Palins Electability: The Electoral College Is In Her Favor!!!


May 29, 2010
This is a great analysis of how Palin has the electoral college in her favor. For those who say she is unelectable, I encourage you to look at how she can win the office of the presidency. I think she can win the nomination fairly easily. What people need to understand is that Obama's numbers are way down in the electoral college states that swept him into office. Palin can easily take these states and more.

Palin's Electability: Framing the Debate (It's the Electoral College, stupid!)

I frequently see bloggers and conservative analysts, even those who favor Palin, try to refudiate such polls based upon the sample size, the length of time between now and the election, the absence of the momentum building, year long Presidential campaign, the fact that Regan came back from even greater deficits, and many other factors which render such polls meaningless. All these rebuttals are well taken, but it seems to me that they miss the point.

Notice how the MSM outlets always focus on generic national polls, using 2008 turnout models, ignoring the 2010 elections. By responding to these polls as some do, we are making a classic mistake that no good lawyer or advocate ever makes: We are letting the opponent frame the issue and accepting their premise. The election is not a national election, based on a generic plebiscite. It is 50 separate state elections. The Establishment and its MSM pipe organ never want to talk about the real key to electability....the Electoral College, because it does not fit their chosen meme of Palin's unelectability. Instead, an analysis of the Electoral College, which is the true measure of electability not only shows that Palin is electable, but that it is Obama whose hold on the presidency that is becoming increasingly precarious.

The electoral map is now tilting heavily in her direction, with the South solidly in her corner and the Midwest (especially Ohio and Wisconsin) trending heavily away from Obama and toward her. If she holds the McCain states (which is a given) and adds just six more (Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Indiana, and Virginia)---traditional red states, in each of which Obama's poll numbers are in the tank-- she wins the Presidency with 271 electoral votes.

I do not even include formerly blue states that went deep red such as Wisconsin (Tea Party Senator), New Mexico (Mama Grizzly/Tea Party Governor) and New Hampshire (Mama Grizzly wins Senate 60-40 over Dem Congressman). Obama will be hard pressed in all three, especially Wisconsin.

We all need to block out the Charlie Cooks and the other proponents of the MSM agitprop that Palin cannot win. They are out to demoralize us and their generic poll numbers, two years out, do not change the electoral college math, which favors Palin. We need to stop allowing the lamestream media to define "electability" in such a way that it suits their purposes.

From now on, when someone challenges Governor Palin's electability and throws an MSM poll in your face, politely redirect the argument to the electoral college and enlighten them about the fact that, under the Constitution and in light of the current political conditions in the battleground states, Sarah Palin is not only electable, but it is Obama who is becoming increasingly unelectable.
This is a great analysis of how Palin has the electoral college in her favor. For those who say she is unelectable, I encourage you to look at how she can win the office of the presidency. I think she can win the nomination fairly easily. What people need to understand is that Obama's numbers are way down in the electoral college states that swept him into office. Palin can easily take these states and more.

Palin's Electability: Framing the Debate (It's the Electoral College, stupid!)

I frequently see bloggers and conservative analysts, even those who favor Palin, try to refudiate such polls based upon the sample size, the length of time between now and the election, the absence of the momentum building, year long Presidential campaign, the fact that Regan came back from even greater deficits, and many other factors which render such polls meaningless. All these rebuttals are well taken, but it seems to me that they miss the point.

Notice how the MSM outlets always focus on generic national polls, using 2008 turnout models, ignoring the 2010 elections. By responding to these polls as some do, we are making a classic mistake that no good lawyer or advocate ever makes: We are letting the opponent frame the issue and accepting their premise. The election is not a national election, based on a generic plebiscite. It is 50 separate state elections. The Establishment and its MSM pipe organ never want to talk about the real key to electability....the Electoral College, because it does not fit their chosen meme of Palin's unelectability. Instead, an analysis of the Electoral College, which is the true measure of electability not only shows that Palin is electable, but that it is Obama whose hold on the presidency that is becoming increasingly precarious.

The electoral map is now tilting heavily in her direction, with the South solidly in her corner and the Midwest (especially Ohio and Wisconsin) trending heavily away from Obama and toward her. If she holds the McCain states (which is a given) and adds just six more (Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Indiana, and Virginia)---traditional red states, in each of which Obama's poll numbers are in the tank-- she wins the Presidency with 271 electoral votes.

I do not even include formerly blue states that went deep red such as Wisconsin (Tea Party Senator), New Mexico (Mama Grizzly/Tea Party Governor) and New Hampshire (Mama Grizzly wins Senate 60-40 over Dem Congressman). Obama will be hard pressed in all three, especially Wisconsin.

We all need to block out the Charlie Cooks and the other proponents of the MSM agitprop that Palin cannot win. They are out to demoralize us and their generic poll numbers, two years out, do not change the electoral college math, which favors Palin. We need to stop allowing the lamestream media to define "electability" in such a way that it suits their purposes.

From now on, when someone challenges Governor Palin's electability and throws an MSM poll in your face, politely redirect the argument to the electoral college and enlighten them about the fact that, under the Constitution and in light of the current political conditions in the battleground states, Sarah Palin is not only electable, but it is Obama who is becoming increasingly unelectable.


Very good, but this will mean little to the lefties here, with their Palin Derangement Syndrome and all.....reality usually never does register with them fully.....
The problem with your article is that it assumes that Palin wins the Republican nomination.

Which is a ridiculous assumption to make...
This is a great analysis of how Palin has the electoral college in her favor. For those who say she is unelectable, I encourage you to look at how she can win the office of the presidency. I think she can win the nomination fairly easily. What people need to understand is that Obama's numbers are way down in the electoral college states that swept him into office. Palin can easily take these states and more.

Palin's Electability: Framing the Debate (It's the Electoral College, stupid!)

I frequently see bloggers and conservative analysts, even those who favor Palin, try to refudiate such polls based upon the sample size, the length of time between now and the election, the absence of the momentum building, year long Presidential campaign, the fact that Regan came back from even greater deficits, and many other factors which render such polls meaningless. All these rebuttals are well taken, but it seems to me that they miss the point.

Notice how the MSM outlets always focus on generic national polls, using 2008 turnout models, ignoring the 2010 elections. By responding to these polls as some do, we are making a classic mistake that no good lawyer or advocate ever makes: We are letting the opponent frame the issue and accepting their premise. The election is not a national election, based on a generic plebiscite. It is 50 separate state elections. The Establishment and its MSM pipe organ never want to talk about the real key to electability....the Electoral College, because it does not fit their chosen meme of Palin's unelectability. Instead, an analysis of the Electoral College, which is the true measure of electability not only shows that Palin is electable, but that it is Obama whose hold on the presidency that is becoming increasingly precarious.

The electoral map is now tilting heavily in her direction, with the South solidly in her corner and the Midwest (especially Ohio and Wisconsin) trending heavily away from Obama and toward her. If she holds the McCain states (which is a given) and adds just six more (Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Indiana, and Virginia)---traditional red states, in each of which Obama's poll numbers are in the tank-- she wins the Presidency with 271 electoral votes.

I do not even include formerly blue states that went deep red such as Wisconsin (Tea Party Senator), New Mexico (Mama Grizzly/Tea Party Governor) and New Hampshire (Mama Grizzly wins Senate 60-40 over Dem Congressman). Obama will be hard pressed in all three, especially Wisconsin.

We all need to block out the Charlie Cooks and the other proponents of the MSM agitprop that Palin cannot win. They are out to demoralize us and their generic poll numbers, two years out, do not change the electoral college math, which favors Palin. We need to stop allowing the lamestream media to define "electability" in such a way that it suits their purposes.

From now on, when someone challenges Governor Palin's electability and throws an MSM poll in your face, politely redirect the argument to the electoral college and enlighten them about the fact that, under the Constitution and in light of the current political conditions in the battleground states, Sarah Palin is not only electable, but it is Obama who is becoming increasingly unelectable.

So you are saying if Palin runs against a child molesting murderer, she can win?:tinfoil:
This is a great analysis of how Palin has the electoral college in her favor. For those who say she is unelectable, I encourage you to look at how she can win the office of the presidency. I think she can win the nomination fairly easily. What people need to understand is that Obama's numbers are way down in the electoral college states that swept him into office. Palin can easily take these states and more.

Palin's Electability: Framing the Debate (It's the Electoral College, stupid!)

I frequently see bloggers and conservative analysts, even those who favor Palin, try to refudiate such polls based upon the sample size, the length of time between now and the election, the absence of the momentum building, year long Presidential campaign, the fact that Regan came back from even greater deficits, and many other factors which render such polls meaningless. All these rebuttals are well taken, but it seems to me that they miss the point.

Notice how the MSM outlets always focus on generic national polls, using 2008 turnout models, ignoring the 2010 elections. By responding to these polls as some do, we are making a classic mistake that no good lawyer or advocate ever makes: We are letting the opponent frame the issue and accepting their premise. The election is not a national election, based on a generic plebiscite. It is 50 separate state elections. The Establishment and its MSM pipe organ never want to talk about the real key to electability....the Electoral College, because it does not fit their chosen meme of Palin's unelectability. Instead, an analysis of the Electoral College, which is the true measure of electability not only shows that Palin is electable, but that it is Obama whose hold on the presidency that is becoming increasingly precarious.

The electoral map is now tilting heavily in her direction, with the South solidly in her corner and the Midwest (especially Ohio and Wisconsin) trending heavily away from Obama and toward her. If she holds the McCain states (which is a given) and adds just six more (Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Indiana, and Virginia)---traditional red states, in each of which Obama's poll numbers are in the tank-- she wins the Presidency with 271 electoral votes.

I do not even include formerly blue states that went deep red such as Wisconsin (Tea Party Senator), New Mexico (Mama Grizzly/Tea Party Governor) and New Hampshire (Mama Grizzly wins Senate 60-40 over Dem Congressman). Obama will be hard pressed in all three, especially Wisconsin.

We all need to block out the Charlie Cooks and the other proponents of the MSM agitprop that Palin cannot win. They are out to demoralize us and their generic poll numbers, two years out, do not change the electoral college math, which favors Palin. We need to stop allowing the lamestream media to define "electability" in such a way that it suits their purposes.

From now on, when someone challenges Governor Palin's electability and throws an MSM poll in your face, politely redirect the argument to the electoral college and enlighten them about the fact that, under the Constitution and in light of the current political conditions in the battleground states, Sarah Palin is not only electable, but it is Obama who is becoming increasingly unelectable.

So you are saying if Palin runs against a child molesting murderer, she can win?:tinfoil:

Umm a tough one, the Supremes might have to decide that one.

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