Palin Flunks Foreign Policy in her Interview

Well, actually, what made his words lies wasn't whether he thought there were weapons or not, but the fact that he only used intelligence that said they did, and ignored any intelligence that said otherwise (to the point that someone in the administration outed Plame.)

It's more accurate to say that he distorted the intelligence, but it's basically lying. If you prefer distortion that's fine.

The downing street memo was another thing that showed he was lying to us. Summer 2002 when the homefront heard all about keeping war as a final option he was talking about fixing the intel to make war inevitable.
the downing street meno IS a lie unto itself
but you mindless morons still keep believing that nonsense eve after it had been debunked
the reporter claims he retyped it and then destroyed the original
the wording of it is in PAST tense whe it was allegded to have happened BEFORE OIF

those two things alone discredit it as being real
of course, i'm sure you(and many other libs) will continue to belive it to be real
Just because you got lied to, and you bought the lies, that's your fault not mine.

The IAEA reported in March 2003 that they had concluded Saddam didn't have a nuclear weapons program. The CIA concluded that Saddam considered Al Qaeda an enemy and would be very unlikely to give them WMD unless,perhaps, if we invaded him.

That leaves us with the possiblity that, in March 2003, all we knew is that Saddam may have had some mustard gas and sarin. Although the UN inspectors weren't turning anything up in spite of reporting that they had relatively free access to go anywhere they wanted by February and March 2003.

Please tell me you didn't cheerlead us into a fucking trillion dollar war, because Saddam had some fucking mustard gas. You can't possibly be that idiotic. Or maybe you are, you voted for Bush twice.

Mustard gas and sarin are marginally effective battlefield weapons under the right conditions. But they can hardly be considered an effective terrorist weapon against the United States. Particularly when it was pretty clear that the secular dictator saddam was unlikely to give his deadliest weapons to islamic jihaddists who hated the socialist Bathh regime almost as much as they hated the United States.

And the amazing thing that people like you never acknowledge is that we have not been attacked since 9/11. That's pretty amazing shit, isn't it Red Dawn?
LOL good one
you should ask a soldier what they call it


U.S. Army suicides rise 13 percent - International Herald Tribune

VOA News - US Army Suicides Increase Despite Prevention Programs

Army Sees Record Number Of Suicides In Iraq --

The Associated Press: Army looks for outside help to reduce suicides

The Army's suicide rate was 18.1 per 100,000 last year, the highest since the service started keeping records in 1980. It was 9.8 just five years earlier.

The U.S. civilian rate is 19.5 per 100,000.
You asked me what a soldier would call it.

I said Hell.

What did you not get? All the suicide links?
ah ok
the suicide links threw me
i know those are bad, but they are still lower than the general population
and a lot of those are after they get out
and yes, war IS hell
but thats not what they call what they did
they dont call it an invasion, they call it a liberation
if you dont think so

ah ok
the suicide links threw me
i know those are bad, but they are still lower than the general population
and a lot of those are after they get out
and yes, war IS hell
but thats not what they call what they did
they dont call it an invasion, they call it a liberation
if you dont think so



The Army's suicide rate was 18.1 per 100,000 last year, the highest since the service started keeping records in 1980. It was 9.8 just five years earlier.

The U.S. civilian rate is 19.5 per 100,000.

That means people in the Army kill themselves more almost then the general population.

Alot of those are there, and alot of those are because of everything that happens with them after the war.

And those are the ones who just kill themselves.

Never mind that at least one in five soldiers coming home from Afghanistan (which is now worse then Iraq) and Iraq have PTSD. (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for those of you who don't know.)

That means people in the Army kill themselves more almost then the general population.

Alot of those are there, and alot of those are because of everything that happens with them after the war.

And those are the ones who just kill themselves.

Never mind that at least one in five soldiers coming home from Afghanistan (which is now worse then Iraq) and Iraq have PTSD. (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for those of you who don't know.)
um, when did 18.1 become more than 19.5?
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um, when did 18.1 become double 19.5?

I never said that? I think you believe the English Language has a Liberal Bias Dive.

Are you talking about this?

That means people in the Army kill themselves more almost then the general population.

I was stating that the # of people who kill themselves in the Army per 100,000 is almost higher then the General Population.

And then I'm sadden when I read stories like this:

******US soldiers sent to Iraq committing suicide******NSA coverup*—*Vietnam — Kerry******The WE News Archives*****

Greg Mitchell: 'Stop-Loss' Leads to Yet Another Soldier Suicide

Veterans' Office Covering Up Soldier Suicides: US Lawmakers |

1 in 8 returning soldiers suffers from PTSD - Mental health -

Some information about it:
Suicide and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

And more links:

Albert Lea Tribune | U.S. need to address soldier suicides better

HEALTH-US: Soldier's Tragic Suicide Just One of Dozens

I don't care if your Democrat, Republican, Third Party, or what the hell ever. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN SHOULD BE OUTRAGED ABOUT THIS. It's pathetic to see that this is not only ignored but people aren't outraged about this.

Our men and women not only have to go to Hell and serve their time there, but they aren't getting the proper help when they get back either.

And we call ourselves the "richest nation on the planet"? Pathetic
I never said that? I think you believe the English Language has a Liberal Bias Dive.

Are you talking about this?

I was stating that the # of people who kill themselves in the Army per 100,000 is almost higher then the General Population.

And then I'm sadden when I read stories like this:

******US soldiers sent to Iraq committing suicide******NSA coverup*—*Vietnam — Kerry******The WE News Archives*****

Greg Mitchell: 'Stop-Loss' Leads to Yet Another Soldier Suicide

Veterans' Office Covering Up Soldier Suicides: US Lawmakers |

1 in 8 returning soldiers suffers from PTSD - Mental health -

Some information about it:
Suicide and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

And more links:

Albert Lea Tribune | U.S. need to address soldier suicides better

HEALTH-US: Soldier's Tragic Suicide Just One of Dozens

I don't care if your Democrat, Republican, Third Party, or what the hell ever. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN SHOULD BE OUTRAGED ABOUT THIS. It's pathetic to see that this is not only ignored but people aren't outraged about this.

Our men and women not only have to go to Hell and serve their time there, but they aren't getting the proper help when they get back either.

And we call ourselves the "richest nation on the planet"? Pathetic
i fixed it

12 minutes before your post
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I notice now, there was a time between seeing your post, and posting that.

Got any words for the rest of my post though?

Are you outraged Dive?
why should i be
they are still lower than the general population
its sad that so many feel such dispair and i want them to get the help they need
why should i be
they are still lower than the general population
its sad that so many feel such dispair and i want them to get the help they need

Well compare how many people are in the Army to the General Population.

When do you finally get outraged? It's a honest question.

When it personally affects you?

It's not sad, it's a tragedy that so many are being put through hell and they aren't getting the help they both need and deserve.

Before a couple weeks ago when that Article finally came out revealing this, it was barely talked about.

I've known about this for a couple years now.
I personally wrote a letter to my state Senator, Jack Reed of RI about PTSD last year.
Well compare how many people are in the Army to the General Population.

When do you finally get outraged? It's a honest question.

When it personally affects you?

It's not sad, it's a tragedy that so many are being put through hell and they aren't getting the help they both need and deserve.

Before a couple weeks ago when that Article finally came out revealing this, it was barely talked about.

I've known about this for a couple years now.
I personally wrote a letter to my state Senator, Jack Reed of RI about PTSD last year.
the size of the population is not relevant to the issue, because we are talking the rate per 100,000
not the total number
its high, for the general population, where is your outrage over that?

btw, it was high before Bush too
and we werent at war then
the size of the population is not relevant to the issue, because we are talking the rate per 100,000
not the total number
its high, for the general population, where is your outrage over that?

btw, it was high before Bush too
and we werent at war then

Do you have links/stats to back up your claims?

The Army's suicide rate was 18.1 per 100,000 last year, the highest since the service started keeping records in 1980. It was 9.8 just five years earlier.

The U.S. civilian rate is 19.5 per 100,000.

It was 9.8 five years earlier in 2003, when we were in war with Afghanistan.

I have outrage at how bad it is for the general population. However your avoiding my question. I'm answering yours.

How many people have to die before your outraged about this?

I'm outraged about both PTSD/Soldier Suicides and suicide in the General Population.

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