Palin: media 'double standard'

"derrr derrr. you can interpret that however you want derr"

you people are fucking hilarious. go ahead and burn out your laughable rage. :thup:

This bitch must have never heard of a long LIST of comedians whose jokes are not as vanilla as others may want. Statutory rape. give me a fucking break.

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Letterman is an idiot. He always has been. The joke was a huge mistake and I must agree with Palin. His writers did not do a very good job in bringing this up. Whatever he gets, he deserves.
It is about time that Palin encountered someone like Lauer and took him to task. Moving around in the MSM when you are not part of the resident club is not a civil experience and should be responded to accordingly. And please spare me the crap about the right does it too. Of course they do and, in my view at least, the whole circus is a bunch of crap. The point here is the topic itself and Lauer's attempt to defend Letterman and make Palin look bad within that context.
Clearly, someone should have put Andrew Dice Clay in prison..

you know... the self esteem of girls through out the 80s depended upon locking him up for his jokes.

Governor Sarah Palin does a fantastic job, despite Matt Lauer's subtle defense of Letterman's position, and blasts not only Letterman, but the culture of sexism that so many of the political left repeatedly engage in against conservative women.

Well done Governor Palin.

YouTube - Palin Continues to Distort Letterman's Jokes on the Today Show

Everyone knows how to handle Palin by now, just let her to keep flapping her lips until she says something so ignorant she has nothing to do but go back to Alaska until everyone forgets.

Letterman handled that apology like a pro, it was really funny, honest and self-effacing. As always, Palin and her husband drag it on so long they begin seeming unforgiving, hateful and mean. Not very christian, if you ask me.

She never owns anyone, they simply stop talking and allow her to continue to be her own worst enemy.
It is about time that Palin encountered someone like Lauer and took him to task. Moving around in the MSM when you are not part of the resident club is not a civil experience and should be responded to accordingly. And please spare me the crap about the right does it too. Of course they do and, in my view at least, the whole circus is a bunch of crap. The point here is the topic itself and Lauer's attempt to defend Letterman and make Palin look bad within that context.

Agreed - it was a very strong performance for Palin - and long overdue.
Palin just took the opportunity to feign outrage to get more publicity.
Palin just took the opportunity to feign outrage to get more publicity.

Really? Great, some links or proof besides your grand pronouncement. Do you have a 14 year old daughter? You would appreciate that sort of 'joke' coming from say a 16 year old boy?

How about Obama's oldest daughter? She looks hotter than her mama, perhaps she's 'ripe' for picking?
Looks like Letterman has gone from shooting himself in the foot to shooting himself
in the head. I quit watching the bastard a long time ago.
Palin and hubby have made their point. She needs to let it go. It was a thoughtless joke by a thoughtless late night person. She will not overtake Rush as the voice of the GOP by continuing to whine. I enjoy his ranting more than I do her whining.
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Lauer is a leftist.

He is paid by NBC - the network most in bed with Obama Inc...

That being said - Palin kicked ass.

ya think??? NBC/GE ya think?.......

Is it your premise that since GE owns NBC that NBC cannot be in bed with Obama?
That dog don't hunt. If so you need to get out more.....:confused:

Actually I think they were saying that it is very likely the two - GE/NBC and the Obama administration are closely linked.

As for Palin, she has now managed to take on Letterman and NBC with this incident, and done so with a strength and conviction unseen by any other political conservative in recent memory - perhaps because her position is more that of a mother and a woman than simply a politician...
POLITICO 44 | A Living Diary of the Obama Presidency

vid in the link from the today show from today

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said David Letterman’s explanation of a joke about her daughter is “weak” and accused him of continuing a political double standard that began during the presidential campaign.

“Remember in the campaign, Barack Obama said family’s off-limits — you don’t talk about my family — and the candidate that must be obeyed, everybody adhered to that and they did leave his family alone,” Palin said in an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today” show. “They haven’t done that on the other side of the ticket, and it has continued to this day.”

Letterman made a joke about adult men having sex with a Palin teenage daughter. The joke appeared to be about her 14-year-old daughter, Willow. Letterman later said he said he was referring to Palin’s daughter Bristol, who is 18.

She said she isn’t buying Letterman’s explanation, calling it a “very convenient excuse” and that anyone who does is “extremely naïve.”

“It took him a couple days to think of that excuse,” she said.

Palin, who said she first learned of the joke when she was doing an interview with radio host John Ziegler, does not want an apology from Letterman.

“He doesn’t have to apologize to me. I would like him to see him apologize to young women across the country,” she said. “It’s not cool. It’s not funny.”

At one point in the roughly 10-minute interview from Texas, where she is working on a deal for a natural gas pipeline, she read an email off of her BlackBerry from someone she said is not “a known feminist” but believes even male organizations should take a stand when a “so-called comedian” shows disrespect to women.

“It’s a sad commentary as a culture, as a society to chuckle and laugh through comments such as he had made the other night,” Palin said. As for her office’s comment in response to suggestions that she go on Letterman’s show that it would be wise to keep Willow away from the late night host, she was vague.

“Maybe he couldn’t be trusted because Willow’s had enough of his comments,” she said.

“It was a degrading comment about a young woman,” she said.

Palin also discussed her status in the Republican Party.

She said her position as the GOP’s biggest fundraising draw does “absolutely not necessarily” mean she’s the face of the Republican Party.

“I don’t think I need any kind of title to effect change,” Palin said. “Nobody’s entitled to any kind of front-running position in the GOP.”

Incredibly strong moment for Governor Palin - she ripped Letterman, and brushed off Lauer.
Very true - when the open and aggressive demeaning of women - including underage girls, is not only accepted, but even promoted on national TV, all women - all girls, are put at increased risk.

Letterman's comments remain among the worst sexist example against women by a national media figure.

Right--David Letterman by using his MALE superiorty on National T.V.--just labeled every woman who puts on makeup a SLUT. Total disrespect for EVERY single woman in this country. It's DANGEROUS--it puts every single woman at risk--for an attack by some woman hating MALE--that is capable of using these comments to justify their next attack on any woman or female child.

Just like this liberal female reporter on MSN-NBC who is defending Letterman's comments--I sure don't see the liberal women on this board--saying ANYTHING. Therefore, I must assume that women of the democrat party have decided to take a back-seat to what they have fought for decades-- a MALE dominated SUPERIOR sex nation.

Well said - it is very dissapointing to see some female participants in here jump to defend Letterman. Then we had Agno not only defend Letterman, but the concept of underage sex as being perfectly acceptable. As he put it - if they child has the "ability" sex is fine, and there should be no laws of consent because such laws are "intrusive".

The entire conversation regarding what Letterman did was very telling.

There is a disturbing number in here who appear to condone what Letterman did, which in effect, is supporting the sexual objectification of females, including teenage girls.

That is appalling

Point of reference...
ya think??? NBC/GE ya think?.......

Is it your premise that since GE owns NBC that NBC cannot be in bed with Obama?
That dog don't hunt. If so you need to get out more.....:confused:

Actually I think they were saying that it is very likely the two - GE/NBC and the Obama administration are closely linked.

As for Palin, she has now managed to take on Letterman and NBC with this incident, and done so with a strength and conviction unseen by any other political conservative in recent memory - perhaps because her position is more that of a mother and a woman than simply a politician...
Thanks Sinatra, and apologies to WT!
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Is it your premise that since GE owns NBC that NBC cannot be in bed with Obama?
That dog don't hunt. If so you need to get out more.....:confused:

Actually I think they were saying that it is very likely the two - GE/NBC and the Obama administration are closely linked.

As for Palin, she has now managed to take on Letterman and NBC with this incident, and done so with a strength and conviction unseen by any other political conservative in recent memory - perhaps because her position is more that of a mother and a woman than simply a politician...
Thanks Sinatra, and apologies to WT!

Ah, a thread discussing not only Letterman and Palin and NBC, but also with quotes regarding the double standard during the campaign and the current political climate is moved...

Enough with the thread moving around here.

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