Pam Keller: Posting the Winning Moe Drawing on City Buses!!!

Fucking horseshit. See Amendment One.

Article VI sec. 2 reads:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Now what in the Great Blue Fuck does that have to do with anything whatsoever?
Never ceases to amaze me how IGNORANT liberals are when it comes to the subjects that their liberal media deliberately withholds from them, and they never see.

EARTH TO POGO: Allow me to condense it for you using bold/size/color >>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

Next you're going to say that Islam is not a supremacism ? Here's your answer in advance. Of course it is, and even 10 year olds in the 5th grade know that. Get with it, dude.

As for freedom of religion >>

1. Only an idiot defines Islam as a religion.

2. Even if it was, religions may not be supreme over the Constitution either. Nothing can be.

3. The first amendment is the weakest part of the Constitution with many exceptions. The Supremacy Clause is the strongest element of the Constitution, and it has never had a single exception in 226 years.

Islam has been illegal/unconstitutional for 226 years. It simply hasn't been enforced, that's all (like immigration law )
Perhaps one day when you're a grownup you'll understand what a metaphor is, Pothead.
But that's years off. Don't strain yerself.

Demagoguery is all you or your party have to offer the nation. Geller insults your allies so you attack her. Hey, at least the party hasn't had you do the Charlie Hebdo thing yet - or at least you only do it verbally.... so far.
Muslims have been a part of this country since it's beginnings.
They are ILLEGAL. Article 6, Section 2 (US Constitution)

Fucking horseshit. See Amendment One.

Article VI sec. 2 reads:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Now what in the Great Blue Fuck does that have to do with anything whatsoever?
Never ceases to amaze me how IGNORANT liberals are when it comes to the subjects that their liberal media deliberately withholds from them, and they never see.

EARTH TO POGO: Allow me to condense it for you using bold/size/color >>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

Next you're going to say that Islam is not a supremacism ? Here's your answer in advance. Of course it is, and even 10 year olds in the 5th grade know that. Get with it, dude.

As for freedom of religion >>

1. Only an idiot defines Islam as a religion.

2. Even if it was, religions may not be supreme over the Constitution either. Nothing can be.

3. The first amendment is the weakest part of the Constitution with many exceptions. The Supremacy Clause is the strongest element of the Constitution, and it has never had a single exception in 226 years.

See your doctor. It's overdue.

If Geller was really courageous, she'd have her face tattooed with Mo's picture. I'd even help pay for it. Maybe a gofundme account is in order....
So what are you ? A jihadist ? Who are your heros ? The 9-11 hijackers/terrorists ?
Perhaps one day when you're a grownup you'll understand what a metaphor is, Pothead.
But that's years off. Don't strain yerself.

Demagoguery is all you or your party have to offer the nation. Geller insults your allies so you attack her. Hey, at least the party hasn't had you do the Charlie Hebdo thing yet - or at least you only do it verbally.... so far.

Not at all -- I look forward to Pam Geller's upcoming campaigns of putting bus ads in Ferguson reading "******* suck", her billboards in El Paso reading "Hispanics Suck", her speeches in Oklahoma about "Native Americans Suck" and her poster campaign in Vermont blaring "White People Suck". Oughta be worth a few threads.
The alliance was between a Palestinian Mufti (the Mufti of Jeruselum) and Hitler.

Not between "Islam" and the Nazi's.

Get your facts straight.

Yeah, the democrats closest allies never say anything regarding Hitler and praising genocide, do they?




Perhaps one day when you're a grownup you'll understand what a metaphor is, Pothead.
But that's years off. Don't strain yerself.

Demagoguery is all you or your party have to offer the nation. Geller insults your allies so you attack her. Hey, at least the party hasn't had you do the Charlie Hebdo thing yet - or at least you only do it verbally.... so far.

Not at all -- I look forward to Pam Geller's upcoming campaigns of putting bus ads in Ferguson reading "******* suck", her billboards in El Paso reading "Hispanics Suck", her speeches in Oklahoma about "Native Americans Suck" and her poster campaign in Vermont blaring "White People Suck". Oughta be worth a few threads.
You show a clear ignorance of Islamization. The racism you speak of, is unrelated to fighting Islamization. You are very confused. That happens to liberals who have been information deprived.
It's stupid and invites violence. How long until someone on the crazy right wing of Islam puts a bomb on a bus?
You mean like the Unibomber? How does it invite violence? It's a fucking cartoon. Would a cartoon of Jesus invite bombings? Maybe you should sober up and give it some thought.
Extremists and terrorists don't care if it's "only a fucking cartoon"

True, but it's not necessary to offer a response to Ice Weasel, he's brain dead.
Kiss my dick. The fact that you are too afraid to offend an extremist doesn't mean everyone is. I noticed silence when I asked if a cartoon of Jesus would be of the same concern.

You didn't even get the point.
If Geller was really courageous, she'd have her face tattooed with Mo's picture. I'd even help pay for it. Maybe a gofundme account is in order....

If you were really sentient, you'd have your head surgically removed from your ass.
Actually it's the result of knowing how to fucking READ. You post was completely incoherent. VI/2 has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam or any other religion.

You just might be insane. Literally.
1. You are so duped, you actually admit you think Islam is a religion.

2. The Supremacy Clause has to do with supremacism (Ex. Islam) - you dolt.
Good to know blinkard Philistine pig-ignorance is not an endangered species. :thup:

If only you had the power to arrest Geller and stone her to death, how proud your master Soros would be...

I'm just mocking you because you're a total scumbag, a supporter of terrorists and an enemy of civil rights. You know, a typical democrat.
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Not at all -- I look forward to Pam Geller's upcoming campaigns of putting bus ads in Ferguson reading "******* suck",

And why would she do that?

Look, you're stupid - we all get that, but Geller oppose the imposition of Islam on free people. Since your part opposes free people in general, you drones are programmed to promote Islamization.

her billboards in El Paso reading "Hispanics Suck", her speeches in Oklahoma about "Native Americans Suck" and her poster campaign in Vermont blaring "White People Suck". Oughta be worth a few threads.

You've always been fairly lowbrow, but you have dropped well below TM levels today.

You may be a hack, but you're far too retarded to convince anyone but your fellow hacks.
How sad that there are those in this thread who will play this video and not even get it.
-- Like that Nazi poster just flew over Fiddler Crab's head.
What's you're angle ? You're an Islamist ? Maybe a full-blown jihadist ? You want to Islamize the US ? Everything you're saying appears to be in conformance with that, Mohammed.(or whatever your real name is)
1. You are so duped, you actually admit you think Islam is a religion.

2. The Supremacy Clause has to do with supremacism (Ex. Islam) - you dolt.

Pogo isn't dupped. Pogo is a mindless hack. The goals of radical Islam coincide with the goals of the democrats, the destruction of the Constitutional Republic and the free nation. Pogo merely spews whatever the Soros hate sites tell him to spew, When or if the foundations of liberty are gone, the Marxists will turn against their terrorist brothers.

This is an alliance of convenience. Pogo and the terrorists share a common enemy, the American people and the Bill of Rights.
Perhaps one day when you're a grownup you'll understand what a metaphor is, Pothead.
But that's years off. Don't strain yerself.

Demagoguery is all you or your party have to offer the nation. Geller insults your allies so you attack her. Hey, at least the party hasn't had you do the Charlie Hebdo thing yet - or at least you only do it verbally.... so far.

Not at all -- I look forward to Pam Geller's upcoming campaigns of putting bus ads in Ferguson reading "******* suck", her billboards in El Paso reading "Hispanics Suck", her speeches in Oklahoma about "Native Americans Suck" and her poster campaign in Vermont blaring "White People Suck". Oughta be worth a few threads.
You show a clear ignorance of Islamization. The racism you speak of, is unrelated to fighting Islamization. You are very confused. That happens to liberals who have been information deprived.

It's all bigotry, and to paraphrase from your ilk, 'bigotry all looks alike to me".

See that Nazi Jew poster? It was made for exactly the same purpose you're pushing here. Those are your people, Heinz.

What's my "angle"? I'm an observer who knows what a goddam fallacy is and what the frickin' Constitution says.

Next you're going to say that Islam is not a supremacism ? Here's your answer in advance. Of course it is, and even 10 year olds in the 5th grade know that. Get with it, dude.

Ipse dixit, followed by Argumentum ad Populum ("everybody knows" fallacy), followed by Bandwagon.

. Only an idiot defines Islam as a religion.

Ad Hominem, not to be shut out....

3. The first amendment is the weakest part of the Constitution with many exceptions.

Always nice to know who the Anti-Americans are. Thanks for coming out.

I have neither an organized religion nor a political party. That shit will take you down into the intellectual swamp you're mired in right now.
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It's all bigotry, and to paraphrase from your ilk, 'bigotry all looks alike to me".

See that Nazi Jew poster? It was made for exactly the same purpose you're pushing here. Those are your people, Heinz.

What's my "angle"? I'm an observer who knows what a goddam fallacy is.
I have neither an organized religion nor a political party. That shit will take you down into the intellectual swamp you're posting from right now.

If Soros tells you that Geller and her fellow insulters of Muhammad must pay the ultimate price, will you have a cup of coffee first or just get right to it?
It's all bigotry, and to paraphrase from your ilk, 'bigotry all looks alike to me".

See that Nazi Jew poster? It was made for exactly the same purpose you're pushing here. Those are your people, Heinz.

What's my "angle"? I'm an observer who knows what a goddam fallacy is and what the frickin' Constitution says.

I have neither an organized religion nor a political party. That shit will take you down into the intellectual swamp you're mired in right now.

The Koran, its Sharia law, the Muslim Brotherhood, THAT is the bigotry, and YOU are part of it. You're not fooling anybody. You're an Islamist and a jihadist. That's quite evident.

You want to talk about posters ? Look at the picture of Hitler meeting with the Palestinian Gran Mufti, and the Muslim Nazi troops our guys fought against. Those are YOUR people Heinz. Jew haters. Totalitarians. Imperialists. Genociders.

And apparently your media gag orders have you all programmed in one direction. Ignorance. They do a good job of that. Let me know when you want to LEARN about Islamization. It's my speciality.

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