Palin tried to ban books

The reason I support Gov. Palin for President is because she will continue the successful policies of our current President Bush. I wish he could run again but the Democrat Party put in term limits. Gov. Palin also opposes MASTURBATION as A SIN against God. She will carry on our President's high moral values, even if Senator McCain's spouse makes a living from selling alcohol.
you realize, no one believes your shtick

the problem there is your links never actually BACK your position
because no where does it say she ever fired her

Do you really have to lie about what I said? I said she tried to fire her, but the public supported the librarian, and Palin backed off.
She fired the librarian who stood up to her, but then backed off when the community came to the librarian's defense. The fact that she asked about banning books three times is all I need to know. She is not someone who should be vice president.

Do you really have to lie about what I said? I said she tried to fire her, but the public supported the librarian, and Palin backed off.
who's lying?
You are.

"Four days before the exchange at the City Council, Emmons got a letter from Palin asking for her resignation."

I don't know about you, but when my boss asks for my resignation, I've been fired.

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -
your credibility is shot
you said she fired them, she DIDNT
then you claim you never said that she fired them, you did.
you are a liar and i quoted your post where you said it

now you continue to lie by claiming exactly what you earlier claimed you didnt say

now, here is the next paragraph that totally shows what a complete MORON and LIAR you are

Palin told the Daily News back then the letters were just a test of loyalty as she took on the mayor’s job, which she’d won from three-term mayor John Stein in a hard-fought election. Stein had hired many of the department heads. Both Emmons and Stambaugh had publicly supported him against Palin.
When Palin was mayor of Wasilla, she tried to have books banned. When the librarian wouldn't go along, she tried to have her fired....

Library Garden: Banned Books

Wrong. In fact she INQUIRED of the librarian if it were possible to remove books city residents considered offensive. She was told it was not possible -and that was the end of it. She had no list of books demanding they be removed -she asked the librarian a question only. She did threaten to fire the librarian at a later date -but it was over an administrative issue and not about books.

How about I give you a site that has an ever growing list of the smears constantly going around about Palin -and can tell you whether there is any basis to them and whether they are true or not. They are numbered. So in the future if you want to help spread a smear about her, you can just head up a up a new thread entitled "Rumor Number 36" or whatever, ok?

Palin Rumors | Explorations
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your credibility is shot
you said she fired them, she DIDNT
then you claim you never said that she fired them, you did.
you are a liar and i quoted your post where you said it

now you continue to lie by claiming exactly what you earlier claimed you didnt say

now, here is the next paragraph that totally shows what a complete MORON and LIAR you are

Insults are not convincing arguments.

We will just have to disagree.

Palin asked the librarian three times about banning books, and then asked for her resignation when she did not go along. The only reason she was not fired is because of outrage from the community.
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So, Palin fired people who were not in favor of her reform? That's how reform works. It's the same reason she dismissed Commissioner Monegan. If you aren't doing your job, you lose it. Sarah obviously felt these people were not performing their jobs to her standards.

As for banning books, yeah, that's a bit crazy. But, as you see, it didn't happen.
Why do you say it didn't happen because that is what you believe and what Palin told you. Another reason why she fired the Police Chief is because he wanted to close the bars at 2am and she wanted to keep them open . Guess you she got money for during her campaign, the bar owners. Talk about reform. I have a friend from Palin's hometown and she said she would never vote for her. That should tell you something!
Wrong. In fact she INQUIRED of the librarian if it were possible to remove books city residents considered offensive. She was told it was not possible -and that was the end of it. She had no list of books demanding they be removed -she asked the librarian a question only. She did threaten to fire the librarian at a later date -but it was over an administrative issue and not about books.

How about I give you a site that has an ever growing list of the smears constantly going around about Palin -and can tell you whether there is any basis to them and whether they are true or not. They are numbered. So in the future if you want to help spread a smear about her, you can just head up a up a new thread entitled "Rumor Number 36" or whatever, ok?

Palin Rumors | Explorations

Palin asked the librarian three times about banning books and when the librarian stood up to her, Palin asked for her resignation. The only reason the librarian was not fired was because of outrage from the community.
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i know you really meeean well, kirk... :lol:


Palin asked the librarian three times about banning books and when the librarian stood up to her, Palin asked for her resignation. The only reason the librarian was not fired was because of outrage from the community.
Palin asked the librarian three times about banning books and when the librarian stood up to her, Palin asked for her resignation. The only reason the librarian was not fired was because of outrage from the community.
you have been measured, and you come up SHORT
Palin asked the librarian three times about banning books and when the librarian stood up to her, Palin asked for her resignation. The only reason the librarian was not fired was because of outrage from the community.

i read it was twice..once to the librarian as a matter of procedure only, and then again to an administrator just to reiterate for the record with another witness.
In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose.

Palin asked Wasilla librarian about censoring books -

Thanks for the link.
"WASILLA -- Back in 1996, when she first became mayor, Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring library books should she be asked to do so.

According to news coverage at the time, the librarian said she would definitely not be all right with it. A few months later, the librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, got a letter from Palin telling her she was going to be fired. The censorship issue was not mentioned as a reason for the firing. The letter just said the new mayor felt Emmons didn’t fully support her and had to go.

Emmons had been city librarian for seven years and was well liked. After a wave of public support for her, Palin relented and let Emmons keep her job."
Thanks for the link.
"WASILLA -- Back in 1996, when she first became mayor, Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring library books should she be asked to do so.

According to news coverage at the time, the librarian said she would definitely not be all right with it. A few months later, the librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, got a letter from Palin telling her she was going to be fired. The censorship issue was not mentioned as a reason for the firing. The letter just said the new mayor felt Emmons didn’t fully support her and had to go.

Emmons had been city librarian for seven years and was well liked. After a wave of public support for her, Palin relented and let Emmons keep her job."
you realize that if you read the story, this is all coming from a second hand political opponant to Palin

and with all the lies "chris" has been spewing on here, he is a liar and not worthy of your support

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