Pallet of Bricks left in Downtown Dallas before Riots

Those are blocks for doing rock facades or veneers. Very popular in Texas.
Kinda like these....
View attachment 343103
That's stamped poured concrete! Fake bricks.

Not around here.
Natural stone is used all over texas.
I can drive all over my neighborhood and find half pallets of natural stone left over from from finished jobs. A shitload of it is limestone and other native rock.
You might find fake ones in cheap neighborhoods but I've never seen it used around here. Rock is abundant.
That's called defensive driving. I became an expert and taught defensive driving for years because 5 of my beautiful lovely daughters were teenagers at the same time.

Why was the thug attacking her in the first place? What did she ever do to him? Or is he just being brainwashed and manipulated by subversive anti-USA leftist agitators, into misdirecting his natural juvenile angst at an innocent girl, and getting pwned in the process?

Perhaps she should have bought the trunk monkey option, that way she wouldn't have had to employ vigorous action to shake and dislodge the flea-like scumbag wannabe rapist who unjustifiably attacked her off the hood of her car.. :dunno: o:

The scum probably scratched her paint.
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Wasn't actually very intelligent to even be there in a vehicle... Asking for trouble imho...

i'm smelling soros.

if this is true and linked to him, i'd say by now he's a war criminal and we need to go after him. in any event we need to find out who is doing this shit time and again and go after them with zero tolerance or mercy.

Trump says 80% of those rioting in Minneapolis are from out of town!
You can't tell me there aren't ten cameras who caught who put those bricks there.
They were either put there to facilitate the rioting because someone wants to see the matter explode politically, or it's a set up just waiting to catch who picks them up and throws them.

It I was there, I'd back my PU up to them, load the pallet on the back of my bed, and drive off to use them to help build an addition onto my house.

And leave a sign there saying: THANKS GEORGE!

yep. in downtown dallas *someone* has that on video. how telling it is we can only hope and pray we get a clue. but find out who is doing this and declare war on them.

You need to remember how mind numbingly stupid and racist Dallas politicians are.

No I don't. :)

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