Palin tried to ban books

you realize that if you read the story, this is all coming from a second hand political opponant to Palin

and with all the lies "chris" has been spewing on here, he is a liar and not worthy of your support

No, actually it comes from a conservative newspaper, the Boston Herald, which is quoting the hometown paper, The Frontiersman. Keep trying though.
you realize that if you read the story, this is all coming from a second hand political opponant to Palin

and with all the lies "chris" has been spewing on here, he is a liar and not worthy of your support

The Boston Herald, while not a terribly intellectual newspaper, is, however, a reliable one.
No, actually it comes from a conservative newspaper, the Boston Herald, which is quoting the hometown paper, The Frontiersman. Keep trying though.
see, this is what shows how moronic you are
READ the damned story, the source for the original story uses KilKenny(a political opponent of Palin's) not the actual librarian
see, this is what shows how moronic you are
READ the damned story, the source for the original story uses KilKenny(a political opponent of Palin's) not the actual librarian

Thanks for making this fun....

"In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -
Thanks for making this fun....

"In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -
you are a fucking moron
thats NOT what was being discussed, this is why you are a waste of time

that part is ALL they have and its from a news report 12 years ago
the one that was doing the talking in the story after that TINY LITTLE segment is Kilkenny
Last edited:
you are a fucking moron
thats NOT what was being discussed, this is why you are a waste of time

that part is ALL they have and its from a news report 12 years ago
the one that was doing the talking in the story after that TINY LITTLE segment is Kilkenny

In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."
Insults are not convincing arguments.

We will just have to disagree.

Palin asked the librarian three times about banning books, and then asked for her resignation when she did not go along. The only reason she was not fired is because of outrage from the community.

Might want to check that rumor site above. She had no list of books she wanted banned, she did not repeatedly badger the librarian about removing books SHE somehow found offensive. She asked the librarian ONE time only if it were possible to remove books city residents found offensive - and probably as a result of a question posed to her by someone else and not on her own behalf since the question wasn't about removing books SHE personally found offensive. On some of the rumor mills, they are stating that she confronted the librarian with a long list of books she was DEMANDING be removed -including books that weren't published until after she had left that office.

But hey, since when did facts ever get in the way of a good smear campaign, right?
Might want to check that rumor site above. She had no list of books she wanted banned, she did not repeatedly badger the librarian about removing books SHE somehow found offensive. She asked the librarian ONE time only if it were possible to remove books city residents found offensive - and probably as a result of a question posed to her by someone else and not on her own behalf since the question wasn't about removing books SHE personally found offensive. On some of the rumor mills, they are stating that she confronted the librarian with a long list of books she was DEMANDING be removed -including books that weren't published until after she had left that office.

But hey, since when did facts ever get in the way of a good smear campaign, right?

"In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."
only a moron keep posting the same debunked nonsense over and over

"In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."
"In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -
thank you for admitting that you are a moron, admitting it is the first step to recovery
In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -

Yeah, yeah and the San Fransisco newspaper reported that Palin actually fired the librarian for refusing to remove the "list" of books.

Just because you can quote some newspaper relying solely on someone with a grudge against the woman -still doesn't make it "fact", sorry. The San Fran paper got it wrong too. Maybe you guys quoting all these newspaper articles missed it -but all those newspaper printing up all these rumors as if "fact" -ended up printing retractions to every one of them. Granted some were pretty darn slow about it and waited 3-4 days after printing up a rumor smear -but they retracted it.

And maybe they had to because the person who made this accusation was Ann Kinney, a Democrat who claims she attended every single City council meeting. (She didn't sit on the council and she isn't the librarian in question either.) Kinney CLAIMED that Palin brought up the issue of banning books from the public library that she (Palin) thought were objectionable at one city council meeting. Problem with this story was the fact that every city council member said it never happened and that it was never brought up at any City Council meeting by anyone, including Palin. And the librarian herself said Palin had asked her ONE TIME if it was possible to remove books city residents (not herself) found objectionable and was told no it wasn't. And the librarian says she never mentioned it again. The threat to fire the librarian was with regard to an unrelated issue at a later date.

Numerous newspaper have had to retract this story -probably because it didn't happen the way they wrote it up in the first place. And Ann Kinney nothing but a partisan slob trying to start some crap. Too bad she wasn't able to bribe anyone to back it up though, huh? Not even any other Democrat on that city council.
The Boston Herald, while not a terribly intellectual newspaper, is, however, a reliable one.

Yeah, must be why the Boston Herald ran an apology on their front page after a reporter accused the Patriots of illegally taping the St. Louis Rams run through right before the Super Bowl a few years ago. They would never report a rumor as a real story, right?

The person who FIRST spread this particular Palin smear is a commentator on the blog of Jessamyn West who used the name "Andrew Aucoin". West has kept the comment up and points out in her main post that there appears to be no truth to the claim made by this commentator, and no further documentation or support for this has turned up.

It was after THAT post on this blog that Newsweek printed its own slightly different versions of this. Newsweek ran with a story in which former Wasilla mayor Stein claimed that Palin "continued to inject her personal religious beliefs" into her policy -and made the claim that Palin had asked the librarian how to go about banning books for inappropriate language. And how the librarian was AGHAST. Naturally Newsweek decided to use that claim after noting the librarian could not be reached for comment. (She was later available though and claims Palin only inquired if it were possible to remove any books if city residents found them objectionable and was told "no" and she never mentioned it again.) Newsweek borrowed from Time which had mentioned in a different article about people Palin had gotten rid of or replaced, that Palin had once threatened to fire the librarian. Instead of using the council minutes which would have shown it was over an administrative issue -Newsweek repeated Time's claim the threat was made to the librarian for not giving Palin her "full support". The way it was written, Newsweek was strongly implying that this "full support" was over not banning books. In reality, it was over an administrative issue and Palin had asked the librarian for her full support in getting that administrative issue under control -or else she might need to find another job.

Ann Kinney, a Democrat but not a city council member -turned up AFTER the Newsweek story claiming she had attended every single city council meeting and that Palin had once brought up the subject of banning books at the public library at one of those meetings -although no one has been able to pin her down about when that was. But no council minutes backs this up and no council member will back up Kinney on this one -not even the Democrat members. From there this story went wild, especially online with people adding all sorts of "extras" of their own. And other newspapers started repeating the various versions they found online so all sorts of versions ended up in newspapers too. Some (like the San Fran paper) claimed Palin HAD fired the librarian. Some claimed that Palin in fact got certain books banned. And the best yet -some online sites claim to have the list of books Palin wanted banned and put that "list" up on their site. The original "list" that Palin supposedly presented to the librarian happens to be TITLE FOR TITLE straight off the list of "Books Banned At One Time or Another in the U.S." But further modifications have since been added to that list -including several books that weren't even published until after Palin was no longer mayor.

And interesting note here that Newsweek seemed to have overlooked when printing their story. Stein isn't just any old former mayor of Wasilla. Stein is the three-term Democrat incumbent that Palin handily beat when she ran for election and got him thrown out of office. So does he have a grudge here? LOL Obama's online official campaign site is doing their part to keep this smear alive as well.

THIS is how to get a smear campaign going, how to inject some "juice" to get people up in arms over a non-existent issue, how to make a candidate appear to be a foaming-at-the-mouth whacko when none of it even exists at all. And those intent on doing it, will not be stopped by anything silly like "facts". Instead they say "we just have to agree to disagree" about whether it happened. No I don't have to. This smear mongering at its worst.
Yeah, must be why the Boston Herald ran an apology on their front page after a reporter accused the Patriots of illegally taping the St. Louis Rams run through right before the Super Bowl a few years ago. They would never report a rumor as a real story, right?

The person who FIRST spread this particular Palin smear is a commentator on the blog of Jessamyn West who used the name "Andrew Aucoin". West has kept the comment up and points out in her main post that there appears to be no truth to the claim made by this commentator, and no further documentation or support for this has turned up.

It was after THAT post on this blog that Newsweek printed its own slightly different versions of this. Newsweek ran with a story in which former Wasilla mayor Stein claimed that Palin "continued to inject her personal religious beliefs" into her policy -and made the claim that Palin had asked the librarian how to go about banning books for inappropriate language. And how the librarian was AGHAST. Naturally Newsweek decided to use that claim after noting the librarian could not be reached for comment. (She was later available though and claims Palin only inquired if it were possible to remove any books if city residents found them objectionable and was told "no" and she never mentioned it again.) Newsweek borrowed from Time which had mentioned in a different article about people Palin had gotten rid of or replaced, that Palin had once threatened to fire the librarian. Instead of using the council minutes which would have shown it was over an administrative issue -Newsweek repeated Time's claim the threat was made to the librarian for not giving Palin her "full support". The way it was written, Newsweek was strongly implying that this "full support" was over not banning books. In reality, it was over an administrative issue and Palin had asked the librarian for her full support in getting that administrative issue under control -or else she might need to find another job.

Ann Kinney, a Democrat but not a city council member -turned up AFTER the Newsweek story claiming she had attended every single city council meeting and that Palin had once brought up the subject of banning books at the public library at one of those meetings -although no one has been able to pin her down about when that was. But no council minutes backs this up and no council member will back up Kinney on this one -not even the Democrat members. From there this story went wild, especially online with people adding all sorts of "extras" of their own. And other newspapers started repeating the various versions they found online so all sorts of versions ended up in newspapers too. Some (like the San Fran paper) claimed Palin HAD fired the librarian. Some claimed that Palin in fact got certain books banned. And the best yet -some online sites claim to have the list of books Palin wanted banned and put that "list" up on their site. The original "list" that Palin supposedly presented to the librarian happens to be TITLE FOR TITLE straight off the list of "Books Banned At One Time or Another in the U.S." But further modifications have since been added to that list -including several books that weren't even published until after Palin was no longer mayor.

And interesting note here that Newsweek seemed to have overlooked when printing their story. Stein isn't just any old former mayor of Wasilla. Stein is the three-term Democrat incumbent that Palin handily beat when she ran for election and got him thrown out of office. So does he have a grudge here? LOL Obama's online official campaign site is doing their part to keep this smear alive as well.

THIS is how to get a smear campaign going, how to inject some "juice" to get people up in arms over a non-existent issue, how to make a candidate appear to be a foaming-at-the-mouth whacko when none of it even exists at all. And those intent on doing it, will not be stopped by anything silly like "facts". Instead they say "we just have to agree to disagree" about whether it happened. No I don't have to. This smear mongering at its worst.
this wont stop chris, he will just continue to post this lie over and over
same for all the other lies he keeps posting
"In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose."

"Emmons told the Frontiersman she flatly refused to consider any kind of censorship."

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -

Did you happen to note how many different versions there are of this just online? Not even counting the many different versions that have appeared in print? And you sit there and see all those different versions and tell yourself "yup, yup" or what? LOL You just happened to pick out your favorite version is all.

Since Emmons has actually been unavailable since this all started -isn't it amazing that someone keeps embellishing the original story, constantly adding ever more outrageous details? The original story simply said that Palin had ONCE asked Emmons whether it was possible to remove books city residents might object to and was told no. That was the 4 or 5 versions ago now. Now Emmons supposedly went to the city's NEWSPAPER and claimed she was being REPEATEDLY pressured to ban books and gave her VOW to the people of that city that she would fight and resist any censorship? Get real. If that had actually happened, that newspaper would have run with that story RIGHT THEN and be able to back up that silly claim today with a filed article about it. But it hasn't -and it won't.

Any article claiming to be quoting Emmons directly is a lie -because she isn't and hasn't given any interviews. She's unavailable and on vacation -and at this point it wouldn't surprise me if she suddenly turns up dead so she can't ever contradict any of this bs either. In all the other articles Emmons is only being quoted by one of two Democrats and is never directly quoted -because she isn't available, remember? One of whom has a very clear agenda from the start and the other a housewife who recently made her own agenda crystal clear. She admits she despises Palin. But we can discount Kilkinney or Kinney or whatever version of her name an article uses. Kinney claimed that Palin brought up banning books at a council meeting and Kinney had been present at that council meeting. But council minutes are open to the public, they have been reviewed - and it just never happened. And no council member will back up this story. So Kinney is just a liar. And originally she NEVER said Emmons told her a darn thing -so any story where she claims otherwise NOW is bs.

The other Democrat always quoting Emmons about what Emmons supposedly told him - is former mayor Stein. The three term Democrat Palin got thrown out of office when she beat him in a landslide. Gee, no grudge there, right? No other person in ANY version of this story is EVER quoted as saying Emmons told them a darn thing about any of it. But how can that be when according to your quotes above this was a RAGING issue in Wasilla, the entire town not only knew about it but DEMANDED that Emmons keep her job and Emmons valiantly vowed to the people of Wasilla that she would fight against this attempt at censorship! Too funny. Almost looking forward to further embellishments because the more carried away this story gets -the more obvious its total crap.

Just a couple of other points.

1. No books were removed from the Wasilla public library according to June Pinnell-Stephens, chairwoman of the Alaska Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee -chairwoman since 1984.

2. Pinnell-Stephens also said she never had any communication with Emmons about any pressure or requests to have books removed from the Wasilla library by ANY government official. Since Emmons was director of the Alaska Library Association at that time, then Pinnell-Stephens is the person who would have been contacted if Emmons had either felt she was being pressured by a government official to have books removed from a public library -or believed her job was at risk or being threatened for refusing to do so. Oh sure, Emmons goes to a newspaper that inexplicably does not back that up but doesn't go to Pinnell-Stephens who would actually be her next step and could actually do something about it? Give me a break.

3. As for the letter Emmons received -she got the same one that Police Chief Stambaugh, Public Works Director Jack Felton and Finance Director Duane Dvorak all got as well and at the very same time. Every director/department head received a request for their resignation letter right after she took office -which is not at all unusual whenever a new government executive takes office since they have the right to replace these department heads with people of their choice. Every President does it too and doesn't keep the people the last guy appointed. Palin said it was a loyalty test since two of those directors had openly campaigned for her opponent. Another director had his job entirely eliminated by Palin so she didn't ask for his resignation -just informed him his position no longer existed. She requested resignation letters from them all again just two months later and both times she kept on Emmons. And not by any demand from the townspeople. Emmons finally retired without being asked two months after Palin started her second term.

If you lack critical thinking skills -then I can't help you with this one. But the fact that so many wildly different versions of this bs story exist, that they keep getting more and more exaggerated about what Emmons supposedly told someone else she said and did -but has given NO interview to ANY media or news source about it herself - is what tipped me off there was something wrong here in the first place. It should have for you too. The embellishments are being added for a reason -can you figure out what it is? I suspect the only way you would even be suspicious of this fairytale and why ever more outrageous "details" keep being added would be if this had been about Biden or Obama instead of Palin. I'm assuming you are just too partisan to be able to question this crap and WANT to believe it and will take any version that crosses your path. Which is actually a compliment because the only other option is you are one gullible and dumb bubba.

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