Palin - Yes or No

Palin solo event - would you attend?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 47.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 47.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
No comparison my ass ! Obama has known he is campaigning for pres for YEARS now. Palin had all this shit dumped in her lap a couple WEEKS ago. She's not stupid enough to fall for these weak accustations that she is afraid. Sorry--those of you who hate her will have to wait until she and the campaign are ready.

Well you know what, I want someone who is going to be ready to be President on Day 1. Not wait a couple weeks to be "ready." She should be happy that people want to hear from her, not treat herself like she sort of Queen that will give out interviews when her subjects are loyal enough.
No comparison my ass ! Obama has known he is campaigning for pres for YEARS now. Palin had all this shit dumped in her lap a couple WEEKS ago. She's not stupid enough to fall for these weak accustations that she is afraid. Sorry--those of you who hate her will have to wait until she and the campaign are ready.

Well you know what, I want someone who is going to be ready to be President on Day 1. Not wait a couple weeks to be "ready." She should be happy that people want to hear from her, not treat herself like she sort of Queen that will give out interviews when her subjects are loyal enough.

Well tough shit. Don't vote for her then. This isn't rocket science, Robby.
Well tough shit. Don't vote for her then. This isn't rocket science, Robby.

Go ahead and be treated like a lowly subject.

I'm not gonna sit here and wait for Sarah to be "ready" or when it's good for her to speak.

You don't see Barack Obama or Joe Biden doing this. They are out there almost everyday without needing a babysitter like Sarah needs in John McCain.

When you feel ready to make some points against mine, feel free to do so.

Until then, feel free to just focus on saying "Don't vote for her then."

This is America, where last I checked I can still call BS if I see it.

Bush and that damn Patriot Act hasn't taken away that freedom just quite yet.
If Barack Obama dare did such a thing in this amount of time, right wing media would be all of it saying he's scared.

Instead, Barack Obama went on Bill O'Reilly to show he has the guts that Sarah Palin and even John McCain don't.

Hussein went on O'Reilly to draw American attention to himself during the GOP Convention.
You tell me? My point is he has given interview after interview, solo appearance after solo appearance, and that he went on the most right wing program on television.

Would John McCain or Sarah Palin dare go on the most left wing program on TV? I don't think so.

O'Reilly is Right wing? ROFL... Get serious. The only thing that position tells us is that you're so far left O'Reilly seems far right to you.

O'Reilly is a sychophant centrist...
Anyone wanting "McCain- Palin 2008" bumper-sticker, let me know...

Yeah I'd attend a Palin solo speech...
Go ahead and be treated like a lowly subject.

I'm not gonna sit here and wait for Sarah to be "ready" or when it's good for her to speak.

You don't see Barack Obama or Joe Biden doing this. They are out there almost everyday without needing a babysitter like Sarah needs in John McCain.

When you feel ready to make some points against mine, feel free to do so.

Until then, feel free to just focus on saying "Don't vote for her then."

This is America, where last I checked I can still call BS if I see it.

Bush and that damn Patriot Act hasn't taken away that freedom just quite yet.

Sorry chump--you get what the campaigns feel like dishing out to you, whether it be through a news conference or a underhanded leak.
Hussein went on O'Reilly to draw American attention to himself during the GOP Convention.

Thats why it was Bill O'Reilly's choice to break up the interview into four parts?

By the way, real objective unbias by just using Barack's middle name in order to try and insult him. :rolleyes:

Got anymore unique and new tactics up your sleeve?
Sorry chump--you get what the campaigns feel like dishing out to you, whether it be through a news conference or a underhanded leak.

Because you know a campaign that something to hide has nothing wrong with it. :rolleyes:
Because you know a campaign that something to hide has nothing wrong with it. :rolleyes:

Robert--there are some things that both campaigns would rather not talk about. Don't pretend that just because Obama has been campaigning for years that he has answered every question people have about the guy. You can't be that naive.
O'Reilly is Right wing? ROFL... Get serious. The only thing that position tells us is that you're so far left O'Reilly seems far right to you.

O'Reilly is a sychophant centrist...

O'Reilly is part of the Right wing, are you delusional or something?

He says he's an independent but that's like me saying I'm the pope.

He generally has the same views as the Right wing. He does speak out against republicans sometimes (though partly at times because they aren't representing exactly Republican views).

I'm not saying he's the most hardcore right-winger out there. I'm saying on TV, can you name any other person who supports Republican policies more while talking about how bad Liberals are supposedly?
O'Reilly is part of the Right wing, are you delusional or something?

He says he's an independent but that's like me saying I'm the pope.

He generally has the same views as the Right wing. He does speak out against republicans sometimes (though partly at times because they aren't representing exactly Republican views).

I'm not saying he's the most hardcore right-winger out there. I'm saying on TV, can you name any other person who supports Republican policies more while talking about how bad Liberals are supposedly?

Sean Hannity
Robert--there are some things that both campaigns would rather not talk about. Don't pretend that just because Obama has been campaigning for years that he has answered every question people have about the guy. You can't be that naive.

There's a difference between talking about things that are personal and the ISSUES.

I'm talking about the issues being discussed.

Has Obama always answered every question asked to him? Has anyone? Course not.

I'm not naive, but Barack Obama has been vetted by us, the american people, the media, the Clinton machine, and now the GOP for the next past EIGHTEEN MONTHS. He has gone through every trial in the court of public opinion.

Stashing away Sarah Palin so far only to bring her out for the convention and joint appearances with McCain while she gets "ready" doesn't seem or sound right to me.
Robert--there are some things that both campaigns would rather not talk about. Don't pretend that just because Obama has been campaigning for years that he has answered every question people have about the guy. You can't be that naive.

Some things.. hell she hasnt said anything that wasnt spoonfed to her in a speech... time and time again.. all she has is a speech.. where have I heard that before.. this time however the words are not hers....
Some things.. hell she hasnt said anything that wasnt spoonfed to her in a speech... time and time again.. all she has is a speech.. where have I heard that before.. this time however the words are not hers....

I put it on ebay ...
There's a difference between talking about things that are personal and the ISSUES.

I'm talking about the issues being discussed.

Has Obama always answered every question asked to him? Has anyone? Course not.

I'm not naive, but Barack Obama has been vetted by us, the american people, the media, the Clinton machine, and now the GOP for the next past EIGHTEEN MONTHS. He has gone through every trial in the court of public opinion.

Stashing away Sarah Palin so far only to bring her out for the convention and joint appearances with McCain while she gets "ready" doesn't seem or sound right to me.

You call it "stashing her away" if you like but you just might live to regret calling her a chicken. CHILL---trust me---you will get a chance to trash her using her own words.
You call it "stashing her away" if you like but you just might live to regret calling her a chicken. CHILL---trust me---you will get a chance to trash her using her own words.

I am "Chill" and I'm sure I will get a chance to acknowledge how she is wrong by the words she throws out. Her speeches are already taken apart and shown where she is wrong, half wrong, or just plain twisting words in order to fit what she wants people to believe.

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