Palin: Obama Bans US Offshore Drilling And Finances 10B So Brazil Can Drill Offshore

Jan 17, 2010
That's right. Palin warned us about this deal a while back. Now she is calling Obama out on this for banning U.S. Offshore Drilling for his whole term paralyzing the U.S. Petroleum Industry and instead has sent 10 billion American taxpayer dollars to finance Brazil's giant state owned Petrobras Oil Company whos controlling interest was resently bought up by George Soros and who backed Obama in the Campaign. Talk about a treasonist act. Obama wants Brazil to be able to create jobs and develop their Petroleum Natural Resources with Soros Petrobras as the tool to do it. Do you people realize how many jobs will be lost over this?

Obama also is planning his hostile take over of Sarah Palin’s gasline project in an attempt to either take credit for this project as his own, or to simply shut it down as he has appointed Palin Alaskan political opponent Larry Persily as Pipeline Czar to create a study and possibly oversee the project.

We now have China and Russia that reached a deal with Cuba to drill offshore as close as 45 miles off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico and have rigs already out there. Now think of what Palin has proposed all along which is drilling in the U.S. Domestically on Land and Offshore. How many people would be at work if the amount Obama has financed to Brazils Petrobras went towards U.S. privately owned production companies? How much money would those workers and wells drilled would pump back into the U.S. economy? Billions.

Again it all boils down to common sense politics that Palin has compared to Obama who has communist politics. Palin has been right all along and she is seeing this country fleeced at every corner of this nation by Obama and his radical agenda. We need to call Obama out and demand he open up the waters offshore to drill and put people to work. I am sure that hundreds of thousand of people would be willing to put their applications in to work and have a better quality of life than what it is now. Do any of you agree with this and her assertations?

U.S. Army Retired

Palins own words on the issue:

Months ago I discussed Washington’s decision to allow U.S. dollars to flow to Brazil for that nation’s off-shore oil drilling projects, while D.C.’s attitude towards America’s own offshore developments appeared less-than-enthusiastic. We gained hope though when our President promised in his State of the Union address that he’d be “making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.” Most of us optimistically assumed that “making tough decisions” meant allowing at least some offshore drilling. In fact, on national television that night I said that the President deserved kudos for acknowledging our need for domestic energy development in his speech.

Turns out that was just more drilling doublespeak: America has been snookered again.

While everyone has been focused on Obamacare, the Obama administration took advantage of America’s distraction and quietly said that it’s planning to place a hold on offshore drilling on the outer continental shelf until at least 2012.

At a time when our country is desperate for job growth, deficit reduction, and energy independence, it’s simply astonishing that the administration refuses to allow additional offshore drilling, even while supporting energy development in foreign countries.


Palins first warning:

Old Article from Wall Street Journal:
President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil -
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So it opens another question that I am sure has been asked.
If we can support, relief, feed, finance millions on top of billions are we really broke or does the machine just ignore its responsibilities and spend.
So its ok if we all get credit cards run them up and not pay ...
You don't understand the plot of the movie.
Brazil gets 10B to find oil to sell you idiots and Monsanto gets"permission" to destroy more rainforest for agrofuel sell to you idiots .
Keep the " consumer" consuming, since they produce nothing but war.
You don't understand the plot of the movie.
Brazil gets 10B to find oil to sell you idiots and Monsanto gets"permission" to destroy more rainforest for agrofuel sell to you idiots .
Keep the " consumer" consuming, since they produce nothing but war.
I didn't know rainforest grew offshore in the ocean where they will drill. :cuckoo:
Are we all forgetting OL'BO's green agenda??

Of course he doesn't want us to drill for oil. We might find enough to but he Green Agenda way, way, way on the back burner.

Lets not forget. He is going to SAVE us all. LOL
You mean the natural gas line deal that REALLY hasn't gone through? Palin didn't finish that job, just like she didn't work out her term as governor.
You mean the natural gas line deal that REALLY hasn't gone through? Palin didn't finish that job, just like she didn't work out her term as governor.

Stick to the topic here pard.

Obama is denying access to domestic oil production, while shipping Billions to Brazil for an oil company owned in part by George Soros.

Loss of high paying American jobs and resulting tax revenue. Increased dependence on foreign oil.

You down with that?
You mean the natural gas line deal that REALLY hasn't gone through? Palin didn't finish that job, just like she didn't work out her term as governor.

Stick to the topic here pard.

Obama is denying access to domestic oil production, while shipping Billions to Brazil for an oil company owned in part by George Soros.

Loss of high paying American jobs and resulting tax revenue. Increased dependence on foreign oil.

You down with that?
Any Obama supporters care to tackle this?? :cool:

You mean the natural gas line deal that REALLY hasn't gone through? Palin didn't finish that job, just like she didn't work out her term as governor.

Stick to the topic here pard.

Obama is denying access to domestic oil production, while shipping Billions to Brazil for an oil company owned in part by George Soros.

Loss of high paying American jobs and resulting tax revenue. Increased dependence on foreign oil.

You down with that?
Moving American jobs offshore?
That has been our modus operundi for many years.
Why complain now?

It is called free market and globalization.
This makes perfect sense for this dictatorship: Finance them, so we can buy oil from them and the free market which keeps prices low with more supply (from their drilling) but prevent us from doing it so he can keep being worshipped by the far left tree huggers who think an oil platform 40 miles out to sea will somehow hurt the limp-wristed-dot-speckled-pink-tree frog sea newt.
Moving American jobs offshore?
That has been our modus operundi for many years.
Why complain now?

It is called free market and globalization.

Hmmmm...........what if we took all the jobs "Americans won't do" that the illegals are flooding us to get, and moved THOSE jobs offshore......would the illegals follow them there?:cool: I think I have a solution for our economic warfare invasion problem.
This makes perfect sense for this dictatorship: Finance them, so we can buy oil from them and the free market which keeps prices low with more supply (from their drilling) but prevent us from doing it so he can keep being worshipped by the far left tree huggers who think an oil platform 40 miles out to sea will somehow hurt the limp-wristed-dot-speckled-pink-tree frog sea newt.


Negate high paying job creation and resulting tax revenue.

Deny best-use of our own vast resources.

Increase dependence upon foreign sources of energy.

Help Pay off Soros Inc.

Pretty damn disgusting this Obama...
are you guys really this fucking stupid or are you just playing ? is this really this hard to understand ?

the oil isn't going anywhere. you can always drill it later. the prices of oil are only going to be going up for the next 20-30 years.

people invest in gold by stockpiling it, yet the price of oil will be going up faster than the price of gold if anything. it makes sense to invest in this strategic commodity by conserving it.

it makes perfect sense to drill Iraq and Brasil until they are dry so when the oil runs out there the rest of the world will have to invest all the money they have into alternative technologies meanwhile we sit back and drill Alaska.

then by the time our off shore wells run out too we will simply take the ready made alternative technology from europe.

why can't you fucking idiots ever think more than a few years ahead ? how is the housing crisis working out for you ? all of that shit would have been avoided if you degenerates could simply THINK AHEAD.

building a couple million homes that nobody needs, setting yourself up for financial holocaust, is fine as long as at the moment they're being built somebody is willing to pay for them. and drilling the land dry setting yourself up for civilization collapse is fine as well as long as at the moment you're drilling you can make money on the oil.

Right ?

wrong ...
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Where did Obama ban it? Specifics please. If non provided I call bullshit on you and bimbo from Wasilla.
are you guys really this fucking stupid or are you just playing ? is this really this hard to understand ?

the oil isn't going anywhere. you can always drill it later. the prices of oil are only going to be going up for the next 20-30 years.

people invest in gold by stockpiling it, yet the price of oil will be going up faster than the price of gold if anything. it makes sense to invest in this strategic commodity by conserving it.

it makes perfect sense to drill Iraq and Brasil until they are dry so when the oil runs out there the rest of the world will have to invest all the money they have into alternative technologies meanwhile we sit back and drill Alaska.

then by the time our off shore wells run out too we will simply take the ready made alternative technology from europe.

why can't you fucking idiots ever think more than a few years ahead ? how is the housing crisis working out for you ? all of that shit would have been avoided if you degenerates could simply THINK AHEAD.

building a couple million homes that nobody needs, setting yourself up for financial holocaust, is fine as long as at the moment they're being built somebody is willing to pay for them. and drilling the land dry setting yourself up for civilization collapse is fine as well as long as at the moment you're drilling you can make money on the oil.

Right ?

wrong ...

Give this man a cigar, medal and 2 weeks in Negril.
Exactly right but 20 feet over the head of most.
The kicker is if we did drill here the investors of that found oil would sell it to the highest bidder: most likely China.
Oil is far, far, far cheaper to buy and import now than drill anywhere.
Economics 101 for dummies: Refined oil in to gas needs to be about $3.75 a gallon or $105a barrell for American drillers to break even. Why drill when we can buy it for $80 a barrell and have it at $2.65 at the pump?
You mean the natural gas line deal that REALLY hasn't gone through? Palin didn't finish that job, just like she didn't work out her term as governor.




That the BOTTOM LINE here is that THE MONUMENTAL FRAUD: THE MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is paying back SOROS by subsidizing his Company PETROBAS with $10 Billion dollars of our taxpayers' money as a PAYBACK for getting himself elected as the President of America ???

As Palin reported:

"We now have China and Russia that reached a deal with Cuba to drill offshore as close as 45 miles off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico and have rigs already out there. Now think of what Palin has proposed all along which is drilling in the U.S. Domestically on Land and Offshore. How many people would be at work if the amount Obama has financed to Brazils Petrobras went towards U.S. privately owned production companies? How much money would those workers and wells drilled would pump back into the U.S. economy? Billions.

Again it all boils down to common sense politics that Palin has compared to Obama who has communist politics. Palin has been right all along and she is seeing this country fleeced at every corner of this nation by Obama and his radical agenda. We need to call Obama out and demand he open up the waters offshore to drill and put people to work. I am sure that hundreds of thousand of people would be willing to put their applications in to work and have a better quality of life than what it is now. Do any of you agree with this and her assertations?

READ U.S. Army Retired's contribution on this issue.
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Yea this is some pretty bizarre stuff. Looks like Putin got another one over on the inexperienced "Community Organizer." This administration is getting ready to sign an "Arms Deal" with Russia while they go on building Iran's Nukes and drill off our shores. Is there anyone home in this administration? They do seem pretty clueless at this point. How bout asking Russia to stop building Iran's Nukes before you sign an Arms Deal with them? Just a suggestion anyway. I still can't find a single issue this President has been on the right side of since taking office. I tried to be generous and open-minded but he just continues to make very bad decisions. This is just another sad example.

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