's below the normal for the general public but there's a difference between the Army and general public.

It's not just a "few who don't belong" that are doing this. It's people who have served for years, or were mentally/emotionally alright.

I do think it's a bit tragic when things like this are used for a political baseball bat in order to try and get something else but the issue itself isn't tried to be solved.

It's half and half, some of these problems are not political and some are. While other problems are bureaucratic and some are not bureaucratic.

Bureaucracy can be least somewhat fixed by Politicans though through laws,etc.
Just because you got lied to, and you bought the lies, that's your fault not mine.

The IAEA reported in March 2003 that they had concluded Saddam didn't have a nuclear weapons program. The CIA concluded that Saddam considered Al Qaeda an enemy and would be very unlikely to give them WMD unless,perhaps, if we invaded him.
That leaves us with the possiblity that, in March 2003, all we knew is that Saddam may have had some mustard gas and sarin. Although the UN inspectors weren't turning anything up in spite of reporting that they had relatively free access to go anywhere they wanted by February and March 2003.

Please tell me you didn't cheerlead us into a fucking trillion dollar war, because Saddam had some fucking mustard gas. You can't possibly be that idiotic. Or maybe you are, you voted for Bush twice.

Mustard gas and sarin are marginally effective battlefield weapons under the right conditions. But they can hardly be considered an effective terrorist weapon against the United States. Particularly when it was pretty clear that the secular dictator saddam was unlikely to give his deadliest weapons to islamic jihaddists who hated the socialist Bathh regime almost as much as they hated the United States.


The answer to that last question is simple: lots. The CIA has confirmed, in interviews with detainees and informants it finds highly credible, that al Qaeda's Number 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, met with Iraqi intelligence in Baghdad in 1992 and 1998. More disturbing, according to an administration official familiar with briefings the CIA has given President Bush, the Agency has "irrefutable evidence" that the Iraqi regime paid Zawahiri $300,000 in 1998, around the time his Islamic Jihad was merging with al Qaeda. "It's a lock," says this source. Other administration officials are a bit more circumspect, noting that the intelligence may have come from a single source. Still, four sources spread across the national security hierarchy have confirmed the payment.
In interviews conducted over the past six weeks with uniformed officers on the ground in Iraq, intelligence officials, and senior security strategists, several things became clear. Contrary to the claims of its critics, the Bush administration has consistently underplayed the connections between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. Evidence of these links existed before the war. In making its public case against the Iraq regime, the Bush administration used only a fraction of the intelligence it had accumulated documenting such collaboration. The intelligence has, in most cases, gotten stronger since the end of the war. And through interrogations of high-ranking Iraqi officials, documents from the regime, and further interrogation of al Qaeda detainees, a clearer picture of the links between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein is emerging.

To better understand the administration's case on these links, it's important to examine three elements of this debate: what the administration alleged, the evidence the administration had but didn't use, and what the government has learned since the war.
Saddam's Al Qaeda Connection
ok, i have already said i agreed that they need to get more help, but you are acting like this is outside the norm when its actually below the norm for the general public

I wonder how the number of suicides in the army compares for troops that have seen combat v. those that have not.

I would expect soldiers to be less at risk for suicide given their constitutional makeup.

On the other hand the numbers aren't that important as far4 as I'm concerned, the general apathy in the congress about veteran affairs in general, is.
I never said that? I think you believe the English Language has a Liberal Bias Dive.

Are you talking about this?

I was stating that the # of people who kill themselves in the Army per 100,000 is almost higher then the General Population.

And then I'm sadden when I read stories like this:

******US soldiers sent to Iraq committing suicide******NSA coverup*—*Vietnam — Kerry******The WE News Archives*****

Greg Mitchell: 'Stop-Loss' Leads to Yet Another Soldier Suicide

Veterans' Office Covering Up Soldier Suicides: US Lawmakers |

1 in 8 returning soldiers suffers from PTSD - Mental health -

Some information about it:
Suicide and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

And more links:

Albert Lea Tribune | U.S. need to address soldier suicides better

HEALTH-US: Soldier's Tragic Suicide Just One of Dozens

I don't care if your Democrat, Republican, Third Party, or what the hell ever. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN SHOULD BE OUTRAGED ABOUT THIS. It's pathetic to see that this is not only ignored but people aren't outraged about this.

Our men and women not only have to go to Hell and serve their time there, but they aren't getting the proper help when they get back either.

And we call ourselves the "richest nation on the planet"? Pathetic

Yet you forget that the Army (military) is made up of Normal individuals that were raised in "general public." Contrasting the general public to the army is stupid, considering tghe army consists of our general population
Yet you forget that the Army (military) is made up of Normal individuals that were raised in "general public." Contrasting the general public to the army is stupid, considering tghe army consists of our general population

The minute someone enters the Army, they really are no longer a member of the general public. (At least while in the Army.)

Unless members of the General Public have to worry about dying on any given day on the scale our troops have to because of one of the many things that occur in Iraq could happen to them?

It's true the Army consists of our general population but there is a difference between being a member of the Army and not being a member of the army.

Unless your in America fighting Terrorists daily with a M-4 while trying to avoid car bombs and suicide bombers. But I don't believe I read anything of such occuring in America. :rolleyes:
Why is it that the right is wetting their pants when anyone questions Palin's credentials.

She is running for VP not the frigging dog catcher. We have every right to know what she believes and knows about politics and in her case religion. She is one heart beat away from the presidency.

If she were the Democratic candidate with this thin a resume, the righties would be screaming murder

Double standards..

A vote for Sarah Palin, is a vote for a trojan horse, she has publicly stated the same ideology as George W. Bush:eusa_whistle:
rayboyusmc said:
Why is it that the right is wetting their pants when anyone questions Palin's credentials.

She is running for VP not the frigging dog catcher. We have every right to know what she believes and knows about politics and in her case religion. She is one heart beat away from the presidency.

If she were the Democratic candidate with this thin a resume, the righties would be screaming murder

Double standards..
One minute you numbskulls are whining that Palin and McCain are clones of GWB v2.0.

The next minute you claim she doesn't know what Bush's policies are.

Could you people at least stick to the same talking point?
The minute someone enters the Army, they really are no longer a member of the general public. (At least while in the Army.)

Unless members of the General Public have to worry about dying on any given day on the scale our troops have to because of one of the many things that occur in Iraq could happen to them?

It's true the Army consists of our general population but there is a difference between being a member of the Army and not being a member of the army.

Unless your in America fighting Terrorists daily with a M-4 while trying to avoid car bombs and suicide bombers. But I don't believe I read anything of such occuring in America. :rolleyes:

I dare you to compare the U.S. "general public" death rate to the U.S. military death rate......

Were you alive 7 years ago??

We are all aware of the difference of being in the military and not being in the military. It is still ridiculous to compare the two. For example: A nut-job who joins the Army was obviously a nut-job before joining the army. Therefore, when the nut-job "in" the army does something stupid, it unfortunately reflects on the entire army...and then nut-jobs such as yourself figure you can compare statistics for military and non-military members.

And as far as your theory about joining the military and not being a member of the "general public" would you classify reservists and national gaurd members????

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