Palin tried to ban books

nice way to avoid my actual question

your question was not a specific question it was general, thus my response was also general

Fair 'nuff.

To answer your question, I say it's a case by case basis.

For instance, if The Catcher in the Rye on a 5th grade reading list I could understand taking it off that list. But at the same time i would be against "banning" it from the school system.
Fair 'nuff.

To answer your question, I say it's a case by case basis.

For instance, if The Catcher in the Rye on a 5th grade reading list I could understand taking it off that list. But at the same time i would be against "banning" it from the school system.

Not only that but they wouldn't understand the significance or value of it.

Personally, I think Catcher in the Rye should be a requirement on any high school list of books to cover in the school year.
Fair 'nuff.

To answer your question, I say it's a case by case basis.

For instance, if The Catcher in the Rye on a 5th grade reading list I could understand taking it off that list. But at the same time i would be against "banning" it from the school system.
same here
Not only that but they wouldn't understand the significance or value of it.

Personally, I think Catcher in the Rye should be a requirement on any high school list of books to cover in the school year.
another one i can agree with
another one i can agree with

As a high school student over the past four years, I can tell you I've read some pretty BS books.

It's always more british lit, and 1600's.

I think a couple other books that all high school students should be required to read or at the very least added to a list that should be chosen from:

1984 - George Orwell

Animal Farm - George Orwell (though some do have this already)

Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger (same with this one)

Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

Lord of the Flies - William Golding (some schools have this)

Lolita - Vladmir Nabokov

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

It - Stephen King

The Green Mile - Stephen King

A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess

And I thought the Great Gatsby was a great book. That's something more for college though as I know most of the kids in my English class (and this was the relatively smart class) didn't understand several parts of the book.
High school reading list?

Don't forget The Scarlet Letter

I read that book last year. Honestly, I thought it was a fine book but it has some problems with relating and staying relevant for today.

I thought the whole idea of The Scarlet Letter and concept was interesting though.

I also found the ending lacking.

I love to read books, and I try to read over 50+ a year. (Read around 70 or so last year) and If I were going to pick a High School Reading List I'd also try to focus on books that teenagers can relate to or least seems relevant.
sorry kirk, thats a fail
asking about the procedure is not actually wanting to ban books

o i beg to disagree, why ask about the procedure then? If you ask professionals the way to do does show a clear intent.
I do not trust book banners...there is no negoiciation to this...its very simple to book banning ...period....of any kind ...for any reason.....i dont care if we got 2 mommies 2 daddies....or seil heil or what the hell aryans read nows...i do not support banning any of it.

we have seen the results of this type of actions before. I know we know what spines are for this time, book banning of any type.
o i beg to disagree, why ask about the procedure then? If you ask professionals the way to do does show a clear intent.
I do not trust book banners...there is no negoiciation to this...its very simple to book banning ...period....of any kind ...for any reason.....i dont care if we got 2 mommies 2 daddies....or seil heil or what the hell aryans read nows...i do not support banning any of it.

we have seen the results of this type of actions before. I know we know what spines are for this time, book banning of any type.
did you not read the rest of the thread before posting that?
since i already COVERED that
o i beg to disagree, why ask about the procedure then? If you ask professionals the way to do does show a clear intent.
I do not trust book banners...there is no negoiciation to this...its very simple to book banning ...period....of any kind ...for any reason.....i dont care if we got 2 mommies 2 daddies....or seil heil or what the hell aryans read nows...i do not support banning any of it.

we have seen the results of this type of actions before. I know we know what spines are for this time, book banning of any type.

Amen, brother.
o i beg to disagree, why ask about the procedure then? If you ask professionals the way to do does show a clear intent.
I do not trust book banners...

maybe she wanted to know how to respond to any inquiries by the fringe elements of her constituency...? how else is she supposed to know about the library procedures of alaska if she doesn't inquire about them when she first enters the governor's office? the fact is she didn't actually remove any books from the library or even say that she intended to...i haven't read anything to convince me that sarah palin has the political agenda of fanatical book banning.
maybe she wanted to know how to respond to any inquiries by the fringe elements of her constituency...? how else is she supposed to know about the library procedures of alaska if she doesn't inquire about them when she first enters the governor's office? the fact is she didn't actually remove any books from the library or even say that she intended to...i haven't read anything to convince me that sarah palin has the political agenda of fanatical book banning.

She fired the librarian who stood up to her, but then backed off when the community came to the librarian's defense. The fact that she asked about banning books three times is all I need to know. She is not someone who should be vice president.
She fired the librarian who stood up to her, but then backed off when the community came to the librarian's defense. The fact that she asked about banning books three times is all I need to know. She is not someone who should be vice president.

got a link for those "facts" ?
The reason I support Gov. Palin for President is because she will continue the successful policies of our current President Bush. I wish he could run again but the Democrat Party put in term limits. Gov. Palin also opposes MASTURBATION as A SIN against God. She will carry on our President's high moral values, even if Senator McCain's spouse makes a living from selling alcohol.

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