Palin... Palin... Palin...

I don't think this will really effect Sarah Palin's chances at becoming president at all. It might in some very very small way-but certainly by no means would it be the tipping point either way. I think her quitting as governor though will be a big deal when/if she decides to run.
What she could have said was perhaps the rhetoric has gotten a little to heated on both sides and we need cooler heads to prevail.

Instead it was reflexive self defense.

My takeaway is that even though I wanted her to run..she's completely damaged goods.
That some stooge would even write "for being tied to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords" is absurd and clearly IMO why Palin has spoken out on behalf of herself and others.

As has been clearly pointed out in the media and elsewhere this kook had a problem with Giffords long before most people ever heard of Palin, and there are no dots connecting him to anything anyone on the right has said, written, etc.

A lot of folks on the left though are coming off as complete imbeciles, perhaps the only positive of this tragedy at all.
The "blood libel" metaphor is spot on.

The 'blood libel' metaphor is sick. Palin will be hearing from the ADL, pro Israel groups and the Jewish community. It will not be to her advantage. She really is a stupid person.

President Obama should appoint her as ambassador to the country of Africa...

Oh....Africa is a continent...never mind...

Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter


Did she hear from Africa when she didn't know it was a continent?

Since when do lefties give a flying fuck about Jews?
:lol: Your country sure got slapped in the ol kisser after Iraq was taken over and they found contraband from Germany. Your a prize, 'Kraut. :cuckoo:


By contrast, critics contend West Germany allowed flagrant violations of its own laws against military exports. "It may be true that when it comes to Iraq, everybody's hands are somewhat dirty," Carus said. "But the people who exceeded it by order of magnitude were the Germans. Everything that showed up in Iraq -- chemical, biological, nuclear -- had a German element to it." Iraq Report

The inspectors were in for a big surprise. They uncovered a complex of secret sites in which virtually every kind of weaponry of mass destruction was being fabricated. Iraq had purchased giant magnets and centrifuges for enriching uranium, had imported German components to enhance the range of Scud missiles purchased from the Soviet Union,
Shopping with Saddam Hussein - Commentary Magazine
HuffPuff. Dismissed.

If you're going to use your ignorant and childish dismissal, at least get the source right.

Oh. I hovered over the link and it said the HuffPuff.... I don't read shit, I flush it so I didn't bother opening the link.

I am bored with whining about Fox from people who link to the left's equivalent.

And... for the record.... there is no evidence of any link between the tragedy in AZ and Sarah Palin. Therefore, any links to anything linking the two is disingenuous. And, trust me, I always enjoy a slap at Palin. She bugs the crap outta me... but I will not use an event that has no relevance as a stick to beat someone.
Sarah may decide not to run or she may be running only in the liberals minds. They do love to discredit anyone who disagrees with their agenda. So their fantasy could be hoping she will run so they can continue to bash her.

Funny how people who are so insecure always want to place the blame, finger pointing is also their style as evidenced in this thread.
What she could have said was perhaps the rhetoric has gotten a little to heated on both sides and we need cooler heads to prevail.

Instead it was reflexive self defense.

My takeaway is that even though I wanted her to run..she's completely damaged goods.

I'm sure it will go down as one of the left's shining achievements. to have made Mrs. Palin and her family "damaged good." Yep, ya'll done good. Can we have a hip hip hooray? How about a high five?

By contrast, critics contend West Germany allowed flagrant violations of its own laws against military exports. "It may be true that when it comes to Iraq, everybody's hands are somewhat dirty," Carus said. "But the people who exceeded it by order of magnitude were the Germans. Everything that showed up in Iraq -- chemical, biological, nuclear -- had a German element to it." Iraq Report

The inspectors were in for a big surprise. They uncovered a complex of secret sites in which virtually every kind of weaponry of mass destruction was being fabricated. Iraq had purchased giant magnets and centrifuges for enriching uranium, had imported German components to enhance the range of Scud missiles purchased from the Soviet Union,
Shopping with Saddam Hussein - Commentary Magazine

do you realize that both your sources concern pre gulf-war I dealings?

one hint should be the term "west germany", another the term "1991 gulf war", and then the fact that your first source was from 1990.
Wait a minute I think I agree with the statement

“journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence.”

Of course I think that the rabid right wingers like Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity should take her advice. Of course it applies to the left as well ....

Run Sarah run.
My takeaway is that even though I wanted her to run..she's completely damaged goods.
Sarah Palin had Zero to do with the shooting in Arizona.

And No; she is not damaged goods.

It's just the same type of retarded rhetoric that claimed Obama was responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf. :cuckoo:

That's not it.

She personalized this..made it very clear it was all about her. She does this frequently, and someone in a leadership position knows when and where to "personalize".

She could have used this has a vehicle to express both humility and as a call for healing.

She didn't. And she feels the need to defend herself at every turn. That is a terrible quality in a leader.

By contrast, critics contend West Germany allowed flagrant violations of its own laws against military exports. "It may be true that when it comes to Iraq, everybody's hands are somewhat dirty," Carus said. "But the people who exceeded it by order of magnitude were the Germans. Everything that showed up in Iraq -- chemical, biological, nuclear -- had a German element to it." Iraq Report

The inspectors were in for a big surprise. They uncovered a complex of secret sites in which virtually every kind of weaponry of mass destruction was being fabricated. Iraq had purchased giant magnets and centrifuges for enriching uranium, had imported German components to enhance the range of Scud missiles purchased from the Soviet Union,
Shopping with Saddam Hussein - Commentary Magazine

do you realize that both your sources concern pre gulf-war I dealings?

one hint should be the term "west germany", another the term "1991 gulf war", and then the fact that your first source was from 1990.

understood......was it contraband or not?
The "blood libel" metaphor is spot on.

Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Historically, these claims have–alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration–been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.


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