Palin Palin Palin

Palin is a walking talking point that gets paid for being a generic idiot on the right. Palin has no great record or offers any great insight into how things could be done better. Palin fucking endorsed Newt for fuck sakes. Unless you don’t count “annoy a liberal, vote for Newt” an endorsement…

I believe she picked Newt to send a message. She knows Newt wont win. People read too much into everything she says and does. Kudos to her for cashing in on the fanatics

cashing in on her followers is more like it. She's on Fox's payroll and goes to Americans for Prosperity (corporate shell lobby) events :barf:
The thing that worries me most about a Palin presidency would be her apocalyptic religious beliefs. I really don't want someone who has prayed daily for the end of the world anywhere near the Button.

Same reason nobody wants Ahmadenijad to have nukes.

Religious fundies are really scary when they're armed with weapons.
Palin is a walking talking point that gets paid for being a generic idiot on the right. Palin has no great record or offers any great insight into how things could be done better. Palin fucking endorsed Newt for fuck sakes. Unless you don’t count “annoy a liberal, vote for Newt” an endorsement…

I believe she picked Newt to send a message. She knows Newt wont win. People read too much into everything she says and does. Kudos to her for cashing in on the fanatics

cashing in on her followers is more like it. She's on Fox's payroll and goes to Americans for Prosperity (corporate shell lobby) events :barf:

Wrong, the unrelenting spotlight from the left is her fuel.
Palin is a walking talking point that gets paid for being a generic idiot on the right. Palin has no great record or offers any great insight into how things could be done better. Palin fucking endorsed Newt for fuck sakes. Unless you don’t count “annoy a liberal, vote for Newt” an endorsement…

I believe she picked Newt to send a message. She knows Newt wont win. People read too much into everything she says and does. Kudos to her for cashing in on the fanatics

See I think Palin picked Newt because she thought he might win but didn't want to fully back him in case he didn't. If Palin picked Mitt she would lose supporters. In fact the only person Palin talked highly of was Paul, but she never backed him because she cared more about picking a winner that still fite her "rogue" look.

That's my opinion.
Palin Palin Palin
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Well u know the war against women begins with Sarah Palin.

Remarkable the extent to which the right doesn’t get it.

As with Limbaugh and his ‘slut’ comments, the issue was never about Palin, it was about what she symbolizes and represents, the nature of the people devoted to her, and what that says about American politics in the 21st Century.

Palin represents a significant percent of the TPM and rightists who revel in their ignorance, are proud of it, and exhibit disdain and contempt for the ‘intellectual elites.’

I like her more than our current choices. Admittedly im dissapointed in her for quitting her job early although I understand her reasons.
Interesting and telling, very telling…

And that’s a considerable insult to the current candidates, all of whom are infinitely more qualified than Palin.
Palin Palin Palin
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Well u know the war against women begins with Sarah Palin.

Remarkable the extent to which the right doesn’t get it.

As with Limbaugh and his ‘slut’ comments, the issue was never about Palin, it was about what she symbolizes and represents, the nature of the people devoted to her, and what that says about American politics in the 21st Century.

Palin represents a significant percent of the TPM and rightists who revel in their ignorance, are proud of it, and exhibit disdain and contempt for the ‘intellectual elites.’

I like her more than our current choices. Admittedly im dissapointed in her for quitting her job early although I understand her reasons.
Interesting and telling, very telling…

And that’s a considerable insult to the current candidates, all of whom are infinitely more qualified than Palin.

Funny, but that has been the exact issue that conservatives have opposed Barack Obama about all along. And you know what, conservatives are called racists every time they mention that. Replacing Obama for Palin.

Does that make you sexist?

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Take the famous Katie Couric interview, for example.

To Palin’s supporters the interview was a resounding success – by exhibiting her ignorance for all the see, Palin endeared herself to the TPM and radical right, who, like Palin, read no newspapers, know nothing of other peoples and cultures, and know of no Supreme Court decisions, whether they agreed with the ruling or not.

Palin is emblematic of the dumbing down of America.
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I want to talk about a possible Palin nomination.............but even I know that doing so is really dumb and makes one seem I will mask my attempt in a thread that looks like I am complaining about all the Palin threads. a fucking Miller Hi-Life bottle.
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I want to talk about a possible Palin nomination.............but even I know that doing so is really dumb and makes one seem I will mask my attempt in a thread that looks like I am complaining about all the Palin threads. a fucking Miller Hi-Life bottle.

Palin is a walking talking point that gets paid for being a generic idiot on the right. Palin has no great record or offers any great insight into how things could be done better. Palin fucking endorsed Newt for fuck sakes. Unless you don’t count “annoy a liberal, vote for Newt” an endorsement…

I believe she picked Newt to send a message. She knows Newt wont win. People read too much into everything she says and does. Kudos to her for cashing in on the fanatics

You mean like this?:

"I believe she picked Newt to send a message"

Do you pay attention to the shit that you type?
Even though this thread was started by someone who does not come off as liberal the liberals seemingly never ending obsession with Palin is both amusing and disturbing.
You confuse rage, paranoia and irrationality with mocking and utter disbelief that this dummy can get seemingly normal people to support her in any way.

Please..................find a way to get her more involved in nutter politics. Please.
You confuse rage, paranoia and irrationality with mocking and utter disbelief that this dummy can get seemingly normal people to support her in any way.

Please..................find a way to get her more involved in nutter politics. Please.
The left goes on and on about someone who is not in office or running for office so I think rage, paranoia, and irrationality are the right words.
Who is going on and on?

When is the last time the dummy had her face on camera?

You are projecting.
The republicans should nominate Palin or Santorum and be happy and excited about their candidate and enjoy going to vote for them, even though they’d lose to Obama in a landslide.

At least they could sleep at night knowing they voted for someone who truly represented them, and dream of 2016.
Who is going on and on?

When is the last time the dummy had her face on camera?

You are projecting.

How many threads have been started about Palin on this board? How many of them have been started by someone who is liberal or leans left? Despite the fact as you note she has not been on camera in a long time pointing out the truth is not projecting.
Who is going on and on?

When is the last time the dummy had her face on camera?

You are projecting.

How many threads have been started about Palin on this board? How many of them have been started by someone who is liberal or leans left? Despite the fact as you note she has not been on camera in a long time pointing out the truth is not projecting.

Dummy............................she is on camera every other day. You fail to grasp the meaning of my words.

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